• 제목/요약/키워드: sabi

검색결과 60건 처리시간 0.021초

The Effect of Non-genetic Factors on Birth Weight and Weaning Weight in Three Sheep Breeds of Zimbabwe

  • Assan, N.;Makuza, S.M.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제18권2호
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    • pp.151-157
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    • 2005
  • Sheep production is affected by genetic and non-genetic factors. A knowledge of these factors is essential for efficient management and for the accurate estimation of breeding values. The objective of this study was to establish the non-genetic factors which affect birth weight and weaning weight in Dorper, Mutton Merino and indigenous Sabi sheep breeds. A total of 2,625 birth and weaning weight records from Grasslands Research Station collected from 1991 through 1993, were used. The records were collected from indigenous Sabi (939), Dorper (807) and Mutton Merino (898) sheep. A mixed classification model containing the fixed effects of year, birth status and sex was used for identification of non-genetic factors. Sire within breed was included as a random effect. Two factor interactions and three factor interactions were important in indigenous Sabi, Mutton Merino and Dorper sheep. The mean birth weights were 4.37${\pm}$0.04 kg, 4.62${\pm}$0.04 kg and 3.29${\pm}$0.04 kg for Mutton Merino, Dorper and Sabi sheep, respectively. Sire had significant effects (p<0.05) on birth weight in Mutton Merino and indigenous Sabi sheep. Year of lambing had significant effects (p<0.05) on birth weight in indigenous Sabi, Mutton Merino and Dorper sheep. The effect of birth status was non significant in Dorper and Mutton Merino sheep while effect of birth status was significant on birth weight in indigenous Sabi sheep. In Indigenous Sabi sheep lambs born as singles (3.30${\pm}$0.05 kg) were 0.23 kg heavier than twins (3.07${\pm}$0.05 kg), in Mutton Merino lambs born as singles (3.99${\pm}$0.08 kg) were 0.07 kg heavier than twins (3.92${\pm}$0.08 kg) and in Dorper lambs born as singles (4.41${\pm}$0.04 kg) were 0.02 kg heavier than twins (4.39${\pm}$0.04 kg). On average males were heavier than females (p<0.05) weighing (3.32${\pm}$0.04 kg vs. 3.05${\pm}$0.07 kg) in indigenous Sabi, 4.73${\pm}$0.03 kg vs. 4.08${\pm}$0.05 in Dorper and 4.26${\pm}$0.07 kg vs. 3.66${\pm}$0.09 kg in Mutton Merino sheep. Two way factor interactions of sire*year, year*sex and sex*birth status had significant effects (p<0.05) on birth weight in indigenous Sabi, Mutton Merino and Dorper sheep while the effect of year*birth status was non significant on birth weight in Indigenous Sabi sheep. The three way factor interaction of year*sex*birth status had a significant effect (p<0.01) on birth weight in indigenous Sabi and Mutton Merino. Tupping weight fitted as a covariate had significant effects (p<0.001) on birth weight in indigenous Sabi, Mutton Merino and Dorper sheep. The mean weaning weights were 17.94${\pm}$0.31 kg, 18.19${\pm}$0.28 kg and 14.39${\pm}$0.28 kg for Mutton Merino, Dorper and Indigenous Sabi sheep, respectively. Effects of sire and sire*year were non significant on weaning weight in Dorper and Mutton Merino while year, sex and sex*year interaction had significant effects (p<0.001) on weaning weight. On average males were heavier than females (p<0.001) at weaning. The respective weaning weights were 18.05${\pm}$0.46 kg, 18.68${\pm}$0.19 kg, 14.14${\pm}$0.15 kg for males and 16.64${\pm}$0.60 kg, 16.41${\pm}$0.31 kg, 12.64${\pm}$0.32 kg for females in Mutton Merino, Dorper and Indigenous Sabi sheep. Lambs born as singles were significantly heavier at weaning than twins, 0.05 kg, 0.06 kg and 0.78 kg for Mutton Merino, Dorper and Indigenous Sabi sheep, respectively. Effect of tupping weight was highly significant on weaning weight. The three way factor interaction year*sex*birth status had a significant effect (p<0.01) on weaning weight. Correction for environmental effects is necessary to increase accuracy of direct selection for birth weight and weaning weight.

