• Title/Summary/Keyword: power regulation

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Precision Speed Control of PMSM Using Disturbance Observer and Parameter Compensator (외란관측기와 파라미터 보상기를 이용한 PMSM의 정밀속도제어)

  • 고종선;이택호;김칠환;이상설
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.98-106
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    • 2001
  • This paper presents external load disturbance compensation that used to deadbeat load torque observer and regulation of the compensation gain by parameter estimator. As a result, the response of PMSM follows that of the nominal plant. The load torque compensation method is compose of a dead beat observer that is well-known method. However it has disadvantage such as a noise amplification effect. To reduce of the effect, the post-filter, which is implemented by MA process, is proposed. The parameter compensator with RLSM(recursive least square method) parameter estimator is suggested to increase the performance of the load torque observer and main controller. Although RLSM estimator is one of the most effective methods for online parameter identification, it is difficult to obtain unbiased result in this application. It is caused by disturbed dynamic model with external torque. The proposed RLSM estimator is combined with a high performance torque observer to resolve the problems. As a result, the proposed control system becomes a robust and precise system against the load torque and the parameter variation. A stability and usefulness, through the verified computer simulation and experiment, are shown in this paper.

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The Japan Health Physics Society Guideline on Dose Monitoring for the Lens of the Eye

  • Yokoyama, Sumi;Tsujimura, Norio;Hashimoto, Makoto;Yoshitomi, Hiroshi;Kato, Masahiro;Kurosawa, Tadahiro;Tatsuzaki, Hideo;Sekiguchi, Hiroshi;Koguchi, Yasuhiro;Ono, Koji;Akiyoshi, Masahumi;Kunugita, Naoki;Natsuhori, Masahiro;Natsume, Yoshinori;Nabatame, Kuniaki;Kawashima, Tsunenori;Takagi, Shunji;Ohno, Kazuko;Iwai, Satoshi
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2022
  • Background: In Japan, new regulations that revise the dose limit for the lens of the eye (hereafter the lens), operational quantities, and measurement positions for the lens dose were enforced in April 2021. Based on the international safety standards, national guidelines, the results of the Radiation Safety Research Promotion Fund of the Nuclear Regulation Authority, and other studies, the Working Group of Radiation Protection Standardization Committee, the Japan Health Physics Society (JHPS) developed a guideline for radiation dose monitoring for the lens. Materials and Methods: The Working Group of the JHPS discussed the criteria of non-uniform exposure and the management criteria set not to exceed the dose limit for the lens. Results and Discussion: In July 2020, the JHPS guideline was published. The guideline consists of three parts: main text, explanations, and 26 examples. In the questions, the corresponding answers were prepared, and specific examples were provided to enable similar cases to be addressed. Conclusion: With the development of the guideline on radiation dose monitoring of the lens, radiation managers and workers will be able to smoothly comply with revised regulations and optimize radiation protection.

Effects of Pre-Service Elementary Teachers' Scientific Self-Efficacy by Science Motivation according to the Academic Track in High School (예비 초등 교사의 고등학교 재학 시 진로 계열에 따른 과학적 자기 효능감이 과학 동기에 미치는 영향)

  • Hyundong Lee
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.63-74
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    • 2023
  • This study aims to investigate the effects of pre-service elementary teachers' scientific self-efficacy by science motivation according to the academic track in high school. The subjects of this study were 525 pre-service elementary teachers of which 350 pre-service elementary teachers were selected from the humanities and social sciences track in high school and 175 pre-service elementary teachers were selected from the science-engineering track in high school. In order to investigate the difference between scientific self-efficacy and science motivation among pre-service elementary teachers, Independent sample t-test and Cohen's d were done. In order to find out about the Influencing of scientific self-efficacy on science motivation, multiple regression analysis was used. The results of this study were as follows: First, there were statistically significant differences in scientific self-efficacy and science motivation, and the average of pre-service elementary teachers who selected science-engineering were significantly higher. Second, explanation power of scientific self-efficacy on science motivation appeared as 66.7~68.3%. The explanatory power of pre-service elementary teachers' who selected humanities and social sciences were higher. The relative importance was high in task difficulty preference factor to humanities and social sciences, was high in self-regulation efficacy to science-engineering. In conclusion, in order for pre-service elementary teachers to achieve high achievement and motivation in science subjects, and to teach science well to students in the school field, teacher education that can improve scientific self-efficacy should be conducted.

