• Title/Summary/Keyword: right to a view

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Design Android-based image processing system using the Around-View (안드로이드 기반 영상처리를 이용한 Around-View 시스템 설계)

  • Kim, Gyu-Hyun;Jang, Jong-Wook
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2014.05a
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    • pp.421-424
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    • 2014
  • Currently, car black box, and CCTV products, such as image processing are prevalent on the market giving convenience to users.In particular, the black box of the driver driving a vehicle accident that occurred at the time to help identify the cause of the accident is gaining. Black box, the front or rear of the vehicle can check the image only. Because of the angle of view of the driver's vision or the black box can not determine a non-scene. In order to solve this problem by a more advanced system, the black box AVM (Around-View Monitoring) systems have been developed. AVM system to the vehicle's top-view images obtained before and after, left and right of the image, ie, $360^{\circ}$ image of the vehicle can be secured. AVM system must be installed on the vehicle, a desktop that you can acquire images Cling conditions. In this paper, we propose an Android-based tablet using the AVM system of the vehicle can achieve a $360^{\circ}$ image you want to design the system.

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Children's Story on Spatial Composition in a Child Care Center Toy Library (어린이집 내 장난감도서관 구성에 대한 유아들의 이야기)

  • Lee, Soonhee;Suh, Youngsook
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.201-218
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    • 2016
  • The aim of this study is to examine children's desires in a toy library and what they want to do there in order to reflect their opinions on constructing a toy library in a child care center. The study has been conducted by participatory observation on a 'toy library' project consisting of 20 five-year-olds attending B public child care center in Seoul. Observational notes were taken with voice and video recordings. The results of analysis on collected data are as follows. First, the children wanted to call the toy library a toy playground because a toy library is not for study but for play and they wanted space for rest and display with no surveillance camera. Second, they wanted to play freely without any interruption, even leaving things scattered and also wanted to play with parents and friends. Discussion followed in the view of children's right to play and to express their opinions.

Non-surgical Treatment for Secondary Spontaneous Pneumothorax Associated with Bacterial Pneumonia in a Beagle Dog (비글견에서 세균성 폐렴으로 인한 속발성 자발 기흉의 비외과적 치료)

  • Han, Hyun-Jung;Yoon, Hun-Young;Kim, Jun-Young;Jang, Ha-Young;Choi, Seok-Hwa;Jeong, Soon-Wuk
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.31-36
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    • 2008
  • One year old, male beagle dog was presented with acute onset of severe dyspnea, cyanosis, and anorexia. He had no trauma history. Five days earlier, the dog had been diagnosed as bacterial pneumonia caused by Pseudomonas aeruginora and E. coli. He exhibited a restrictive respiratory pattern and at admission, immediately oxygen supplementation given. On a ventrodorsal(VD) radiographic view, right lung was collapsed and contrasted with the air-filled pleural space. The mediastinum, heart, and great vessels were shifted to the left. On a right-lateral radioraphic view, the heart appeared to be elevated from the sternum. The dog was diagnosed as secondary spontaneous pneumothorax resulting from bacterial pneumonia. The chest tubes were placed on the right and left pleural cavity under general anesthesia. At 3 days after treatment, on a VD radiograph, air of right pleural cavity disappeared while left pleural cavity showed radiolucent area filled with air, and the heart was shift to the right. Therefore, the left tube thoracostomy was performed too. The right chest tube was maintained for 5 days and the left chest tube was maintained for 45 days. During the period, antibiotics and vitamin I were used for managing of bacterial pneumothorax and preventing of retroinfection through the tubes. As the result, bacterial pneumonia was well managed by medicines and secondary SP was completely treated that air in bilateral pleural cavity disappeared on radiographs. During the follow-up for 2 years, patient showed normal condition without recurrence.