사비시대 부여지역 가람건축의 특성에 관한연구 - 평지 1탑식 가람을 중심으로 - (The Study on the Characteristics of Puyeo district's Buddhist Temple Architechture in Sabi dynasty - Focus on the plot plan for a tower on Flatland -)

  • 이동영
    • 한국농촌건축학회논문집
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    • 제13권2호
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    • pp.71-78
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    • 2011
  • The main characteristic of one tower style temple on flatland, as a type of early buddhist temple, is to have been built on level ground near the capital city with their intent to be connected with power group in those days. Two kind of one tower temples on flatland had mostly been constructed: Wondang(longing temple) and National temple, and they greatly contributed to popularization of Buddhism. So, the purpose of this study is to analyze the examples of one tower temple plot planning made by centering around Puyeo district of Sabi dynasty, and in another aspects, examine the influence on our traditional temple architecture and the meaning of Korean traditional architecture, because it is the most important thing among Korean traditional architecture. This study is significant because we have researched in the documents and fruit of an excavation about one tower style temple in Puyeo district in Sabi dynasty, so it will be helpful in studying Buddhist temple architecture system in Puyeo district in Sabi dynasty.

현대 일본 실내 디자인의 와비-사비적 표현 경향에 관한 연구 (A Study on Wabi-Sabi of Contemporary Japan interior design)

  • 이길호;이정욱
    • 한국실내디자인학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국실내디자인학회 2007년도 추계학술발표대회 논문집
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    • pp.113-117
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    • 2007
  • Wabi-Sabi is the most conspicuous and characteristic feature of what we think of as traditional Japanese beauty. It occupies roughly the same position in the japanese pantheon of aesthetic values as do the Greek ideals of beauty and perfection in the West. All things air impermanent. All things are imperfect. all things are incomplete. it offers an aesthetic ideal that uses the uncompromising touch of mortality to focus the mind on the exquisite transient beauty to be found in aoo things impermanent. Wabi-Sabi is a beauty of things imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete. It is a beauty of things modest and humble. It is a beauty of things unconventional. Wabi-Sabi is the art of everyday life. These may be the methods for the relationship establishment between human and space on the ground of Wabi-Sabl concepts which is commonly found no in contemporary interior space in japan.

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The Influence of Cultural Information Design and the Classification of Spiritual Guidance, Based on the Cases of Japanese Wabi-sabi

  • Du, Yixuan;Joo, Song
    • International Journal of Contents
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.27-36
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    • 2021
  • Information design is a new scientific subject, which was named in the 20th century. The design methods of information design and the display of information are continually evolving with the change in the world. While sorting out the background and concept of information design, this article aims to identify the issues of information design. One issue is that environmental information design is a vague concept. Thus, leading to this type of information design is without any comprehensive analysis. Second, the impact of culture has not received adequate attention. This article is based on the Japanese Wabi-sabi culture. It analyzes the impact of culture on information design. The article deeply explores the role of Wabi-sabi in information design through case studies, and it reflects the characteristics of design products by culture.

와비-사비의 일상미학적 해석을 통한 실내디자인의 표현특성에 관한 연구 - 현대 일본 실내디자인 작품을 중심으로 - (A Study on the Expression Characteristics of Interior Design in Wabi-Sabi of Everyday-Life Esthetics - Focused on Contemporary Japanese Interior Design -)

  • 이길호;이정욱
    • 한국실내디자인학회논문집
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    • 제20권3호
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    • pp.110-118
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    • 2011
  • Today aesthetics expression could be a 'Everyday-life Beauty', because today art & design are closely related with a contemporary life. This thesis dealt with a everyday-life and sensitive design which sublimate from everyday-life material to the concept of aesthetics, such a purpose of this thesis establishes a base of everyday-life design through everyday-life aesthetics. This purpose made to pay attention to Japan's aesthetics concept, because Japan has been maintained and developed its own everyday-life aesthetics. Even if Japan doesn't have only everyday-life aesthetics, it is useful that is studies as some kind of a prototype. So this study analyzed about a everyday-life aesthetics and the expression method through the case-study of Japan. According to Yonagi Muneyoshi and Leonard Koren, the Wabi-Sabi has three conceptual characteristics like impermanent, incomplete, and imperfect and six expression characteristics like implication, tranquility, simplicity, coarseness, purity, and association. This study process is as follows. In the first a vocabulary of interior design was derived from three conceptual characteristics and six expression characteristics, and spatial facts was abstracted from it, and then volume, form, and then shape of composition facts of interior space was extracted from it. Finally the expression characteristics of the Wabi-Sabi in interior design was derived from these processes. In conclusion, the expression characteristics of the Wabi-Sabi in interior design is the transitional space through a Shadow, the conversional space through form and material composition, and the copying space through a natural friendship.

