• Title/Summary/Keyword: proper government

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The Government Approach to the Eipty Nucleus (지배음운론에서 본 'ㅡ'모음)

  • Heo Yong
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    • no.19_20
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    • pp.58-87
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    • 1990
  • According to Government Phonology, at 1 phonological positions save the domain's head must be licensed in order to appear in the syllable structure. A non-nuclear head is licensed by the following nucleus, and the nuclei with phonetic content are licensed through government by the nuclear head of the domain at the level of the nuclear projection. Therefore, in the theory of Government Phonology it is claimed that words always end with a nucleus. With regard to the licensing of empty nuclei, Kaye(1990a) proposes the 'Empty Category Principle' and its sub-theory of 'Projection Government'. Government Phonology claims that a nucleus which dominates a vowel that regularly undergoes elision in certain contexts is underlyingly empty. This underlying empty nucleus is not manifested phonetically when it is properly governed by an unlicensed(i, e, a nucleus filled with a full vowel). It is when proper government fails to apply, that the empty nucleus is phonetically Interpreted. The purpose of this paper is to present a principled account of the process of $[i]{\Leftrightarrow}{\emptyset}$ alternation in Korean. Following Kaye's proposal, we assume that [i] of Korean is underlyingly empty. This position is pronounced as [i] if it is unlicensed, and is not phonetically realized if is licensed. Empty nuclei ape devided into two categories: domain-internal and domain-final. Firstly, we consider the question why Korean has little word ending with [i]. As for this, ECP states that domain-final empty nuclei are not pronounced if the language licenses domain-final empty nuclei. Whether a final empty nucleus may occur in the structure is parametric variation. This property is seen from the fact that words may appear to end in consonants in this language. Since Korean abounds with words ending in a consonant, it licenses domain-final empty nuclei. Therefore, it is quite natural that Korean has little word ending with [i]. Secondly, word-internal empty nuclei of Korean respect proper government and inter-onset government. That is, an empty nucleus in word-internal position will be pronounced with the vowel [i] if either proper government or inter-onset government fail to apply. Inter-onset government refers to the government established between two onsets across an empty nucleus. Thirdly, we consider words ending with [i], which seems to be exceptional to the final licensing. Host of them are. either mono-syllabic verbs(for instance, [s'i-] 'to write') or derived adjectives ending with [p'i] (for instance, [kip'i-] 'be happy'). As for the former, the 'inaccessibility for proper government' is applied because the empty nucleus appears in the first syllable. In latter case, domain-final empty nuclei are pronounced as [i] because of government-licensing. That is, final empty nucleus is pronounced to license the preceding onset dominating negatively charmed segments which empty nucleus of Korean cannot license.

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A Study on the Korean CALS Conception and Introduction Policy Trend (한국적CALS의 개념 정립과 도입정책방향에 대한 연구)

  • 김철환;김부국;임영석
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.5-26
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    • 1996
  • This paper aims to present a prospective trend to establish a proper CALS conception and an efficient CALS environment in Korea.. It is crucial at this point for Korea to develop a comprehensive CALS conception which considers our present economic and social situation, national security, and our national emotion. Korean CALS has been developed and led mainly by the government and private industry. It is now necessary to improve CALS conception in Korea by making CALS standard more interchangeable among international as well as domestic business fields through EDI and the automation of the industries along with the government. In this regard, this paper proposes three potential methods to accomplish this goal and discuss each of them in detail. First, we suggest to establish a proper CALS introduction policy on the government level. We propose an introduction policy with three phases such as introduction, spreading and target which will cover through the year 1996 to 2007. Second. we suggest to establish a proper CALS standardization policy by improving the acquisition of digital data and process, and modernizing infrastructure. Third, we suggest that the government should amend and enforce the necessary laws and acts for more efficient CALS implementation in Korea. Government should arrange for these acts to be applied not optionally but obligatorily to Korean enterprises so that they survive the harsh and competitive world market in the upcoming 21th century.