NUWARD SMR safety approach and licensing objectives for international deployment

  • D. Francis;S. Beils
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.56 no.3
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    • pp.1029-1036
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    • 2024
  • Drawing on the deep experience and understanding of the principles of nuclear safety, as well as many years of nuclear power plant design and operation, the EDF led NUWARD SMR Project is developing a design for a Small Modular Reactor (SMR) of 340 MWe composed of two 170 MWe independent units, that will supplement the offering of high-output nuclear reactors, especially in response to specific needs such as replacement of fossil-fuelled power plants. NUWARD SMR is a mix of proven and innovative design features that will make it more commercially competitive, while integrating safety features that comply with the highest international standards. Following the principles of redundancy and diversity and rigorous application of Defence in Depth (DID), with an international view on nuclear safety licensing, the Project also incorporates new safety approaches into its design development. The NUWARD SMR Project has been in development for a number of years, it entered conceptual design formally in mid-2019 and entered Basic Design in 2023. The objective of the concept design phase was to confirm the project technological choices and to define the first design configuration of the NUWARD SMR product, to document it, in order to launch pre-licensing with the French Safety Authority (ASN) and to define its estimated cost and its subsequent development and construction schedules. As a delivery milestone the Safety Options file (called the Dossier d'Options de Sûreté (DOS)) has been submitted to ASN in July 2023 for their opinion. An integral part of the NUWARD SMR Project, is not only to deliver a design suitable for France and to satisfy French regulation, but to develop a product suitable and indeed desirable, for the international market, with a first focus in Europe. In order to achieve its objectives and realise its market potential, the NUWARD SMR Project needs to define and realise its safety approach within an international environment and that is the key subject of this paper. The following paper: • Summarises the foundation principles and technological background which underpin the design; • Contextualises the key design features with regard to the international safety regulatory framework with particular emphasis on innovative passive safety aspects; • Illustrates the Project activities in preparation for first licensing in France, and also a wider international view via the ASN led Joint Early Review of the NUWARD SMR design, including Finnish and Czech Republic regulators, recently joined by the Swedish, Polish and Dutch regulators; • Articulates the collaborative approach to design development from involvement with the Project partners (the Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA), Naval Group, TechnicAtome, Framatome and Tractebel) to the establishment of the International NUWARD Advisory Board (INAB), to gain greater international insight and advice; • Concludes with the focus on next steps into detailed design development, standardisation of the design and its simplification to enhance its commercial competitiveness in a context of further harmonisation of the nuclear safety and licensing requirements and aspirations.

A Study on Improvement of Test Method of Nuclear Power Plant ESF ACS by applying Regulatory Guide 1.52 (Rev.3) (Reg. Guide 1.52(Rev.3)를 적용한 원전 ESF 공기정화계통 성능시험법 개선 연구)

  • Lee, Sook-Kyung;Kim, Kwang-Sin;Sohn, Soon-Hwan;Song, Kyu-Min;Lee, Kae-Woo;Park, Jeong-Seo;Cho, Byoung-Ho;Yoo, Byeang-Jea;Hong, Soon-Joon;Kang, Sun-Haeng
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.311-318
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    • 2010
  • U. S. NRC Regulation Guide 1.52 regulating ESF ACS in nuclear power plants has been revised to revision 3. To apply reduction of operability test time, allowance of alternative challenge agents for in-place leak test of HEPA filters, and upgrade of Methyl Iodide penetration acceptance criterion in activated carbon performance test suggested in Reg. Guide 1.52(Rev.3) on Yonggwang units 5 and 6 ESF ACSes, technical feasibility study was carried out with on-site experiments as well as experiments with a lab-scale model. It was confirmed that the moisture in the system returned to the level before the test in 1 or 4 days even though the moisture was removed during the operability test lasting more than 10 hours. Therefore, it is appropriate to perform monthly operability test in 15 minutes just long enough to check the operability of equipment. To change challenge material for in-place HEPA filter leak test, size of aerosol, production rate, and leak detection capability were compared for DOP and PAO. It was concluded that PAO can be substituted for DOP in nuclear power plants. The upgrade of Methyl Iodide penetration acceptance criterion from 0.175 % to 0.5 % in active carbon filter bed deeper than 4 inches was to conform to the change of activated carbon performance test method to ASTM D3803(1989). It was confirmed that Methyl Iodide penetration acceptance criterion of 0.5 % under $30^{\circ}C$, relative humidity 95 % condition was conservatively good enough for testing performance of active carbon insitu. The licence change of Yonggwang units 5 and 6 has been completed based on this study.

