• Title/Summary/Keyword: small-scale forest

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Effect of Basis Weight of Handsheet and Machine Made Sheet on Formation (평량에 따른 수초지와 기계지의 지합 특성)

  • Youn, Hye-Jung;Chin, Seong-Min
    • Journal of Korea Technical Association of The Pulp and Paper Industry
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    • v.38 no.4 s.117
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    • pp.24-30
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    • 2006
  • Formation which is an indicator of nonuniformity in fiber distribution is concerned with small scale variation in roughness, optical properties, print density, and so on. This study evaluated the formation of sheets which were made usning handsheet former and paper-machine with hydraulic headbox. Optical method and ${\beta}-ray$ method were used for formation test. The fiber type, freeness and basis weight of sheet were considered as variables. The formation of handsheet was affected by fiber type and freeness, and floe size distribution was influenced by basis weight. For machine made sheet, its formation seemed to be dependent on the hydraulic forces in headbox and former. When two formation test methods were compared, there was the highest relationship between optical formation index and normalized standard deviation from ${\beta}-ray$ method.

Generation and Verification on the Synthetic Precipitation/Temperature Data

  • Oh, Jai-Ho;Kang, Hyung-Jeon
    • Proceedings of The Korean Society of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology Conference
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    • 2016.09a
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    • pp.25-28
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    • 2016
  • Recently, because of the weather forecasts through the low-resolution data has been limited, the demand of the high-resolution data is sharply increasing. Therefore, in this study, we restore the ultra-high resolution synthetic precipitation and temperature data for 2000-2014 due to small-scale topographic effect using the QPM (Quantitative Precipitation Model)/QTM (Quantitative Temperature Model). First, we reproduce the detailed precipitation and temperature data with 1km resolution using the distribution of Automatic Weather System (AWS) data and Automatic Synoptic Observation System (ASOS) data, which is about 10km resolution with irregular grid over South Korea. Also, we recover the precipitation and temperature data with 1km resolution using the MERRA reanalysis data over North Korea, because there are insufficient observation data. The precipitation and temperature from restored current climate reflect more detailed topographic effect than irregular AWS/ASOS data and MERRA reanalysis data over the Korean peninsula. Based on this analysis, more detailed prospect of regional climate is investigated.

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Predictive Analysis of Financial Fraud Detection using Azure and Spark ML

  • Priyanka Purushu;Niklas Melcher;Bhagyashree Bhagwat;Jongwook Woo
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.308-319
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    • 2018
  • This paper aims at providing valuable insights on Financial Fraud Detection on a mobile money transactional activity. We have predicted and classified the transaction as normal or fraud with a small sample and massive data set using Azure and Spark ML, which are traditional systems and Big Data respectively. Experimenting with sample dataset in Azure, we found that the Decision Forest model is the most accurate to proceed in terms of the recall value. For the massive data set using Spark ML, it is found that the Random Forest classifier algorithm of the classification model proves to be the best algorithm. It is presented that the Spark cluster gets much faster to build and evaluate models as adding more servers to the cluster with the same accuracy, which proves that the large scale data set can be predictable using Big Data platform. Finally, we reached a recall score with 0.73, which implies a satisfying prediction quality in predicting fraudulent transactions.

Estimating the Spatial Distribution of Forest Stand Volume in Gyeonggi Province using National Forest Inventory Data and Forest Type Map (국가산림자원조사 자료와 임상도를 이용한 경기지역 산림의 임분재적 공간분포 추정)

  • Kim, Eun-Sook;Kim, Kyung-Min;Kim, Chong-Chan;Lee, Seung-Ho;Kim, Sung-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.99 no.6
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    • pp.827-835
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    • 2010
  • Reliable forest statistics provides important information to meet the UNFCCC. In this respect, the national forest inventory has played a crucial role to provide the reliable forest statistics for several decades. However, the previous forest statistics calculated by administrative district has not provided spatial information in a small scale. Thus, this study focused on developing models to estimate an explicit spatial distribution of forest growing stock. For this, first, stand volume model by stand types was developed using National Forest Inventory(NFI) data. Second, forest type map was integrated with this model. NFI data were used to calculate plot-level stand volume and basal area. The stand types of NFI plot including the species composition, age class, DBH class and crown density class are very crucial data to be connected with forest type map. Finally, polygonlevel stand volume map was developed with spatial uncertainty map. Average stand volume was estimated at 85.7 $m^3$/ha in the study area, and at 95% significance interval it was ranged from 79.7 $m^3$/ha to 91.8 $m^3$/ha.

