• 제목/요약/키워드: science teaching conditions

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The Importance of Multimedia for Professional Training of Future Specialists

  • Plakhotnik, Oleh;Strazhnikova, Inna;Yehorova, Inha;Semchuk, Svitlana;Tymchenko, Alla;Logvinova, Yaroslava;Kuchai, Oleksandr
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • 제22권9호
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    • pp.43-50
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    • 2022
  • For high-quality education of the modern generation of students, forms of organizing the educational process and the latest methods of obtaining knowledge that differ from traditional ones are necessary. The importance of multimedia teaching tools is shown, which are promising and highly effective tools that allow the teacher not only to present an array of information in a larger volume than traditional sources of information, but also to include text, graphs, diagrams, sound, animation, video, etc. in a visually integrated form. Approaches to the classification of multimedia learning tools are revealed. Special features, advantages of multimedia, expediency of use and their disadvantages are highlighted. A comprehensive analysis of the capabilities of multimedia teaching tools gave grounds for identifying the didactic functions that they perform. Several areas of multimedia application are described. Multimedia technologies make it possible to implement several basic methods of pedagogical activity, which are traditionally divided into active and passive principles of student interaction with the computer, which are revealed in the article. Important conditions for the implementation of multimedia technologies in the educational process are indicated. The feasibility of using multimedia in education is illustrated by examples. Of particular importance in education are game forms of learning, in the implementation of which educational elements based on media material play an important role. The influence of the game on the development of attention by means of works of media culture, which are very diverse in form and character, is shown. The importance of the role of multimedia in student education is indicated. In the educational process of multimedia students, a number of educational functions are implemented, which are presented in the article. Recommendations for using multimedia are given.

제7차 중등학교 과학과 교육과정 내용의 적정성 분석 (Analysis of the Content Relevance of the 7th National Science Curriculum in Secondary Schools)

  • 이양락;박재근;이봉우
    • 한국과학교육학회지
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    • 제26권7호
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    • pp.775-789
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    • 2006
  • 이 연구의 목적은 제7차 교육과정의 7-10학년 과학내용의 적정성을 분석 평가하는 것이다. 이를 위해 1) 우리나라의 제7차 교육과정, 미국 캘리포니아주 과학기준, 영국과 일본의 교육과정, 우리나라와 일본의 중학교 과학 교과서를 분석하였으며, 2) 교사, 학생, 대학교수 및 교과서 집필자의 의견 조사를 위한 설문조사를 실시하였다. 주요 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 각 학년의 주제 또는 단원수가 지나치게 많고 단원간 연계가 적합하지 않으므로 유사한 것은 통합하여 단원수를 줄여야 한다. 둘째, 시수 대비 및 다른 나라와 비교할 때 학습량이 많고 초 중 고교간 내용의 중복이 많은 것으로 나타났다. 특히, 10 학년 과학은 중학교 및 고교 11-12학년 과학과 중복이 심하다. 따라서 과학 개념수와 활동수는 수업 시수, 교사의 수업 부담, 실험실 여건 등을 고려하여 중복 내용 배제와 탐구 활동 수 감축 등으로 적정수준으로 감소시켜야 한다. 셋째, 학교급이 올라갈수록 학생들의 과학에 대한 이해도와 흥미가 감소하므로 실생활과 관련된 문제를 도입하여 탐구할 수 있도록 교육과정과 교과서 개선이 필요하고, 시수도 증가하여야 한다. 다섯째 심화 보충형 수준별 교육과정은 교육과정의 내용에서 규정할 것이 아니라 교수-학습 방법에서 제시해야 한다.

Communicative Model of Educational Transformations in the Realities of (Post) Modernity

  • Opanasyk, Oksana;Popova, Yana;Matiiv, Ihor;Radenko, Yuliia;Mozharovska, Hanna
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • 제22권3호
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    • pp.245-251
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    • 2022
  • In the context of the pandemic, educational institutions had to ensure an instant transition to remote technological models of communication within the new conditions of the educational environment. The purpose of the academic paper lies in determining the role of the communicative model of educational transformations in the realities of (post) modernity. The research methodology is based on a survey of 120 students from 10 higher educational institutions (HEIs) of Ukraine through an online form regarding the importance of live communication during a pandemic. Results. The communicative model changed significantly during the pandemic - the interaction was mainly due to technologies. The research has identified four communication models of educational transformations under the conditions of the pandemic, depending on learning models. The first traditional model of distance learning involves distance learning; the second model involves contact remote training using remote educational technologies; the third model is blended learning, which combines remote and traditional learning formats, synchronous and asynchronous modes of interaction; the fourth model is traditional contact training. The empirical study of the effectiveness of communication models proves that live communication remains extremely important for learning and understanding of educational materials by students, and technology has provided support for such communication. Along with this, seminars and video lectures with presentations combining live communication and communication technologies are as important as digital learning tools. The most effective teaching method for mastering and memorizing educational material was a live dialogue with a teacher at seminars in ZOOM, followed by individual written assignments on the studied topic.

