• Title/Summary/Keyword: smart citizen

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Study on the Developing of Evaluation Indicators for Smart City from the Perspective of Digital Social Innovation (디지털 사회혁신관점의 스마트도시 평가지표 설정에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Yu-Mi;Koo, Ja-Hoon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.10
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    • pp.511-521
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    • 2019
  • This study is designed to define the smart city as the platform for digital social innovation, and acquire the evaluation indicator for objectively diagnosing domestic cities from the perspective of the implementation process and capability of smart city and analyze its importance. Through prior studies and in-depth interview with experts, candidate groups for evaluation indicators were acquired and the conformance test(T-test) was conducted to finally select 16 detailed indicators in 4 fields. The importance of the evaluation item was found to be high in the policy and system, followed by innovation infrastructure, citizen's participation and infrastructure. The analysis of the 16 detailed indicators for importance showed that the willingness of conducting the smart city by the head of local government, construction of organization dedicated to the smart city have the highest importance. This may reflect the fact that in domestic cities, the smart city is sponsored by public organizations. The analysis of the importance of expert groups (local government and Private sector groups) found that both groups recognized that politics and systems are important factors but they varied in the recognition of importance in the innovation infrastructure and citizen's participation. This study has implication as the indicator for smart city from the perspective of digital social innovation can be acquired for use of the domestic cities and that it can give basic and objective data for the priority of policies on which the domestic smart cities shall focus.

A Study on the Activation of Citizen Participation through Living Lab (시민참여형 스마트시티 리빙랩 활성화 방안 연구)

  • Park, JunHo;Park, JeongWoo;Nam, KwangWoo
    • Journal of the Korean Regional Science Association
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.33-44
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    • 2019
  • Smart City is the regional innovation platform that actively utilizes information and communication technologies to diversify city services and improve the performance and quality, hence improving the quality of life and creating new trends of urban activities. Recently, the importance of citizen participation is increasingly emphasized to build smart cities successfully and the Living Lab, an open innovation platform led by users, is taking center stage as a means of realizing it. Accordingly, this study aims to establish the plans for popularizing living labs that provide innovative environments for domestic smart cities. To this end, first of all, political trends related to domestic smart cities' living labs were analyzed, and then, individual characteristics and development processes of the relevant cases were investigated. In addition, in-depth interviews were conducted with the experts of specialized agencies from Netherlands, Finland, and Denmark, etc. which are considered as leading countries in smart cities' living labs. As a result, in order to popularize living labs in domestic smart cities, the following policies were proposed; establishing support systems for commercialization and dissemination, building intermediary support organizations, improvement of laws and institutions, establishing the joint response systems with neighboring areas, etc.

Smart City Policies Revisited: Considerations for a Truly Smart and Sustainable Urbanism Practice

  • Yigitcanlar, Tan
    • World Technopolis Review
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.97-112
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    • 2018
  • The notion of smart cities, presently, is a highly popular topic in urban policy circles. This concept is adopted by many cities across the world-with an aim of increasing urban smartness in various ways and areas. Productivity, innovation, liveability, wellbeing, accessibility, sustainability, governance, planning, and citizen participation are among these areas. Despite good policy intentions, smart city initiatives in practice had only limited impact in delivering the desired urban outcomes. This paper aims to investigate the smart city phenomenon and its planning practice approaches from an evolutionary perspective. The study places smart city plans and strategies of a number of cities across the globe under the microscope. The findings reveal that current smart city efforts are not adequate to combat the challenges of the Anthropocene epoch-that is already upon us. This paper concludes with a consolidated definition of smart and sustainable cities and considerations for moving towards Post-Anthropocentric urbanism-that is truly smart and sustainable urbanism-to avoid an imminent urban ecocide.

