• 제목/요약/키워드: re-lationship

검색결과 5건 처리시간 0.019초

의복형용에 따른 가치평가에 관한 연구

  • 김영하;유태순
    • 복식
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    • 제25권
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    • pp.119-132
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    • 1995
  • The purposes of this study were to consider the aesthetic side in the clothing positively, search the relationships of the preferance and the aesthetic factors in the general costume of body form, analyze consumer's characters against the value evaluation factors. Stimuli and questionaries were used in this study. The stimuli were twelve color photographs on clothed bodies differing in the degree of beauty and function. The scales were chosen to measure variables refering to sundry records, prediminary exam-ination. The following null-hypothese were estabilished for this study. Ⅰ. Viewer's preferance for the general 4 costumes of body forms will haved significant relationship with aesthetic factors of clothing Ⅱ. Value evaluation factors of clothing will be significantly different according to the vari-ous viewer's characters. Data were abtained from 160 females stu-dents. The data were analyzed by using spsspc+ program-correlation coefficient, one-way ANOVA and scheffe-test. The results were as follows. Ⅰ. The viewer's preferance for general 4 costumes of body forms has significant re-lationship with aesthetic factors of clothing Ⅱ. Value evaluation factors of clothing are significantly different according to the various viewer's characters.

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사상체질과 의복가치관의 연구 (A Study on the Relationship between Sasang Constitution and Clothing Value)

  • 정옥임
    • 복식
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    • 제27권
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    • pp.87-101
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    • 1996
  • The purpose of this study is to grasp the re-lationship between Sasang constitution of the disposition side and clothing value in grown-up women in order to apply Sasang consti-tution theory to the marketing strategy in clothing industry. The study is based on a questionnaie about Sasang constitution and clothing value. The questionnarie was answered by 519 women. The data ere collected from September 12 to September 30, 1994 and analyzed by cluster analysis correlation analysis ANOVA and fac-tor analysis using SAS. The Findings of this study are as follows: 1. The women were classfied in to 3 clusters by cluster analysis :Sp-Yaung-In type (30.8%) Tae-Em-In type (40.7%) So-em-in(28.5%). 2. Correlations between SO-Yaug In type and each of clothing values showed all signifi-cant and specially social value showed high corelation(0.57163) 3. In Tae-Em-In type all correlations showed significant and esocial value showed the highest correlation of all correlations. 4. In So-Em-In type there was no corre-lation inpolitical value and the order of cloth-ing values showing high correlation was theor-etical social economic and religious value. 5. The aesthetic valu among and consti-tution types showed the lowest correlation of all correlation. By means of the about study results we may know that all women belong to three types think social value of the more important value than any other in clothing value. This is because grown-up women in korea prefer yet clothing of the harmonic and similar type to this of individual type.

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Synthesis of homovanillic amide derivatives and their analgesic activity

  • Lim, Hee-Jong;Jung, Young-Sik;Ha, Deok-Chan;Seong, Churl-Min;Lee, Jong-Cheol;Choi, Jin-Il;Choi, Seung-Won;Han, Man-So;Lee, Kwang-Sook;Park, No-Sang
    • Archives of Pharmacal Research
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    • 제19권3호
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    • pp.246-247
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    • 1996
  • In the previous reports (Park et al., 1991, and 1993), we described the synthesis and analgesic effects of various homovanillic amides as analogs of capsaicin. In the study, we tried to enhance the analgesic actvity of capsaicin by structural modification. Our study has been performed in three directions. First, the amide bond of capsaicin was transposed. Second, a phenyl ring was introduced to replace a double bond of capsaicin. Finally, aminoethylation was performed on 4-hydroxy group of capsaicin to improve oral bioavailability. These studies have led to N-(3-phenylpropyl)homovanillic amide 2 which has high analgesic activity. Our continuing efforts in this area have focused on the introduction of various substituents on the phenyl ring of 2 as well as their pharmacological studies. We report herein the synthesis of homovanillic amide derivatives and their analgesic activity.

