• Title/Summary/Keyword: multicultural family children

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National or Ethnic Language Fluency and the Quality of Relationship between Parents and Children in Multicultural Family in Korea (한국 다문화 가정 부모자녀 간 한국어 및 계승어 유창성의 일치도가 부모자녀 관계 만족도에 미치는 영향)

  • Jisu Park;Youjin Koh;Yoonsun Han
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.649-669
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    • 2015
  • Korea has entered a multicultural society. As the number of multicultural family grows, identifying factors that facilitate family adjustment seems important. The relationship between parent and children can be a crucial predictor in family adjustment. Thus this study examined how the concordance/discordance in language fluency affects youth's satisfaction towards their parents. This research employed the 2012 National Survey of Multicultural Families (NSMF) using 9 to 24 year-old multicultural youth'(N=4314) data and that of their parents. Since some youth were from the same family, we used Multilevel Models to take into account youth-level data (level-1) and family-level data (level-2). The major findings are as follows: First, concordance/discordance in both national and ethnic language fluency is associated with the quality of relationship between parents and youth. Second, youth's satisfaction toward parents is highest when foreign parent and youth are fluent in Korean, as well as, when Korean parent and youth are fluent in ethnic languages. These findings can suggest directions for Korean multicultural policy to encourage fluency in both Korean and ethnic languages in multicultural families.

Factors Influencing the Experience of Depression among School-aged Children from Multicultural Families (다문화 가정 학령기 아동의 우울 영향 요인)

  • Moon, So-Hyun;Lee, Min-Kyeong;Lee, Mi-Jeong;Shim, Ha-Jin;Cho, Hun Ha
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.434-442
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate factors affecting the experience of depression in school-aged children from multicultural families. Methods: Data from 1,812 school-aged children of multicultural families were collected from the 2015 National Multicultural Family Survey. Logistic regression was conducted based on complex sample analysis using SAS 9.4. Results: Significant predictors for experiencing depression were lower self-esteem, lower Korean proficiency, less time spent conversing with the father, lower degree of parental interest, poorer school adjustment, greater difficulties with schoolwork, and experiencing violence at school. Conclusion: This study showed that factors related to the individual, family, and school environment influenced the experience of depression. Based on a consideration of these factors, it is necessary to develop an effective program to prevent depression by establishing high-risk criteria for depression.

Development of Content Structure of Healthy Dietary Education Program for the Parents of Multicultural Families (다문화가정 자녀를 위한 건강식생활 부모교육 프로그램의 내용 체계 개발)

  • Kim, Jung-Hyun;Lee, Myung-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.113-126
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    • 2018
  • This study aims to develop the content structure of healthy dietary education for multicultural family parents who guides their children to the correct and desirable applications at home. This study is an exploratory study intended to establish the contents of healthy dietary education for multicultural family parents. For the methodology we investigated dietary behaviors of children of multicultural families. As a result of examining closely the necessity and contents of healthy dietary education for the multicultural families parents including food safety, nutrition, and food culture. Based upon the above findings, the goals of healthy dietary education for parents were set up, its content area and sub-area(education topics) were composed and fixed, and finally, topic-specific goals and 12 content elements were extracted, detailed and systematized for pre schoolers and elementary school children.

Effects of Bicultural Characteristics and Social Capital on Psycological Adaptation (다문화가정 아동의 이중문화특성 및 사회적 자본이 심리적 적응에 미치는 영향)

  • Yang, Sim-Young;Park, Soo-Kyung;Kim, Mi-Sook
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.270-282
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    • 2013
  • The present study aims to investigate the effects of bicultural characteristics and social capital on psychological adaptations such as depression and self-esteem. A survey was conducted on 295 foreign-born mothers and their 305 children, ranging from third to sixth grade in elementary school up to seventh to ninth grade in middle school, residing in South Korea's seven major cities, including the city of Seoul. The results of this research are the following: 1) With regards to factors that influence depression among children in a multicultural family, less support from a friend leads to a larger exposure to multicultural programs. Also, the lower the perceived income level of his or her family, greater is the state of the child's depression. 2) Significant factors that influence self-esteem for multicultural children are friends' support, level of mothers' Korean language proficiency, teachers' support, and numbers of multicultural programs. Two implications may be addressed from this study. One is the need to consider bicultural characteristics and social capital to enhance psychological adaptability for children raised in multicultural families. Another is to apply social support characteristics such as friends' and teachers' support to multicultural programs.

