• Title/Summary/Keyword: regional features

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A Study on the Place-Names in Old Maps of Andong-Bu (안동부 고지도의 유형별 수록지명 연구)

  • Bae, Mi-Ae
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.511-538
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    • 2004
  • The aim of this paper is to investigate the characteristics of place-names in old map of Andong-Bu mapped in Chosun Dynasty. A place-name is a linguistic expression whose function is to identify a topographic feature. The place-names in old map of Andong-Bu normally involve physical, administrative, military, economic, transport, and cultural features. The cultural place-names are more meaningful in Andong-Bu which was a center of confucianism in Chosun Dynasty. The generic place-names, including cultural place-names such as school, pavilion, temple, etc., served as indicators to identify regional characteristics of Andong in the past and present. A study on the place-names, using old maps, is regarded as advisable attempt in regional approach in geography.

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Ecotourism Service Design Process and Methodology (생태관광 서비스디자인 프로세스 및 방법론 연구)

  • Nam, You-Seon;Ha, Kwang-Soo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.9
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    • pp.376-387
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    • 2019
  • The role of local decentralization and balanced regional development becomes important due to the concentration of population due to urbanization, and the development of tourism contents in local governments is actively being attempted. However, this is largely due to quantitative growth, and it does not offer tourist content that offers a different experience while utilizing regional characteristics. This means that it is important to develop programs and contents that emphasize the identity of the region by cultivating local characteristics and build a different image. However, most of the small regions where characteristic resources are difficult to find have a problem that it is difficult to develop different programs and contents due to relatively few development opportunities and financial constraints. In this study, it was considered that it is effective to analyze characteristic features of the region and utilize the possessed assets as much as possible. Therefore, we propose a service design process that effectively supports ecotourism, one of the regional revitalization plan using local eco - assets. In the process, Venn Diagram Position and Context Map methodology was developed and verified through Sutonggol Observation Path.

A Study on the Boulder Stream of Granitoid in Korea (한국 화강암질암류 산지에서 발달하는 암괴류에 관한 연구)

  • Jeon, Young-Gweon
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.71-82
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this paper is to clarify geomorphic features and development on the boulder stream of granitoid in Korea. Considering the purpose and the method of this paper, three boulder streams are selected : Biseulsan(Mt. Biseul) boulder stream (Daegu city), Maneosan (Mt. Maneo) boulder stream(Gyeongnam province), Geumjeongsan(Mt. Geumjeong) boulder stream (Busan city). The boulder streams mentioned above are bigger in scale and more typical in shape than any other ones in the Korean Peninsula. The main results are summarized as follows. 1. The following are the main features of the boulder streams morphology : the mean gradient is $3{\sim}25^{\circ}$, the longer axes of the component boulders within the deposits averaged about 2m in length, the shapes of the component boulders may be both subangular and subrounded features. 2. The formation of the component boulders is associated with deep weathering of granitoid under warm humid conditions, and the downward movement of boulders occurred by solifluction and frost creep under periglacial conditions. 3. The geomorphic development stage of the boulder streams may be classified into four stages. These boulder streams come under fossil landform stage, the 4th stage ; evidence provided by lichens and weathering features indicate inactive or fossil landform. 4. In generally, boulder streams are well developed on shallow valley floors.

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Regional Dynamics of Capitalism in the Greater Mekong Sub-region: The Case of the Rubber Industry in Laos (메콩유역권 내 자본주의의 지역적 역동성: 라오스 고무산업의 사례)

  • Andriesse, Edo
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.73-90
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    • 2015
  • This article focuses on geo-institutional differentiation and a multi-scalar analysis of emerging capitalist development in Laos. It discusses the impact of the Greater Mekong Subregion on new institutional economic and economic geographical arrangements. It demonstrates the usefulness of the varieties of Asian capitalism approach. The rubber industry was chosen to unravel emerging but various sub-national institutional arrangements linked to higher scale levels. Rubber is a growing agribusiness industry throughout the country, led by the insatiable demand from China. Overall, this study shows that the capitalist development of the rubber industry features much geo-institutional differentiation, due to the different strategies of Chinese, Thai and Vietnamese investors. Since Laos is still in transition from a state-led economy to something else, it is impossible at this to identify the exact number capitalisms. Yet, the evidence on rubber clearly lays bare the presence of multiple institutional arrangements. Without more inclusiveness, however, the implications for regional development are worrying. Exclusive arrangements will most likely lead to more uneven regional development and higher regional inequality. To refine theories on sub-national varieties of capitalism in developing countries it is instructive to consider more explicitly the notion of regional personal capitalisms and the complex interplay between national and regional states and relationships between capital accumulation and livelihood analyses.