Virtual Human Authoring ToolKit for a Senior Citizen Living Alone (독거노인용 가상 휴먼 제작 툴킷)

  • Shin, Eunji;Jo, Dongsik
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.24 no.9
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    • pp.1245-1248
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    • 2020
  • Elderly people living alone need smart care for independent living. Recent advances in artificial intelligence have allowed for easier interaction by a computer-controlled virtual human. This technology can realize services such as medicine intake guide for the elderly living alone. In this paper, we suggest an intelligent virtual human and present our virtual human toolkit for controlling virtual humans for a senior citizen living alone. To make the virtual human motion, we suggest our authoring toolkit to map gestures, emotions, voices of virtual humans. The toolkit configured to create virtual human interactions allows the response of a suitable virtual human with facial expressions, gestures, and voice.

Building Smarter City through Big Data - Best Practices in Seoul Metropolitan Gov.

  • Kim, Ki-Byoung
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2015.10a
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    • pp.19-20
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    • 2015
  • Since 2013, Seoul Metropolitan Government (SMG) has introduced big data initiatively in administration and put into practices in transportation, safety, welfare in order to overcome limited resources and conflicting interests. For establishing a new midnight bus service, SMG prepared optimized midnight bus routes by analyzing big data from mobile phone Call Data Record (CDR) through collaboration with a telecommunication company. Despite of limited budget and resources, newly identified routes can cover over 42% of the citizen with 9 routes and less than 1% of buses compare with day time operation. In addition to solve transportation problem, SMG utilizes big data to resolve location selection problem for choosing new facility locations such as life double cropping centers and senior citizen leisure centers. As results, SMG demonstrates big data as a good tool to make policies and to build smarter city by overcome space-time limitation of resources, mediation of conflicts, and maximizes benefit of the citizen.

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A Survey on Role of Block Chain in Smart Cities

  • Chokkanathan, K;Shanmugaraja, P;Ramasamy, Siva Shankar;Ouncharoen, Rujira;Chakpitak, Nopasit
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.21 no.7
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2021
  • An amazing growth in the field of Internet of Things (IoT) and Blockchain based smart cities from both industry and academia has been witnessed in the recent years. There are many smart applications such as intelligent transportation, smart banking, improving the life style of citizen, energy consumption and managing the waste in the city, handling home needs are supporting the Smart city concept. These applications are profoundly supported by the advanced technologies like Blockchain as well as IoT in the recent past. Smart cities can be supported by the Blockchain core concepts such as secure, transparent, decentralized and immutable nature. Still, Blockchain and IoT technologies implementation in smart cities are in their early stages and significant research efforts are desirable to integrate them. This review article explores the roles and responsibilities of Blockchain and IoT in building smart cities.

Investigation on Smart City Objectives and Implications: Adaption to Silver Population in Korea as Target Citizens (스마트시티의 목적과 함의에 대한 탐색적 연구: 고령화 인구를 대상으로)

  • Lee, Seung Yun;Lee, Jeong Eon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.470-478
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    • 2017
  • This research investigates the objectives, concepts, and technical aspects of existing Smart Cities in theoretical terms in order to resolve any ambiguities the definition of Smart City currently has. Through this, theoretical recommendations for Smart City that targets elderly citizen are made. The elderly citizens in question are people currently in their mid-50s to early 60s, in order to adequately employ futuristic technologies into four major sectors: healthcare, post-retirement employment, community-based governance, and environment-friendly infrastructure. The research concludes that while the technical application of welfare to the elderlies through constructing a purposeful Smart City is desirable, environmental consideration should come in prior concern as a sustainable foundation of livelihood is needed for citizen accommodation.

