• Title/Summary/Keyword: roads

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The Effect of Greenspace on School Commuting Routes on Pedestrian Satisfaction and the Future Direction of Creation (학교통학로 녹지가 보행자의 만족도와 조성 방향에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Min Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.20-32
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    • 2022
  • For this study, 313 pedestrians, including students, from two schools participated in the greening project of the school commuting roads in Seoul. These schools were compared to two without street greenspaces to analyze the effects of the green areas on pedestrian satisfaction and the future direction of creation. As a result of the greenspace satisfaction analysis of schools with greenspace, the items that had the greatest effect on overall satisfaction were 'Width of the sidewalk' (37%), 'Harmony with the surrounding landscape' (24.97%), 'The arrangement of trees, grass, and flowers' (18.30%) and 'Overall management' (10.44%). In other words, the item that satisfies most is securing the appropriate width of the sidewalk where the greenspace is located. It is necessary to re-considered creating greenspaces in existing sidewalk spaces and secure a sidewalk width for pedestrian convenience. As a result of the analysis on the direction of greenspace creation, the respondents who experienced greenspaces through the greenspaces on school commuting routes recognized natural features, such as grass and flowers as more important elements as well as noting that landscape and harmony are important. In addition, respondents interested focusing on functionality recognized the need for greenspaces and highly recognized the importance of arranging natural materials, such as trees, grasses, and flowers. This group also recognized the advantages of functionality and the effectiveness of green spaces. Therefore, it is necessary to expand awareness of the effectiveness of greenspaces through environmental education, publicity, and the provision of information boards. More effort will be needed to apply regional and school characteristics rather than uniform composition to the development of greenspaces.

Evaluation of Field Application of Soil Conditioner and Planting Chrysanthemum zawadskii on the Roadside Soils Damaged by Deicing Agents

  • Yang, Ji;Lee, Jae-Man;Yoon, Yong-Han;Ju, Jin-Hee
    • Journal of People, Plants, and Environment
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.625-636
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    • 2020
  • Background and objects: Soil contamination caused by CaCl2 that is used to deice slippery roads in winter is now recognized as one of the major causes of damage of roadside plants. The aim of this study is to identify the salt mitigation effects of planting Chrysanthemum zawadskii and using a soil conditioner. Methods: The study was conducted at the site where Pinus densiflora f. multicaulis was planted on the roadside between Konkuk University Sageori and Danwol Samgeori located in Chungju-si. We classified the soils collected from the field experimental site according to the degree of the damage caused by deicing agents and divided the site into six blocks of three 80 × 80 cm plots replicated by treatment type. Three selected plots were treated with loess-balls on the soil surface (high salinity with loess-balls, medium salinity with loess-balls, low salinity with loess-balls) and three were left as an untreated control (H = high salinity, M = medium salinity, L = low salinity). The soil properties were measured including pH, EC and exchangeable cations as well as the growth of Chrysanthemum zawadskiia. Results: In the results of soil analysis, pH before planting Chrysanthemum zawadskiia was 6.39-6.74 and in September, five months after planting, the acidity was reduced to 5.43-5.89. Electrical conductivity (EC) was measured to be H > M > L with the higher degree of damage by deicing agents. The analysis of deicing exchangeable cations showed that the content of Ca2+ of soils were significantly correlated to deicing exchangeable cations (Ca2+, Na+, Mg2+) in the shoot part of Chrysanthemum zawadskii. The loess-ball treatment showed a lower content of deicing exchangeable cations than the treatment where Chrysanthemum zawadskiia was planted. Conclusion: In this study, the use of a new system made of loess-balls is proposed as a soil conditioner to protect soils from the adverse effects of road deicing salts. These data suggest that treatment of soil conditioners and planting Chrysanthemum zawadskiia are effective in mitigation of salt stress on the soils damaged by deicing agents.

Development of a Pavement Cutter for Eco-friendly Road Excavation Construction (친환경 도로굴착 시공을 위한 도로절단기 개발)

  • Kim, Kyoontai
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.111-118
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    • 2022
  • Recently, as underground facilities buried under roads in Korea are aging, the amount of underground facility maintenance work is rapidly increasing. For the maintenance and management of such underground facilities, the cutting work of the road pavement should be preceded. However, the conventional road pavement cutters used in Korea are not eco-friendly, and the reality is that they generate a lot of noise and cutting sludge (scattering dust). Therefore, in this study, the concept of the cutting sludge recovery device was derived, and an eco-friendly pavement cutter including this function was designed and manufactured. The developed equipment took about 20 to 30 seconds to cut 1m to a depth of 100 to 150mm. Also, the sludge suction performance was good in most sections, and the noise level of the equipment briefly measured at a distance of 2m was 82.7dB on average. However, due to the limitation that the developed equipment was at the level of the first prototype, the driving stability was somewhat low, and equipment abnormalities such as engine shutdown and sludge recovery performance decreased in some cases. The cutting performance and sludge recovery function will be more stable through tuning and improvement of the developed prototype in the future. In addition, we plan to quantitatively compare and analyze productivity by applying the improved prototype to actual field conditions.