Job Satisfaction of Visiting Supervisors for Multicultural Families in Charge of Childcare Services: Focusing on Personal and Job Characteristics (다문화가족 자녀생활서비스 방문교육지도사의 직무만족도에 관한 연구: 개인 특성과 근무 특성 변인 중심으로)

  • Hwang, Hae Shin;Kwon, Ki Nam;Kang, Bok Jeong;Chae, Jin Young;Kim, He Ra
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.52 no.6
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    • pp.629-638
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    • 2014
  • This study was designed to investigate variables influencing the job satisfaction of visiting supervisors for multicultural families in charge of childcare services. It focused on personal characteristics including personal and job characteristics. The subjects in this study were 784 visiting supervisors for multicultural families in charge of childcare services in 140 multicultural family centers located across Korea. The job satisfaction of these visiting supervisors was measured using a self-administered questionnaire, and the collected data were analyzed using a frequency analysis, analysis of variance, and post hoc tests. The findings of this study were as follows: first, these visiting supervisors showed a relatively high level of job satisfaction. However, the job satisfaction subscales of treatment and salary were relatively low. Second, the results revealed significant differences in effects of the variables related to the personal characteristics of the visiting supervisors, such as their age, education level, and their major in college, on their total job satisfaction and subscales (job performance, treatment and salary, work ethic and aptitude). Finally, the results revealed significant differences in the effects of the variables related to the job characteristics of the visiting supervisors, such as their responsibilities, career, number of children to handle, and age of children to handle, on the total job satisfaction and subscales (treatment and salary, relationship with caregivers).

The Effect of Bilingual Socialization of Mothers from Southeast Asia and Korean Fathers on Adolescents' Attitude toward Mothers' Native Culture and Mother-Adolescent Relationship Satisfaction (동남아출신 어머니와 한국인 아버지의 이중언어사회화가 어머니 출신국 문화에 대한 청소년기 자녀의 태도 및 관계만족도에 미치는 영향)

  • Huh, Cheong-Ah;Chung, Grace H.
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.103-117
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    • 2015
  • Family environment plays a significant role in adolescent development. Multicultural adolescents in Korea are brought up in a distinctive family environment, where they get to experience two different cultures within their families. Thus, it is important to examine how internal characteristics of the family environment in multicultural families and interactions between family members influence adolescents. The aim of the current study was to examine structural relationships among Southeast Asian mothers' and Korean fathers' bilingual socialization, adolescents' attitude toward mothers' native culture, and mother-adolescent relationship satisfaction. Specifically, the following two questions were addressed in this study: 1) Does bilingual socialization of each parent affect adolescents' attitude toward mothers' native culture? 2) Does children's attitude toward mothers' native culture affect mother-adolescent relationship satisfaction? To answer these questions, the survey data from the '2012 Nationwide Survey of Multicultural Families' was analysed, using SEM. The sample consisted of 318 multicultural adolescents (aged 9-17) living with Korean fathers and immigrant mothers from Southeast Asia. The main findings were as follows. First, Korean fathers' bilingual socialization had a positive effect on immigrant mothers' bilingual socialization. The path from Korean fathers' bilingual socialization to adolescents' attitude toward mothers' native culture was significantly mediated by immigrant mothers' bilingual socialization. Second, adolescents' attitude toward mothers' native culture had a positive effect on mother-adolescent relationship satisfaction. Results suggest that Korean fathers' bilingual socialization is an important factor for bilingual socialization of multicultural adolescents. It is also worth noting that each parent's bilingual socialization helps multicultural adolescents to form a positive identity as a member of multicultural families.

