• Title/Summary/Keyword: region and texture

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Research on Robustness of 2D DWT-Based Watermarking in Intermediate Viewpoint by 3D Warping

  • Park, Scott;Choi, Hyun-Jun;Yang, Won-Jae;Kim, Dong-Wook;Seo, Young-Ho
    • Journal of information and communication convergence engineering
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.173-180
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    • 2014
  • This paper investigates the robustness of watermarking techniques for stereo or multi-view images generated from texture and depth images. A three-dimensional (3D) warping technique is applied to texture and depth images to generate stereo or multi-view images for a 3D display. By using the 3D warping technique, in this paper, we developed watermarking techniques and evaluated the robustness of these techniques that can extract watermarks from texture images even when the viewpoints are moved. A depth image is used to generate a stereo image with the largest viewpoint difference to the left and right. The overlapping region in the stereo image that does not disappear after warping is then obtained, and DWT is applied to this region to embed a watermark in the LL sub-band. The proposed watermarking techniques were found to yield bit error rates of about 3%-16% when they were applied to stereo images generated from texture and depth images. Furthermore, the results showed that the copyright could be seen when the extracted watermark was visually confirmed.

A Study of Texture Through the Depth of Core for BSCCO Superconductor Tape with Pole Figure Analysis (BSCCO 선재에서 극점도를 통한 초전도심의 깊이에 따른 집합조직 연구)

  • 지봉기;주진호;나완수;류경우;박노진
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.499-504
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    • 2001
  • We evaluated the degree of texture through depth of the superconductor core of Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O(BSCCO) superconductor tape. The degree of texture was characterized by pole figure analysis indicating that the degree of texture varied significantly with depth of the superconductor core. It was observed that the degree of texture was higher near the interface than inside the superconductor core. Specifically, as getting near to the center from the sheath/core interface, the orientation of BSCCO became dispersed from normal direction(ND) which, in turn, resulted in the degradation of <001>-fiber texture. In addition, the <001> texture was non-uniform an, better texture was developed along rolling direction(RD), compared to transverse direction(TD). Microstructural investigation showed that grain alignment was locally degraded by the existence of second phases. I was observed that larger grain size and better texturing were developed near the relatively straight interface compared to those inside the superconducting core. Based on our study, the region near the interface is thought to carry significant current compared to that inside the core.

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Enhanced Graph-Based Method in Spectral Partitioning Segmentation using Homogenous Optimum Cut Algorithm with Boundary Segmentation

  • S. Syed Ibrahim;G. Ravi
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.23 no.7
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    • pp.61-70
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    • 2023
  • Image segmentation is a very crucial step in effective digital image processing. In the past decade, several research contributions were given related to this field. However, a general segmentation algorithm suitable for various applications is still challenging. Among several image segmentation approaches, graph-based approach has gained popularity due to its basic ability which reflects global image properties. This paper proposes a methodology to partition the image with its pixel, region and texture along with its intensity. To make segmentation faster in large images, it is processed in parallel among several CPUs. A way to achieve this is to split images into tiles that are independently processed. However, regions overlapping the tile border are split or lost when the minimum size requirements of the segmentation algorithm are not met. Here the contributions are made to segment the image on the basis of its pixel using min-cut/max-flow algorithm along with edge-based segmentation of the image. To segment on the basis of the region using a homogenous optimum cut algorithm with boundary segmentation. On the basis of texture, the object type using spectral partitioning technique is identified which also minimizes the graph cut value.

Video image retrieval on the basis of subregional co-occurrence matrix texture features and normalised correlation (PIM 기반 국부적 Co-occurrence 행렬 및 normalised correlation를 이용한 효율적 비디오 검색 방법)

  • 김규헌;정세윤;전병태;이재연;배영래
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 1999.11a
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    • pp.601-604
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    • 1999
  • This Paper proposes the simple and efficient image retrieval algorithm using subregional texture features. In order to retrieve images in terms of its contents, it is required to obtain a precise segmentation. However, it is very difficult and takes a long computing time. Therefore. this paper proposes a simple segmentation method, which is to divide an image into high and low entropy regions by using Picture Information Measure (PIM). Also, in order to describe texture characteristics of each region, this paper suggest six different texture features produced on the basis of co-occurrence matrix. For an image retrieval system, a normalised correlation is adopted as a similarity function, which is not dependent on the range of each texture feature values. Finally, this proposed algorithm is applied to a various images and produces competitive results.

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Image Retrieval based on Color-Spatial Features using Quadtree and Texture Information Extracted from Object MBR (Quadtree를 사용한 색상-공간 특징과 객체 MBR의 질감 정보를 이용한 영상 검색)

  • 최창규;류상률;김승호
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.692-704
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    • 2002
  • In this paper, we present am image retrieval method based on color-spatial features using quadtree and texture information extracted from object MBRs in an image. Tile proposed method consists of creating a DC image from an original image, changing a color coordinate system, and decomposing regions using quadtree. As such, conditions are present to decompose the DC image, then the system extracts representative colors from each region. And, image segmentation is used to search for object MBRs, including object themselves, object included in the background, or certain background region, then the wavelet coefficients are calculated to provide texture information. Experiments were conducted using the proposed similarity method based on color-spatial and texture features. Our method was able to refute the amount of feature vector storage by about 53%, but was similar to the original image as regards precision and recall. Furthermore, to make up for the deficiency in using only color-spatial features, texture information was added and the results showed images that included objects from the query images.