A Feasibility Study of a Field-specific Weather Service for Small-scale Farms in a Topographically Complex Watershed (지형이 복잡한 집수역의 소규모농장에 맞춘 기상서비스의 실현가능성)

  • Yun, Jin I.
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.317-325
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    • 2015
  • An adequate downscaling of synoptic forecasts is a prerequisite for improved agrometeorological service to rural areas in South Korea where complex terrains and small farms are common. In this study, geospatial schemes based on topoclimatology were used to scale down the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) temperature forecasts to the local scale (~30 m) across a rural catchment. Then, using these schemes, local temperatures were estimated at 14 validation sites at 0600 and 1500 LST in 2013/2014 and were compared with the observations. The estimation errors were substantially reduced for both 0600 and 1500 LST temperatures when compared against the uncorrected KMA products. The improvement was most notable at low lying locations for the 0600 temperature and at the locations on west- and south-facing slopes for the 1500 LST temperature. Using the downscaled real-time temperature data, a pilot service has started to provide the field-specific weather information tailored to meet the requirements of small-scale farms. For example, the service system makes a daily outlook on the phenology of crop species grown in a given field using the field-specific temperature data. When the temperature forecast is given for next morning, a frost risk index is calculated according to a known relationship of phenology and frost injury. If the calculated index is higher than a pre-defined threshold, a warning is issued and delivered to the grower's cellular phone with relevant countermeasures to help protect crops against frost damage.

A Study on the Roadiside Forest in Jungeup-Gun, Chunbuk-Do -ase Study on the Roadside Forest from Wonpyung to Kamgok- (전북 정읍지역 도로 주변림에 관한 연구 -김재 원평에서 정읍 감곡 사이의 지방도 사례로-)

  • 박재철
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.53-63
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    • 1994
  • There are lots of forests around the Korean rural village. This study was conducted to investigate the state of the forests by the 15 forests case study of the Kamgok region in Chon-guk-Do province, Korea. The results are as follows. 1. The forests lose mostly original form by the construction of road and forest clearing for the land development business. And almostly the form of the forests is a trapezoid or roundness. 2. The forests were remained on account of the Korean cemetery customs which is burying underground. 3. The conservation of the forests becomes more difficult because of the continuous development pressure. 4. Because the scale of the forests is so small, they aren't named as the natural resort forest by the forest law. So it will be the better alternative that they are conserved and used by inducing the concept of the village resort forest. 5. Because the owenership of the forests exists in a person or a family, the forests will be destructed continuously by the cemetery development. 6. The vegetation of the upper trees in the forests is the simple forests of Pinus densiflora, Pinus rigida and bamboo. The height of upper tree is average 10-12m. And average root diameter is 13-29cm. The age of the tree is average 50 years old. The state of the forests is mostly fine. 7. It is clarified that the price of the forest land is 3-5 times expensive than the other cultivated land. 8. The forests were made by the forefathers for the purpose of the practical use and were reforested in the era 1960s, 1970s.

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Feasibility Study on Small-scale A/R CDM Pilot Project in Mongolia (몽골 소규모 A/R CDM 시범사업 타당성 평가연구)

  • Cha, Junhee;Park, DongKyun;Lee, Jong-Hak;YOUN, Yeo-Chang;Choi, Jun-Seok
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.100 no.4
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    • pp.698-707
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    • 2011
  • Over the past 10 years, South Korea has implemented various plantation projects including the Pine Restoration Project in Tujiin Nars and the desertification prevention forestation in Lun soum. This study has evaluated the implementation feasibility on the small-scale A/R CDM projects in Mongolia through which carbon emission credits can be secured. Characteristics, pros and cons, economic feasibility, and project execution feasibility were compared among three possible sites, Khyalganat, Tujiin Nars, and Lun soum. Among the three evaluated sites, Tujiin Nars has the better condition in tree growth, economic feasibility, and the applicability of experience than the other two sites. A/R CDM project in Mongolia, which has a great environmental benefit of combating desertification, is expected to have some effectiveness such as lowering costs from credit benefit, sustainable management by villagers, contribution to communities, investor's contribution to society and achievement of green image, and strengthening forestry cooperation between Korea and Mongolia.

Analyzing Landscape Ecological Characteristics of Biotope Types in Rural Eco-Villages - Focusing on Eco-Villages of Chonnam Region Designated by Ministry of Environment - (비오톱유형에 의한 농촌생태마을의 경관생태학적 특성분석 -환경부지정 생태마을 중 전남 일부 지역을 대상으로-)

