• Title/Summary/Keyword: small construction sites

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A Study on Safety Inspection Model for Small Scale Construction Field (중.소규모 건설현장 안전점검 모질 연구)

  • 안병수;양광모;강경식
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.11-21
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    • 2001
  • Domestic construction industry has considerable level of construction performance and technology thanks to the economic development and as the result of performing diverse oversea construction project. However, construction disasters have been steadily increasing, and do severe disasters at faster pace. Most of such disasters happen at small and small medium-sized construction fields, which contract size is less than 10 billion won. small and medium-sized construction fields are not obliged to designate a safety manager, and have limitations in engaging self-regulating disaster prevention activities due to reduced budget for safety facilities. For the small and medium-sized construction sites with less than 10 billion won, the Ministry of Labor has been carrying out mobile inspections of construction safety. However, the effect so far is insignificant and an improvement plan is required. Therefore, in the present thesis, we derive problems appearing in the current construction safety mobile inspection system, investigate and study systems in foreign countries, and suggest an efficient and effective plan to operate safety technology inspections. First of all, we establish a standard to select sites to be inspected that are high in construction risk and disaster occurrence probability In addition, we suggest a plan to take administrative and judiciary measures based on the total score for disaster factors considering the disaster occurrence probability and the illegal practices. Furthermore, a scheme to maximize the effect of disaster prevention is sought by building an organic cooperative system between the Ministry of Labor, Korea Occupational Safety & Health Agency and other organizations specialized in instruction of construction disaster prevention. Finally, we induce a research conclusion that leads to self-regulating safety management through checking and instructing systematic management on mobile inspections.

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Analysis and Improvement Plan of Government Support Project for Reducing Disaster in Small Construction Site. (소규모 건설현장의 재해저감을 위한 정부지원 사업 분석 및 개선요구사항 도출)

  • Baek, Nak-Ku;Lee, Mi-Hyeon;Lim, Houng-Chul
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 2018.05a
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    • pp.116-117
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    • 2018
  • The government and the Korea Occupational safety & Health Agency have continuously carried out safety activities such as supervision, inspection, technical guidance and financial support in order to reduce safety accidents at the construction site. However, the number of disasters at construction sites is increasing every year. So analyze the results of the supervision and inspection of the Ministry of Employment and Labor, the projects related to the small-scale construction work of the Safety and Health Corporation, and the technical guidance project of the disaster prevention technology guidance organization. It is also necessary to establish an improvement plan for the disaster reduction of the small-scale construction work site for this project.

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  • Teo Ee Huat
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.285-291
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    • 2009
  • Water is a strategic resource for Singapore due to its small land mass and more than half of the mainland serves as catchment for raw water, including construction sites. Construction site typically involves earthworks and in conjunction with the frequent and intense rainstorm in Singapore, produce runoff of high turbidity due to suspended sediments. The resulting high concentration of suspended sediment in construction site runoff very often leads to aesthetically unpleasant reservoirs and potentially increases the treatment cost of raw water. To mitigate this, the local standard requires the discharged concentration of total suspended solids of construction runoff leaving a construction site to be less than 50mg/l which is a very high standard. This paper will present, examine and discuss particular issues and practices of Singapore's construction industry in meeting this requirement. The focus will be on two areas: Government lead initiatives and industry practices. How the government agencies worked together with the industry professionals to develop a system to ensure meeting of the standard is discussed. In addition, the types of industry practices, including various Best Management Practice to reduce erosion in construction sites and implement effective sedimentation on construction sites are examined.

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Analysis of Safety Management Operations of Fire Risk Factors in Small-Scale Construction Sites (소규모 건설현장 화재 위험요인 안전관리 운영실태 분석)

  • Moon, Pil-Jae;Kong, Ha-Sung
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.775-785
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    • 2022
  • By analyzing the operation status of fire safety management of small construction site workers, deriving problems, and suggesting improvement measures, this study was conducted to present practical basic data for their efficient use in the future, and the following conclusions were drawn. First, it was analyzed that small construction site workers are elderly in the age group of construction workers, have short construction skills, most of the jobs are working in the construction industry, and the employment type is non-regular workers. Second, the fire safety management improvement plan of small construction site workers is systematized, fire safety manager is deployed to manage fire risk, fire escape routes and emergency warning facilities are provided to inform all workers at the construction site. In addition, measures to reduce industrial accidents are needed through realistic evacuation training, fire VR training, and interesting educational programs.

