• Title/Summary/Keyword: product strategy

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Improvement Strategy According to the Change of Hotel Environment

  • Lim, Heon-Wook;Seo, Dae-Sung
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.72-79
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    • 2021
  • This study is to develop a strategy to prepare an improvement strategy according to the environmental change of the hotel. Currently, domestic hotels are implementing marketing through food and beverage as a countermeasure against the sales decrease, and in order to develop effective marketing plan, 5 Force Model environmental analysis and STP analysis are analyzed. 5 Force Model Environmental Analysis showed that domestic hotels are facing various difficulties such as the expansion of accommodation sharing system, the decrease of Chinese tourists due to the THAAD problem, the increase of hotels, the introduction of PMS, the increase of minimum wage, the introduction of 52 hours work week, and the increase in product preference As an STP response strategy to correspond these difficulties, it is necessary to develop products for the main customers of the hotel food and beverage, such as those in the 20s-30s, the workers, smartphones and SNS users. And also hotels should seek ways to lower price of the product to the level desired by the user to compete against substitutes. In conclusion we suggest that hotels are committed to fulfilling their role by meeting guest safety and COVID-19 compliance requirements, but a focus on immediate cleanliness and quarantine against infectious diseases, like Airbnb, will enable greater growth.

Product Image Concentration System as a Design Strategy to Build Corporate Brand Image (기업 브랜드 이미지 구축을 위한 디자인 전략으로서의 제품 이미지 집중 체계)

  • Kim, Hyun
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.375-384
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    • 2003
  • This study is on the strategy for establishing successful corporate brand image, by understanding the need for increasing brand value based on the level of brand recognition. In order to carry this out, the PICS (Product Image Concentration System) is suggested, which includes Brand Image Analysis on a high-level, Product Image Programming based on the result of the image analysis, and Product Image Coherency Assessment and Management, resulting in setting up a guideline for gaining competitive advantage and brand management. Brand Image Analysis is a method that utilizes image association to understand brand disposition by analyzing the association pattern among available visual materials to measure the corporate and brand image inclinations. As the next step, Product Image Programming establishes design philosophy and principles based on the analysis of brand image, and the Visual Programming is a process for visualizing the intended product image direction. Lastly, Product Image Coherency Assessment examines whether to incorporate design philosophy and principles or not to arrive at an agreed evaluation criteria for developing designs coherent with the brand image. The PICS (Product Image Concentration System) is a practical method for increasing a company' competitive advantage and managing brand. The expectation on this system is to provide a guideline for applying brand image in design process more objectively. For further study, diversification of image spectrum based on expressive keywords and comparative analysis on images as well as a product image interpretation program to understand the order of visual materials will be necessary.

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Success Strategy of Yuhan-Kimberly's Huggies Magic Panty through Product Repositioning (제품 리포지셔닝을 통한 유한킴벌리 <하기스 매직팬티>의 성공전략)

  • Park, Heung Soo;Choi, Sun-Mi;Kang, Seong Ho;Kwon, Gae Eun
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.185-203
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    • 2009
  • Yuhan Kimberly, a joint-venture company of Korean Yuhan Company and American Kimberly-Clark, opened a premium diaper market in Korea by launching Pull-Ups which was pants-typed diapers in 1993. Pull-Ups was imported as finished goods from Kimberly-Clark. However, in spite of its huge market share in United States, it failed to land down in Korean market because of wrong positioning strategy which did not consider domestic customers' tastes. In 1996, Yuhan-Kimberly brought out a pants-typed diaper, Huggies-Toddler, to Korean market again. This paved the way for the combination of Kimberly-Clark's production power and Yuhan-Kimberly's marketing power and led to launch new product superior to Pull-Ups. However, this product was unsuccessful in the market because of wrong positioning which did not catch domestic customer's life styles such as cultural, environmental and habitual differences in toilet training, the cost increase coming from IMF crisis in Korea, weak trust within the company, weak trust within the company, and too much higher price than regular diapers. In 2005, Yuhan-Kimberly redeveloped new pants market business strategy. It was organically combined with winning product development plan, winning communication strategy and the market structure change through the pants market creation. Customer's habit, usage and attitude were studied with total 55 times market investigations. Also, all processes from planning to designing were executed in the customer's view by investigating product research, positioning research and advertisement research. Yuhan-Kimberly repositioned new product as a wearing diaper not as a toilet training diaper and launched Huggies Magic Panty as a premium product which had 25% higher price than previous Huggies. Huggies Magic Panty was recognized as a great hit product in domestic diaper market and the sales recorded 37.6 bill won in 2006, 57.2 bill won in 2007, and 90 bill won in 2008 since launching in 2005. The reason of Huggies Magic Panty's success was the repositioning strategy deduced from the precise check of customer's usage habit. It was the winning strategy of Huggies that were market investigation in order to survive in domestic baby goods market where a lot of companies struggled intensively, the exact positioning based on its market investigation and aggressive 360 degree communication strategy to give customers impressions efficiently.

