• 제목/요약/키워드: science teaching conditions

검색결과 119건 처리시간 0.028초

Factors Affecting Student Performance in E-Learning: A Case Study of Higher Educational Institutions in Indonesia

    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • 제8권4호
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    • pp.993-1001
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    • 2021
  • This study aims to determine the factors influencing student performance using the teaching and learning process through e-learning based on the unified theory of acceptance and use technology (UTAUT). This study also sets out to propose additional variables to expand the UTAUT model to be more suitable to use in higher education. This research conducted a literature review, expert interviews, and a self-administered survey involving 200 students at tertiary institutions in Riau province, Indonesia. The questionnaire data were analyzed using SmartPLS 2. This study shows that UTAUT constructs, namely, social influence, facility conditions, and effort expectancy have a significant influence on student behavior and performance, while the performance expectancy variable shows no significant effect. The additional variables, including lecturer characteristics, external motivation, and organizational structure, directly affect student performance. However, concerning student behavior, motivation and environment are the only variables with a significant effect. The results of this study suggest the behavior deteminant such as lecturer characteristics, motivation and environment, and organizational structure improve student performance. This study investigates factors affecting the performance of university students through the learning employing e-learning by developing the UTAUT constructs to include the lecturer characteristics, motivation and environment, and organizational structure in improving student performance.

Aesthetic Education of Young People As a Necessary Condition for Cultural Development of the Individual in Modern Conditions of the Information Society

  • Shevtsova, Olena;Tiutiunnyk, Mariia;Bosyi, Oleksandr;Zharovska, Olena;Patsaliuk, Iryna;Bielikova, Valentyna;Kuchai, Tetiana
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • 제22권10호
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    • pp.207-213
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    • 2022
  • The article reveals the problems of aesthetic education of young people as a necessary condition for the cultural development of the individual in the modern conditions of the information society. Aesthetic education should contribute to the formation of a creatively active personality. The basis of aesthetic education of young people in the modern conditions of the information society is the core of artistic culture - art as a unique form of public consciousness that contributes to the spiritual development and improvement of the inner world of a person. The main tasks of aesthetic education are highlighted. It is focused on the formation of aesthetic consciousness and aesthetic behavior of the individual. The formation of true aesthetic and spiritual values of students is impossible without a deep awareness of the national foundations of culture, which combines science (including technology), education, art, morality, way of life and worldview, and most importantly its information component - information culture. The effectiveness of aesthetic education of students largely depends on the skillful use of various methods and means by teachers. Aesthetic education of students involves a qualitative change in the level of their aesthetic culture in the modern conditions of the information society. In the era of information and computer technologies, the main Institute for aesthetic education of young people, as a necessary condition for the cultural development of the individual, is mass media. Television stands out especially because it has several information series (audio and video sequence), multiplied by the efficiency of providing information that increases several times compared to paper media, which allows you to report directly during the event.

국내 대학 의류패션계열학과 의복원형설계 교육실태 조사 (Research on Education Conditions of Basic Clothing Patterns in Korean Colleges & Universities)

  • 오송윤;최혜선
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제36권3호
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    • pp.346-359
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    • 2012
  • This study provides basic guidelines to enrich lecture content and teaching methods for university lecturers about basic clothing construction (flat pattern making). The survey was conducted from October 13th to December 20th 2010 by mail and e-mail on 96 selected clothing departments in Korean universities to investigate the content, method and condition of the course of basic pattern making. A total of 63.3% of survey respondents were PhD graduates, 80 percent majored 'Apparel Science and Technology', average of total teaching experience was 12.84 years and 40 percent had studied abroad. The surveyed universities were 4 year universities (70%), 2-3 year tenure colleges (27%), and Cyber Universities (3%). The average number of students in a class was 28.08 and the lab space and equipment was evaluated positively only when the number of students was 20 or less. The type of measurements for basic pattern drafting were 'individual student's sizes' (62%), 'ready-made clothes sizing system' (25%), 'professor's experiential sizes' (5%), 'dress form sizes' (3%). In addition, the percentage of using 'ready-made clothes sizing system' increased 13% over the previous study (Lee, 2000). At a basic pattern drafting stage, 'the error of body measurements' in the case of using individual student's sizes, 'the poor results of fitting for students who deviate from standard body size' in the case of using ready-made clothes sizing system, 'the lack of education about fitting' in the case of using dress form sizes had been pointed out as shortcomings. A total of 66% of survey respondents carried out muslin fitting; however, a lack of students and teacher feedback about fitting & alteration of paper patterns remained a problem.

