• Title/Summary/Keyword: painting process

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A Study on Discoloration of Traditional Paintings by an Inorganic Pigment (무기 안료에 의한 전통회화의 변색 연구)

  • Kim, Dong Won;Kwak, Sam Tak;Seo, Yong Soo;Kim, Il Kyu;Moon, Myung Jun
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.567-571
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    • 2012
  • The discoloration of traditional paintings could be induced by various chemical reactions of inorganic pigments due to temperature, humidity, light and air pollution. In this study, we made artificial samples including azurite and malachite as inorganic pigments using the traditional method on hanji called 'Korean paper'and investigated the artificial aging process occurred by the interaction between pigments and environmental factors. It was found that the azurite was influenced by the humidity of weathering tests and the salt fog of salt spray tests according to XRD and TGA results. However, it was shown that the malachite was chemically changed by the ultraviolet radiation of weathering tests and UV radiation tests according to color difference and TGA results.

Design and Implementation of the Front part of an Agricultural Electric Vehicle based on Vacuum Forming using Computational Structural Analysis

  • Lee, Hun-Kee;Park, Myeong-Chul
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.26 no.10
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    • pp.45-51
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    • 2021
  • In this paper, we propose a 3D design method of the vacuum forming method of the front part to improve the lightness and production efficiency of agricultural electric vehicles. For agricultural electric vehicles, lightness and production efficiency are more important than the strength of materials for collision protection. In this paper, we propose a vacuum forming design method that can replace complex machining processes such as laser machining, bending, and painting. The main purpose of this research is to improve product stability, productivity and convenience through 3D design of the front part and development of vacuum forming mold technology. Research procedure follows the 3D modeling of the front part using CATIA, finite element analysis for the structural stability using ABAQUS, manufacturing prototype for the investigation of the dimensions using 3D scanner and actual driving test under agricultural electric vehicle usage environment. The results verifies the proposed 3D design method of the vacuum forming method and are expected to be widely used by agricultural workers through the simplification of the production process of agricultural electric vehicles.

A Study on the Color Characteristics in Klimt's Paintings (클림트 회화에 나타난 색채특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Jin-Yu;Kim, Ki-Seung
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.15-21
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    • 2021
  • The study aims to examine the connection between psychology in human unconsciousness and color, after looking at the meaning and symbolism of the characteristics and colors in Klimt's paintings from an analytical psychological point of view, Gustaf Jung's archetype theory. After analyzing Jung's archetype theory, First, in Klimt's paintings, the gold and yellow colorful decorations and patterns expressed desire with unconsciousness, sex, and especially a woman's desire for sex. The physical relationship between men and women is described as eros, life, and death. Second, the main colors in the paintings were blue, black green, gold, yellow, and orange, indicating anger and oppression, passion, desire, hope, and eroticism, and orange and yellow colors represented the inner healing colors of hope. Third, the artist's inner healing process contains color for himself and incorporates the inner unconsciousness and consciousness. The colors expressed in paintings are not only therapeutic meaning but also being conscious of inner unconsciousness, which is valuable as healing. Therefore, the color will be useful as a means of conveying psychological expression in the psychological counseling sessions.

Design and Implementation of Portable Electrostatic Meter Applicable to Industrial Site (산업 현장에 적용할 수 있는 휴대형 정전기 측정기 설계 및 구현)

  • Jang, Mun-Seok;Lee, Eung-Hyuk
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.23 no.6_2
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    • pp.971-977
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, We propose a portable electrostatic meter which can measure high voltage static electricity caused by friction to prevent fire or explosion accidents in grinding, crushing, power injection, transport, filling, dust removal, painting, and foreign matter removal processes. The proposed device not only shows static electricity strength in 4 steps with respect to distance and voltage but also gives warning with a buzzer, on process facilities that are likely to generate high voltage static electricity due to friction. The device is implemented by filtering the signal detected by the wireless antenna, amplifying the signal by 6 times, and passing the signal through the integrator circuit. Tests are carried out with an electrostatic discharge simulator. And the results show that 4 LEDs are turned on at the distance of 10cm, 3 LEDs at 12cm, 2 LEDs at 13cm, and 1 LED at 15cm, when a fixed voltage of 500V is given. And also, the tests show that the static electricity can be detected at 5cm on 100V, 10cm on 200V, 15cm on 500V, 20cm on 1000V, and 25cm on 1500V. We expect to reduce accidents caused by static electricity by allowing safety managers on fields where fire or explosion accidents can happen to monitor static electricity.

