• Title/Summary/Keyword: slope vulnerable area

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A Study on the Effectiveness of Wind Corridor Construction forImproving Urban Thermal Environment: A Case study of Changwon, South Korea (도시 열환경 개선을 위한 취약지역 선정 및 바람길 조성 방안: 창원시를 대상으로)

  • Kim, Jong-Sung;Kang, Jung-Eun
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.187-202
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    • 2021
  • This study examined the effectiveness of wind corridor construction by analyzing the thermal environment, cold air generation, ventilation, and geographical characteristics to improve urban thermal environment and establish the basis for specialized strategy in Changwon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do. Using spatial analysis and remote sensing techniques, surface temperature, land cover and land use, wind field, and slope were measured and through this, a wind corridor analysis model was constructed. As a result of the analysis as of 2020, Changwon-si generally has land cover characteristics that are advantageous for the generation of cold air, but the temperature in most urban areas is the highest, and the temperature in areas such as north Changwon area, Jinbukmyeon, Ung-dong, and Ungcheon-dong are relatively high. There was a typical trend of high average wind speed in mountain regions and low average wind speed in urban areas. Accordingly, the north Changwon area, the former Changwon downtown area, the Hogye-ri and Pyeongseong-ri areas, and the Changpo Bay area are derived as vulnerable areas to thermal environment, and various measures to reduce temperature and improve air quality that the inflow of cold air into the area considering the characteristics of each area and securing wind ventilation between the surrounding mountains, reservoirs, and park areas were proposed.

Topographic Factors Computation in Island: A Comparison of Different Open Source GIS Programs (오픈소스 GIS 프로그램의 지형인자 계산 비교: 도서지역 경사도와 지형습윤지수 중심으로)

  • Lee, Bora;Lee, Ho-Sang;Lee, Gwang-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.5_1
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    • pp.903-916
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    • 2021
  • An area's topography refers to the shape of the earth's surface, described by its elevation, slope, and aspect, among other features. The topographical conditions determine energy flowsthat move water and energy from higher to lower elevations, such as how much solar energy will be received and how much wind or rain will affect it. Another common factor, the topographic wetness index (TWI), is a calculation in digital elevation models of the tendency to accumulate water per slope and unit area, and is one of the most widely referenced hydrologic topographic factors, which helps explain the location of forest vegetation. Analyses of topographical factors can be calculated using a geographic information system (GIS) program based on digital elevation model (DEM) data. Recently, a large number of free open source software (FOSS) GIS programs are available and developed for researchers, industries, and governments. FOSS GIS programs provide opportunitiesfor flexible algorithms customized forspecific user needs. The majority of biodiversity in island areas exists at about 20% higher elevations than in land ecosystems, playing an important role in ecological processes and therefore of high ecological value. However, island areas are vulnerable to disturbances and damage, such as through climate change, environmental pollution, development, and human intervention, and lacks systematic investigation due to geographical limitations (e.g. remoteness; difficulty to access). More than 4,000 of Korea's islands are within a few hours of its coast, and 88% are uninhabited, with 52% of them forested. The forest ecosystems of islands have fewer encounters with human interaction than on land, and therefore most of the topographical conditions are formed naturally and affected more directly by weather conditions or the environment. Therefore, the analysis of forest topography in island areas can be done more precisely than on its land counterparts, and therefore has become a major focus of attention in Korea. This study is focused on calculating the performance of different topographical factors using FOSS GIS programs. The test area is the island forests in Korea's south and the DEM of the target area was processed with GRASS GIS and SAGA GIS. The final slopes and TWI maps were produced as comparisons of the differences between topographic factor calculations of each respective FOSS GIS program. Finally, the merits of each FOSS GIS program used to calculate the topographic factors is discussed.

