• 제목/요약/키워드: oriental therapy

검색결과 2,963건 처리시간 0.027초

골절의 한의학적 치료 및 연구에 관한 논문 고찰 - 국내 논문을 중심으로 (Reviewing Research on the Treatment and Study of Fracture in Korean Journals Objective - Focus on Domestic Thesis)

  • 배길준;정지원;정민영;김선종
    • 한방재활의학과학회지
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    • 제25권3호
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    • pp.27-36
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    • 2015
  • Objectives The aim of this review is to analyze research trends on the Korean medical treatment and study of fracture. Methods We searched 38 studies related treatment of fracture via Korean medicine web databases. We classified these studies by three types (experimental reports, case reports and retrospective reports) and researched how to treat the patient of fracture. Results 38 studies were published since 1993 and published every year since 2004 to 2013. There were 8 experimental reports, 20 case reports and 10 retrospective reports. Most of these studies were effective to treat of fracture. Bee venom treatment and Hua-Tuo-Jia-Ji-Xue acupuncture treatment were more effective than general treatment. Conclusions These results suggest that Korean medicine is effective treatment to fracture and we need continuously agonize and research more effective therapy method.

비급여를 포함한 한의 외래의료이용의 최근(2008-2013) 변화추이 (The trend of Korean Medicine utilization in 2008-2013)

  • 김동수;임병묵
    • 대한예방한의학회지
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    • 제21권1호
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    • pp.57-66
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    • 2017
  • Objectives : This study aimed to analyze the structure and the trend of utilization and expenditure for Korean Medicine (KM) in Korea. Methods : Data were drawn from the 2008-2013 annual Korea Health Panel (Version 1.2.2), a national representative sample. We combined the data of household members with the data of outpatient KM service use. The volume of KM use was estimated based on the frequency of use and co-payment. Results : The KM utilization rate slightly increased in recent years, and it is presumed to be resulted from the increase of elderly population. Most KM outpatient visits were being concentrated in treating musculoskeletal diseases, and the procedures used frequently were acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping, and physical therapy. The imbalance of KM use between lower income group and higher income group was deepening. Conclusions : To expand restricted disease areas KM covered, the more herbal prescriptions should be insured and the insured form of herbal medicines need to be diversified.

조선중기 침자수법 계족침법에 대한 문헌 고찰 (Study of Chicken-Foot-Shaped Needling Method (Gaejokchimbup) from the Mid-Chosen Dynasty Era)

  • 오준호
    • Korean Journal of Acupuncture
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    • 제32권1호
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    • pp.13-19
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    • 2015
  • Objectives : The present study was conducted to unveil the existence of a medical technique called Chicken-foot-shaped needling method("Gaejokchimbup") from the mid-Chosen Dynasty era and for historical investigation of this technique. Methods : Among historical literatures from China, Korea, and Japan on acupuncture and moxibustion, mentions of "Gaejok"(chicken foot) were searched for and studied. Results : Among the Chinese literatures, some medical scholars made references to "chicken foot" after mentioned in Lingshu Jing. In the Korean literatures, Donguibogam gave it the name Gaejokchimbup and mentioned it. In Japan's Chimgugeukbeecho which contains the acupuncture and moxibustion knowledge of Korean doctors, the procedural method was explained in detail. Conclusions : According to these ancient medical literatures, Gaejok was used largely in two meanings. First meaning was performing acupuncture with 3~4 needles in a chicken foot-like shape on a narrow area, whereas the second meaning was using one acupuncture needle and repeatedly inserting the needle while changing directions according to a path in the shape of a chicken's foot. Based on Rumenshiqin and Chimgugeukbeecho, which contain records of actual clinical experiences, Gaejokchimbup appears to have been used as the second method mention above.

상한론 처방을 이용한 아토피성 피부염 환자 1례 보고 (A Case Study on Atopic Dermatitis with the Treatise on Febrile Diseases)

  • 허인희;변학성;심성용;김경준;홍성민
    • 한방안이비인후피부과학회지
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    • 제20권2호통권33호
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    • pp.230-239
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    • 2007
  • Introduction : Atopic dermatitis is very epidermic disease in these days. Atopic dermatitis is difficult for patient to be treated because there is no specific treatment. The oriental method of atopic dermatitis is varied as patient situation and doctor's view point. The Treatise on Febrile Diseases(傷寒論) may be a hint for atopy disease. Object: Although we use various method such as acupucture, aroma therapy, a medicine for external use, we use the two decoctions in the Treatise on Febrile Diseases according to differentiation of syndromes and abdominal diagnosis. Result : After inpatient treatment in 21 days, the itching, redness, exudation, crust, lichen get better and insomnia and constipation was removed quickly. The SCORAD index is decreased from 84.2 to 25.9. Conclusion : These decoction can treat the atopic dermatitis although there is no symptom in atopy because we cure the all situation of the patient. We can cure the atopic dermatitis not only by routine remedy for various symptoms but also by diagnosis and treatment based on overall analysis of symptoms and signs.

