• Title/Summary/Keyword: sand liquefaction

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Undrained Cyclic Shear Behavior for Nak-Dong River Sand Due to Silt contents (실트 함유율에 따른 낙동강 모래의 반복전단거동)

  • Kim, Young-Su;Kim, Dae-Man;Shin, Ji-Seop;Na, Yun-Young
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2008.03a
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    • pp.311-317
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    • 2008
  • This study was carried out to improve our understanding about the influence of silt content on the stress-strain of sand under cyclic loading. Soil specimens were prepared by wet-tamping method as same void ratio and specimen's silt contents on total weights was changed from 0% to 20%. Also, effects of the silt contents on the stress-strain response were studied at different anisotropic consolidation ratio, Kc=1.0, 1.5, 2.0 condition. As a result, cyclic shear strength decreased as silt contents increased in same stress ratios. In same silt contents, cyclic shear strength increased as Kc increased in lower silt contents, but in higher silt contents, it had reverse results.

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A Study on the Prevention of Liquefaction Damage of the Sheet File Method Applicable to the Foundation of Existing Structures Using the 1-G Shaking Table Experiment (1-G 진동대 실험을 이용한 기존 구조물 기초에 적용 가능한 시트파일 공법의 액상화 피해 방지에 관한 연구)

  • Jongchan Yoon;Suwon Son;Junhyeok Park;Junseong Moon;Jinman Kim
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.24 no.7
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    • pp.5-14
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    • 2023
  • Recently, earthquakes have occurred frequently in worldwide. These earthquakes cause various forms of natural and physical damage. In particular, liquefaction in which the ground shows liquid-like behavior causes great damage to the structure. Accordingly, various liquefaction damage reduction methods are being studied and developed. Therefore, in this study, a method of reducing liquefaction damage in the event of an earthquake applicable to existing structures was studied using the sheet pile method. The 1-G Shaking table test was performed and the ground was constructed with Jumunjin standard sand. A two-story model structure was produced by applying the similitude law, and the input wave applied a sine wave with an acceleration level of 0.6 g and a frequency of 10 Hz. The effect of reducing structure damage according to various embedded depth ratio was analyzed. As a result of the study, the structure settlement when the ground is reinforced by applying the sheet pile method is decreased by about 71% compared to when the ground is not reinforced, and the EDR with minimum settlement is "1". In addition, as the embedded depth ratio is increased, the calculation of the pore water pressure in the ground tends to be delayed due to the sheet pile. Based on these results, the relationship with structural settlement according to the embedded depth ratio is proposed as a relational equation with the graph. The results of this study are expected to be used as basic data in developing sheet pile methods applicable to existing structures in the future.

Development of Constitutive Equation for Soils Under Cyclic Loading Conditions (反復荷重을 받는 흙의 構成關係式 開發)

  • Jang, Byeong-Uk;Song, Chang-Seop
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.41-48
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    • 1992
  • Various soil behaviors usually occurring in the geotechnical problems, such as, cutting and embankments, stability of slope, seepage, consolidations, shearing failures and liquefaction, should be predicted and analyzed in any way. An approach of these predictions may be followed by the development of the constitutive equations as first and subsequently solved by numerical methods. The purpose of this paper is develop the constitutive equation of sands uder monotonic or cyclic loadings. The constitutive equation which is based on elasto-plastic theory, modified anisotropic consolidated stress parameter by Sekiguchi et al and Pender's theory is derived. And the equation is included a new stress parameter, hardening function, Bauschinger's effects and Pender's theory. The model is later evaluated and confirmed the validity by the test data of Ottawa sand, Banwol sand Hongseong sand. The following conclustions may be drawn: 1. The consititutive equation which is based on elasto-plastic theory, modified anisotropic consolidated stress parpameter by Sekiguchi et al and Pender's theory is derived. The equation in included a new stress parameter, hardening function, Bauschinger's effect and Pender's theory. 2. For Ottawa sand, the result of the constitutive equation shows a better agreement than that of Oka et al. The result of axial strain agrees well with the tested data. However, the result of horizontal strain is little bit off for the cyclic loadings or large stress. It is thought that the deviation may be improved by considering Poisson's ratio and precise measurement of shear modulus. 3. Banwol sand is used for the strain and stress tests with different relative densitites and confining pressures. The predeicted result shows a good agreement with the tested data because the required material parameters were directly measurd and determined form this laboratory. 4. For Hongseong sand, the tests under same amplitude of cyclic deviatoric stress shows a similar result with the tested data in absolute strain. It shows the acute shape of turning point because the sine wave of input is used in the test but the serrated wave in prediction.

