• Title/Summary/Keyword: product strategy

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Analysis of Vertical Differentiation Strategy of a Monopolistic Company under Network Externality (망외부성이 존재하는 상품에 대한 독점 기업의 수직차별화 전략 분석)

  • Cho, Hyung-Rae;Rhee, Minho
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.159-166
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    • 2018
  • The proliferation of information technologies made it possible to produce information products of different versions at much lower cost comparing to traditional physical products. Thus it is common for information product manufacturers to consider vertically differentiated product line for more profit through improved market coverage. Another salient characteristic of most information product is network externality. Existing researches dealing with vertical differentiation and network externality usually assumed oligopolistic market where vertically differentiated products are provided by competing companies, respectively. Moreover, they analyzed the essentially dynamic characteristic of network externality statically. In this study, different from the previous researches, the vertical differentiation strategy of a monopolistic company under network externality is dynamically analyzed. We used a two-period model to accommodate the dynamic feature of network externality. Based on the two-period model, the profit maximizing solutions are analyzed. The results showed that a monopolistic company has no incentive to differentiate products vertically when the network externality is absent. On the contrary, when the network externality exists, the monopolistic company can derive more profit by vertically differentiating the product line. It is also shown that, for more profit, the monopolistic company should keep the quality difference between the high quality product and the low quality product as greater as possible.

A study on strategic countermeasure against product liability (중소기업 제조물 책임제도 운영 현황)

  • Park, Roh-Gook;Chang, Seog-Ju
    • Proceedings of the Safety Management and Science Conference
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    • 2011.04a
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    • pp.277-288
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    • 2011
  • Product liability as a process has developed significantly in the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The rapid introduction of product liability has recently been a prevalent phenomenon, as global changes arising from rapid development in science and the economy have resulted in a highly interconnected world economy. This thesis was established, based on current literature and business consulting cases in the position of companies, and is one of the operating subjects in a system for legal responsibility in manufactured products.

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A Study on the Factors Affecting Organizational Innovation Behavior of SMEs: Focused on the Moderate Effect of Work Experience and Rank (중소기업의 혁신행동에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구: 근무경력과 직급의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Kim, In Kwon;Kang, Shin Kee
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.75-89
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    • 2019
  • In the case of SMEs, entrepreneurship that organizes only core functions with the minimum number of people is increasing, and a responsibility management system focusing on core functions is emphasized, so that the interest in innovation behavior and survival strategy of enterprises is getting bigger. However, in the case of SMEs, it is not easy to pursue continuous innovation due to lack of capital and lack of professional manpower. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of SME on innovation behavior by selecting exploratory study and literature study for SMEs. The data for this study were 545 out of the total 600 copies distributed to employees in SMEs. The data were analyzed using SPSS 21.0 and amos18.0. First, product diversification, strategy formulation, and R & D have a significant effect on innovation behavior, and market diversification has no effect on innovation behavior. Second, working variables such as product diversification, market diversification, strategy formulation, and R & D do not control the influence of innovative behavior on innovation behavior. Third, the rank variable, which is the controlling variable, controls the magnitude of the effect of product diversification, market diversification, strategy formulation, and R & D on innovation behavior. As a result, corporate managers should lead the organization in order to promote product diversification, market diversification strategy, R & D and innovation activities. After discussing the conclusions and implications of this study, this study presented the direction of the research for the follow-up study.

Evaluation Strategy of Consumer Perception According to the Game Genre Positining (게임장르별 포지셔닝에 대한 소비자 지각도 평가 전략)

  • Lee, Ji-Hun
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.31-38
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    • 2005
  • Consumer perception evaluation depending on the game genre affects many parts of the corporate management including market share, gaining new consumer, maintaining consumer and competition. If consumer perceives a company and a product as bad image, gaining new consumer would be no more available, and enormous amount of time would have to be spent to recover from that bad image. However game companies tend to simply keep spontaneous marketing strategy with the enforcing marketing. Its results will be the short-term success sacrificing the long-term marketing opportunity In order to increase sales and market share, the consumer perception evaluation as well as evaluating the game product and the corporate image is necessary. This article gives emphasis on the general game analysis and formulating strategy in the general game genre rather than a certain corporation and a product. Analyzing a particular product, company, platform and nation is necessary and will be followed subsequently.