A Study on Eye Point and Field of View of Older Drivers (고령운전자의 Eye Point와 전방 시계 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Seong-Il;Choi, Ji-Ho;Hwang, In-Jun;Song, Kyo-Hyun
    • Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.67-71
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    • 2010
  • This study examined the field of view of older drivers based on their eye points. The subjects were 25 people whose age was over 65 years and 10 contrasting subjects on their 20s. For the experiment, we expanded the width of the A-pillar of a test vehicle. With a measuring apparatus designed for the study, we analyzed 3 axes of coordinates from glabella to a fixed point of the vehicle that would be used as CAD data of vehicle design. Result shows that average eye point of the older subjects was located significantly farther from the seat than that of the 20s approximately by 31.62mm(p=0.05). It was also found that the Binocular FOV was not significantly different between the older subjects and the 20s(p=0.85), and the effect of the width of the A-pillar on the FOV could not be found. We also measured the left and right side of the Ambinocular FOV of the older subjects. It was found that the older subjects had much wider visual angle than the 20s by 2.84 degree (F=4.78, p=0.01) on the left side, while the 20s showed significantly wider average angle than the older subjects by about 4.88 degree (F=4.78, p<0.05) on the right side. The results of this study can be used to improve the FOV based on the optimal eye points when designing a vehicle for older drivers.

Health Improvement and Treatment Effect of Probiotics (프로바이오틱스의 건강증진과 질병치료 효능)

  • Baek, Young-Mi;Kim, Kyung-Soon;Lee, Yeon-Weol;Cho, Chong-Kwan;Yoo, Hwa-Seung
    • Journal of Haehwa Medicine
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.25-34
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    • 2010
  • Background : The human being and the bacteria have accomplished a balance and have coexisted each other during long time. Probiotics have evolved with the human host to exist and the result they have operated profitably to human host. So it requires that the functions of probiotics are expounded in view of Traditional Korean Medicine. Aim : Suggest the functions of probiotics in view of Traditional Korean Medicine. Method : The author's research has been performed to review the related references. Results : Probiotics assist the absorption of the lactose, proteins and minerals and product several kinds of vitamins, organic acids. Probiotics suppresses the growth of noxious bacteria and the production of harmful substances or gases. They absorbed and discharge the bile acid, and thus help us maintain the optimal level of blood cholesterol concentration. They can reinforce the immune response of the mucous membrane and control the hypersensitivity immune reaction such as asthma, atopy on the other hand. Probiotics have right functions as above and so can be applied widely in treatment of various disease and symptom. Conclusion : Considering the functions of probiotics in view of Traditional Korean Medicine, they participate in our spleen-earth-system (digestion and synthesis) and liver-wood-system (regulation of digestion, metabolism, internal secretion etc.), assist the function of lung-metal system(respiration and regulation of water metabolism) and regulate wi-chi (reinforce/control immune system). Consequently, hereafter there would be a necessity of control a circumstance in treatment of various diseases under these categories that probiotics should be able to do their right functions inside the human body.

National Process of Quality Management Education : The Swedish Example

  • Isaksson, Raine;Hansson, Jonas;Garvare, Rickard
    • International Journal of Quality Innovation
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.88-99
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    • 2007
  • The application of a process view, as complement to the traditional functional division, is often a way to highlight organisational improvement potential. This paper examines the process of providing university level education in quality management, using Sweden as an example. The purpose is to assess the performance of university education as part of the supply chain of providing quality management to a society. This has been done by studying the actual offering compared to a notional benchmark of best performance. Preliminary results indicate that there could be a significant improvement potential in both providing more education of the right type and in the right way. A lot of similar basic courses are given but with varying names, possibly reflecting difficulties in defining the area of quality management and its constituents. An important reason for the detected improvement potential seems to be the lack of ownership of the studied supply chain of providing university level quality education to the Swedish society.

A Case Report of Cleidocranial Dysostosis (쇄골 두개 이골증의 증례보고)

