• Title/Summary/Keyword: service trust

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How Shipping Company Satisfies Shippers Through Service Quality in South Korea: The Mediation Role of Trust

  • Roh, Taewoo;Park, Keun-Sik;Oh, Yeeun;Noh, Jinho
    • Journal of Korea Trade
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.19-38
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    • 2021
  • Purpose - This study aims to verify the direct causal relationship between cost competitiveness and global network competitiveness, which are the tangible service quality factors determined by the shipping company, which in turn affect the shipper's customer satisfaction. Additionally, we empirically investigate the intangible, related service qualities determined by shipping companies, such as operational competitiveness and customer relationship quality, and how these then positively affect customer satisfaction through the formation of trust. Therefore, we examine the mediating effect of trust formation among different contractors for shipping services. Design/methodology - In order to examine the shipping company's tangible and intangible service-qualities perceived by the shipper on customer satisfaction and the process of trust formation between contractors, we collected valid data from 114 respondents out of 200 distributed questionnaires. The respondents consisted of domestic freight forwarders who engage with domestic and international shipping and logistics agencies. Descriptive statistics, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability, convergent and discriminant validities, common method bias, and PLS-SEM (partial least square-structural equation model) were analyzed using the program STATA 16. Findings - The findings of this study are as follows. First, our results showed that all hypotheses assumed in this study had statistically significant supporting evidence. Second, it was found that the mediating effect of trust was significant in affecting the quality of intangible service- qualities for customer satisfaction. Third, through supplementary analysis, we found that the global network competitiveness of domestic shipping companies will increase in importance in the future. In conclusion, the theoretical and practical implications of these findings are presented. Originality/value - This study reaffirmed the traditional causal relationship between customer satisfaction and tangible service quality. Additionally, we also contribute to the literature on the understanding of the causal relationship between trust formation and customer satisfaction through intangible interactions from a long-term perspective.

The Mediating Effect of Customer Trust on the Relationship between Nonverbal Communication and Revisit Intention of Beauty Industry Employees (미용산업 종사원의 비언어적 커뮤니케이션과 재방문의도 관계에 대한 고객신뢰의 매개효과)

  • Park, Sun-Ju
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.71-82
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    • 2022
  • This study investigated the effect of non-verbal communication of beauty service employees on customer trust and revisit intention, and verified the mediating effect of trust in the relationship between non-verbal communication and revisit intention. The results of this study are as follows: First, the relationship between non-verbal communication and customer trust of beauty service employees found that non-verbal communication had a significant effect on trust. Second, the relationship between the non-verbal communication of beauty service employees and customer revisit intention found that all non-verbal methods of communication, except body language, had a significant effect on revisit intention. Third, it was found that trust had a significant effect on revisit intention. Fourth, as a result of analyzing the mediating effect of customer trust on the relationship between non-verbal communication of beauty service employees and customer's revisit intention, spatial language, and appearance language showed that customer trust had a full mediating effect on the relationship between revisit intention.

The Antecedents of the Trust and Customer response for Healthcare Service (의료서비스 신뢰의 선행요인과 신뢰가 고객반응에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Hyun-Hee
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.27-49
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    • 2011
  • This study tried to examine the antecedents of antecedents of trust and customer response at the healthcare service. A total of 230 patient' data were used with a structural equation analysis. They were verified by covariance modeling, using SPSS 18.0 and AMOS 5.0program. Trust is significantly affected by the three factors. Doctors' professionalism and effort of relationship continuity have a positive impact on trust simultaneously. Also, brand reputation have a positive impact on trust simultaneously. But, Trust is not significantly affected by tangibles. And, Trust has a not positive impact on the word of mouth(WOM). Satisfaction has a positive impact on the repurchase and WOM. Repurchase has a positive impact on the WOM.

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The Relationship between Trust, Trustworthiness, and Repeat Purchase Intentions: A Multidimensional Approach (신뢰대상의 다차원적 접근법에 의한 신뢰와 재구매 의도와의 관계)

