• Title/Summary/Keyword: smart class

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Open Digital Textbook for Smart Education (스마트교육을 위한 오픈 디지털교과서)

  • Koo, Young-Il;Park, Choong-Shik
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.177-189
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    • 2013
  • In Smart Education, the roles of digital textbook is very important as face-to-face media to learners. The standardization of digital textbook will promote the industrialization of digital textbook for contents providers and distributers as well as learner and instructors. In this study, the following three objectives-oriented digital textbooks are looking for ways to standardize. (1) digital textbooks should undertake the role of the media for blended learning which supports on-off classes, should be operating on common EPUB viewer without special dedicated viewer, should utilize the existing framework of the e-learning learning contents and learning management. The reason to consider the EPUB as the standard for digital textbooks is that digital textbooks don't need to specify antoher standard for the form of books, and can take advantage od industrial base with EPUB standards-rich content and distribution structure (2) digital textbooks should provide a low-cost open market service that are currently available as the standard open software (3) To provide appropriate learning feedback information to students, digital textbooks should provide a foundation which accumulates and manages all the learning activity information according to standard infrastructure for educational Big Data processing. In this study, the digital textbook in a smart education environment was referred to open digital textbook. The components of open digital textbooks service framework are (1) digital textbook terminals such as smart pad, smart TVs, smart phones, PC, etc., (2) digital textbooks platform to show and perform digital contents on digital textbook terminals, (3) learning contents repository, which exist on the cloud, maintains accredited learning, (4) App Store providing and distributing secondary learning contents and learning tools by learning contents developing companies, and (5) LMS as a learning support/management tool which on-site class teacher use for creating classroom instruction materials. In addition, locating all of the hardware and software implement a smart education service within the cloud must have take advantage of the cloud computing for efficient management and reducing expense. The open digital textbooks of smart education is consdered as providing e-book style interface of LMS to learners. In open digital textbooks, the representation of text, image, audio, video, equations, etc. is basic function. But painting, writing, problem solving, etc are beyond the capabilities of a simple e-book. The Communication of teacher-to-student, learner-to-learnert, tems-to-team is required by using the open digital textbook. To represent student demographics, portfolio information, and class information, the standard used in e-learning is desirable. To process learner tracking information about the activities of the learner for LMS(Learning Management System), open digital textbook must have the recording function and the commnincating function with LMS. DRM is a function for protecting various copyright. Currently DRMs of e-boook are controlled by the corresponding book viewer. If open digital textbook admitt DRM that is used in a variety of different DRM standards of various e-book viewer, the implementation of redundant features can be avoided. Security/privacy functions are required to protect information about the study or instruction from a third party UDL (Universal Design for Learning) is learning support function for those with disabilities have difficulty in learning courses. The open digital textbook, which is based on E-book standard EPUB 3.0, must (1) record the learning activity log information, and (2) communicate with the server to support the learning activity. While the recording function and the communication function, which is not determined on current standards, is implemented as a JavaScript and is utilized in the current EPUB 3.0 viewer, ths strategy of proposing such recording and communication functions as the next generation of e-book standard, or special standard (EPUB 3.0 for education) is needed. Future research in this study will implement open source program with the proposed open digital textbook standard and present a new educational services including Big Data analysis.

A Study on Comparative Analysis of Interaction of Class Based on ICT : In The Case of Social Studies of Elementary School (ICT기반 수업 상호작용 비교 분석 연구 : 초등학교 사회과목 대상으로)

  • Jo, Jaechoon;Lim, Heuiseok
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.63-69
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    • 2015
  • The Interaction is an important factor in classroom. Existing interaction analysis method has been analysed between teacher and students only language-centered. In this paper, we developed an ICT based interaction analysis system to analyse interaction of ICT including language-centered and analysed interaction of class through FIACS and ICT-FIACS. This system consists of ten kinds of classification items and analysis indexes. In order to comparative analyse between ICT-FIACS and FIACS, we analysed interaction of ICT in six grade classroom at elementary school. In result of analysis, ICT utilization index (63.62%), teachers of ICT utilization index (57.71%) and students of ICT utilization (42.29%) were analysed. Through this system, interaction of ICT can be analysed as well as language-centered interaction in ICT based Classroom.