A Review on the Dominant Undertaking's Abuse in the Medical Device Market (시장지배적 의료기기 사업자의 경쟁제한적 차별행위 - 지멘스 사건을 중심으로 -)

  • Jeong, Jae Hun
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.81-119
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    • 2022
  • Medical device market is strongly related with health care market. Public regulation in medical device market tends to be more lenient than health care market. In this market, competition law, administrative law and intellectual property law are intertwined, and thereby a variety of legal issues could be developed. Recently, dominant undertaking's abuse case was dealt with KFTC(Korea Fair Trade Commission) and Seoul High Court. The issues were whether dominant undertaking discriminated trading partners and this discrimination was anticompetitive. In this case, Seoul High Court revoked the KFTC's decision, holding that the undertaking did not harm competition, though it has dominant power in the relevant medical device market. This decision would be a meaningful precedent, not only that there have been small numbers of dominance abuse cases in Korea, but also that this case happened in medical device market. This case dealt with various issues like market definition, market power, alleged abuse and its anticompetitive effect. The court held that medical device markets are distinguished from medical device repairing market. However, the court did not clarify that medical device repairing market is a single branded market only for repairing the plaintiff's medical devices. Second, plaintiff's dominance is based on the lock-in effect, which means that hospitals could not switch devices like CT or MRI from plaintiff to other competitors. This could be supplemented from the fact that medical devices are expensive and the using period are significantly long. However market definition based on single branded market theory could be applied in rare and exceptional cases. Therefore the general application of single branded market theory might result in overestimate of market power. This type of abuse pattern requires improper condition contrary to resonable trade practice. KFTC asserted free charge for plaintiff's copy right. However, it is not clear whether the cases for free charge are general or not. Even if so, the intention and motive of providers for free charge should be proved. The main issue of anticompetitive effect was whether plaintiff raised rival's cost. Competitor's cost was increased due to plaintiff's copy right and its license fee. However the charge for license could be within the scope of fair and legal exercise of copy right. If competitors are excluded due to legal exercise of copy right or efficiency, the exclusionary abuse could not be proved.

Economic and Political Responses to Globalization: Economic Restructuring and Local Government as an Entrepreneur (세계화에 따른 경제${\cdot}$정치적 동향: 경제재구조와 기업가로서의 지방정부)

  • Koh, Tae-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.662-671
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    • 1996
  • Since the world's economic and political structures have changed, the term 'globlization' has shown up as a dominant power and as a necessity for regional and national development. Each nation is responding to the globalization process economically and politically in various ways. In general, however, the economic response to the globalization is economic restructuring from the Fordist industries to 'flexible specialization'. And the political response to the globalization is 'global localization' as a new type of local politics(i.e., local policy activism or growth-enhancing local development policies). The crisis of Fordism shifted the role of local governments towards more involovement with local economic development. Local governments are mobilizing for loca economic development, they are taken into a process of institutional change that tends to redefine their responsibilities inside the state. Local governments thus tend to act as an entrepreneur in order to restructure theiir local economies and to compete with other national and international regions. State restructuring towards enerepreneurialism and efficient regional policy pursuing a pro-growth coalition trategy is chosen as a new mode of regulation for the post-Fordism at the local level. The flexible specialization as the post-Fordist economy and the local government as an entrepreneur are the global choice for globalization and a post-Fordist society. The paper focuses on the regulation theory which comprises the political economic perspective on resturcturing. Economic restructuring and state restructuring will be discussed in detail. And the paper tries to combine the economic globalization and the global localization as economic and political responses to globalization.