  • Lee, Soo-Hyung;Park, Mi-Ryong
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.1-31
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    • 2008
  • Trust is central to human relationships, at all times and places. The importance of trust is fundamental in all areas of human life, not only in the area of business administration. 2,500 years ago in China, Confucius taught that the foundation of politics was the trust of the people, more important even than military strength or the supply of food. Shakespeare's play, "Much Ado about Nothing' is about trust and deception. These days, trust and transparency in a commercial organization's business culture form the basis of the 'social capital' by which that organization increases its productivity. A successful company raises productivity by the accumulation of social capital, derived from a trust relationship between business partners, and between the company and consumers. Trust is the crucial factor. At the national level, building trust determines a nation's competitiveness. For a company, long term trust relationships with customers are essential for its survival in a business environment of rapid change. Such relationships, based on trust, are important assets to ensure a company's competitive advantage, and need to be organic to that company's business culture. Because of this importance, trust relationships have been studied in diverse areas within business administration, and especially within marketing, where they form the basis of a successful relationship between producer and consumer. However, what has been lacking is a unified definition of trust. Research has been conducted on the basis of various definitions and models. The majority of researchers have not considered the multidimensional character of the concept of trust until now. Approaches based on a one dimensional model have undermined the value of research results. Furthermore, researchers have only considered trust and trustworthiness as a single component. The majority of research has explored the consequences of perceived trust for outcomes such as loyalty or cooperation, but has neglected the effects of trustworthiness upon the mechanisms of consumer trust. This study focuses on the dimension of trust from such a perspective. It seeks to verify the effect of trust on customer intentions by breaking it down into three separate components: 1) the salesperson, 2) the product/service, and 3) the company. The purposes of this paper are as follows: Firstly, we review the multidimensional nature of trust objects: the salesperson, the product/service, and the company. Secondly, we analyze the relationship between multidimensional trust and trustworthiness. Thirdly, we analyze the connection between trust and repeat purchase intentions for the maintenance of long term relationships. For these purposes the author has developed several hypotheses as follows: H1-1: The competence of a salesperson is positively associated with the trust given by the consumer to the salesperson. H1-2: The benevolence of a salesperson is positively associated with the trust given by the consumer to the salesperson. H2-1: The competence of product/service is positively associated with the trust given by the consumer to the product/service. H2-2: The benevolence of product/service is positively associated with the trust given by the consumer to the product/service. H3-1: The reputation of a company is positively associated with the trust given by the consumer to the company. H3-2: The physical environment of a company is positively associated with the trust given by the consumer to the company. H4-1: Trust in a salesperson is positively associated with repeat purchase intentions. H4-2: Trust in a product/service is positively associated with repeat purchase intentions. H4-3: Trust in a company is positively associated with repeat purchase intentions. The data was compiled from 366 questionnaires. 500 questionnaires were collected, but some of the data was considered unsuitable and inappropriate. The subjects of the survey were male and female customers purchasing products at department stores in Seoul, Daegu and Gyeongbuk. It was carried out between Oct. 25 and 29, 2007. The data was analyzed by frequency analysis using SPSS 12.0 and structural equation modeling using LISREL 8.7. The result of the overall model analysis is as follows: Chi-Square=445.497, d.f.=185, p-value=0.0, GFI=.901, RMSEA=.0617, NNFI=.986, NFI=.981, CFI=.989, AGFI=.864, RMR=.0872. The results of the overall model analysis were coherent. It was found that trust is a multi-dimensional construct, that each of the dimensions of trust are meaningful influences on customer's repurchase intention. Trust in a company may be the most relevant, while trust in a product/service and a salesperson may be less relevant to repurchase intentions. The effective factors in determining trust in a salesperson and a company's product/service were found to be competence and benevolence. Factors in determining trust in a company were its reputation and physical environment, and the relationship of each effective trust factor has been verified in this research. As a result, it was found that competence and benevolence have a meaningful influence on trust in a salesperson and in product/service. It was also found that a company's reputation influences the overall trust in the company significantly but a company's physical environment does not have much effect.

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The Effect of Mobile Customer Center's Quality Factors on Customer Satisfaction, Trust and Loyalty (모바일 고객센터 품질요인이 고객 만족과 신뢰 그리고 고객충성도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Chang-Soo;Lee, In-Seok;Ryu, Hei-In;Lee, Sung-Ho
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.1-23
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    • 2010
  • The mobile customer center is one of major customer service channels to gain company's competitive advantage, to establish new correlations between customers and service value, and to respond quickly to customer needs. This study attempted to investigate the effect of mobile customer center's quality on customer satisfaction, trust, and loyalty. For this purpose, we divided quality factors of mobile customer center into mobile service quality and content quality, and then empirically analyzed their impact on customer satisfaction, customer trust, and loyalty. The research result showed mobile service quality and content quality having significant association with customer satisfaction and trust. Moreover, customer satisfaction and trust were closely related to customer loyalty. However, there was no significant difference in the factors affecting customer satisfaction and trust according to the levels of personal innovativeness. It is hoped that this study provides academic foundations for further research on mobile customer center and serves as a useful guideline for operating customer service channels successfully.

The Effect of Trust Building Degree and Method in E-Commerce on Service Quality (전자상거래에서 신뢰의 구축 정도와 방법이 서비스 품질에 미치는 영향)

  • 서창적;전희준;김영택
    • Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.51-68
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    • 2003
  • This research addresses familiarity and degree of using Internet site and trust building to affect service quality in e-commerce. We assume that the familiarity and frequency of using Internet site affect perceived service quality of customer. Also it assumes that customer's trust building intermediates their relationships. Several hypotheses are set to test these assumptions empirically. Consequently, the results show that familiarity of using Internet site affects customer's perceived service quality significantly except for tangible. Also it is found that degree of customer's trust building intermediates the relationship between familiarity of using Internet site and customer's perceived service quality significantly. For gaining good trust of customer in Internet site, we suggest that familiarity should fit into customer's needs.