A study on the User Experience of Online Hobby Platform -Focused on the Art Field- (온라인 취미 플랫폼의 사용자 경험 연구 -미술 분야를 중심으로-)

  • Youn, Soo-Jin;Kim, Seung-In
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.18 no.8
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    • pp.401-406
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    • 2020
  • This study is an analysis of the user experience of online hobby class platform, focusing on the art field, which reduces space-time constraints and lowers accessibility. To this end, I investigated cases of online hobby class platforms and conducted surveys to measure user experience for university students and office workers in their 20s and 30s in Korea. As a result, we found the gap between the elements satisfying the user experience and the current domestic service, and suggested a way to narrow it down. This study is meaningful in that it proposed ways to further promote online hobby class platforms in the future leisure culture market. It is hoped that this study will be used as data on the user experience of future online hobby platforms and further help discuss practical activation measures.

A Study on the Effectiveness of e-learning video class using the online learning judgement system : Focused on the social studies classes in Elementary school (온라인 학습판단 시스템을 활용한 e-러닝 동영상 수업의 효과연구 : 초등학교 사회과 수업을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Jihyun;Jung, Jaebum;Jo, Jaechoon;Lim, Heuiseok
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.141-148
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze and compare the effectiveness of elementary in e-Learning video lessons. In an elementary school where the educational videos are frequently used, the learning about video materials is important but it is difficult to judge all students by a teacher in a classroom. In order to solve the problems of the field, In the fifth-grade elementary school social studies class, learning using video material was conducted by using the online learning judgment system for the experimental group, and learning using video material was conducted by the traditional method for the controlled group. As a result of the experiment, the class using the online learning judgment system was effective in enhancing the learner 's academic achievement. It also positively influenced learners' learning satisfaction. Teachers' satisfaction was not statistically significant because of the small number of teachers. However, The mean value of the teachers' satisfaction in the experimental group was high and the deviation was small.

Unsupervised one-class classification for condition assessment of bridge cables using Bayesian factor analysis

  • Wang, Xiaoyou;Li, Lingfang;Tian, Wei;Du, Yao;Hou, Rongrong;Xia, Yong
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.41-51
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    • 2022
  • Cables are critical components of cable-stayed bridges. A structural health monitoring system provides real-time cable tension recording for cable health monitoring. However, the measurement data involve multiple sources of variability, i.e., varying environmental and operational factors, which increase the complexity of cable condition monitoring. In this study, a one-class classification method is developed for cable condition assessment using Bayesian factor analysis (FA). The single-peaked vehicle-induced cable tension is assumed to be relevant to vehicle positions and weights. The Bayesian FA is adopted to establish the correlation model between cable tensions and vehicles. Vehicle weights are assumed to be latent variables and the influences of different transverse positions are quantified by coefficient parameters. The Bayesian theorem is employed to estimate the parameters and variables automatically, and the damage index is defined on the basis of the well-trained model. The proposed method is applied to one cable-stayed bridge for cable damage detection. Significant deviations of the damage indices of Cable SJS11 were observed, indicating a damaged condition in 2011. This study develops a novel method to evaluate the health condition of individual cable using the FA in the Bayesian framework. Only vehicle-induced cable tensions are used and there is no need to monitor the vehicles. The entire process, including the data pre-processing, model training and damage index calculation of one cable, takes only 35 s, which is highly efficient.

Case analysis study on classes using Digital Contents for students with Physical Disabilities (지체장애학생을 위한 디지털 콘텐츠 활용 수업 사례분석 연구)

  • Janghyun Lim
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.65-70
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    • 2024
  • As various digital educational contents for students with disabilities are spreading, a teaching support system for smart education and a utilization plan that takes into account the characteristics of each type of disability must be established. Accordingly, this study analyzed classes using digital content focusing on the case of a special school for the physically disabled and proposed ways to apply the teaching and learning content to the field and improve the support system. Class cases at a special school in Seoul were purposively sampled and analyzed using class video data, class reflection sheets, and in-depth interviews with teachers. Based on the case analysis results, a plan was presented to effectively utilize digital content in special education settings by reflecting the characteristics of students with physical disabilities. A follow-up study was proposed based on the results of this study.