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척추수기치료의 부작용에 대한 국내 및 국외 현황 비교 (Research about Adverse Effect of Spinal Manipulation Therapy : Systemic Review of Literature in Korea and Pubmed)

  • 정선영;이차로
    • 척추신경추나의학회지
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.15-33
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    • 2015
  • Objectives : The aim of this systemic review was to summarize and compare adverse effect of spinal manipulation at domestic and abroad. Methods : We searched articles in Korean databases and Pubmed. We selected and analysed the articles met inclusion criteria. Results : 51 cases were included. 32 cases in Pubmed show that adverse effect related to cervical rotation and high velocity low amplitude(HVLA) thrust manipulation. It leads to severe adverse effect and sequela about vascular. While, 19 cases in Korean articles shows that domestic spinal manipulation is more safe becase of lower use of high velocity low amplitude(HVLA) thrust. It leads to low incidence of vascular adverse effect and no sequela. Conclusions : We concluded that Chuna is difficult manipulation because of possibility of adverse effect. Chuna is recommended to be taken by licensed medical practitioners who are skilled and complete the regular curriculum. Further studies like meta analysis about spinal manipulation are needed to estimate incidence of adverse effect. And adverse effects are going to be collected continually through randomized controlled trials(RCT) related to spinal manipulation.

어성초약침(魚腥草藥鍼)이 방사선(放射線) 피폭(被曝)에 의한 면역기능(免疫機能) 저하(低下)에 미치는 영향(影響) (Experimental Study on the Effect of Houttuyniae herba Aqua-acupuncture on Immune Responses in Irradiated Rats)

  • 정승기
    • 대한한의학회지
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    • 제18권2호
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    • pp.97-107
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    • 1997
  • The study was performed to investigate the effect of Houttuyniae herba Aqua- acupuncture on immune responses in irradiated rats. The results are as follows; 1. In the assay of peripheral lymphocytes, Houttuyniae herba aqua-acupuncture showed protective effect on peripheral lymphocytes from irradiation. 2. In the assay of $CD_4\;&\;CD_8$ T lymphocytes, Houttuyniae herba aqua-acupuncture showed pretective effect on $CD_4\;and\;CD_8$ T lymphocytes from irradiation with no stastistical significance. 3. In the assay of spleen lymphocytes, Houttuyniae herba aqua-acupuncture showed pretective effect on lymphocytes from irradiation with stastistical significance. 4. In the assay of spleen $CD_4$ T lymphocytes, Houttuyniae herba aqua-acupuncture showed pretective effect on $CD_4$ T lymphocytes from irradiatian with stastistical significance. 5. In the study of $CD_8$ T lymphocytes, Houttuyniae herba aqua-acupuncture showed pretective effect on $CD_4$ T lymphocytes from irradiation with no stastistical significance These results show that Houttuyniae herba aqua-acupuncture is an effective therapy upon immune deficiency induced by irradiation.

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이침요법(耳鍼療法)이 혈압(血壓)의 변화(變化)에 미치는 영향(影響) (Effects of the Auricular Acupuncture on the blood pressure)

  • 변재영;안수기
    • 대한한의학회지
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.418-426
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    • 1996
  • Clinical studies were done 23 peoples who were treated with the auricular acupuncture therapy to the hypertension in the Dept. of the Acupuncture and Moxibution Hospital of Oriental Medicine in Won Kwang University. The following results have obtained. 1. Distribution of sex: male (52.0%), female (48.0%), 2. Distribution of age: 50s age group (30.0%), 70s(26.0%), 40s or 60s(22.0%). 3. Distribution of occupation: housewife (26.0%), farmer or commerce(22.0%), unemployed(13.0%), 4. Causes of illness: unknown origin(61.0%), stress(17.0%), drinking (13.0%), 5. Distribution according to symptom: headache(57.0%), non-symptom(17.0%), dizziness(9.0%). 6. Duration of onset: 3-5 years(26,0%), unknown(17.0%), 6 months, 5-10 years or 10 years (13.0%). 7. Cure rate of auricular acupuncture treatment according to differentiation symptoms: HLY(43.0%), DLK(30.0%), DYY(13.0%), HYD(9.0%). 8. Result grade on $pr{\`{e}}-freatment$ of auricular acupuncture: Grade I(4.0%), GradeII(52.0%), Grade III(43.0%). Result grade on post-treaftment auricular acupuncture: Grade O(48.0%), Grade I(26.0%), Grade II(26.0%).