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Development of Yeongdong Heavy Snowfall Forecast Supporting System (영동대설 예보지원시스템 개발)

  • Kwon, Tae-Yong;Ham, Dong-Ju;Lee, Jeong-Soon;Kim, Sam-Hoi;Cho, Kuh-Hee;Kim, Ji-Eon;Jee, Joon-Bum;Kim, Deok-Rae;Choi, Man-Kyu;Kim, Nam-Won;Nam Gung, Ji Yoen
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.247-257
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    • 2006
  • The Yeong-dong heavy snowfall forecast supporting system has been developed during the last several years. In order to construct the conceptual model, we have examined the characteristics of heavy snowfalls in the Yeong-dong region classified into three precipitation patterns. This system is divided into two parts: forecast and observation. The main purpose of the forecast part is to produce value-added data and to display the geography based features reprocessing the numerical model results associated with a heavy snowfall. The forecast part consists of four submenus: synoptic fields, regional fields, precipitation and snowfall, and verification. Each offers guidance tips and data related with the prediction of heavy snowfalls, which helps weather forecasters understand better their meteorological conditions. The observation portion shows data of wind profiler and snow monitoring for application to nowcasting. The heavy snowfall forecast supporting system was applied and tested to the heavy snowfall event on 28 February 2006. In the beginning stage, this event showed the characteristics of warm precipitation pattern in the wind and surface pressure fields. However, we expected later on the weak warm precipitation pattern because the center of low pressure passing through the Straits of Korea was becoming weak. It was appeared that Gangwon Short Range Prediction System simulated a small amount of precipitation in the Yeong-dong region and this result generally agrees with the observations.

A Study on the Statistical GIS for Regional Analysis (지역분석을 위한 웹 기반 통계GIS 연구)

  • 박기호;이양원
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.239-261
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    • 2001
  • A large suite of official statistical data sets has been compiled for geographical units under the national directives, and it is the quantitative regional analysis procedures that could add values to them. This paper reports our attempts at prototyping a statistical GIS which is capable of serving over the Web a variety of regional analysis routines as well as value-added statistics and maps. A pilot database of some major statistical data was ingested for the city of Seoul. The baseline subset of regional analysis methods of practical usage was selected and accommodated into the business logic of the target system, which ranges from descriptive statistics, regional structure/inequality measures, spatial ANOVA, spatial (auto) correlation to regression and residual analysis. The leading-edge information technologies including the application server were adopted in the system design and implementation so that the database, analysis modules and analytic mapping components may cooperate seamlessly behind the Web front-end. The prototyped system supports tables, maps, and files of downloadable format for input and output of the analyses. One of the most salient features of out proposed system is that both the database and analysis modules are extensible via the bi-directional interface for end users; The system provides users with operators and parsers for algebraic formulae such that the stored statistical variables may be transformed and combined into the newly-derived set of variables. This functionality eventually leads to on-the-fly fabrication of user-defined regional analysis algorithms. The stored dataset may also be temporarily augmented by user-uploaded dataset; The extension of this form, in essence, results in a virtual database which awaits for users commands as usual. An initial evaluation of the proposed system confirms that the issues involving the usage and dissemination of information can be addressed with success.

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Categorization of Citiesin Gyeonggi-do Using Ecosystem Service Bundles (생태계서비스 번들을 이용한 경기도 도시의 유형화)

  • Kim, Ilkwon;Kim, Sunghoon;Lee, Jooeun;Kwon, Hyuksoo
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.201-214
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    • 2019
  • The concept of ecosystem services is important for the effective management of regional ecological resources. Multiple ecosystem services provided by regional ecosystems are represented as ecosystem service bundles, which define the co-occurrent ecosystem services in a specific region. Bundles provide useful information to identify regional characteristics of ecosystem services and categorize sub-regions with similar patterns of ecosystem service provision. We assessed eleven ecosystem services using modeling approaches and statistical data and produced bundles of cities in Gyeonggi-do.We also conducted principal component analysis and cluster analysis to categorize these cities according to the characteristics of ecosystem services. The results indicated that the cities in Gyeonggi-do were categorized into three groups depending on the types of provision,regulation, and cultural services, and were designated as urbanized, urban-forest, agriculture, or forest cities. These groups were influenced by land use patterns reflecting regional social-environmental features. The results provide useful information for identifying regional ecosystem services and facilitate decision-making in regional ecosystem service management.