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Recent Developments in Space Law (우주법(宇宙法)의 최근동향(最近動向))

  • Choi, June-Sun
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.1
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    • pp.223-243
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    • 1989
  • The practical application of modern space science and technology have resulted in many actual and potential gains of mankind. These successes have conditioned and increased the need for a viable space law regime and the challenge of space has ultimately led to the formation of an international legal regime for space. Space law is no longer a primitive law. It is a modern law. Yet, in its stages of growth, it has not reached the condition of perfection. Therefore, under the existing state of thing, we could carefully say that the space law is one of the most newest fields of jurisprudence despite the fact that no one has so far defined it perfectly. However, if space law can be a true jurisprudential entity, it must be definable. In defining the space law, first of all, the grasp of it's nature iis inevitable. Although space law encompasses many tenets and facets of other legal discriplines, its principal nature is public international law, because space law affects and effects law relating intercourse among nations. Since early 1960s when mankind was first able to flight and stay in outer space, the necessity to control and administrate the space activities of human beings has growingly increased. The leading law-formulating agency to this purpose is the United Nation's ad hoc Committee on Peaceful Uses of Outer Space("COPUOS"). COPUOS gave direction to public international space law by establishing the 1963 Declaration of Legal Principles Governing the Activities of the States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space("1963 Declaration"). The 1963 Declaration is very foundation of the five international multilateral treaties that were established successively after the 1963 Declaration. The five treaties are as follows: 1) The Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space including Moon and other Celestial Bodies, 1967. 2) The Agreement on the Rescue of Astronauts, the Return of Astronauts, and the Return of Objects Launched into Outer Space, 1968. 3) The Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects, 1972. 4) The Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space, 1974. 5) The Agreement Governing Activities of States on the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies: Moon Treaty, 1979. The other face of space law is it's commercial aspect. Space is no longer the sole domination of governments. Many private enterprise have already moved directly or indirectly into space activities in the parts such as telecommunications and space manufacturing. Since space law as the public international law has already advanced in accordance with the developments of space science and technology, there left only a few areas untouched in this field of law. Therefore the possibility of rapid growth of space law is expected in the parts of commerical space law, as it is, at this time, in a nascent state. The resources of the space environment are also commercially both valuable and important since the resources include the tangible natural resources to be found on the moon and other celestial bodies. Other space-based resources are solar energy, geostationary and geosynchronous orbital positions, radio frequencies, area possibly suited to human habitations, all areas and materials lending themselves to scientific research and inquiry. Remote sensing, space manufacturing and space transportation services are also another potential areas in which commercial. endeavors of Mankind can be carried out. In this regard, space insurance is also one of the most important devices allowing mankind to proceed with commercial space venture. Thus, knowlege of how space insurance came into existence and what it covers is necessary to understand the legal issues peculiar to space law. As a conclusion the writer emphasized the international cooperation of all nations in space activities of mankind, because space commerce, by its nature, will give rise many legal issues of international scope and concern. Important national and world-community interests would be served over time through the acceptance of new international agreements relating to remote sencing, direct television broadcasting, the use of nuclear power sources in space, the regularization of the activities of space transportation systems. standards respecting contamination and pollution, and a practical boundary between outer space and air space. If space activity regulation does not move beyond the national level, the peaceful exploration of space for all mankind will not be realized. For the efficient regulation on private and governmental space activities, the creation of an international space agency, similar to the International Civil Aviation Organization but modified to meet the needs of space technology, will be required. But prior to creation of an international organization, it will be necessary to establish, at national level, the Office of Air and Space Bureau, which will administrate liscence liscence application process, safety review and sale of launch equipment, and will carry out launch service.

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Problems Analysis Related to Nutrition and the Development of Nutrition Education Programs for High School Students(II) - A Study Centered on the Development of Nutrition Education Programs for High School Students - (고등학생의 영양 관련 문제점 분석 및 영양 교육 프로그램 개발 ( II ) - 고등학생 대상 영양 교육 프로그램 개발 -)