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저항패션이 모패션으로 전이된 현상에 관한 연구 -히피풍을 중심으로- (study on the Transfeal Phenomenon of Anti-fashion into Mother-fashion -In the Case of Hippie Look-)

  • 박명희
    • 복식
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    • 제28권
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    • pp.239-253
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    • 1996
  • The purpose of this dissertation is to exam-ine the hippie look which is one of the most popular fashion trends in the early 90s, in re-lation to the hippie style in 60s and cultural restoration. in order to investigate the re-lationship this dissertation studies the trans-feral phenomenon of anti-fashion into mother fashion in the basis of social and clutural theories. hippie culture is the anti-culture which appeared in America in the late 60s, it tried to create a new culture by subverting the ruling class culture with their combative life style and peculiar appearance which are distinguished from mother culture. First of all to examine the inner symbolic meaning and outer shape of the hippie style I divided the characteristics of the hippies into ideology social value and attitude on sex. in the aspect of ideology the hippie show strong subjectivity while mother culture shows ob-jectivity. in social value the hippie has the resisting chaacteristics while mother culture has the conformative characteristics. In the aspect of sex the hippie tries to break the fixed idea of mother culture. Hippie culture as anti-culture is symbolically expressed in hippie style fashion which is dif-ferent from mother fashion in shape. There-fore the inner meaning and the outer shape of the hippie style shows strong characteristics of anti-fashion. Hippie style as anti-fashion has an effect on high fashion in the late 60s and the early 70s and on hippie look which is restored in 90s. however hippie-look in 90s is a mother-fashion in which all symbolic mean-ings of the hippie style are weakened and the only outer shape of hippie style is presented and suggested. It doesn't show any cultural backgrounds ideology social value and new attitude on sex of the hippies. The transferal phenomenon of anti-fashion into mother-fashion is summarized as follows. First in the process of tranference to highfashion in 60s and 70s and hippie-look in 90s the resistance of the hippie style is weakened and only suggested through the outer look. Second the hippie style which reappeared in the high fashion and mother fashion in 90s are layered look military uniform mode flower print grunge look romantic look peasant look ethnic look gypsy style handicraft ornaments working suit style handicraft ornaments working suit style and the use of the see-through cloth. Third the fact that the popular and high fashion were influenced by anti fashion in 60s proves filter-up theory in fashion adaption theory. As I examined before the ideology of the hippies are faded in high fashion in 60s-70s and hippie-look in 90s. The symbolic meaning of the hippie style is also weakened and only presented as a fashion trend.

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심폐바이패스시 대동맥캐늘라에 대한 M-NUMBER의 임상 적용 (Clinical Application of M-number for Aortic Cannulas During Cardiopulmonary Bypass)

  • 김원곤;박성식
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제29권5호
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    • pp.510-516
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    • 1996
  • 심폐바이패스시 사용되는 캐늘라의 ,EB거는 전통적으로 French number로 표시되어 왔다. 그러나 이 표시법은 단순히 캐늘라의 외경 만을 나타낼 뿐이지 캐늘라의 중요한 특성인 압력-유량 관계를 나타내 지는 못한다. 최근 캐늘라의 압력-유량 특성을 잘 나타낼 수있는 M-number라는 새로운 표시법이 개발 되었다. 이 방법에 의하면 어떤 캐늘라의 M-number를 실험적으로 측정하여 알게 되면 그 캐늘라의 압 력-유량 관계를 손쉽게 파악할 수있는 것으로 보고되고 있다. 이런 관점에서 과연 실험적으로 측정된 M-number가 실제 임상적으로 심폐바이 패스에 적용될때 어떤 상관 관계를 가지는가를 분석하기 위해 모두 50명의 소아 심장환자에서 심폐바이패스시 사용되는 3가 지 크기의 대동맥 캐늘라(Argyle 10 Fr, 14 Fr, 16 Fr)를 대상으로 조사하였다. 조사 결과 실험적으로 산 출된 M-number와 임상 M-number 간에는 강한 상관 관계가 있었으며 전체적으로 임상 M-number가 실 험 M-number에 비해 0.35~0.55정도 높은 수치를 보였다. 임상 M-number는 또한 체온이 하강할수록 그 수치가 증가하는 즉 체온과는 역의 상관 관계를 보였는데 이는 저 체온으로 인한 態\ulcorner점도의 상승 때 문으로 판단되었다. 체온 하강에 따를 M-number의 이러한 변화는 높은 M-number 를 가진 캐늘라에서 더 현저하게 관찰되었다. 결론적으료 실험적으로 측정된 M-number는 심폐바이패스시 대동맥캐늘라에 임상 적용될 때의 M-number와 강한 상관 관계를 보였으며 또한 체온 하강에 따라 유의한 영향을 보였다.

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