  • Lim C.Y.;Kim S.W.;Ahn H.K.;You D.S.;Park T.W.
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.49-52
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    • 1977
  • The authors had observed a case of cleidocranial dysostosis of 42 years old unmarried woman. The observation was founded upon roentgenogram of skull P-A view, orthopantomograph, cephalometric view, chest P-A view and wrist X-ray view. The patient gave a dwarfic impression with 145㎝ body height and concaved mandibular prognastic facial feature. The palate was narrowed and extremely high arched. The eruption state of teeth were extremely poor, only four teeth were erupted, composed of upper third molar and lower three deformed teeth. The skull P-A view of roentgenogram reveals overlying metopic suture, extends from the nasion to the sagittal suture, and the suture are delayed up to date and many wormian bones are formed. On the cephalometric view the maxilla is underdeveloped and produce the false mandibular prognathism. Twenty four impacted teeth can be detected by orthopantmograph, twelve in upper jaw and twelve in lower jaw. There are many supernumerary teeth, one in upper jaw and seven in lower jaw. On the chest P-A view, the clavicles are totally aplastic, but a vestige of clavicle is visible in the right side. On the wrist roentgenogram, the epiphyseal ossification of distal phalanx, mesial phalanx and proximal phalanx is delayed.

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Intermediate Depth Image Generation using Disparity Increment of Stereo Depth Images (스테레오 깊이영상의 변위증분을 이용한 중간시점 깊이영상 생성)

  • Koo, Ja-Myung;Seo, Young-Ho;Choi, Hyun-Jun;Yoo, Ji-Sang;Kim, Dong-Wook
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.363-373
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    • 2012
  • This paper proposes a method to generate a depth image at an arbitrary intermediate view-point, which is targeting a video service for free-view, auto-stereoscopy, holography, etc. It assumes that the leftmost and the rightmost depth images are given and they both have been camera-calibrated and image-rectified. This method calculates and uses a disparity increment per depth value. In this paper, it is obtained by stereo matching for the given two depth image by considering more general cases. The disparity increment is used to find the location in the intermediate view-point depth image (IVPD) for each depth in the given images. Thus, this paper finds two IVPDs, from left image and from right image. Noises are removed and holes are filled in each IVPDs and the two results are combined to get the final IVPD. The proposed method was implemented and applied to several test sequences. The results revealed that the quality of the generated IVPD corresponds to 33.84dB of PSNR in average and it takes about 1 second to generate a HD IVPD. We evaluate that this image quality is quite good by considering the low correspondency among the left images, intermediate images, and the right images in the test sequences. If the execution speed is improved, the proposed method can be a very useful method to generate an IVPD at an arbitrary view-point, we believe.

Case Report of a Simple Rib Fracture Caused by Coughing (기침으로 초래된 단순 늑골골절 1례)

  • Choi, Woo-Ik
    • Journal of Trauma and Injury
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.9-12
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    • 2014
  • Violent or severe persistent coughing is rarely associated with rib fracture. We report a rare case of a cough-induced rib fracture in a patient without any traumatic history or any other underlying disease. A 32-year-old female presented to the emergency department complaining of having had right-sided pleuritic chest pain for 5 days. She had a background of an 8-week coughing illness. A posteroanterior view of the chest radiograph showed no definite fractured line. Chest computed tomography revealed a subtle break cortical line of the 7th rib in the right-sided chest wall. Early identification of a cough-induced fracture of the rib by using computed tomography may avoid unnecessary further work-ups including laboratory examination and may lead to appropriate discharge instructions including rest and reassurance. The clinical presentations and radiologic findings of rib fractures caused by coughing are presented along with a review of the literature.

A View on the Guarantee of Cultural Right of the Disabled (장애인의 문화적 권리 보장에 대한 소고)

  • Lee, Mun-Hwa
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.9
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    • pp.267-274
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    • 2014
  • The culture is an integral factor when we deal with the quality of life of members of society, and the cultural right is accepted as the basic right. However, the cultural right of the disabled in our society stays in the conditions of the discrimination and alienation by social prejudices and barriers against people with disabilities, and that results from the lack of understanding as a right. The aim of this study is to further raise awareness about the cultural right of the disabled as the basic human right, make it clear to be a universal right based on that, and insist on implementing 'Affirmative Action' for actualizing the disabled's cultural right to equality. The political measures derived from this study to guarantee and realize the cultural right of the disabled are as follows. First, the target extent of cultural voucher system should be expand to not recipients of national basic livelihood guarantees and near poverty groups, but all the disabled. Second, to take full charge of the cultural support of the disabled as a independent organization, it is necessary to establish Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism-affiliated 'Bureau of Culture for Persons with Disabilities'. Third, the nationwide survey on cultural activities and desires of the disabled periodically is required.