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Study on Service Identity and Identity Framework

  • Kang, Hwa-Sun;Pan, Young-Hwan
    • Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.33-40
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    • 2012
  • Objective: Service industry has become the most important industry among various economic activities, as the percentage of service related industry in advanced nations is over 60% of their GDP and the percentage of service industry in South Korea, a traditional manufacturing nation, now takes up over 60% of the entire economy. Background: Such industry paradigm shift has changed consumers from those that simply purchased products into groups of people that evaluate the companies that manufacture products, thereby further intensifying competition among companies and increasing the importance of integrated communication between companies and consumers. However, the excessive existence of sub-identities that have been developed for integrated management of the existing corporate identities, as well as the undifferentiated general management strategies by companies are creating confusion not only for consumers but also for various corporate interest parties. In addition, service identity strategy has become the most important strategy than any other sub-identity strategies in forming corporate identity at the increased importance of corporate service in the era of service industry. However, the current domestic circumstance is that the concept of service identity has not been well established through specific related studies. Method: Accordingly, the existing academic and field studies on the corporate identity(CI), brand identity(BI) and product identity(PI) used for the communication with consumers were reviewed in this study to establish and summarize the concept of service identity(SI) that appeared at the service economization. Results: The purpose is to examine the kind of change that could be brought about by SI for the corporate integrated identity strategy developed through the existing corporate, brand & product image in order to present a new direct in corporate identity strategy according to the industry paradigm shift through a SI centered new corporate identity framework. Conclusion: For preparing the new era of service industry, the corporate integrated identity strategy must be integrate with concept of service identity and which is essential to differential from other companies. Application: The proposed concept and framework of service identity on this paper will help to understand and clearly define why service identity is important factor of the new idea of corporate identities.

Research of Functional Milk by Segmentation Strategy (세분화전략에 의한 기능성우유 패키지디자인 연구)

  • Lee, Jong-Woo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.377-385
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    • 2008
  • Nowadays, the demand of functional white milk has been augmented because of the widespread well-being popularity. Especially, in case of white milk, there are brisk efforts In segmentation of the functional product, in an effort to break through the limitation of creating new demands out of fixed demands and school meal service. The companies are also looking for the solution in the development of functional white milk in that they have no other way to increase the customers' demand, but the differentiation of the product, since the companies consider that content of white milks are exactly the same that there is no need to compete. Following this, the package design availed of the development of functional milk and took important charge of conveying and emphasizing the product's functional special quality and information to customers. Consequently, in this research, we will going to look at more desirable design differentiation strategy of functional milk by examining the basics of functional milk and by analysing the functional characteristic of current products and the expression strategy of package design.

A Market Development Strategy for WiBro Service (와이브로 서비스(WiBro service) 상용화를 위한 시장개발전략)

  • Kim, Youngchan;Jee, Kyoung-Yong;Kim, Moon-Koo;Kim, Jiyeon
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.71-92
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    • 2005
  • Given the rapid changes in consumer tastes, technology, and competition, companies must develop a steady stream of new products and services. To be a successful product or service and explore the available market, the target market consumers need to be fully acknowledged a new product or service's value or benefit. And at the same time, the presented benefit should satisfy the customer's needs and wants. Therefore, a firm must investigate the target consumers' needs and wants before launching the new product or service. In this paper, we suggest the marketing strategy for newly developed WiBro service in telecommunication industry. We focus on consumer-oriented marketing strategy as well as the technology development process. To explore the customer's value scheme, we employ a self-explicated approach for estimating the customer's part-worth of the different target market in the process of market development stage. And we present the marketing strategy for each market development stages as well.

