• Title/Summary/Keyword: reliability factors

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Quality Improvement Priorities for Cosmetic Store Service Using Kano Model and Potential Customer Satisfaction Improvement Index (Kano 모델 및 잠재적 고객만족 개선 지수를 이용한 화장품 매장 서비스 품질 개선 우선순위)

  • Song, Ji-Ahn;Jang, Seong-Ho
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.342-353
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to identify priority factors for improving service quality of cosmetic stores in drug stores(DRS) and department stores(DES) and to provide basic data for improving service quality of cosmetic stores by analyzing the service quality based on the Kano model and the Potential Customer Satisfaction Improvement (PCSI) Index. As a result, most items of quality factors of cosmetic stores in both stores were evaluated as attractive quality factors. As a result of PCSI Index comparison, the quality factors of 'Reliability', 'Responsiveness', and 'Empathy' items for DRS and 'Empathy' and 'Reliability' items for DES had higher priority for improvement. That is, if these factors are improved, there is a high potential to improve customer satisfaction. Through this study, practical implications were provided by identifying service quality factor classification and priorities for customer satisfaction improvement of DRS and DES. This is expected to contribute to the guidelines for improving customer satisfaction in the future.

Development of a Tool to Measure Math Anxiety Factors for High School Students and Validation of Validity (고등학생용 수학불안 요인 측정 도구 개발 및 타당도 검증)

  • Kang, Yanggu;Han, Sunyoung
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.201-227
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study was to develop an instrument measuring mathematics anxiety suitable for Korean High school students. In order to achieve this study purpose, the study was conducted according to the procedure of setting components of mathematics anxiety, developing questions, and verifying validity and reliability. First, in order to set the components of mathematic anxiety, previous studies on mathematic anxiety. Through this, six factors of mathematic anxiety were derived. Next, new questions were developed for each of the six constituent factors. The 122 questions were revised and supplemented through two content validity tests, and the final instrument for mathematics anxiety consisted of 49 questions of 6 factors. Finally, to verify the validity and reliability of the measurement instrument for mathematics anxiety, a survey was conducted on 1,848 students from 16 universities in Seoul and the metropolitan area. Next, a validity analysis was conducted with the 1,645 responses, excluding students who answered that there was no mathematics anxiety. As a result of exploratory factor analysis, 15 out of 49 questions were removed. Six factors were named individual characteristics, pressure on achievement, abstraction in mathematics, teaching and learning style, parental attitudes, and cumulative mathematics subjects. As a result of confirmatory factor analysis, the model fit was found to be appropriate, and the convergence validity and discriminant validity were found to be good.

Effect of Green Transformational Leadership and Organizational Environmental Culture on Manufacturing Enterprise Low Carbon Innovation Performance

  • Li, Liang;Fuseini, Joseph;Tan, MeiXuen;Sanitnuan, Nuttida
    • Asia Pacific Journal of Business Review
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.27-60
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    • 2022
  • Previous studies stated that low carbon innovation performance could be influenced by government regulations and the green market, which is the new trend of consumer consumption in the present time, mainly focusing on external factors. Before study augured that low carbon innovation performance could be driven by internal and external factors of cooperation such as institutional pressure, stakeholder pressure, and innovation resources. However, the study of green transformational leadership and organizational environmental culture on low carbon innovation performance is rare, especially in Chinese manufacturing, as well as the effect of influencing factors of TPB model: environmental attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavior capability on low carbon innovation performance. Previous studies mostly used the TPB model for predicting individual behavior. This study established a theoretical model combining the TPB model with green transformational leadership and organizational environmental culture of Chinese automobile manufacturing on low carbon innovation performance. This study consists of two sections of research methodology: section 1 related to questionnaire design and data collection. We established a questionnaire and distributed it online, targeting responses from the managerial level working in Chinese automobile manufacturing. Eventually, 155 valid questionnaires were used for analysis. Section 2 involved data analysis using statistical software. Reliability and data validity was examined by reliability analysis and factor analysis. Correlations and convergent validity analyses were applied, and structural equation modeling was conducted to test the proposed hypotheses. The findings indicated that green transformational leadership, organizational environmental culture, and essential factors of TPB model; environmental attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavior capability positively affect low carbon innovation performance. In addition, the indirect effect of green transformational leadership was tested and found that organizational environmental culture and TPB factors mediated the relationship between transformational leadership and low carbon innovation performance.