Automatic Detection of Kidney Tumor from Abdominal CT Scans (복부 CT 영상에서 신장암의 자동추출)

  • 김도연;노승무;조준식;김종철;박종원
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.29 no.11
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    • pp.803-808
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    • 2002
  • This paper describes automatic methods for detection of kidney and kidney tumor on abdominal CT scans. The abdominal CT images were digitalized using a film digitizer and a gray-level threshold method was used to segment the kidney. Based on texture analysis results, which were perform on sample images of kidney tumors, SEED region of kidney tumor was selected as result of homogeneity test. The average and standard deviation, which are representative statistical moments, were used to as an acceptance criteria for homogeneous test. Region growing method was used to segment the kidney tumor from the center pixel of selected SEED region using a gray-level value as an acceptance criteria for homogeneity test. These method were applied to 113 images of 9 cases, which were scanned by GE Hispeed Advantage CT scanner and digitalized by Lumisvs LS-40 film digitizer. The sensitivity was 85% and there was no false-positive results.

Texture Garbage Elimination Algorithm for Exemplar-based Image Inpainting (예제기반 영상 인페인팅을 위한 텍스쳐 가비지 제거 알고리즘)

  • Kong, Young Il;Lee, Si-Woong
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.186-189
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    • 2019
  • Image inpainting is an image processing technique that restores an image by naturally filling the empty or damaged regions in an image. In this paper, we present a new image inpainting technique that can suppress the generation of texture garbage which is one of the artifacts of existing exemplar-based image inpainting. Unlike the existing technique, only the stationary source patch is sampled as the exemplar patch based on the assumption of spatial stationarity of the texture. This prevents the texture garbage, which is an inconsistent piece of texture from being copied to the target region. Experimental results show that the texture synthesis using the proposed method produces more natural inpainting results than the existing method.

Color Image Segmentation Based on Edge Salience Map and Region Merging (경계 중요도 맵 및 영역 병합에 기반한 칼라 영상 분할)

  • Kim, Sung-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.105-113
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    • 2007
  • In this paper, an image segmentation method which is based on edge salience map and region merging is presented. The edge salience map is calculated by combining a texture edge map with a color edge map. The texture edge map is computed over multiple spatial orientations and frequencies by using Gabor filter. A color edge is computed over the H component of the HSI color model. Then the Watershed transformation technique is applied to the edge salience map to and homogeneous regions where the dissimilarity of color and texture distribution is relatively low. The Watershed transformation tends to over-segment images. To merge the over-segmented regions, first of all, morphological operation is applied to the edge salience map to enhance a contrast of it and also to find mark regions. Then the region characteristics, a Gabor texture vector and a mean color, in the segmented regions is defined and regions that have the similar characteristics, are merged. Experimental results have demonstrated the superiority in segmentation results for various images.

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Gabor and Wavelet Texture Descriptors in Representing Textures in Arbitrary Shaped Regions (임의의 영역 안에 텍스처 표현을 위한 Wavelet및 Gabor 텍스처 기술자와 성능평가)

  • Sim Dong-Gyu
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.287-295
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    • 2006
  • This paper compares two different approaches based on wavelet and Gabor decomposition towards representing the texture of an arbitrary region. The Gabor-domain mean and standard deviation combination is considered to be best in representing the texture of rectangular regions. However, texture representation of arbitrary regions would enable generalized object-based image retrieval and other applications in the future. In this study, we have found that the wavelet features perform better than the Gabor features in representing the texture of arbitrary regions. Particularly, the wavelet-domain standard deviation and entropy combination results in the best retrieval accuracy. Based on our experiment with texture image sets, we present and compare tile retrieval accuracy of multiple wavelet and Gabor feature combinations.

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A Deblocking Algorithm Using Anisotropic Diffusion for Block DCT-based Compressed Images (이방성 확산을 이용한 블록 DCT 기반 압축 영상의 블록효과 제거)

  • Choi, Euncheol;Han, Youngseok;Park, Min Kyu;Kang, Moon Gi
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.383-391
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    • 2005
  • In this paper, a new anisotropic diffusion based on Alvarez, Lions, and Morel (ALM) diffusion model is proposed for the suppression of blocking artifact caused by discrete cosine transform (DCT) based image compression. The proposed diffusion model, which incorporates a 'rate control parameter' (RCP), makes it possible to reduce blocking artifacts while to preserve the edge. The RCP controls the rate between isotropic and anisotropic diffusion. Isotropic diffusion is encouraged to eliminate the blocking artifacts in a block boundary of a smooth region, while anisotropic diffusion is encouraged to keep the edge or texture sharp in edge and a block boundary within an edge region. Additionally, to avoid oversmoothness of the texture region, a 'speed control parameter' (SCP), which makes diffusion process slow in the texture region, is employed.