A Study on the Effect of the Internet Banking Service Quality on Trust of Bank (인터넷뱅킹의 서비스 품질이 은행의 신뢰에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jong-Ok;Seo, Young-Sang
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.19-40
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    • 2009
  • In case of korea, it is said that the service of internet banking is in maturity regarding the number of transactions that internet banking process. So it is necessary to find out the factors that influence customer's trust on bank with the use of internet banking, to preserve existing customers. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of the internet banking service quality on trust of banks. For this purpose, eight hypotheses are empirically tested using logistic regression. The empirical results indicated that responsiveness, easy of use, and accuracy from the six dimensions of internet banking service quality factors take significant effect on trust of bank.

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The Effects of Multidimensional Customer Trust on Purchase and eWOM Intentions in Social Commerce based on WeChat in China

  • Min Qu;Jaejon Kim;Sujeong Choi
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.77-98
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    • 2017
  • The development of mobile social networking service (SNS) triggers the growth of social commerce industry. Customers rely considerably on electronic word of mouth (eWOM) to make purchasing decisions. Thus, SNS is an important commercial platform that offers attractive opportunities and challenges to firms. This study sheds light on the role of SNS as a social commerce platform by focusing on WeChat, the most popular SNS in China. This study identifies three different types of trust based on SNS that customers perceive in the context of social commerce. These types of trust are contents trust, source trust, and platform trust. This study suggests the antecedents and consequences of each trust. Our results prove that eWOM intention relies on contents trust and source trust, whereas purchase intention depends on contents trust, source trust, and platform trust. This study also finds that contents trust is positively influenced by source trust and platform trust. Finally, the result verifies the key antecedents of each trust, namely, vividness and timeliness for contents trust, competence, benevolence, and integrity for source trust, and instrumental need and social need for platform trust. The discussion and implications on the findings are provided.

Does Online Travel & Retail Distribution Agency's e-Service Quality Improve Customer Satisfaction, Trust, and Loyalty?

  • Wen Rou XIANG;Yong-Ki LEE;Wen Long WANG
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.22 no.10
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    • pp.91-102
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: This study exploresthe impact of e-service quality (e-SQ) on satisfaction, trust, and loyalty within Chinese online travel retail distribution agencies (OTRDAs) using the SOR (stimulus-organism-response) model. In addition, this research examines the mediating roles of satisfaction and trust in the relationship between e-SQ and loyalty. In the model, e-SQ encompasses four sub-dimensions, such as information, efficiency, reliability, and security. Research design, data, and methodology: Data were collected from 401 respondents through an online survey. The data were analyzed using SPSS 25.0 and SmartPLS 4.1 to test the relationships among the variables. Results: The findings reveal that information, efficiency, reliability, and security positively influence satisfaction and trust. Both satisfaction and trust, in turn, significantly enhance loyalty. Mediation analysisindicatesthat satisfaction and trust partially mediate the relationship between e-SQ and loyalty. Conclusions: The study highlights the direct effects of e-SQ components on satisfaction and trust, as well as their indirect effects on loyalty within the OTRDA framework. Notably, trust exerts a stronger influence on loyalty than satisfaction, underscoring the importance of trust as a mediator in the satisfaction-loyalty relationship. Consequently, customer loyalty programs for OTRDAs should prioritize trust evaluations alongside satisfaction measures.

Explicating Moderating Effects of Conflict in the Psychological Mechanism in IT Service Engagement (IT 서비스 상황에서의 심리적 기제 : 갈등, 만족, 신뢰 그리고 몰입)

  • Park, Jun-Gi;Lee, Hyejung;Lee, Jungwoo
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.1-21
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    • 2014
  • In IT service quality research, the relationship between the service quality and clients' satisfaction was the focus of many studies while in relationship quality research, the influence of trust and conflict on relationship commitment seems to be the focus. In this study, these two research streams are integrated and a theoretical research model is proposed consisting of IT service quality, satisfaction, trust and relationship commitment with conflict as a moderator for the overall psychological mechanism. As satisfaction represents emotional response while trust cognitive response, this research model integrated both emotional and cognitive aspects of relationship maintenance in the IT service context. Analysis of data collected from 262 employees of global IT service firm revealed the differential effects of reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy on satisfaction and trust. Also, depending upon the level of conflict, the effects of reliability and assurance were found to be moderated. Further analysis revealed more profound mechanism at work relating emotional and cognitive aspects in the psychology of relationship maintenance in IT service context. Practical implications are further discussed in the conclusion.