The Necessity and Direction for Restoration of Housing Function in Seoul's Central Commercial District -Comparison of Seoul's Historic Center and New York City's Manhattan- (서울 상업용도지역 내 주거 기능 회복의 필요성과 방향 -서울 역사도심과 뉴욕 맨해튼을 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Youn-Kyung;Lee, Kyung-Min;Choi, Won-Woo;Shin, Jung Ho;Kim, Do-Nyun
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.693-702
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to present the problems of urban ecosystem imbalance in Seoul and the need to restore housing functions through comparison with Manhattan, New York, which grew earlier than Seoul and has been striving to solve urban problems and restore urban ecosystems. The residential status in urban commercial use areas was investigated through analysis of the total amount of residential space, characteristics of each type of residential building, and distribution of residential buildings. Through this, it can be seen that most of the space in Seoul's historic city center is biased toward commercial roads, and there are significantly insufficient high- and high-density mixed-use buildings suitable for urban dwellings compared to Manhattan's. In addition, it can be seen that the complex building in the historical city center of Seoul is located adjacent to the outskirts of the target site. In conclusion, Seoul's historical city center does not provide an appropriate residential space for creating an urban ecosystem, and it is necessary to come up with measures to restore housing functions.

Safety Identification Lamp Visibility of Micro Cars (초소형전기차의 안전식별등 시인성에 관한 연구)

  • Baek, Seong Chae;Seo, Im Ki;Kim, Jeong Hyun;Park, Je Jin
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.417-425
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    • 2022
  • Interest in micro cars is growing around the world, and policy support for micro cars has been increasing in Korea. It is important to meet minimum safety standards for the operation of micro cars on roads due to concerns around micro car safety and the limited driving range of micro cars. In this study, visibility experiments that included safety identification of micro cars were conducted to try and prevent a decrease in driver reaction time. Safety identification lights were installed to the rear of a micro car, and the visibility and discomfort of the vehicle were evaluated to determine whether the micro car was safe to drive on an expressway. As a result, the installation effect of Micro car which install safety identification lamp was found when joining the point at an acceleration lane of the grade separation intersection, and that light on/off could be effective when entering an expressway. If the micro car operation plan proposed in this study is applied, the safety of micro cars on expressways can be increased by improving the visibility of micro car.

A study on the standard for determining airborne sound insulation performance of sound barrier panels (방음판의 음향투과손실 측정규격에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, Yang Ki
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.302-311
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    • 2022
  • Sound barrier walls are one of the most effective alternatives for reducing environmental noise on roads and railways in the city center. The insertion loss of the sound barrier against road traffic noise is the sum of the sound transmission loss, sound absorption loss, and sound energy reduction due to the diffraction attenuation of the sound barrier. The sound transmission loss of the sound barrier is one of the important factors that determine the insertion loss of the sound barrier and is a basic indicator that determines the performance of the sound barrier. Nevertheless, there is not a separate standard in Korea for measuring the acoustic transmission loss of sound barrier panels. There are only a few conditions in KS F 4770 series that stipulates on the general material of sound barrier panels. This thesis examines the necessity of the acoustic transmission loss measurement and evaluation standards of sound barrier walls, and seeks a measurement method in a free sound field (anechoic chamber) sound receiving room considering the characteristics of sound barrier walls installed in external spaces, unlike indoor building materials. In addition, a single number evaluation method using a reference spectrum was proposed so that the sound insulation effect according to various installation places such as roadside or railroad side can be easily displayed.

Road Sign Function Diversification Strategy to Respond to Changes in the Future Traffic Environment : Focusing on Citizens' Usability of Road Signs (미래 교통환경 변화 대응을 위한 도로표지 기능 다변화 전략: 시민의 도로표지 활용성을 중심으로)

  • Choi, Woo-Chul;Cheong, Kyu-Soo;Na, Joon-Yeop
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.30-41
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    • 2022
  • With the advent of autonomous driving, personal mobility, drones, and smart roads, it is necessary to respond to changes in the road traffic environment in the road guidance system. However, the use of road signs to guide the road is decreasing compared to the past due to the advent of devices such as navigation and smartphones. Therefore, in this study, a large-scale survey was conducted to derive road sign issues and usage plans to respond to future changes. Based on this, this study presented a strategy to diversify road sign functions by analyzing the factors affecting the use of road signs by citizens. As a result, first, it is necessary to provide real-time variable road guidance information that reflects user needs such as traffic, weather, and local events. Second, it is necessary to informatize digital road signs such as reflecting maps with precision. Third, it is necessary to demonstrate road guidance in a virtual environment that reflects various future mobility and road environments.