백제의 익산 경영 방식의 전환과 사비(泗沘) 재정비 (The Change of Management Methods on Iksan and the rearrangement of Sabi by Baekje)

  • 김낙중
    • 헤리티지:역사와 과학
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    • 제54권2호
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    • pp.170-193
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    • 2021
  • 이 글에서는 익산 왕궁이 사찰로 바뀐 것에 주목하고 그것이 익산 경영 방식의 전환을 의미하는 것으로 여겼다. 익산 왕궁의 위상이 약화되기 시작한 것은 미륵사 서원 건립 즈음으로 추정되며, 더 나아가 왕궁의 일부가 훼손되고 사찰로 바뀐 것은 의자왕 즉위 후 얼마 안 된 시점으로 여겨진다. 이로써 익산으로의 천도는 달성되지 않은 채 사찰 중심의 도시로 바뀌었다. 사비에서는 무왕대에 대홍수를 겪으며 도시 체계를 다시 수립할 필요성이 증대되고, 익산 경영 방식의 전환이 이루어지면서 이와 연동하여 왕궁의 범위가 확대되고 이궁도 조영되었으며 도성 내부 전역으로 시가지가 확대되었다. 이때 유행한 기와가 7엽 꽃술형 수막새다. 무왕은 익산에 단순한 별도를 세운 것이 아니라 사찰이 의미하는 신성을 부여하여 사비와 차별을 두었던 것으로 추정된다. 그러다 말년의 무왕이나 무왕 사망 직후의 의자왕은 기반이 되는 정치 세력의 재편에 따라 익산에서 천도와 관련된 도성 개발을 멈추고 사찰 중심으로 운영하는 대신 사비의 재정비에 중점을 둔 것으로 여겨진다.

백제 사비기 목제유물의 수종 식별과 분석 (Species Identification of Ancient Wood Excavated from Capital Area in Sabi Era, Baekje)

  • 한상효;박원규
    • 보존과학연구
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    • 통권25호
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    • pp.197-226
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    • 2004
  • This study was made to identify species of archaeological wood products excavated from three sites(Kwunbuk-ni, Gungnamgi, Wanggung-ni) of Sabi Era, Baekje. These sitesare presumably considered as capital areas of Sabi Era, Baekje. Total of 220 specimens were identified into five softwoods and eighteen hardwoods. Pinus densiflora(or Pinusthunbergii) and Quercus spp. are the most common and occupied 32%, 28% of totalspecimen, respectively. The others are follows : Torreya nucifera(1%), Abiesholophylla(3%), Cryptomeria japonica(4%), Thuja spp.(2%), Chamaecyparisobutusa(2%), Salix spp.(1%), Platycarya strobilacea (3%), Alnus spp.(1%), Carpinusspp.(0.5%), Castanea crenata(9%), Zelkova serrata (6%), Celtis spp.(0.5%), Prunusspp.(2%), Rhus verniciflua(1%), Rhus trichocarpa(0.5%), Meliosma oldhamii(1%),Hovenia dulcis(1%), Kalopanax pictus(0.5%), Cornus walteri(0.5%), Styrax japonica(1%),Fraxinus rhynchophylla (0.5%), F. sieboldiana(1%).Most of the identified species have been growing in this area until nowadays. However,a few species(Cryptomeria japonica, Thuja spp. Chamaecyparis obutusa, Torreyanucifera) didn’t grow natively around this area at that time. Two species(Cryptomeriajaponica, Chamaecyparis obutusa) are endemic species of Japan, indicating international trade or exchange of woods between Baekje Kingdom and Japan in 6-7th century. Torreyanucifera grows in limited areas in Korea (south of $35^{\circ}$10′N), however, is widely distributed in the southern Japan. Quercus spp. was identified the most in implements of Baekje and Pinus densiflora(orPinus thunbergii) was in the second place. Zelkova serrata was mainly used for raw materials of turnery products, e.g., wooden container. This species produces one of the hardest woods as 0.7 in specific gravity. It indicates that iron technologies have reached some high level in Sabi Era, Beakje.