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A Study on the Impact on Management Performance of Hidden Champions Using Blue Ocean Strategy to Develop a New Product - Focusing on Food Manufacturers - (블루오션 전략을 활용한 강소기업의 신제품 개발이 경영성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 - 식품제조업체를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Hyung-Il;Shin, Young-Jae
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.42-49
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    • 2020
  • This study is an empirical research to find out the effect on the management performance of hidden champions of food manufacturing companies when using blue ocean strategy for new product development. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, we conducted a questionnaire survey on hidden champions in the domestic food manufacturing industry and proceeded empirical analysis. When small and medium-sized enterprises in food manufacturing industries develop a new product, searching for non-customer, rebuilding the market boundary, and linking the external networks have a significant impact on their management performance. However, the fair procedure did not have a significant effect on the management performance. In terms of relative influence, rebuilding the market boundary was most affecting, followed by searching for non-customer and linking the external networks. On the other hand, this study implicated the management performance of hidden champions of food manufacturing industries when new products is developed by using the blue ocean strategy. Obtained results are as follows. If small and medium-sized enterprises of food manufacturing industries develop new products, it will be able to improve the management performance by utilizing strategies such as searching for non-customer, rebuilding the market boundary, and linking the external networks. In particular, the rebuilding the market boundary among the blue ocean strategies has a relatively high impact on management performance.

A Study of Pace Strategy & Correlation of Product Liability Management Activity, Enterprise Value (제조물책임(製造物責任) 관리활동(管理活勳)과 기업가치(企業價値)간의 상관관계 및 대응전략(對應戰略) 연구)

  • Min, Dong-Seong;Chang, Seog-Ju;Park, Roh-Gook
    • 한국벤처창업학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.285-334
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    • 2008
  • The manager of manufacturing industry just not to have known to do related to the law of Product Liability that was put into operation in July 2002. The law of PL is a public law about defective product, which was established in order to compensate consumer's damages of property and body caused by product, to make sound society by the safety products and to take international competitiveness. The economic effects by the law of Product Liability are the increase of consumers relief production cost by the lawsuits. Product liability as a process has developed significantly in the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The rapid introduction of product liability has recently been a prevalent phenomenon, as global changes arising from rapid development in science and the economy have resulted in a highly interconnected world economy. This thesis was established, based on current literature and business consulting cases in the position of companies, and is one of the operating subjects in a system for legal responsibility in manufactured products. However, there are limitations in the fact that research theories are only able to present a theoretical model and directions. In this context, managers and personnel of multiple companies cannot adequately respond to the recently enforced Product Liability Act. The major findings are summarized as Product Liability Management Activity are positively Correlation of Enterprise Value.

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Effects of Essential Companywide Components of PL Response System on Company's PL Performance (전사적 PL 대응시스템의 핵심요인이 기업 성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Seo, Jun Hyeok;Bae, Sung Min
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.22-30
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    • 2017
  • PL (Product Liability) refers to the legal responsibility of a manufacturer or seller for bodily injuries or property losses caused by product defects. Therefore, it is important for companies to construct a product liability response system that strategically manage and effectively adapt to product liability. A PL response system refers to companywide operations of PL prevention (PLP) measures, product safety (PS) measures, and PL defense (PLD) measures appropriate for a company's scale and environment. To establish an enterprise product liability response system, each essential component of corporations should be systematically operated and maintained considering the scale and characteristics of the corporations. Essential components of PL response system is Strategy, Organization, Training, Technology, Investment, and Awareness. Role of essential components is that companies need specific strategies to secure product safety and protect customers from product defects, and appropriate organizations must be composed for effective operation of such strategies. The objective of this paper seeks to examine the relationships among the essential components of the product liability response system and PL performance. PL performance consists of positive performance and negative performance. In particular, positive performance include increased efforts in product or process innovation such as strengthening research and development (R&D) to produce safer products without defects. In order to carry out this research we obtained 98 questionnaire of manufacturing company. A summary of the analyses is as follows: First, the awareness and technology among essential components affect significantly to the positive performance. Second, the awareness and strategy among essential components negative affect to the negative performance.