A Study of Weldability for Pure Titanium by Nd:YAG Laser(IV) - Lap Welding and Application for Heat Exchanger - (순티타늄판의 Nd:YAG 레이저 용접성에 관한 연구(IV) - 겹치기 용접 및 실물 열교환기로의 적용 -)

  • Kim, Jong-Do;Kwak, Myung-Sub;Lee, Chang-Je;Kil, Byung-Lea
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.66-71
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    • 2010
  • With large specific strength and outstanding corrosion resistance and erosion resistance in sea water, titanium and titanium alloy are widely used in heat exchanger production. In particular, pure titanium demonstrates outstanding molding performance and may be considered optimal for production of heat exchanger. Since titanium is very vulnerable to oxidation and embrittlement during welding, processes with less heat input are widely used, and laser welding is widely applied by considering production performance and shield etc in atmosphere. So far, 1st report and 2nd report compared and analyzed embrittlement degrees by bead colors of weldment through oxygen and nitrogen quantitative analysis and hardness measurement, and evaluated welding performance and mechanical properties of butt welding. This study evaluated field applicability of lap welding to heat exchange plate of LPG re-liquefaction device for ships through tensile stress test, hardness test and internal pressure test etc after deducing optimal weding condition and applying to actual heat exchange plate. In bead overlap area, the experiment produced sound welds with no porosity or defect by increasing and decreasing laser power, and tensile-shear test results indicated virtually the same tension and yield strength as base metal. As a result of measuring hardness at lateral cross section and bead overlap zone of actual heat exchanger welds, hardness difference within 20Hv was produced at base metal, HAZ and weldment, and as a result of pneumatic and hydraulic pressure test, no leakage occurred.

Analysis of Instances of Characteristics Land Creep on the Mine Area in Korea (우리나라 광산지역에서의 땅밀림 사례 분석)

  • Park, Jae-Hyeon;Park, Seonggyun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.107 no.4
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    • pp.393-401
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    • 2018
  • The aim of this study was to analyze the characteristics of ground subsidence and land-creeping in four mining areas in Korea. Land creeping were occurred by large-scale sinkholes and tensile cracks in the mining areas. This ares showed the shape as large-scale landslides by the collapsed stone debris pushed in the direction of gravity. The rock type in the No. 4 survey area was sandstone and shale, whereas that of other three areas was limestone. The limestone was generally vulnerable to land creeping. The ground subsidence and land creeping in four mining areas were located near the ridge of the mountain. The land creeping by ground subsidence in the mining areas showed complex shapes due to the cavity of underground tunnel and the colluvial debris by gravity in the mountain area, whereas the land creeping in Korea are in the shape of landslide. The average slope of the mining area was ranged from $30.4^{\circ}$ to $33.7^{\circ}$. The values were higher ($1.5^{\circ}{\sim}4.8^{\circ}$) than the average slopes for landslide areas.

The Study for Enhancing Resilience to Debris Flow at the Vulnerable Areas (토석류 재해발생 시 레질리언스 강화를 위한 연구)

  • Kim, Sungduk;Lee, Hojin;Chang, Hyungjoon;Dho, Hyonseung
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.22 no.8
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    • pp.5-12
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    • 2021
  • Climate change caused by global warming increases the frequency of occurrence of super typhoons and causes various types of sediment disasters such as debris flows in the mountainous area. This study is to evaluate the behavior of debris flow according to the multiplier value of the precipitation characteristics and the quantity of debris flow according to the typhoon category. For the analysis of the debris flow, the finite difference method for time elapse was applied. The larger the typhoon category, the higher the peak value of the flow discharge of debris flow and the faster the arrival time. When the precipitation characteristic multiplier is large, the fluctuation amplitude is high and the bandwidth is wide. When the slope angle was steeper, water discharge increased by 2~2.5 times or more, and the fluctuation of the flow discharge of debris flow increased. All of the velocities of debris flow were included to the class of "Very rapid", and the distribution of the erosion or sedimentation velocity of debris flows showed that the magnitude of erosion increased from the beginning, large-scale erosion occurred, and flowed downstream. The results of this study will provide information for predicting debris flow disasters, structural countermeasures and establishing countermeasures for reinforcing resilience in vulnerable areas.