Comparison of Mechanical Properties on Helical/Hoop Hybrid Wound HNT Reinforced CFRP Pipe with Water Absorption Behavior (CFRP 파이프의 와인딩 적층 패턴 설계 및 HNT 나노입자 보강에 따른 수 환경에서의 기계적 물성 평가)

  • Choi, Ji-Su;Park, Soo-Jeong;Kim, Yun-Hae
    • Composites Research
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.174-179
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    • 2021
  • Currently, fluid transfer steel pipes take a lot of time and expense to maintain all facilities due to new construction and painting or corrosion and aging. Therefore, this study was conducted for designing a CFRP pipe structure with high corrosion resistance and chemical resistance as a substitute for steel pipes. The helical/hoop pattern was cross-laminated to improve durability, and HNT was added to suppress the moisture absorption phenomenon of the epoxy. The HNT/CFRP pipe was manufactured by a filament winding process, and performed a mechanical property test, and a moisture absorption test in distilled water at 70℃. As a result, the highest bending strength was obtained when the hoop pattern was laminated with a thickness equivalent to 0.6% of the pipe. The 0.5 wt% HNT specimen had the highest moisture absorption resistance. Also, the delamination phenomenon at the interlayer interface was delayed, resulting in the lowest strength reduction rate.

Selective labeling using image super resolution for improving the efficiency of object detection in low-resolution oriental paintings

  • Moon, Hyeyoung;Kim, Namgyu
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.27 no.9
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    • pp.21-32
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    • 2022
  • Image labeling must be preceded in order to perform object detection, and this task is considered a significant burden in building a deep learning model. Tens of thousands of images need to be trained for building a deep learning model, and human labelers have many limitations in labeling these images manually. In order to overcome these difficulties, this study proposes a method to perform object detection without significant performance degradation, even though labeling some images rather than the entire image. Specifically, in this study, low-resolution oriental painting images are converted into high-quality images using a super-resolution algorithm, and the effect of SSIM and PSNR derived in this process on the mAP of object detection is analyzed. We expect that the results of this study can contribute significantly to constructing deep learning models such as image classification, object detection, and image segmentation that require efficient image labeling.

Status of Handling Carcinogenic, Mutagenic, and Reproductive Toxic Materials Contained in Oil Paint-related Products used by Automobile Maintenance Companies in Busan (부산지역 자동차정비업체에서 사용하는 유용성도료 관련 제품에 함유된 발암성, 생식세포변이원성, 생식독성 물질 취급 현황)

  • Eunseok Kim;Jiyoung Chun;Sangjun Choi
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.40-49
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    • 2023
  • Objectives: The handling of carcinogenic, mutagenic or reproductive toxic (CMR) materials in paint-related products used by automobile maintenance companies in Busan was investigated and its characteristics were analyzed. Methods: MSDS for paint-related chemical products used by automobile repair companies in Busan were collected and the manufacturers, product uses, names of chemical substances in each component, CAS numbers, content, and more were listed. Results: As a result of collecting MSDS on 4,800 kinds of products handled in the painting process of automobile repair companies in Busan and comparing them with the latest toxic information database, 60 out of a total of 438 substances were found as CMR materials. Seven carcinogens (1A), including quartz, benzene, formaldehyde, and hexavalent chromium, were present. Two reproductive toxic 1A substances were included: hexavalent chromium in paint pigments and lead. Conclusions: Most of the products (95.5%) were found to contain at least of one CMR component, so it was judged that a study on exposure assessment of CMR substances by automobile maintenance workers is needed in the future.