Adaption Process of Migration and Reality of Households Heading to Farming (농촌지향 이주 가구의 귀촌적응과정과 영농실태)

  • Oh, Soo-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.101-117
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this research is to propose a plan on migration policy based on features, through analyzing the migration adaption process and the farming life of the back-to-countryside population throughout the nation. For this, survey has been conducted to find out urban-to-rural migrants' motives and characteristics. The major reason for the migration was the household's financial condition, and the most of migration decisions were made by either one's spouse or parents. The migration fund was primarily spent in early agricultural activities and it was the neighbors who aided them the most whilst teaching them many farming techniques. Some government-supported policies are being highly demanded regarding the lower level of income (than urban life) and difficulties of raising cultivation funds; these two things are what migrants consider as the most inconvenient and suffering matters in farming life. Many surveyee have responded that they would constantly stay in the rural area and continue on their life as a farmer, giving a promising prospect for future farmland life. Based on these trends and features, development strategy regarding elaborate settlement plan of urban-to-rural migration is necessary.

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A Survey Study on the Regional Needs and Features of New School Establishment in Incheon Metropolitan City, Gwangju Metropolitan City, Chungcheongbuk-do and Jeollanam-do (지역별 학교설립 수요와 특성에 관한 조사연구 -인천.광주광역시와 전남.충북을 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Hwa-Ryong;Dong, Jae-Wook;Kim, Tae-Hyoung;Cho, Han-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Educational Facilities
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.3-12
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    • 2010
  • This study is a comparative study on the regional needs and features of new school establishment. It aims at developing a tool for evaluating the validity of school establishment, which would help more reasonable decision-making for new school construction and the class extension in the existing schools. In doing so, it employes a mathematical device - the School Establishment Index(SEI), which consists of class condition quotient, fluctuation quotient in the number of students and school location quotient. To explore the needs of new schools and classes in a district, this study estimates the number of students by a year from 2009 to 2020 and surveys the changing faces of student movement, school and class density, housing development in Incheon Metropolitan City, Gwangju Metropolitan City, Chungcheongbuk-do and Jeollanam-do. Finally, it shows the relative requirement of new schools in 4 districts, which the educational offices can use in the course of planning the student accomodations to schools and making decisions for new school construction and the class extension in the existing schools. This study would be expected to help the reasonable expenditure for school facilities and to restrict overbuilding of surplus classes.

A Study to Define USLE P Factor from Field Survey in the Four Major Watersheds (현장조사를 통한 4대강 유역의 보전관리인자 산정 연구)

  • Yu, Nayoung;Shin, Minhwan;Seo, Jiyeon;Park, Youn Shik;Kim, Jonggun
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.60 no.2
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    • pp.37-44
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    • 2018
  • Universal soil loss equation (USLE) had been employed to estimate potential soil loss since it was developed from the statewide data measured and collected in the United States. The equation had an origin in average annual soil loss estimation though, it was modified or improved to provide better opportunities of soil loss estimation outside the United States. The equation has five factors, most studies modifying them to adapt regional status were focused on rainfall erosivity factor and cover management factor. While the conservation practice factor (USLE P factor) is to represent distinct features in agricultural fields, it is challenging to find studies regarding the factor improvements. Moreover, the factor is typically defined using slopes. The factor defining approach was suggested in the study, the approach is a step-by-step method allowing USLE P factor definition with given condition. The minimum condition is slope and field location to provide an opportunity for using in any GIS software and to reflect regionally distinct features. If watershed location, slope, crop type, and mulching type on furrows are given, detailed definition of the factors are possible. The approach was developed from field survey in South-Korea, it is expected to be used for potential soil loss using USLE in South-Korea.