A Plan to Strengthen the Role of Citizens as Co-Creators of Smart City Services - Focused on the Development of Function Issue Card Technology - (스마트도시서비스 공동창의자로서의 시민 역할 강화 방안 - 기능카드 기법 개발을 중심으로 -)

  • JI, Sang-Tae;PARK, Jun-Ho;PARK, Joung-Woo;NAM, Kwang-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2021
  • Lately, the Korean Government has gradually expanded participation by local residents who are users of the area in the smart city project for the construction of region specialization smart city service (hereinafter called "Smart Service") and the enhancement in the citizen's awareness. However, due to the lack of information on smart service-related technology, there has been a limitation in getting the specific opinion of citizens in the process of designing the Smart Service. In this study, reports made by 4 four local governments which were selected for implementation of 2019 "Smart Town Challenge Projects" were reviewed to diagnose the actualization level of the smart service suggested by citizens through the living lab. The analysis results show that though the smart service plan was established by using diverse design thinking methodology through the living lab, there was a limitation in having citizens design the specific functions of the smart service. So, this study suggests the function issue card technique which can be used by modulating and freely combining four elements such as information collection, processing, supplying method and technique of the smart service and the service contents. This function issue card technique was directly applied to the living lab of the smart city project to verify its effectiveness. It was found that through this technique, citizens can combine the functions and contents of the smart service to materialize smart services at the level of detailed functions. The function issue card technique suggested in this study is expected to contribute to the actualization of opinions for the role of citizens as co-creators in solving local problems in the citizen participation type smart city plan in the future, thus helping the design of the regional specialization smart service.

Research on the role of Smart Public Facilities -Focusing on public design policy- (스마트 공공시설물의 역할에 관한 연구 -공공디자인 정책을 중심으로-)

  • Son, Dong Joo
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.206-230
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    • 2024
  • Background: The advancement of information and communication technology acts as a key driver in the implementation of smart cities. Smart Public Facilities leverage this technological progress to innovate urban operations, optimizing various city functions, enhancing the quality of public services, and improving citizens' accessibility and convenience. These Smart Public Facilities are introduced for the sustainable development of cities and the enhancement of citizens' quality of life. Method: This study systematically analyzed the public design policies of local governments and examined the use cases of Smart Public Facilities domestically and internationally to evaluate their functions and roles. Through this, the effectiveness and sustainability of public design policies were comprehensively reviewed, and the impact of Smart Public Facilities on urban operations and citizens' lives was analyzed from multiple perspectives. Results: The introduction of Smart Public Facilities significantly enhances the implementation and efficiency of public design policies, playing a crucial role in sustainable urban development and improving citizens' quality of life. Furthermore, positive impacts were observed in various areas such as energy management, transportation systems, and environmental monitoring. Major challenges included managing technological changes, ensuring data privacy and cybersecurity, and strengthening citizen participation. Conclusion: Smart Public Facilities serve as essential infrastructure for improving urban efficiency, sustainability, and citizens' quality of life. Successful implementation and operation require systematic management and citizen participation. Through this, Smart Public Facilities will support sustainable urban development and play a critical role in responding to environmental changes. To ensure that Smart Public Facilities function effectively as urban infrastructure, it is necessary to comprehensively evaluate their impact on the efficiency of public design policies, sustainability, citizens' quality of life, and the local economy, and to suggest concrete measures for their introduction and operation.

Value Recognition and Intention to Adopt Smart City Services: A Public Value Management Theory Approach

  • Lee, Seung Ha;Lee, Jung Hoon;Lee, Young Joo
    • Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.124-152
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    • 2019
  • Smart city, which employs information and communication technology (ICT) to resolve urban problems, is gaining more research attention in the innovation research. However, most previous studies regard citizens as merely passive accepters of the smart city services, focusing on individual private values. The present study aims to expand existing limited perspectives by applying public value management theory. Drawing from the literature review, we developed a dual perspective that a smart city service should encompass: private and public value. Then we set up a causal relationship between the value recognitions and intention to adopt smart city services. We further related antecedent variables to the dual value recognition in terms of citizens' characteristics: prior knowledge, personal innovativeness, and citizenship. Two case subjects among currently operating smart city services in South Korea were selected to empirically investigate our hypothesis. Results confirm the recognition of both public and private value is significantly related to the citizens' personal characteristics and resultant attitude towards acceptance and support for diffusion of the smart city services. This study is expected to provide useful implications for a new angle for the recipient of the smart city services, value orientation of the services, citizen's participation, and method selection for promotion.