Control Strategy of Transit Signal Priority by S-BRT Driveway (S-BRT 주행로별 대중교통 우선신호 제어 전략)

  • Kim, Minji;Han, Yohee;Kim, Youngchan
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.78-89
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    • 2022
  • Super - Bus Rapid Transit (S-BRT), adding the advantages of urban railroads to BRT, has emerged to solve the problem of low speed and reliability of the existing BRT. Notably, the S-BRT driveway is classified into exclusive lanes and roads, as BRT, in the domestic guidelines. However, S-BRT and BRT have different operating goals and characteristics, so it is necessary to systematize the S-BRT driveway. Therefore, this study classified an S-BRT driveway into exclusive lane, shared lane with overtaking lane, and shared lane without overtaking lane based on domestic conditions. Subsequently, a control strategy for transit signal priority in each driveway was presented by the study based on the characteristics of the driveway to achieve the S-BRT target service level. Finally, the S-BRT target service level was almost achieved, and the travel speed was high and increased in the order respectively in the exclusive lane, shared lane with overtaking lane, and shared lane without overtaking lane in the study. Hence, it is important to operate a transit signal priority considering the characteristics of each driveway when operating the S-BRT. In essence, this study is expected to be used as a reference for driveway design and transit signal priority operation when introducing S-BRT in each local government in the future.

An Analysis of Road User Acceptance Factors for Fully Autonomous Vehicles : For Drivers and Pedestrians (완전 자율주행자동차에 대한 도로이용자 수용성 요인 분석 : 운전자 및 보행자를 대상으로)

  • Jeong, Mi-Kyeong;Choi, Mee-Sun
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.117-132
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze factors that affect road users' acceptance of fully autonomous vehicles (level 4 or higher). A survey was done with drivers of general cars and pedestrians who share roads with fully autonomous vehicles. Five acceptability factors were selected: trust towards technology, compatibility, policy, perceived safety, and perceived usefulness. The effect on behavioral intention was analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM). The perceived safety and trust towards technology were found to be very important in the acceptance of fully autonomous vehicles, regardless of the respondent, and policy was not influential. Compatibility and perceived usefulness were particularly influential factors for drivers. In order to improve the acceptance by road users, securing technical completeness of fully autonomous vehicles is important. Certification and evaluation of the safe driving ability of fully autonomous vehicles should be thoroughly performed, and based on the results, it is necessary to improve the perception by road users. It is necessary to positively recognize fully autonomous vehicles through education and publicity for road users and to support their smooth interaction.

Reliability evaluation of steel truss bridge due to traffic load based on bridge weigh-in-motion measurement

  • Widi Nugraha;Indra Djati Sidi;Made Suarjana;Ediansjah Zulkifli
    • Structural Monitoring and Maintenance
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.323-336
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    • 2022
  • Steel truss bridge is one of the most widely used bridge types in Indonesia. Out of all Indonesia's national roads, the number of steel truss bridges reaches 12% of the total 17,160 bridges. The application of steel truss bridges is relatively high considering this type of bridge provides advantages in the standardization of design and fabrication of structural elements for typical bridge spans, as well as ease of mobilization. Directorate of Road and Bridge Engineering, Ministry of Works and Housing, has issued a standard design for steel truss bridges commonly used in Indonesia, which is designed against the design load in SNI 1725-2016 Bridge Loading Standards. Along with the development of actual traffic load measurement technology using Bridge Weigh-in-Motion (B-WIM), traffic loading data can be utilized to evaluate the reliability of standard bridges, such as standard steel truss bridges which are commonly used in Indonesia. The result of the B-WIM measurement on the Central Java Pantura National Road, Batang - Kendal undertaken in 2018, which supports the heaviest load and traffic conditions on the national road, is used in this study. In this study, simulation of a sequences of traffic was carried out based on B-WIM data as a moving load on the Australian type Steel Truss Bridge (i.e., Rangka Baja Australia -RBA) structure model with 60 m class A span. The reliability evaluation was then carried out by calculating the reliability index or the probability of structural failure. Based on the analysis conducted in this study, it was found that the reliability index of the 60 m class Aspan for RBA bridge is 3.04 or the probability of structural failure is 1.18 × 10-3, which describes the level of reliability of the RBA bridge structure due to the loads from B-WIM measurement in Indonesia. For this RBA Bridge 60 m span class A, it was found that the calibrated nominal live load that met the target reliability is increased by 13% than stated in the code, so the uniform distributed load will be 7.60 kN/m2 and the axle line equivalent load will be 55.15 kN/m.