A Study on the Improving Management Method for the Small Projects Applying Senior Construction Engineer (고령 건설기술자를 활용한 소규모공사의 공사관리방법 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Song Jin-Woo;Lee Sang-Beom
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.305-310
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    • 2004
  • The building below standard scales to be built only by constructive report to authorities. Construction law 8 illustrates that supervision should be deployed in all the construction sites at the building which is found to have more than 3 floors and also to have more than $200m^2$ of total squares in especially outside area of city plan zone. Such a small construction is have a important and the most basic meaning. Many problems were found to occur in all the constructive places which were out of the limit of this law. The construction sites were found to be controlled by public official's visiting without supervisors and designers of architecture. Technique of construction in architecture was found to be not different from that of 1980. The security of employees in construction on sites has a serious problem. Because of choosing all the materials of the building without a reasonable point. All the building were found to have a law material about inside and outside aspects. The purpose of this study are to examine existing law about a small project and than to analyze the situation of constructive control through questionnaires and interviews with all the supervisors. Based on the data base of engineers who had a great experience in construction sites, The purpose of this study is also to suggest and advise the method of controlling all the items in architecture through on and off line.

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A Study on the Factors Affecting Small-scale Construction Site Safety and Health Compliance (소규모 건설현장 안전보건규제 준수의지 요인 연구)

  • Lee, Byung-Kwan
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.21-35
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to reduce the accident rate by introducing a safety system for small construction sites belonging to local governments. In the case of a small construction site, permission is granted through the building permission department and the construction management of the building safety management of 1,000 square meters of floor area less than 3 stories is not properly performed in the Enforcement Decree of the Building Act of Korea. In the current state of industrial accidents in 2016, 81.8% of all accident victims are found to be vulnerable to accident such as those occurring at work places with less than 50 employees. Considering the fact that the construction work with less than 5 billion KRW of the construction cost in Korea generates the most deaths, it is time to introduce the safety and health system of local governments.

Feasibility Assessment of Small Hydro Power Plants Using Diversion Weirs for Agricultural Purpose (농업용 보를 이용한 소수력발전소의 타당성 분석)

  • Lee, Chul-Hyung;Park, Wan-Soon
    • 한국태양에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2011.04a
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    • pp.229-234
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    • 2011
  • Feasibility assessment for small hydropower plants using diversion weirs located in stream for agricultural purpose has been studied. The model, which can predict flow duration characteristic of stream, was developed to analyze the inflow caused from rainfall. And another model to predict hydrologic performance for small hydropower plants is established. Preliminary survey was performed identifying several candidate sites, and two sites were selected finally for actual site reconnaissance. During the course of site survey, generating capacity, construction and equipment cost, and payback through life time of each sites were calculated for economical feasibility analysis. The results of this study have estimated that the small hydropower plants using diversion weirs for agricultural purpose may offer better opportunities in future with increasing fuel cost and nation's energy policy.

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Enhancing Automated Recognition of Small-Sized Construction Tools Using Synthetic Images: Validating Practical Applicability Through Confidence Scores