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안엽유의 흡입이 알레르기성 비염 동물모델의 비염치료에 미치는 영향 (Therapeutic Effects of Eucalyptus Globulus Essential Oil on an Animal Model with Allergic Rhinitis)

  • 구영희;최인화
    • 대한한의학회지
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    • 제25권1호
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    • pp.40-48
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    • 2004
  • Background and Objectives: Aroma therapy using Eucalyptus Globulus essential oil for curing allergic rhinitis is an inhalation treatment which has been applied as an aid to oriental clinics which use a fundamental treatment such as acupuncture and herbs. There have been no studies so far performed on the effect of this oils' use, only . We aimed to find out the therapeutic effect of its exclusive use only on an Animal Model with Allergic Rhinitis. Materials and Methods: Sprague-Dawley rats were induced the allergic rhinitis by ovalbumin solution. And then, rats in the treated group were treated by diffusing Eucalyptus essential oil in a flask for 7 days. Compared with the treated group, rats in the control group were treated by diffusing normal saline in a flask for 7 days. We observed changes in glandular cells and mast cells in nasal mucosa and submucosa; also changes in the number of eosinophils and neutrophils in blood and the succus of rhinenchysis. Results: The number of neutrophils in the succus of rhinenchysis was significantly decreased in treated group compared with control group(p<0.05). The number of neutrophils in blood and mast cells in nasal mucosa were decreased in the treated group but, these were not significant statistically(p>0.05). Histologic changes showed edema; congestion and expansion of grandular cells in nasal submucosa and hypertrophy of epithelium in nasal mucosa were decreased in treated group compared with control group. Conclusions: The results may suggest that the inhalation treatment using Eucalyptus essential oil decreases the inflammatory response on an Animal Model with Allergic Rhinitis.

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Case Report for a Refractory Levator Ani Syndrome Treated with Traditional Korean Medication

  • Son, Chang-Gue
    • 대한한의학회지
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    • 제38권2호
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    • pp.73-77
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    • 2017
  • Objectives: To inform a clinical case of a refractory levator ani syndrome, that was improved by treatments of traditional Korean medicine (TKM). Methods: A 55-years old female had complained severe anorectal pain which didn't respond to Western medicine therapeutics during 5 months including 45-day hospitalization. Whereas the symptom was rapidly resolved by the treatment in a Korean medicine hospital, and the clinical outcome was monitored. Result: There was no abnormality explaining the anorectal pain from blood tests, gastrointestinal endoscopy, sonogram and computed tomography for abdomen and pelvis. The patient was diagnosed with a levator ani syndrome. Based on the typical feature of tenderness of lower abdomen as well as beating sign around belly, an herbal drug, Shihogayonggolmoryo-tang (柴胡加龍骨牡蠣湯) was prescribed. In addition, the warm acupuncture at BL 31 to BL 33 and moxibustion on lower abdomen were given to the patient. The anorectal pain was radically reduced from treatment 7-day, and it almost disappeared within treatment 25-day. Conclusion: This case report would provide information for the potential of TKM therapies focused on the refractory levator ani syndrome which no satisfactory therapy exist.

식간 (食癎)으로 진단된 영아기 환아 1례에 대한 증례 보고 (A Case Report of Infant Diagnosed as Sik-Gan (食癎))

  • 이은주;이보람;이지홍;장규태
    • 대한한방소아과학회지
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    • 제30권3호
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    • pp.61-68
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    • 2016
  • Objectives The purpose of this study is to report a case of one infant patient diagnosed as Sik-Gan (食癎) who was treated by Korean medical treatment. Methods We diagnosed an infant patient as Sik-Gan (食癎) and treated him with herbal medicine, acupuncture, moxa and chuna therapy while correcting his eating habit. To measure the degree of the patient's progress, the frequency and exact symptoms of seizure events, and gastrointestinal symptoms were recorded. Results Korean medical treatment reduced the patient's the frequency of seizure, and improved gastrointestinal symptoms. Conclusions A patient who has past medical history of epileptic seizures, unhealthy eating habits and gastrointestinal malfunctions is prone to have a specific form of seizure called the Sik-Gan (食癎). In this report, we have proven that variety of Korean medical treatment can considerably be effective in preventing recurring seizure events and improving the patients' gastrointestinal symptoms.