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Suggestions for Increasing Physical Activity Levels of Korean Older Adults: A Public Health Perspective (국내 고령자 신체활동 활성화를 위한 기본전제)

  • Hong, Seung-Youn
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.362-365
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    • 2010
  • 2010 is the year when the Korean baby boomer generation faces retirement. With the need for affective strategies to keep this population healthy, the government has placed much effort to increase the regular physical activity (PA) level of older adults. Yet the prevalence of active seniors is still relatively low. This paper reviews the recent government strategies and efforts to enhance the physical activity levels of older adults and the PA programs provided in the community settings by major organizations and institutions. In addition, the problems of the current approaches are shown, and based on a review, the author provides five suggestions for promoting the PA level of older adults as follows. First, specific physical activity goals and objectives for older adults should be included in the National Health Plan 2020. Second, the recommendations for PA for seniors, which include a proper intensity, duration and frequency of exercise, should be provided. Third, the role of organizations and institutions should be rearranged for the proper dissemination of government provided community-based exercise programs. Fourth, a standard quality-control system should be provided, and finally, an evidence-based exercise program, which should be specifically created for the older Korean population, should be developed. Physical activity offers opportunities for people to extend the years of their active independent life and reduce functional limitations. To maximize the effects of government efforts to promote PA for seniors, we feel the comments provided in this paper should be closely examined.

A Study on the Timeliness of Government Support Policy for Mid and Small-Size Companies Based on System Thinking (시스템 사고를 적용한 효과적인 정부의 중소기업지원 시점 연구)

  • Oh, Sang-Young
    • Korean System Dynamics Review
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.21-34
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    • 2006
  • Korean Government has carried out various support policies for small and midium size enterprises(SMEs). However, effect of the policy might not be realized in short term or the policy has turned out in fail. We found out the time of support is also important. Thus we propose that government should figure out the proper time to support funds according to the companies status(Technology, Production, Marketing) based on System Thinking.

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A study on intelligent fish-drying process control system

  • Nakamura, Makoto;Shiragami, Teizoh;Sakai, Yoshiro
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1993.10b
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    • pp.132-137
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    • 1993
  • In this paper, a fish drying process control system is proposed, which predicts the proper change with time in weight of the material fish and the drying conditions in advance, based on the performance of skilled worker. In order to implement a human expertise into an automated fish drying process control system, an experimental analysis is made and a model for the process is built. The proposed system divided into two procedures: The procedure before drying and the one during drying. The procedure before drying is for the prediction of necessary drying time. To estimate the necessary drying time, first, the proper change in weight for the product is obtained by using fuzzy reasoning. The condition part of the production rule consists of the factors of fish body and the expected degree of dryness. Kext, the necessary drying time is obtained by regression models. The variables employed in the models are the factors, inferred change in weight and drying conditions. The model for the procedure during drying is also proposed for more accurate estimation, which is described by a system of linear-differential equations.

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A fish-drying control method based on skilled worker's performance

  • Nakamura, Makoto;Fujimoto, Masakatsu;Sakai, Yoshiro
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1994.10a
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    • pp.379-384
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    • 1994
  • In this paper, a fish-drying control method is proposed, which utilizes prediction of proper change in- weight of material fish based on skilled worker's performance. The function of the proposed system is largely broken down into two procedures: The procedure before drying and the one during drying. The procedure before drying is the determination of necessary drying conditions and the required drying time. Required drying time and proper changes in weight for a specific product are obtained by using fuzzy inference and regression models. The procedure during drying is the prediction of the state of material at the end of drying, or the state of product and regulation of drying conditions to attain the prescribed goal before drying. The prediction of product is obtained by using a set of linear-differential equations obtained by the authors' previous work. Drying conditions are regulated by using fuzzy inference. A good agreement between the results of simulation and experiments is obtained, which implies the usefulness of the present control method.