Landslide Risk Assessment Using HyGIS-Landslide (HyGIS-Landslide를 이용한 산사태 발생 위험도 평가)

  • Park, Jung-Sool;Kim, Kyung-Tak;Choi, Yun-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.119-132
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    • 2012
  • Recently, forest soil sediment disasters resulting from locally concentrated heavy rainfall have been occurring frequently in steep slope areas. The importance of landslide hazard map is emerging to analyze landslide vulnerable areas. This study was carried out to develop HyGIS-Landslide based on Hydro Geographic Information System in order to analyze forest soil sediment disaster in the mountainous river basin. HyGIS-Landslide is one of HyGIS components designed by considering the landslide hazard criteria of Korea Forest Service. It could show the distribution of landslide hazard areas after calculating the spatial data. In this system, the user could reset the weight of hazard criteria to reflect the regional characteristics of the landslide area. This component provided user interface that could make the latest spatial data available in the area of interest. HyGIS-Landslide could be applied to the surveyor's compensation score and it was possible to reflect the landslide risk exactly through it. Also, it could be used in topographic analysis techniques providing spatial analysis and making topographical parameters in HyGIS. Finally the accuracy could be acquired by calculating the landslide hazard grade map and landslide mapping data. This study applied HyGIS-Landslide at the Gangwon-do province sample site. As a result, HyGIS-Landslide could be applied to a decision support system searching for mountainous disaster risk region; it could be classified more effectively by re-weighting the landslide hazard criteria.

Characteristics of Vegetation Type and Zonation on Daegwang Coastal Dune in Imja-do, Korea (임자도 대광사구의 식생유형과 대상분포 특징)

  • Kim, Yoon-Mi;Lee, Jung-Hyo
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.576-587
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    • 2012
  • As being actual physiognomical vegetation on Daegwang sand dune in Imjado, the widest area is occupied by Pinus thunbergii community planted as windbreak forest whereas those communities such as Robinia pseudoacacia community, Elymus mollis community, Imperata cylindrica var. koenigii - Elymus mollis community, Carex kobomugi community, Ischaemum antephoroides community, Imperata cylindrica var. koenigii community, Phragmites communis community, Imperata cylindrica var. koenigii - Calamagrostis epigeios community occupy as band shape or patch. According to the result of the data collected and analyzed based on phytosociological method regarding 74 plots of survey area, the species composition of Daegwang sand dune vegetation is classified total 10 vegetation units comprises 7 communities and 5 groups. The 7 communities are classified into Pinus thunbergii community, Robinia pseudoacacia community, Rosa rugosa var. rugosa community, Ischaemum antephoroides community, Carex kobomugi community, Calamagrostis epigeios community, and the sub-units of Pinus thunbergii communities are classified into 3 groups of Pteridium aquilinum var. latiusculum group, Elymus mollis group, Pinus thunbergii topical group and the sub-units of Calamagrostis epigeios communities are classified into 2 groups of Phragmites communis group, Calamagrostis epigeios tipical group. The zonation of vegetation from coastal line indicated with the order of Elymus mollis - Carex kobomugi, Carex pumila, Lathyrus japonicus - Calystegia soldanella - Vitex rotundifolia, Lathyrus japonicus, Ischaemum antephoroides - Rosa rugosa var. rugosa. According to the analysis result of longitudinal section, it was found to be those types with wide width herbaceous vegetation of foredune, smooth slope of foredune, lots of dune ridges with no structure were less vulnerable to erosion of sand dune and advantageous to its recovery.