  • Lee, Eun-Ju;Soh, Hye-Kyung;Choi, Bong-Soon
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.351-363
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    • 2007
  • Previously, we analyzed for nutrition knowledge and the use of nutrition knowledge in the everyday lives of students in order to develop nutrition education programs that focus on desirable behavior change. From this, we found that female students desired to participate in nutrition education more than male students, and regarding their concerns for nutrition education, 73.2% of the females and 50.0% of the males displayed interest in 'obesity and the regulation of body weight'. Therefore, this study showed female students give more attention to the obesity and the regulation of body weight than male students(p=.000<.001). In addition, female students had higher interests($8.63{\pm}1.67$) than male students ($7.45{\pm}2.03$) in nutrition knowledge(p=.000<.001). By investigating the use of nutrition knowledge in everyday life, our research indicated that the actual use of nutrition knowledge was less. To encourage students to persue dietary lives addressing the concerns confirmed above, the following needed to occur. 1) Provide them nutrition information for the main processed foodstuffs encountered when dining out(breads, cakes, cookies, and carbonated beverage). 2) Teach them to read food nutrition labels. 3) Help them find a lifestyle connection through lasting self-management methods and the generation of social support. Accordingly, this required developing effective and practical nutrition education programs that considered regional characteristics and gender differences. The most important factors considered during nutrition education program development were the need for motivation and ongoing education by stage of change, rather than temporal education through specific problem analysis, in order that those being educated may bring about a change of behavior by themselves. Therefore, from this study, we have suggested the use of multilateral operating strategies for successful nutrition education. In addition the phase model of behavior change should be applied. Our programs were aimed at self owned nutritional management so that students could master their own methods for acquiring skills and enjoying dietary life. The research may be summed up as follows. First, the purpose of education at the recognition stage of change was to attempt motivation for nutrition improvement, by analyzing the problems such as food buying habit and the main purchasing viewpoints when dining out. Second, the purpose of education at the action stage of change was to help students acquire of concrete methods for behavior modification by linking the program to their home as well as to teachers with various activities that suited the situation at school. This was done by analyzing the processes and decisions pertaining to dining out the main processed foodstuffs and principal components, etc. through data and experimental practice. Third, the purpose of education for changing of habits and values, or the maintenance stage, was to investigate the various reasons that undesirable behaviors were induced, and then determine a lasting self-management method as well as how to generate social support. If the nutrition education program developed in this study is utilized on site, someone in the primary role as the nutrition educator and trained specifically in nutrition, can help induce the health promotion in the community as well as lasting dietary management, by executing a link with families in parallel with educating teaching staff and students' parents. In addition, this program can playa role in the government policies related to the health promotion for our youth who are the foundation of our nation and who can enhance our national competitive power.

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Establishment Method of the Regulatory Framework for Communications Reflecting the Ecosystem Elements (생태계 요소를 반영한 방송통신 규제체계의 정립 방안)

  • Hong, Dae-Sik;Choe, Dong-Uk
    • Journal of Legislation Research
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    • no.41
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    • pp.401-434
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    • 2011
  • The discussion on the adoption of the horizontal regulatory framework is underway to overcome the problems regarding the vertical regulatory framework resulting from a convergence of broadcasting and telecommunications services. Recently, however, the horizontal regulatory framework shows its limitation to regulate the ecosystem established mainly by Google and Apple. The existing horizontal regulatory framework does not fully reflect the characteristics of the two-sided market and the change in the competition structure in the broadcasting and telecommunications sector. What is important to note is that if the existing horizontal regulatory framework is simply applied to the ecosystem, a regulatory imbalance can be caused among ecosystems. The existing horizontal regulatory framework, which is subject to a value chain structure, categorizes business entities into either contents layer or transmission layer and applies the same regulation to all business entities in the same category. However, in the ecosystem, a keystone-player can be categorized into different layers depending on its strategy. Therefore, if the existing horizontal regulatory framework is applied as it is, the regulatory imbalance between keystone-players located in less regulated areas and keystone-players located in more regulated areas occurs resulting in a distortion of competition. There are two possible ways to establish a new regulatory framework to prevent the distortion of competition likely to be caused by the adoption of a horizontal regulatory system. First, a new ecosystem regulatory framework different from the existing one can be established. Second, the horizontal regulatory framework can be modified to reflect the ecosystem elements. The first approach is hard to adopt given the current situation as the approach requires the analysis of all broadcasting and telecommunications ecosystems including mobile and wired services; currently research and study on the competition conditions in the ecosystems is not enough. Therefore, this paper supports the second approach proposing a modified horizontal regulatory framework through the improvement of institutions and remedies suitable for accommodating the ecosystem elements. This paper intends to propose a way to regulate broadcasting and telecommunications ecosystems taking into consideration the ecosystem elements on top of the Telecommunications Business Act, Broadcasting Act, IPTV Act, the competition condition evaluation system of the Basic Act on Broadcasting and Telecommunications Development, and regulation on common carriers under the Telecommunications Business Act.