국내 과학교육 연구 동향 분석(기간;1992년 ~ 1996년) (The Analytical Study on the Research Trends of Science Education in Korea(The period : 1992 ~ 1996))

  • 송판섭;기수연;김석중;김정길;김해경;남철우;최도성;한광래;홍행화
    • 한국초등과학교육학회지:초등과학교육
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    • 제18권1호
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    • pp.19-28
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    • 1999
  • This study aims to analyze tile research trends of science education in Korea, and suggest the direction of the desirable research, which is to help the improvement of science education practically. To achieve these aims, the papers related to the science education (paper;1288, master′s thesis;724, doctoral thesis;59), which were published from 1992 to 1996 in Korea, are classified by the criteria for the analysis and summed up. The condensed results of this study are as follows, 1. The papers published through this period, maintains the stability in aspect of quantity compared with 1980s. It is owing to the efforts of the prime investigator so that "the science education," as a part of normal science, may settle down in Korea. 2. In the case of thesis for the academic degree, the doctoral theses are rare, as the ratio of the doctoral vs. the master′s is 1:13. Even so, most of the theses were produced by a few universities(master′s thesis/Kor. Nat. Univ. of Edu.;28.3%, Ewha Woman′ Univ.;16.2%, doctoral thesis/Seoul Nat. Univ.;57.6%, Kor. Nat. Univ. of Edu.;22.0%). 3. Most of papers are preponderant at three categories among the ten categories proposed by this study (science teaching-learning material;23.5%, science teaching methods;21.4%, psychology of science education;21.1%). 4. Concerning the subject of research, these papers are not diversity and intensive, that is; the subject related to scientific concepts, scientific thinking and attitude, and analysis of scientific textbook is 17.7%, 14.3%, and 10.5% of the total, respectively. 5. Though not including this study, among the theses for the master of science education, many of theses are related to the subject of pure science. There are some suggestions related to tile results of this study. The severe preponderance ill the training process, the subject, and area of research, can be pointed out one of the flimsy in our researches of science education. Because these cannot be considered separately, the policy and support of educational administration must be needed to remove this phenomena. To improve the present situation of science education, the research funds have to be given to the practical than the theoretical subjects. Which can make promptly a settlement of tile problems and difficulties from the field of science education, and encourage the reseal,:h activities that tile front teachers take part in. Lately, the accumulation of literature and references are a prior condition in the development of academic knowledge. Therefore the data base system for the information of science education and translation of foreign literature related to science education must be achieved. In addition, the programs that tile teacher and the investigator can make good use of such an information without limited conditions, must be prepared.

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수학교육의 의의 및 교육 방식에 관한 역사적 고찰 - 케임브리지대학과 UCL의 사례를 중심으로 - (Historical Study on the Values and Methods of Mathematics Education - On the Cases of Cambridge University and University College, London -)

  • 조수남
    • 한국수학교육학회지시리즈A:수학교육
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    • 제51권2호
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    • pp.115-129
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    • 2012
  • The values and methods of mathematics education which mathematics teachers tried to impart to their students have varied historically according to the situations of each institution. The cases of the mathematics education in Cambridge University and University College, London show that the peculiar meanings or values of mathematics education were transmitted on students and the methods or focus of the teaching were uniquely determined under the influences of university examinations or conditions of students. In specific, the characteristic education of Augustus De Morgan who studied in Cambridge University and then taught in University College, London reveals better the different institutional contexts. In this paper, I suggest mathematics teachers reconsider mathematics learning motivations on their institutional contexts.

Stability analysis of the ball after contacting with the earth in the volleyball game: A multi-physics simulation

  • Yang Sun;Yuhan Lin;Yuehong Ma
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제85권6호
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    • pp.809-823
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    • 2023
  • In this work, dynamic stability analysis of the ball after contacting with the earth in the volleyball game is presented. Via spherical shell coordinate, the governing equations and general boundary conditions of the ball after contacting with the earth in the volleyball game is studied. Via Comsol multi-physics simulation, some results are presented and a verification between the outcomes is studied. Harmonic differential quadrature method (HDQM) is utilized to solve the dynamic equations with the aid of boundary nodes of the current spherical shell structure. Finally, the results demonstrated that thickness, mass of the ball and internal pressure of the ball alters the frequency response of the structure. One important results of this study is influence of the internal pressure. Higher internal pressure causes lower frequency and hence reduces the stability of the ball.