A Case Study on the Evaluation of a Design Adequacy of Human Factors for a Weapon System (무기체계에서의 인간공학적 설계 적합성 평가 사례연구)

  • Lee, Yeong-Bong;Lee, Sang-Tae
    • IE interfaces
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.13-20
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    • 1990
  • The application of human-factor concept in developing a complex weapon system is important for system engineer to determine the system performance and reliability. This paper describes the evaluation procedure of human factors in the X-system wherein the evaluation result provides a better performance than the previous model in operatability and maintainability. The criteria used for the evaluation of a design adequacy of the X-system are based on the military human-factor standards.

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The Effect of Project Risk and Risk Management on Software Development Project Performance (프로젝트 위험과 위험관리가 소프트웨어 개발 프로젝트 성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Suh, Chang-Kyo;Jeong, Eun-Hee
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.199-217
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    • 2003
  • Based on the IS literature on software project risk management, we developed an integrated model to investigate the risk factors and risk management factors in project development. We also analyzed the interrelation between project risk and project risk management. The questionaries are collected from 83 project leaders. We tested reliability and validity of the measure and analyzed the obtained data. The results support our risk-based hypothesis that shows the importance of risk management in reducing project risks and improving performance of project and process.

An Empirical Study on System Evaluation and Recommendation Factors of Internet Banking (인터넷뱅킹 시스템 평가 및 추천 요인에 대한 실증 분석)

  • Kim, Min-Cheol;Noh, Kyoo-Sung;Kim, Hee-Cheol
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.77-87
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    • 2004
  • The main purpose of this study is to establish the empirical model of internet banking system. The results of this study shows that the statistical significant lies in confidentially and response among many factors. And additionally another result for recommendation factor by legit analysis that there is the significant result. Thus in the present period, bank company will focus to rise up the reliance of the internet banking system.

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A case study on RAM analysis for a military full-tracked armored vehicle using a statistical method (통계기법을 이용한 무한궤도형 군용 장갑차량의 신뢰성, 가용성 및 정비성 분석 사례 연구)

  • 김상원
    • Korean Management Science Review
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.117-128
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    • 1994
  • This paper describes a case study on the analysis of RAM(Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability) factors obtained from the Endurance-Test for a military full-tracked armored vehicle. In analysing RAM factors of the vehicle we used such a statistical technique as method of Maximum-Likelihood for estimating parameters.

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Fuzziness in Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety (Human Factors and Reliability)

  • Nishiwaki, Yasushi
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems Conference
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    • 1993.06a
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    • pp.1047-1050
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    • 1993
  • In radiation protection and nuclear safety, there are many uncertainties or fuzziness due to subjective human judgement. It is desirable to have a theory by which both non-probabilistic uncertainties, or fuzziness, of human factors and the probabilistic properties of machines can be treated consistently. Fuzzy set theory seems to be an effective tool for analyzing the risk and safety of complex man-machine systems such as nuclear power plants.

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A Study on the Standards of Professionalism (관광호텔 조리사의 프로페셔널리즘으로서 조리마인드에 관한 연구)

  • 강종헌;김장익
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.247-269
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study looks for the cooking directions to improve the quality of the finished product by examining the perceptions for cooking style of the finished product by cook at ten deluxe hotel in Seoul. For purpose of this purpose, this study focuss on five areas: (1) examining five different types of cooking styles and twenty one culinary factors, (2) examining the satisfaction rating of culinary factors, (3) measuring reliability of the culinary factors, (4) measuring the satisfaction rating of culinary factors. The study provides a generalized framework for improving the cooking of Korean food and Western food relative to the preception for the cooking style of each food by hotel restaurant cook. This general framework could be easily expanded to include additional factors that might be relevant for other restaurant cook or other menu items.

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The Effects of Banquet Service according to Customer Satisfaction Factors on the Customer Loyalty in Cheonan (천안 지역 연회 서비스가 고객 만족 요인에 따른 고객 애호도에 미치는 영향)

  • Hong, Young-Ok;Kim, Jang-Eix
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.54-67
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    • 2007
  • This study is purposed to find out the relation between the customer loyalty and customer satisfaction factors in Cheonan banquet service. To achieve the objects, customers of banquet companies in Cheonan were selected for a questionnaire survey and a total of 293 valid questionnaires are statistically analyzed, using frequency analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis and regression analysis. The results can be summarized as follows. First, gender, occupation, family forms showed the statistically different results in the service trust. Second, service trust, menu and traffic factors have been approved to affect the revisit intention of a customer significantly. Third, service trust, menu and facilities factors have been approved to affect the word-of-mouse intention significantly. In summary, banquet managers in Cheonan have to focus on the customer satisfaction factors such as service trust, menu, traffic, facilities to meet the customers' needs.

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