  • Kim, Keun-Ho;Cho, Tong-Buhm;Kim, Mi-Hyang
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.63-77
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    • 2006
  • The research aim is to classify biotope types of rural eco-villages designed by ministry of environment and analyze landscape ecological characteristics of them. This information would provide information on eco-villages' potential and specific needs to improve landscape ecological structure of eco-villages. Two eco-villages, designated by ministry of environment, in Yoocheon-ri and Sanduk-ri were selected and the landscape ecological metrics used in this study were Area, Shannon diversity index, Shape index, Distance index. The results are as follows. 1) There were five biotope types in large-scale classification, 13 biotope types m Sanduk-ri and 9 biotope types in Yoocheon-ri in middle-scale classification, 31 biotope types in Sanduk-ri and 24 biotope types in Yoocheon-ri in small-scale classification. 2) In the case of area, artificial biotope types, such as artificial forest, agricultural irrigation canal, wet paddy, dry paddy and residential area, covered more than 80% of total area. However, natural biotope types, such as natural forest, river, reservoir, covered just more than 10% of total area. In details, an orchard (26.69%) was the dominant biotope type, followed by artificial forest (19.10%) in Sanduk-ri and the first most abundant biotope type was artificial forest (49.71%), followed by wet paddy (15.95%) in Yoocheon-ri. 3) The result of Shannon diversity index indicated that Sanduk-ri (2.158) had more heterogeneity landscape, rather than Yoocheon-ri (2.051). 4) In the case of shape index, road (13.09) had more complex and irregular shape than either agricultural irrigation canal (3.35) or artificial forest (2.46) in Sanduk-ri. Road (6.52) was also the most irregular biotope shape, followed by river (5.70) and agricultural irrigation canal (4.78) in Yoocheon-ri. 5) Mean Nearest-neighbour Distance (MND) was smallest in wet paddy and dry paddy biotope types in the two study area, suggesting that these biotope types were concentrated within these study areas. From the result, this research suggested information to protect and improve biotopes of eco-villages in the landscape ecological terms. To achieve this improvement plan, there should be strong support by ministry of environment and local governments.

Mangrove Height Estimates from TanDEM-X Data (TanDEM-X 자료를 활용한 망그로브 식생 높이 측정)

  • Lee, Seung-Kuk
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.2_2
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    • pp.325-335
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    • 2020
  • Forest canopy height can be used for estimate of above-ground forest biomass (AGB) by means of the allometric equation. The remote locations and harsh conditions of mangrove forests limit the number of field inventory data stations needed for large-scale modeling of carbon and biomass dynamics. Although active and passive spaceborne sensors have proven successful in mapping mangroves globally, the sensors generally have coarse spatial resolution and overlook small-scale features. Here we generate a 12 m spatial resolution mangrove canopy height map from TanDEM-X data acquired over the world largest intact mangrove forest located in the Sundarbans. With single-pol. TanDEM-X data from 2011 to 2013, the proposed technique makes use of the fact that the double-bounce scattering that occurs between the water and mangrove trees yields water surface level elevation over mangrove forest areas, thus allowing us to estimate forest height with the assumption of an underlying flat topography. Our observations have led to a large-scale mangrove canopy height map over the entire Sundarbans region at a 12 m spatial resolution. Our canopy height estimates were validated with ground measurements acquired in 2015, a correlation coefficient of 0.83 and a RMSE of 0.84 m. With globally available TanDEM-X data, the technique described here will potentially provide accurate global maps of mangrove canopy height at 12 m spatial resolution and provide crucial information for understanding biomass and carbon dynamics in the mangrove ecosystems.

A Study on Greenhouse Gas Removals Estimation of a Small Scale Afforestation/reforestation CDM Pilot Project in Goseong, Gangwon Province (강원도 고성군 소규모 신규조림/재조림 CDM 시범사업의 온실가스 감축량 산정 연구)

  • Kim, Jiyeon;Lee, Sue Kyoung;Noh, Nam Jin;Yoon, Tae Kyung;Han, Saerom;Cui, Guishan;Lee, Woo-Kyun;Son, Yowhan
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.102 no.3
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    • pp.398-406
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    • 2013
  • Afforestation/reforestation (A/R) clean development mechanism (CDM) is the only forestry-based activities allowed under the Kyoto protocol. This study was conducted to develop a methodology to estimate greenhouse gas (GHG) removals of a small scale A/R CDM pilot project in Goseong, Gangwon Province, Korea. AR-AMS0001 was applied as a methodology and selected tree species were Pinus koraiensis, Larix kaempferi, and Betula platyphylla for total area of 75.0 ha. To improve the accuracy on the GHG removals estimation, selection of the baseline scenario and carbon pools and stratification of the project site were conducted. Based on the developed methodology, net anthropogenic GHG removals were estimated as actual net GHG removals, subtracted by baseline net greenhouse gas removals and leakage. As a result, anthropogenic GHG removals of the project were 12,415 ton $CO_2-e$ and 165.5 ton $CO_2-e/ha$. This project is the first A/R CDM in domestic site and could enhance the technical accuracy of the GHG removals estimation by using countryspecific data reflecting the site condition.