  • Soeun HAN;Choongwan KOO
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2024.07a
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    • pp.1308-1308
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    • 2024
  • Computer vision techniques have been widely employed in automated construction management to enhance safety and prevent accidents at construction sites. However, previous research in the field of vision-based approaches has often overlooked small-sized construction tools. These tools present unique challenges in data collection due to their diverse shapes and sizes, as well as in improving model performance to accurately detect and classify them. To address these challenges, this study aimed to enhance the performance of vision-based classifiers for small-sized construction tools, including bucket, cord reel, hammer, and tacker, by leveraging synthetic images generated from a 3D virtual environment. Three classifiers were developed using the YOLOv8 algorithm, each differing in the composition of the training dataset: (i) 'Real-4000', trained on 4,000 authentic images collected through web crawling methods (1,000 images per object); (ii) 'Hybrid-4000', consisting of 2,000 authentic images and 2,000 synthetic images; and (iii) 'Hybrid-8000', incorporating 4,000 authentic images and 4,000 synthetic images. To validate the performance of the classifiers, 144 directly-captured images for each object were collected from real construction sites as the test dataset. The mean Average Precision at an IoU threshold of 0.5 (mAP_0.5) for the classifiers was 79.6%, 90.8%, and 94.8%, respectively, with the 'Hybrid-8000' model demonstrating the highest performance. Notably, for objects with significant shape variations, the use of synthetic images led to the enhanced performance of the vision-based classifiers. Moreover, the practical applicability of the proposed classifiers was validated through confidence scores, particularly between the 'Hybrid-4000' and 'Hybrid-8000' models. Statistical analysis using t-tests indicated that the performance of the 'Hybrid-4000' model would either matched or exceeded that of the 'Hybrid-8000'model based on confidence scores. Thus, employing the 'Hybrid-4000' model may be preferable in terms of data collection efficiency and processing time, contributing to enhanced safety and real-time automation and robotics in construction practices.

IoT-based Dangerous Zone Alarming System for Safety Management in Construction Sites (건설 현장 안전관리를 위한 IoT 기반의 위험구역 경보 시스템)

  • Kim, Seung-Ho;Kang, Chang-Soon;Ryu, HanGuk
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.10 no.10
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    • pp.107-115
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    • 2019
  • Effective construction safety management systems are desperately required for reducing damage caused by increasing safety accidents in construction sites. Safety accidents in construction sites can effectively protect if proactive measures are taken to prevent unauthorized worker access the expected hazardous area. In this study, we have developed a IoT(Internet of Things)-based dangerous zone alarming system for safety management in construction sites, which can be operated at low cost in large-scale sites as well as small and medium-sized construction sites. The development system utilizes a Zigbee-based beacon technology and cellular mobile communication technology to detect when authorized workers, unauthorized field workers or outsiders approaches hazardous zones. If somebody approaches the dangerous zones the system notifies immediately to the safety manager with a danger warning signal. It is expected that this system can effectively prevent safety accidents when applied to construction sites.

Improving Qualification of Safety Manager at Construction Site (건설현장 안전관리자의 자격기준에 관한 연구)

  • Gal, Won-Mo;Son, Ki-Sang;Jeong, Se-Gyun;Choi, Jea-Nam
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.111-115
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    • 2009
  • As shown in the accident analysis from 2007, it has been found that causes of accidents on large-scale projects are different from those found in general construction projects. A 300-question survey regarding systematic and practical aspects of safety problems at construction sites was distributed to ten (10) different companies. Participants were to respond subjectively, so that the results could be used to assemble the first formal questionnaire survey. They were collected and compiled by an advisory committee for this study. The resulting surveys were then sent to the division chiefs of the top 100 construction companies in Korea, in order to improve the response rate. The Department of Safety & Health Direction, and the :Ministry of Labor, ROK sent the same sheets to medium and small construction companies that placed within 101-200th of all Korea construction companies. The above safety engineers were classified into four (4) levels, from 1st to 4th, followed by the project dollar amount and risk level. Formulae were developed to assign safety engineers to construction sites by engineer level, the project dollar amount, and the project risk level. Conclusions are summarized as follows: 1) Reviewing the assignment system of experienced safety engineers to large scaled projects - The more experienced the engineers assigned to a project, the higher the level of accident prevention. 2) Enforcing the assignment of advanced level safety engineers to large-scaled sites - At least one advanced-level safety engineer should be assigned to construction sites with projects valued at $15million USD (15,000,000,000). 3) For assigning safety engineers by risk level - Twenty models have been developed to calculate the number of safety engineers to be assigned by risk level. In the future, risk level for each job should be established by the government (as is now the practice in Germany).