Large-scale Levee Monitoring Experiment Using Fiber-optic Sensor and Distributed Temperature Sensing System (광섬유 센서와 분포형 온도 센싱 시스템을 이용한 실규모 제방 모니터링 실험)

  • Ahn, Myeonghui;Bae, Inhyeok;Ji, Un;Kang, Joongu
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.181-188
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    • 2020
  • In this study, a temperature distribution sensing method using optical fiber was applied to a large-scale levee experiment, and the applicability of wide-area levee or embankment monitoring technology to observe the changes inside the levee was reviewed. The optical fiber was buried in a large-scale levee, and the temporal and spatial temperature changes were measured according to the water level changes in the reservoir. As the water level of the reservoir increased, the temperature of the embankment slope decreased, and as the infiltration progressed, a change in the spatial location of the temperature change was detected. The temperature change due to embankment infiltration varied depending on the time of the infiltration progress, and the change assumed to be the seepage line could be observed. This study has demonstrated that information about temperature changes inside the levee can be interpreted as the information on the locations that are judged to be relatively vulnerable, investigating the changes in the condition inside the levee.

Change Detection of Land Cover Environment using Fuzzy Logic Operation : A Case Study of Anmyeon-do (퍼지논리연산을 이용한 토지피복환경 변화분석: 안면도 사례연구)

  • 장동호;지광훈;이현영
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.305-317
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the land cover environmental changes in the Anmyeon-do. Especially, it centers on the changes in the land cover environment through methods of GIS and remote sensing. The land cover environmental change areas were detected from remote sensing data, and geographic data sets related to land cover environment change were built as a spatial database in GIS. Fuzzy logic was applied for data representation and integration of thematic maps. In the natural, social, and economic environment variables, the altitude, population density, and the national land use planning showed higher fuzzy membership values, respectively. After integrating all thematic maps using fuzzy logic operation, it is possible to predict the change quantitatively. In the study area, a region where land cover change will be likely to occur is the one on a plain near the shoreline. In particular, the hills of less than 5% slope and less than 15m altitude, adjacent to the ocean, were quite vulnerable to the aggravation of coastal environment on account of current, large-scale development. In conclusions, it is expected that the generalized scheme used in this study is regarded as one of effective methodologies for land cover environmental change detection from geographic data.

Risk Assessment of Pine Tree Dieback in Sogwang-Ri, Uljin (울진 소광리 금강소나무 고사발생 특성 분석 및 위험지역 평가)

  • Kim, Eun-Sook;Lee, Bora;Kim, Jaebeom;Cho, Nanghyun;Lim, Jong-Hwan
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.109 no.3
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    • pp.259-270
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    • 2020
  • Extreme weather events, such as heat and drought, have occurred frequently over the past two decades. This has led to continuous reports of cases of forest damage due to physiological stress, not pest damage. In 2014, pine trees were collectively damaged in the forest genetic resources reserve of Sogwang-ri, Uljin, South Korea. An investigation was launched to determine the causes of the dieback, so that a forest management plan could be prepared to deal with the current dieback, and to prevent future damage. This study aimedto 1) understand the topographic and structural characteristics of the area which experienced pine tree dieback, 2) identify the main causes of the dieback, and 3) predict future risk areas through the use of machine-learning techniques. A model for identifying risk areas was developed using 14 explanatory variables, including location, elevation, slope, and age class. When three machine-learning techniques-Decision Tree, Random Forest (RF), and Support Vector Machine (SVM) were applied to the model, RF and SVM showed higher predictability scores, with accuracies over 93%. Our analysis of the variable set showed that the topographical areas most vulnerable to pine dieback were those with high altitudes, high daily solar radiation, and limited water availability. We also found that, when it came to forest stand characteristics, pine trees with high vertical stand densities (5-15 m high) and higher age classes experienced a higher risk of dieback. The RF and SVM models predicted that 9.5% or 115 ha of the Geumgang Pine Forest are at high risk for pine dieback. Our study suggests the need for further investigation into the vulnerable areas of the Geumgang Pine Forest, and also for climate change adaptive forest management steps to protect those areas which remain undamaged.