현장학습을 위한 천체관측 프로그램의 개발과 적용 (Development and Application of Astronomical Observation Program for Field Trip)

  • 김상달;박종철
    • 대한지구과학교육학회지
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.52-62
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to find out learning content for astronomical observation that could perform astronomical programs regardless of weather conditions as a case for the present conditions of astronomical observation and the methods of new education for astronomical observation, and to suggest the methods of synchronized multiple astronomical observation and actual cases using the Internet network. The results are as follows. First, the method of galaxy-oriented astronomical education helped those attempting to approach astronomy academically for the first time grasp useful concepts as to the astronomical space, and let them look at the space in an objective sense, which was effective in forming cosmic structure and concepts. Second, the administration curriculum of astronomical observation team was related to data that systematically contained annual astronomical education concerning the operation of astronomical observation teams; thus, they could be suggested as beneficial teaching materials to the teachers who wanted to organize a school club meeting. Third, it has been noted that the level of students' satisfaction in p2d program and MSO program was very high, and they turned out to be effective learning methods that could be implemented even in times of rain when it would not be possible to conduct astronomical observation activities.

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Korean University Students' Understanding of Idealization in Mechanics and Its Implications for Physics Education

  • Song, Jin-Woong;Park, Jong-Won
    • 한국과학교육학회지
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    • 제21권5호
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    • pp.906-923
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    • 2001
  • This study investigated university students' (majoring physics education) understanding of some aspects of idealization frequently used in teaching and learning of physics, especially of mechanics. A total of 143 students were given a Questionnaire of six questions requiring written responses. Out of the six questions, the first three were concerned with basic idealized concepts, the next two with the making of the assumptions of ideal conditions for given problem settings, and the last with the identification of the idealization used in the given solution of a problem. Students' written responses were grouped into patterns and the relative frequencies of the patterns were counted. It was found that the students had limited understanding of the idealization and their ideas were diverse and frequently incorrect. The implications of the findings are discussed in relation to the roles of idealization in physics education.

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TCAD Based Power Semiconductor Device e-Learning Tool

  • Landowski, Matthew M.;Shen, Z. John
    • Journal of Power Electronics
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    • 제10권6호
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    • pp.643-646
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    • 2010
  • An interactive web-based teaching tool for a power semiconductor course at the University of Central Florida is presented in this paper. A novel approach is introduced using Technology Aided Design Tools (TCAD) to generate time-lapsed 2D semiconductor device cross-section embedded in a webpage using Adobe(R) Flash (web design tool) platform to create interactive movies that demonstrate complex device physical phenomenon. Students can step through the interactive movies forward, backward, pausing, or looping. Each step represents a giving bias condition. Current-voltage plots are represented along with the semiconductor device and a visual point is placed on the IV curve to indicate the current bias conditions. The changes are then reflected in the 2D cross-section movie area and the IV plot. This tool was implemented in a classroom setting to augment the lectures or for discovery learning.

Digital Competence In Education At The Present Stage Of Development Information Society

  • Blahodyr, Liudmyla;Kononenko, Andrii;Kulynych, Olena;Ianytskyi, Taras;Sinelnikova, Valentina;Mykytenko, Tetiana
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • 제21권8호
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    • pp.13-16
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    • 2021
  • The article defines the hypothesis of the research, it is an assumption that the process of forming ICT competence will be effective if: theoretically substantiated, developed and practically implemented a structural and functional model for the formation of ICT competence, taking into account interdisciplinary integration, the pedagogical conditions that contribute to the formation of ICT competence have been determined: interdisciplinary integration as the basis for building an interdisciplinary course, the content of which is aimed at the formation of ICT competence.