전구의 밝기에 대한 초등 예비교사의 가설 검증 활동 (Pre-service Primary Teachers' Justification of their Hypotheses about the Brightness of Electric Bulbs)

  • 장병기
    • 한국초등과학교육학회지:초등과학교육
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    • 제24권5호특별호
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    • pp.518-530
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics of pre-service primary teachers' justifying their hypotheses about the brightness of electric bulbs. They conducted their experiments and wrote their experimental results and ideas on their worksheets. The worksheets for generating and evaluating scientific hypothesis were analyzed. Most of them generated the consumption hypothesis and designed the experiments to confirm their hypotheses or directly measure without the change of experimental conditions. The responses for valid experimental designs were 74%74% of total responses. The 62%62% of total responses was valid prediction for experimental results. The 60%60% of pre-service teachers described the experimental results correctly. But other teachers described the biased results or inappropriate results. The 54%54% of them refuted hypotheses and the 36%36% confirmed their hypotheses. The theory-based responses were 51%51% and the evidence-based responses were 47%47%. The 64%64% of them proposed the possibility of the alternative hypothesis after testing their hypotheses. This study also discussed the implications of these findings for teaching and Loaming in science education.

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The Primary Care Performance of Three Types of Medical Institutions: A Public Survey using the Korean Primary Care Assessment Tool

  • Jung, Hye-Min;Jo, Min-Woo;Kim, Hyun-Joo;Jang, Won-Mo;Lee, Jin-Yong;Eun, Sang-Jun
    • 한국의료질향상학회지
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    • 제25권2호
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    • pp.16-25
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    • 2019
  • Purpose:The healthcare system of South Korea is at the extreme of the dispersed system. Few regulations limit patients from directly visiting higher-level medical institutions for primary care sensitive conditions. As a result, similar to local clinics, general and tertiary teaching hospitals also provide diverse primary care services. Our study aimed to examine the general public's perceptions of their primary care performance. Methods: Face-to-face surveys were conducted with 1000 adults who were living in South Korea with the aid of a questionnaire that included the Korean Primary Care Assessment Tool (KPCAT). The KPCAT consists of five domains, which are the main indicators of primary care performance: first contact, comprehensiveness, coordination, personalized care, and family/community orientation. One-way analysis of variance and post hoc tests were used to compare the KPCAT scores across the three types of medical institutions. Results: Domain-wise analyses revealed two different patterns. With regard to first contact and its subdomains, the highest and lowest scores emerged for local clinics and tertiary teaching hospitals, respectively. However, the other four domain scores were significantly lower for local clinics than for the other two types of medical institutions. Conclusions: Local clinics were perceived to be medical institutions that are responsible for providing primary care. However, the general public perceived only one domain of their primary care to be superior to that of the other two types of medical institutions: first contact. National efforts should be taken to strengthen their other four domains of primary care by training their workforce and providing appropriate incentives.

Studying The Topic Of The Function Extremum Of Two Variables In The Conditions Of Remote Learning And Application Of Digital Technologies

  • Krupskyi Yaroslav;Tiytiynnyk Oksana;Kosovets Olena;Soia Olena
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • 제24권1호
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2024
  • In contemporary education, the rapid advancement of digital technologies elevates demands for integrating the latest tools into the learning process. Mathematical analysis, as a discipline, benefits from computer mathematics in distance education, enhancing practical aspects and enabling individualized learning. This article addresses the integration of the Maple computer mathematics system into higher education, specifically in teaching "Mathematical Analysis." Emphasizing its role in distance learning, computer mathematics optimizes the educational environment, reducing the time required for knowledge acquisition. The article showcases the application of Maple in finding extremum points and introduces an educational software simulator, enabling students to practice the method. The simulator, developed within Maple, facilitates self-checking and enhances the study of functions. Conclusions drawn from the study highlight the positive impact of these tools on distance education, affirming Maple's role in enhancing professional training and information culture among higher education students.

제7차 초등학교 과학과 교육과정 내용의 적정성 분석 및 평가 (Analysis and Evaluation of the Content Relevance in the 7th National Primary Science Curriculum)

  • 이양락;박재근;이봉우;한인옥
    • 한국초등과학교육학회지:초등과학교육
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    • 제24권3호
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    • pp.214-225
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the content relevance of the 7th national primary science curriculum and textbooks. To fulfill the purpose of the study, we 1) analyzed the 7th national science curriculum of Korea, Californian science standards, the national science curriculum of England and Japan, and current Korean and Japanese science textbooks, 2) conducted a nationwide survey to gather opinions from students, teachers, and professors of teachers colleges about the relevance of the science curriculum and textbooks. Main findings of this study are as follows: First, the science contents at each grade level should be determined by the students' characteristics, not by an equal portion rule among physics, chemistry, biology and earth science. Second, the excessive overlapping and repetition of contents due to the spiral curriculum should be avoid. Third, the number of topics at each grade level should be reduced, and the similar topics and themes should be integrated for students' deeper understanding. Fourth, the number of science concepts and activities should be reduced to an appropriate level considering the time allotment for science classes, teachers workload, laboratory conditions, etc. Fifth, differentiated curriculum, such as in-depth and supplementary course, should be described not in science contents, but in teaching and learning strategy.

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