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Numerical Simulation of Dynamic Soil-pile-structure Interaction in Liquefiable Sand (액상화 가능한 지반에 근입된 지반-말뚝-구조물 동적 상호작용의 수치 모델링)

  • Kwon, Sun-Yong;Yoo, Min-Taek;Kim, Seok-Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.34 no.7
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    • pp.29-38
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    • 2018
  • Three-dimensional continuum modeling of dynamic soil-pile-structure interaction embedded in a liquefiable sand was carried out. Finn model which can model liquefaction behavior using effective stress method was adopted to simulate development of pore water pressure according to shear deformation of soil directly in real time. Finn model was incorporated into Non-linear elastic, Mohr-Coulomb plastic model. Calibration of proposed modeling method was performed by comparing the results with those of the centrifuge tests performed by Wilson (1998). Excess pore pressure ratio, pile bending moment, pile head displacement-time history according to depth calculated by numerical analysis agreed reasonably well with the test results. Validation of the proposed modeling method was later performed using another test case, and good agreement between the computed and measured values was observed.

Preshear Influence for Liquefaction Resistance in Sand (사질지반에서 액상화 저항에 대한 선행전단응력의 영향)

  • 윤여원;김한범;김방식
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2003.03a
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    • pp.315-322
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    • 2003
  • Cyclic simple shear tests were performed to find out the effect of preshear on dynamic strength of the sandy soil. Tests were performed for the specimens with 40% and 60% of relative density, under three different effective vertical stress of 50, 100 and 200kPa. For 50 and 100kPa, preshear ratios 0.00, 0.08, 0.12 and 0.16 were given, respectively, For low and high relative densities, two different results are shown in dynamic tests. Under the dense conditions, the maximum shear stress ratio($\tau$$\_$cyc//$\sigma$$\_$vo/) and the cyclic shear stress ratio($\tau$$\_$cyc//$\sigma$$\_$vo/) causing a certain shear strain increase with augmenting preshear ratio(${\alpha}$). However, the maximum shear stress ratio and the cyclic shear stress ratio increase or decrease with increasing preshear ratio under the loose conditions. Correction factor(K$\_$${\alpha}$/) for preshear increases at an early stage and then decreases with increasing preshear ratio at loose condition and increase with increasing preshear ratio at dense condition. Correction factor (K$\_$${\alpha}$,Max/) for preshear increases with the increasing preshear ratio irrespective of relative density, and the value of has same behavior as K$\_$${\alpha}$/.

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Field study of the process of densification of loose and liquefiable coastal soils using gravel impact compaction piers (GICPs)

  • Niroumand, Bahman;Niroumand, Hamed
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.479-487
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    • 2022
  • This study evaluates the performance of gravel impact compaction piers system (GICPs) in strengthening retrofitting a very loose silty sand layer with a very high liquefaction risk with a thickness of 3.5 meters in a multilayer coastal soil located in Bushehr, Iran. The liquefiable sandy soil layer was located on clay layers with moderate to very stiff relative consistency. Implementation of gravel impact compaction piers is a new generation of aggregate piers. After technical and economic evaluation of the site plan, out of 3 experimental distances of 1.8, 2 and 2.2 meters between compaction piers, the distance of 2.2 meters was selected as a winning option and the northern ring of the site was implemented with 1250 gravel impact compaction piers. Based on the results of the standard penetration test in the matrix soil around the piers showed that the amount of (N1)60 in compacted soils was in the range of 20-27 and on average 14 times the amount of (1-3) in the initial soil. Also, the relative density of the initial soil was increased from 25% to 63% after soil improvement. Also the safety factor of the improved soil is 1.5-1.7 times the minimum required according to the two risk levels in the design.

A Critical Liquefaction Resistible Characteristic of Saturated Sands Based on the Cyclic Triaxial Test Under Sinusoidal Loadings (정현하중재하 진동삼축시험에 기초한 포화사질토의 액상화 한계저항특성)