Design and Implementation of the Smart Clicker for Active Learning (액티브 러닝을 위한 스마트 클리커의 설계 및 구현)

  • Kim, Eun-Gyung;Koo, Bon-Chul;Kim, Young-Jin;Kim, Jin-Hwan;Park, Je-Yeong;Jeong, Se-Hee
    • Journal of Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.101-107
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    • 2013
  • Clickers that are personal response systems are a technology used to promote active learning and most research on the benefits of using clickers has shown that students become engaged and enjoy using them. But, existing clickers consisting of hardware devices and aggregation software provide simple response and aggregation function and it costs a lot. In this paper, in order to resolve the limitation of the existing clickers, we've designed and implemented the Smart Clicker consisting of a smartphone application for students and a web application & a MFC program for professors. Students can answer professor's questions with O/X or numbers or text and even ask questions with text messaging by using Smart Clicker in the classroom. Professors can see students' answers or questions immediately and check up students' response participation rate on the web page. Besides, the Smart Clicker will help professors actively engage students during the entire class period and gauge their level of understanding of the material being presented, and provide prompt feedback to student questions. As a result, we expect that quality of education will be increased.

The Reliability and Validity of Smart Insole for Balance and Gait Analysis (균형과 보행분석을 위한 스마트 인솔의 신뢰도와 타당도 분석)

  • Lee, Byoung-Kwon;Han, Dong-Wook;Kim, Chang-Young;Kim, Gi-Young;Park, Dae-Sung
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Integrative Medicine
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.291-298
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: The Pedisole is a newly developed shoe-mounted wearable assessment system for analyzing balance and gait. This study aimed to determine the reliability and validity of the parameters provided by the system for static balance and gait analysis of healthy adults. Methods: This study included 38 healthy adults (22.4±1.9 years) with no history of injury in the lower limbs. All participants were asked to perform balance and gait tasks for undertaking measurements. For analysis of balance, both the smart Pedisole and Pedoscan systems were concurrently used to analyze the path length of the center of pressure (COP) and the weight ratio of the left and right for 10 s. Gait was measured using the smart Pedisole and GaitRite walkway systems simultaneously. The participants walked at a self-selected preferred gait speed. The cadence, stance time, swing time, and step time were used to analyze gait characteristics. Using the paired t-test, the intra-class coefficient correlation (ICC) was calculated for reliability. The Spearman correlation was used to assess the validity of the measurements. In total, data for balance from 36 participants and the gait profiles of 37 participants were evaluated. Results: There were significant differences between the COP path lengths (p<.050) derived from the two systems, and a significant correlation was found for COP path length (r=.382~.523) for static balance. The ICC for COP path length and weight ratio was found to be greater than .687, indicating moderate agreement in balance parameters. The ICC of gait parameters was found to be greater than .697 except for stance time, and there was significant correlation (r=.678~.922) with the GaitRite system. Conclusion: The newly developed smart insole-type Pedisole system and the related application are useful, reliable, and valid tools for balance and gait analysis compared to the gold standard Pedoscan and the GaitRite systems in healthy individuals.

Using harmonic class loading for damage identification of plates by wavelet transformation approach

  • Beheshti-Aval, S.B.;Taherinasab, M.;Noori, M.
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.253-274
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, the harmonic displacement response of a damaged square plate with all-over part-through damage parallel to one edge is utilized as the input signal function in wavelet analysis. The method requires the properties of the damaged plate, i.e., no information about the original undamaged structure is required. The location of damage is identified by sudden changes in the spatial variation of transformed response. The incurred damage causes a change in the stiffness or mass of the plate. This causes a localized singularity which can be identified by a wavelet analysis of the displacement response. In this study via numerical examples shown by using harmonic response is more versatile and effective compared with the static deflection response, specially in the presence of noise. In the light of the obtained results, suggestions for future work are presented and discussed.

Seismic Fragility Analysis of Lightning Arrester Considering Various Damage States (다양한 손상상태를 반영한 피뢰기 설비의 지진취약도 해석)

  • Shin, Yooseong;Song, Jong-Keol
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.19-28
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    • 2014
  • The seismic evaluation of electric power facilities in the switchyard of nuclear power plants is currently insufficient. In order to evaluate the seismic performance of lightning arrester subjected to four types of earthquake (near- and far-fault earthquakes, NEHRP Site Class A&B and D earthquakes), seismic fragility analysis using maximum likelihood estimation is performed considering various damage states. The comparison of the seismic fragility curves for three main parts of lightning arrester that are the busing, anchor and steel frame, reveals that the failure of lightning arrester is governed by the bushing damage mode such as porcelain cracking.