A Discussion on AI-based Automated Picture Creations (인공지능기반의 자동 창작 영상에 관한 논구)

  • Junghoe Kim;Joonsung Yoon
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.723-730
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    • 2024
  • In order to trace the changes in the concept and understanding of automatically generated images, this study analogously explores the creative methods of photography and cinema, which represent the existing image fields, in terms of AI-based image creation methods and 'automaticity', and discusses the understanding and possibilities of new automatic image creation. At the time of the invention of photography and cinema, the field of 'automatic creation' was established for them in comparison to traditional art genres such as painting. Recently, as AI has been applied to video production, the concept of 'automatic creation' has been expanded, and experimental creations that freely cross the boundaries of literature, art, photography, and film are active. By utilizing technologies such as machine learning and deep learning, AI automated creation allows AI to perform the creative process independently. Automated creation using AI can greatly improve efficiency, but it also risks compromising the personal and subjective nature of art. The problem stems from the fact that AI cannot completely replace human creativity.

A Study on the HDRI Production Process and the Composite Method for CG-Based Realistic Rendering (CG 기반의 실사 렌더링을 위한 HDRI 제작공정 및 합성 방식 연구)

  • Byung Chun Lee;Kyung Su Kwon
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.199-204
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    • 2023
  • Production technologies in the imaging sector are innovating continuously and due to the visual experiences of powerful screen effects using 3D technologies, the public is now pursuing higher quality and more realistic visual effects. 3D production software with greater performance to realize this are now flooding the market, but artificial manual work and traditional hand-painting HDRI production methods still exist. There are few studies on new methods using HDRI production software using the computer's high performance data operations. In order to improve HDRI pipelines, this study links the two technological points of 'Nuke' and 'Photoshop' and it reduced production time and the improvements of quality were verified by using pipelines with new convergence methods.

Status of Industrial Environments of Some Industries in Taegu Kyungpook Area (대구지방 산업장에 있어서 건강장애요인과 작업환경검사에 대한 기업인의 수용태도 (ll))

  • Kim, Du-Hui;Seong, Su-Won
    • 월간산업보건
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    • s.8
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    • pp.4-30
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    • 1988
  • Examination of working environments was conducted to get more detailed data about harmful working environments and to make a contribution to more effective management. Study was carried out on 722 factories located in Taegu city and eight counties in Kyungpook Province, Korea, for a period of one year, from February 1 to December 30, 1986. The total number and proportion of workers exposed to harmful material was 37,697, 45.2% among 83,368 workers. The results according to exposed material were as follows: 1. In the case of noise, proportion of exceeding the 8-hour TLV was 59%, Included were nail-cutting in assembly metal manufacturing industry and weaving process in textile. 2. Dust in mill process of coal manufacturing industries exceeded the TLV of second class of dust at all parts and exceeded the TLV at 6% as a whole.: 3. The fields of industry lower than 70 lux of illumination were storage equipment of food, auto-winder of textile, painting of wood wares and coal mixing, and 44% of all cases was lower than standard. 4. As a result of temperature index investigation(WBGT), about 12% of all sujects exceeded limit value. Included parts were rolling machine and reducing room. 5. In the case of organic solvents, TLV was exceeded at about 8%, The parts exceeded TLV according to materials belonged to this category were as follows. 1) Toluene: adhesive work in assembly metal manufacturing 2) Xylene: printing and paint mixing in chemical manufacturing 3) Methyl ethytl ketone: paint mixing in all parts examined and coating machine partially in chemical manufacturing 4) Methyl isobutyl ketone: printing in chemical manufacturing 5) Acetone: vapor polishing in assembly metal manufacturing 6. Among specified chemical materials, the concentration of HC1 in the air in metal assembly manufacturing factory exceeded TLV. in one of three assembly metal manufacturing examined. Others, such as benzene, acetic acid, formic acid, sodium hydroxide, formalin, ammonia, copper, chromate etc. were lower than TLV in its indoor atmospheric concentration. As a whole, the proportion of exceeding TLV was about 0.8% 7. The concentrations of inorganic lead were lower than TLV in all parts examined. The results of this investigation show the fact that current management of working environments is not satisfactory, and so more active management is needed.

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