  • 최재순;김수일
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.20 no.8
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    • pp.147-158
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    • 2004
  • Laboratory dynamic tests are carried out to assess the liquefaction potential of saturated sands in most countries. However, simple results such as the maximum cyclic shear stress and the number of cycles at initial liquefaction are used in the experimental assessment of liquefaction potential, even though various results can be obtained from the dynamic test. In addition, it seemed to be inefficient because more than three dynamic tests with different stress ratio have to be carried out to draw a liquefaction resistance experimental curve. To improve the present assessment method fur liquefaction potential, a new critical resistible characteristic far soil liquefaction is proposed and verified through conventional cyclic triaxial tests with Jumunjin sand. In the proposed method, various experimental data such as effective stress path, stress-strain relationship, and the change of excess pore water pressure can be used in the determination of cumulative plastic shear strains at every 1/4 cycle. Especially, the critical cumulative plastic shear strain to initiate liquefaction can be defined in a specific point called a phase change point in the effective stress path and it can be calculated from a hysteric curve of stress-strain relationship up to this point. Through this research, it is found that the proposed cumulative plastic shear strain can express the dissipated energy to resist dynamic loads and consider the realistic soil dynamic behavior of saturated sands reasonably. It is also found that the critical plastic shear strain can be used as a registible index of soils to represent the critical soil dynamic state, because it seems to include no effect of large deformation.

Evaluation of Static and Dynamic Characteristics of Coal Ashes (석탄회의 정적 및 동적 특성 평가)

  • Yoon, Yeowon;Chae, Kwangsuk;Song, Kyuhwan
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.5-12
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    • 2009
  • This study presents static and dynamic strength of coal ashes collected from disposal site of power plant. Main compositions of coal ashes were bottom ashes. In order to evaluate static and dynamic characteristics of coal ash, NGI direct-simple shear tests, cyclic simple shear tests and direct shear tests were conducted. The strengths of coal ashes from those tests were compared to those of sands. Bottom ashes among coal ashes used for this study were classified as sand from the grain size distribution and show higher strength properties than the sands. For utilization of coal ashes in civil engineering project, mixing coal ashes with sandy soil using batch plant is inconvenient and the cost is higher than the spreading sand layer and coal layer alternately. In order to simulate both mixing type and layered type construction, sands and coal ashes were mixed with volume ratio 50:50 and prepared sand and coal ash layers alternately with the same volume ratio. From the tests mixed coal ashes-specimen shows slightly higher static and cyclic strength than the layered specimen at the same density. The higher strength seems due to the angular grain of bottom ashes. The cyclic stress ratio at liquefaction decreases rapidly as the number of cycle increases at mixed specimen than that of layered specimen.

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Variation of Undrained Shear Behavior with Consolidation Stress Ratio of Nakdong River Sand (압밀응력비에 따른 낙동강모래의 비배수전단거통 특성)

  • 김영수;정성관;송준혁;정동길
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.83-93
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    • 2003
  • This research, in order to study the effects of initial shear stress of anisotropically consolidated sand that has 0.558% fines, performed several undrained static and dynamic triaxial test. To simulate the real field conditions, loose and dense samples were prepared. Besides, the cyclic shear strength of Nakdong River sand under various combinations of initial static shear stress, stress path, pore water pressure and residual strength relationship was studied. By using Bolton's theory, peak internal friction angle at failure which has considerable effects on the relative density and mean effective stress was determined. In p'- q diagram, the phase transformation line moves closer to the failure line as the specimen's initial anistropical consolidation stress increases. Loose sands were more affected than dense sands. The increase of consolidation stress ratio from 1.4 to 1.8 had an effect on liquefaction resistance strength resulting from the increase of relativity density, and showed similar CSR values in dense specimen condition.

Effect of Overburden Stress on Bulb Shapes of Horizontal Compaction Grout in Loose Sand: 2D-scaled Experimental Study (상부 응력이 수평 압밀 그라우팅 구근 형상에 미치는 영향: 2차원 축소 모형 실험 연구)

  • Joo, Hyun-Woo;Baek, Seung-Hun;Kwon, Tae-Hyuk;Han, Jin-Tae;Lee, Ju-Hyung;Yoo, Wan-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.36 no.12
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    • pp.107-116
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    • 2020
  • The compaction grouting technique is widely used to improve the liquefaction resistance of loose sands that are liquefaction-prone. Particularly, the horizontal injection of compaction grout is proposed for the liquefiable ground with an overlying structure as it does not allow the vertical compaction grouting. However, there has been limited number of researches on the horizontal compaction grouting. Therefore, this study explores the grout bulb shape and expansion direction in loose sand. A series of scaled two-dimensional experiments on the horizontal compaction grouting was conducted varying the overburden stress. The results show that the grout bulb grows in an elliptical shape though its directivity of major axis changes with the overburden effective stress and relative density. The grout bulb expands faster in a horizontal direction under a low overburden stress with a small relative density. The higher overburden stress and the greater relative density cause the more circular shape with the faster expansion in a vertical direction. The presented finding is expected to contribute to accurate and efficient design of the horizontal compaction grouting method.