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A comparative study between French schwa and Korean [i] - An experimental phonetic and phonological perspective -

  • Lee, Eun-Yung;Kim, Seon-Jung
    • Speech Sciences
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.171-186
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    • 2000
  • The aim of this paper is to investigate the acoustic characteristics of the French vowel [e] and Korean [i] and to seek a way of understanding them from a phonological point of view. These two vowels have similar distributional properties, i.e. they alternate with zero in some contexts. Therefore, in both languages, they are not found when immediately followed by a nucleus with phonetic content and in word-final positions. We firstly compare the two vowels by measuring the actual frequencies of the formants, pitch and energy using CSL. We also consider whether the realisation of the two vowels is affected by the speed of speech sounds. In order to show that realisation of the two vowels in both languages is not arbitrary, rather predicted, we will introduce the notion of proper government, proposed and developed by Kaye (1987, 1990) and Charette (1991).

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A Simulation Model Construction for Performance Evaluation of Public Innovation Project

  • Koh, Chan
    • 한국디지털정책학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2006.06a
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    • pp.87-109
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this paper is to examine the present performance evaluation methods and to make Monte Carlo Simulation Model for the IT-based Government innovation project. It is suggested the proper ways in applying of Monte Carlo Simulation Model by integration of present evaluation methods. It develops the theoretical framework for this paper, examining the existing literature on proposing an approach to the key concepts of the economic impact analysis methods. It examines the actual conditions of performance evaluation focusing on the It-based Government Innovation project. It considers how the simulation model is applied to the performance management in the public innovation project focusing on the framework, process and procedure of performance management.

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Analyzing Safety Factors of Swimming Pool

  • KWON, Yeon Taek;SEO, Myung Seok;SEO, Won Jae
    • Journal of Sport and Applied Science
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.11-15
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: Swimming industry is improving faster than the other types of sport industries and populations of participating swimming are promptly increasing. Lack of recognition of fire safety in swimming facilities is issues related-studies has only recently begun to pay attention. This study is to review and extract fire safety factors for managing swimming pool. Research design, data, and methodology: The study reviewed related-ordinances, governmental documents, and studies discussing safety management of sport facility. Given the literature review, the study produced an initial construct presenting items and factors including fire safety elements and experts' review were conducted to ensure conceptual validity. Finally, the study generated the final factors and subitems representing fire safety elements for swimming pool management. Results: The study confirms factors and elements as follows: the study identifies fire safety equipments as first factors presenting fire extinguisher' place, its proper run, check list and so forth, Second factor is warning system including fire warning equipment, its proper operation, sprinkler and its proper operation, switch and lamp of emergency panel and their proper run and so on. Third factor is evacuation system including a fire exit, exit sign, broadcasting equipment, and their proper operation, and so on. The other factors are an electronic equipment and its subelements, gas management including safety management of LPG, gas valve, pipe, and fire prevention facility including a fire door and its proper operating. Conclusions: Regarding safety management of swimming pool, further discussions and implications were made, and future directions for related-studies were discussed.

The Current Condition and Political Significance of Awareness of Local Government - Centering on the Awareness among Participants in Chungnam - (지방자치의식 실태와 정책적 함의 - 충남의 참여자별 인식을 중심으로 -)

  • Ko, Seung-Hee
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2008
  • As local government is of great importance for the sake of advancement of the political system based on national participation in politics and recognition for autonomy, it is proper to appreciate the need and come up with strategies so that the local government can be successfully established and developed. Therefore, a survey was conducted among residents, civil officials, and local councils, who are the main bodies of local government. As a Jesuit, it turned out that there were problems in terms of specialty and integrity, that there are potential risks of local or group egoism, and that political indifference is getting intensified among some residents, and even they tend to avoid participation. This result indicates that there are needs for the establishment of the recognition and efforts for consistent reconsideration among participants.