A Study of Pace Strategy & Correlation of Product Liability Management Activity, Enterprise Value (제조물책임(製造物責任) 관리활동(管理活動)과 기업(企業) 가치(價値)간의 상관관계 및 대응전략(對應戰略) 연구)

  • Min, Dong-Seong;Chang, Seog-Ju;Park, Roh-Gook
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.17-65
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    • 2008
  • The manager of manufacturing industry just not to have known to do related to the law of Product Liability that was put into operation in July 2002. The law of PL is a public law about defective product, which was established in order to compensate consumer's damages of property and body caused by product, to make sound society by the safety products and to take international competitiveness. The economic effects by the law of Product Liability are the increase of consumers relief production cost by the lawsuits. Product liability as a process has developed significantly in the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The rapid introduction of product liability has recently been a prevalent phenomenon, as global changes arising from rapid development in science and the economy have resulted in a highly interconnected world economy. This thesis was established, based on current literature and business consulting cases in the position of companies, and is one of the operating subjects in a system for legal responsibility in manufactured products. However, there are limitations in the fact that research theories are only able to present a theoretical model and directions. In this context, managers and personnel of multiple companies cannot adequately respond to the recently enforced Product Liability Act. The major findings are summarized as Product Liability Management Activity are positively Correlation of Enterprise Value.

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Effects of Product Type and Characteristics of SNS Posting on Consumer Attitude (제품유형과 SNS포스트 특성이 소비자 태도에 미치는 영향)

  • Yea Ji Yeon;You Kexin;Chen Jiapeng;Guerin Tanya;Ma Meng;Cheol Park
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2024
  • A social networking service (SNS) is a system that allows users to freely communicate with each other to form a network of social connections and expand their network of contacts. Companies and brands use SNS marketing to provide information by creating their own content and sending it to consumers. Since companies can freely express the information they want to convey, it has become important to establish a promotional strategy that can increase consumers' intention to buy. Therefore, in this study, we categorized SNS posts into simple product exposure and ostentatious self-expression, and selected the product type to find out how consumers form attitudes toward SNS posts. The experimental design was a 2X2 factorial design with SNS post type (simple exposure, ostentatious self-expression) x product type (material goods, experiential goods), and 92 college students were tested. The results of the study showed that there was an interaction effect between SNS post type and product type, which supported the research hypotheses H1 to H3. In addition, this study attempted to verify the structural relationship between consumer attitude toward SNS posts and purchase intention through product attitude. It was found that product attitude fully mediated between consumer attitude and purchase intention. Therefore, this study empirically examined consumer attitudes toward various types of posts to determine which types of posts trigger SNS users' purchase intentions. We also confirmed the mediating effect of consumer attitude on product attitude and intention to purchase. Therefore, based on the differences in SNS users' attitudes when posting their products, this study suggests an efficient SNS marketing strategy for companies to shape product attitudes and purchase intentions.

Platform Strategy and Market Response Impact on the Success of Crowdfunding: A Chinese Case

  • Guo, Li;Zhou, Dongmei;Chen, Yang;Huy, Ratanak
    • Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.397-409
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    • 2015
  • Nowadays, crowdfunding presents a promising development. This research focuses on the influence of platform strategy and market response on the success of crowdfunding from the perspective of the elaboration likelihood model (ELM) theory. Detailed product specifications, crowdfunding difficulty coefficient, vivid advertising video such as introduction and music, and recommendations from relevant figures are all used to depict platform strategy. Meanwhile, we use the number of lovers, followers, comments and 1 RMB backers to measure the level of market response. And thus, we model the impact of platform strategy and market response on crowdfunding success with empirical studies based on 400 samples of observed value. We found firstly that there exist significant positive relations between the total amount of funds pledged and detailed product specification, vivid advertising video, recommendations from relevant figures and the number of 1 RMB backers. Secondly, the crowdfunding difficulty of projects affects negatively, and significantly, the total amount of funds pledged. Thirdly, the influence of the number of lovers and followers on funds pledged is not significant.