제7차 초등학교 과학과 교사용 지도서의 활용 실태 분석 (An Analysis on the Utilization of Teacher s Guides for Science in Elementary School)

  • 한기애;노석구
    • 한국초등과학교육학회지:초등과학교육
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    • 제22권1호
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    • pp.51-64
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study was to examine to what extent the teacher's guides for science based on the 7th national curricula were utilized and what problems there were, in an effort to propose in which way they should be prepared and arranged to be of substantial use to teachers. For that purpose, the contents of the 7th teacher's guides for science were analyzed. Surveys and interviews were carried out to find out how many teachers used each of the areas included in them and what their needs were. The collected data were analyzed with SPSS WIN 9.0. The findings of this study were as follows: Many teachers utilize the teacher's guides in science more frequently than in other subjects, and they found them much more helpful to preparing for instructions. But many of them didn't utilize the standards of evaluation on science that were suggested in the teacher’s guides, and this is why the guides seem just to give theoretical explanation about how to assess, which was neither practical nor substantial. It's required to provide more concrete and detailed examples for each of the units. They felt a higher need for alternative experiments and substitute materials, especially in biology unit because of the different conditions of each school or each local community. In short, teacher's guides should include more diverse and ample materials in response to the teacher's needs, moreover teachers should reconstruct the teaching materials and then teach more creatively.

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효과적인 지리 교수.학습을 위한 유추의 이해와 활용 (The Use of Analogy in Teaching and Learning Geography)

  • 이종원;함경림
    • 대한지리학회지
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    • 제46권4호
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    • pp.534-553
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    • 2011
  • 유추는 익숙한 문제(바탕문제)의 해결방법을 활용하여 유사한 문제(표적문제)를 해결하는 문제해결 전략이다. 본 연구의 목적은 유추적 사고의 관점에서 지리적 문제상황을 새롭게 인식하고, 나아가 지역학습, 그래픽을 활용한 문제해결, 사례학습을 통한 개념/기능 습득에 유용한 교수 학습 방안을 제시하는 것이다. 이를 위해 유추의 의미를 파악하고, 유추 관련 이론들을 통해 유추의 발생 매커니즘과 성공적인 유추적 문제해결의 조건을 논의하였다. 주요 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 공간적 유추 아이디어는 지역학습을 조직하는 유용한 방법을 제공할 수 있다. 특히, 지리적 내용지식과 시 공간적 사고를 동시에 요구하는 공간적 유추는 영역특수적 문제해결 전략으로서 가능성을 갖고 있다. 둘째, 그래픽을 활용한 문제해결의 전이를 의미하는 표상전이는 정보의 시각화, 공간화를 필요로 하는 지리적 문제를 해결하는데 중요한 역할을 한다. 셋째, 표면적으로는 다르지만 공통의 내적구조를 갖는 유사한 사례들을 제시한 후 비교 분석하게 하거나, 가교 역할의 사례를 제시하는 방법은 지리적 개념, 기능의 습득에 유용하다. 결론에서는 유추 관련 지리교육 분야의 연구 주제와 이러한 연구가 갖는 중요성을 제시하였다.

관찰과 실험에서 기구의 조작 기능에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Operational Skills of Apparatuses in Observation and Experiments)

  • 박재호;문정대;조운복;황수진;이영주;심정애;성정희;김영;박종길
    • 한국과학교육학회지
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    • 제9권2호
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    • pp.29-45
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    • 1989
  • The purpose of this paper is to study the operational skills of apparatuses in observation and experiments a point of view of the teaching-learning guidance of the middle school science. In order to understand the actual condition of the field learner, the achivment levels of learner have been investigated on the operational skills of apparatuses, observation and experiments through 1120 students of 16 middle schools. The results showed that there were large differences at each item and especially, in animate natural part(physics and chemistry), the handling ability was very low to average 33 percentage. By the result of analyzing the actual condition of the experiment and field science from the question of 114 science teachers who work in 40 middle schools in P distriet. it has been recognized that though the lessons through the experiments stimulate the motivation of learning, it couldn't be mamaged efficently because of all the educational conditions. And it was revealed that the major part of Experiment was performed not by student who is subjective in the course of learning but by teacher through experiments.

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