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백제 사비시대 사찰의 사리장엄구를 활용한 패션문화상품 디자인 개발 (Design Development of Fashion Cultural Products using the Sari Container of Baekje’s Sabi Period Temples)

  • 전희관;김혜경
    • 한국의류산업학회지
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    • 제17권6호
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    • pp.871-880
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    • 2015
  • Buddhist culture had a significant impact on the entire mode of Korean living after the introduction of Buddhism to Korea in the Three Kingdom Period. Baekje embraced Buddhism in 384 A.D.; subsequently, diverse artifacts have now been excavated from the temples. Various research on Korean temples are now in progress; however there is inadequate research on the relics and patterns excavated from the temples due to the focus on the temples’ architectural form. There is limited research on the development of fashion cultural products that use relics excavated from the temples. This study develops designs for fashion cultural products using Baekje Sabi Period relics; specifically, the sari container excavated from Buyeo’s Wangheungsaji, Neungsanrisaji, and Iksan’s Mireuksaji. The sari container’s original form, patterns, and writing were developed into patterns and applied to fashion products such as t-shirts, bags and scarves. Traditional multicolored paintwork exhibited on the temples, ‘dancheong’, was selected as the color for products that can symbolically express the nature of their origin. Adobe Illustrator CC and Adobe Photoshop CC were used to extract the motifs and develop the designs. Six patterns and nine fashion products were designed, accounting for a total of fifteen developed items. We hope that the fashion cultural product design expresses the distinct characteristics of Baekje’s Sabi Period and can be applied to various products and related fields.

SABiT 공법적용 인쇄회로기판의 은 페이스트 범프 크기 및 제작 조건에 따른 전기 저항 특성 (Characterization of Electrical Resistance for SABiT Technology-Applied PCB : Dependence of Bump Size and Fabrication Condition)

  • 송철호;김영훈;이상민;목지수;양용석
    • 한국전기전자재료학회논문지
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    • 제23권4호
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    • pp.298-302
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    • 2010
  • We investigated the resistance change behavior of SABiT (Samsung Advanced Bump interconnection Technology) technology-applied PCB (Printed Circuit Board) with the various bump sizes and fabrication conditions. Many testing samples with different bump size, prepreg thickness, number of print on the formation of Ag paste bump, were made. The resistance of Ag paste bump itself was calculated from the Ag paste resistivity and bump size, measured by using 4-point probe method and FE-SEM (Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope), respectively. The contact resistance between Ag paste bump and conducting Cu line were obtained by subtracting the Cu line and bump resistances from the measured total resistance. It was found that the contact resistance drastically changed with the variation of Ag paste bump size and the contact resistance had the largest influence on total resistance. We found that the bump size and contact resistance obeyed the power law relationship. The resistance of a circuit in PCB can be estimated from this kind of relationship as the bump size and fabrication technique vary.

Genetic Evaluation and Selection Response of Birth Weight and Weaning Weight in Indigenous Sabi Sheep

  • Assan, N.;Makuza, S.;Mhlanga, F.;Mabuku, O.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제15권12호
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    • pp.1690-1694
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    • 2002
  • Genetic parameters were estimated for birth weight and weaning weight from three year (1991-1993) data totalling 1100 records of 25 rams to 205 ewes of Indigenous Sabi flock maintained at Grasslands Research Station in Zimbabwe. AIREML procedures were used fitting an Animal Model. The statistical model included the fixed effects of year of lambing, sex of lamb, birth type and the random effect of ewe. Weight of ewe when first joined with ram was included as a covariate. Direct heritability estimates of 0.27 and 0.38, and maternal heritability estimates of 0.24 and 0.09, were obtained for birth weight and weaning weight, respectively. The total heritability estimates were 0.69 and 0.77 for birth weight and weaning weight, respectively. Direct-aternal genetic correlations were high and positive. The corresponding genetic covariance estimates between direct and maternal effects were positive and low, 0.25 and 0.18 for birth weight and weaning weight, respectively. Responses to selection were 0.8 kg and 0.14 kg for birth weight and weaning weight, respectively. The estimated expected correlated response to selection for birth weight by directly selecting for weaning weight was 0.26. Direct heritabilities were moderate; as a result selection for any of these traits should be successful. Maternal heritabilities were low for weaning weight and should have less effect on selection response. Indirect selection can give lower response than direct selection.