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A Study on the Woman Oriented Sensibility in Product Design (여성적 감성을 반영한 제품디자인에 관한 연구)

  • Seo Hong-Seok
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.231-240
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    • 2005
  • The social participation and economic position of the woman come to be high, they are rising to the market as a core consumer and trend inventor leading the fashion. So that, we have to recognize the woman with one axis of product development, it is necessary to the product development and the strategy which it will put woman oriented sensibility in product design. From this research, it reviews the backgrounds from social culture and the economic marketing sides through the digital product recently, it analyzed the features of woman characteristic designs which is embossed the product. Also it connected actual product development, it developed a woman oriented sensibility audio which reflected a woman's consuming trend, life style and the preference product style. It proposed the necessity of woman oriented product development ultimately and researched the product design strategy for the reflection of woman sensibility.

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The Effects of Entrepreneurship Orientation and Absorptive Capacity on Corporate Performance : Focusing on Mediating Effects of Product Innovation Performance (기업가지향성 및 흡수역량이 기업성과에 미치는 영향 : 제품혁신성과의 매개효과 중심으로)

  • Lim, Jonghwa;Kim, Byung-Keun
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.1536-1576
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    • 2018
  • This study aims at investigating the path in which entrepreneurial orientation and absorptive capacity, which have a significant influence on the corporate performance of SMEs, are mediated through product innovation performance (product speed, product quality). For the empirical study, 233 questionnaires collected from 1775 SMEs including in Daejeon Techno Park start-ups were analyzed by using structural equation model. The empirical analysis shows that absorptive capacity and entrepreneurial orientation have a positive effect on performance through product innovation performance. Therefore, it is suggested that entrepreneurial orientation and absorptive capacity increase product innovation performance in terms of corporate strategy and external information utilization capability, and product innovation performance leads to performance. This paper suggests that entrepreneurial strategy and capacity to utilize external information are important for introducing high quality products faster than others in response to the external environment.

Developing an Efficient Promotion Strategy for a Multi-Product Retail Store : A Bayesian Network Application (빅데이터를 통한 대형할인매장 촉진활동 전략 분석 : 베이지언 네트워크기법 응용을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Bumsoo
    • Korean Management Science Review
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.15-33
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    • 2017
  • This paper considers a Bayesian Network analysis for understanding the heterogeneous cross-category effects of different promotion activities and developing an efficient overall promotion strategy for a large retail store. More specifically we differentiate price reduction promotion and floor promotion and study their heterogeneous effect on consumer purchase behavior under a market basket setting. We then utilize Bayesian networks in identifying complex association structure in market basket dataset by analyzing the effects of different promotional activities and also include the effects of time, family income and size. We find from our Bayesian network analysis that the dominant cross-category promotion effect of price promotion is the indirect effect whereas the dominant cross-category promotion effect of floor promotion is the direct effect. Also, among the demographic variables we find that family size of the household is linked with more product categories compared to income and see that there are differences in the extent of the effects by product category. Finally, we also show the existence of products acting as a network hub and how they can be utilized by retailers faced with a limited marketing budget and suggest a more efficient promotion strategy.

Success Strategy for New Product through Open Innovation: Hyndai Mobis (개방형 기술혁신을 통한 신제품 성공전략: 현대모비스(주))

  • Kim, Kun-Woo
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.998-1010
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    • 2009
  • Open Innovation is expanding worldwide as a new paradigm for technology development strategy to maximize return on investment of R&D according to recent change in knowledge environment. Although the interest in Open Innovation is increasing in domestic ground, the actual circumstance of domestic research and study regarding Open Innovation are insufficient. This study on case indicates what types of preparation and consideration are needed to enforce Open Innovation as a means of important technology development strategy through certain processes, which are applied to a new product in terms of management of technology.

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