Analysis of the Self-sufficiency's Level and Support Need for it in Rural Multicultural Families (농촌 다문화가족의 자립인식 수준과 지원 요구)

  • Yang, Soon Mi
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.953-987
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    • 2013
  • This study aimed at identifying level of self-sufficiency, and support need for it in rural multicultural families. Frist, the level of self-sufficiency in rural multicultural families was the lowest in a information sub-area, whereas it was the highest in a socio-psychological relation sub-area. Second, the chi-square test showed that the level of assistant request for a cost-of-living allowance was high in the multicultural family group received the medical social security(MSS) or not prepared the expenditure for children education or the golden years. Whereas the level of assistant request for the education of marketing or agricultural technology was high in the multicultural family group not received MSS or prepared the expenditure for children education or the golden years. Third, rate of PC ownership in the rural multicultural families was lower than that of national whole. and difference of it according to the living characteristics uch as MSS was not statistically significant. Fourth, difference in level of assistant request for children education and social dimension according to the living characteristics such as MSS was not statistically significant. It means that assistant request for children education and social dimension have universality without distinction the living characteristics such as MSS. And to conclude, support for self-sufficiency in rural multicultural families should be selective approach with discriminative or integrational viewpoint according to the living characteristics such as MSS or area of self-sufficiency. Findings of this study may be used as a basic material to establish the policy supporting self-sufficiency in rural multicultural families.

Systematic Review of Educational Programs for Multicultural Families in South Korea (다문화가정 구성원 대상 교육프로그램 중재에 대한 체계적 고찰)

  • Lee, sang hun;Park, Kyung Min;Shon, Soonyoung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.457-466
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    • 2021
  • This study was a systematic review that aimed to assess the effectiveness of educational programs for members of multicultural families. Therefore, 21 studies from domestic databases - RISS, KISS, NDSL, DBia, and nanet - were analyzed and the data were compiled and encoded by three researchers. Regarding the characteristics of the educational programs for multicultural families, 12 programs were developed for children, eight, for parents, and one, for both parents and children. While most intervention programs included topics on health, responsive care, and early education, none included topics on nutrition and safe space or targeted all members of multicultural families. This study identified the need for developing educational programs for all members of multicultural families and for developing and evaluating programs that can address, on a theoretical basis, the problems encountered by multicultural families.

Influence of Perceived Mother-Grandmother Conflicts on Subjective Well-being among Multicultural Children: Focused on Mediating Effect of Acculturative Stress and Satisfaction of School Life (다문화가정 자녀의 지각된 어머니 고부갈등이 주관적 웰빙에 미치는 영향: 문화적응 스트레스와 학교생활적응의 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Bok-Hee;Suh, Kyung-Hyun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.8
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    • pp.498-506
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    • 2021
  • This study identified the relationship between perceived mother-grandmother conflicts and subjective well-being among multicultural children, and examined the double mediating model of acculturative stress and adjustment to school life on that relationship. Participants were 205 male and female adolescents living at J county in Gangwon-do. PROCESS Macro 3.5 Model 6 was used for analysis of a double mediating effect. Results revealed that perceived mother-grandmother conflicts was positively correlated with acculturative stress of multicultural children, and negatively correlated with adjustment to school life and subjective well-being. And, acculturative stress of multicultural children was negatively correlated with adjustment to school life and subjective well-being, whereas adjustment to school life was positively correlated with subjective well-being. This study found that acculturative stress and adjustment to school life were sequentially mediating perceived mother-grandmother conflicts and subjective well-being of multicultural children. These findings suggest that the perceived mother-grandmother conflicts might cause multicultural children to experience acculturative stress, and as a result, their subjective well-being level might be reduced due to their low adjustment to school life.

A Qualitative Study on Husbands' Experience in Marital Conflict in Multicultural Families - Focused on Critical Incident, Development and Coping - (다문화가정 남편의 부부갈등에 대한 질적연구 - 결정적 사건, 전개 및 대처를 중심으로 -)

  • Jang, Eun-Kyung;Ryu, Jin-A
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.117-133
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    • 2015
  • This study explored at marital conflict in multicultural families, a type of families formed through international marriages, from husbands perspectives. For the purpose of this study, in-depth interviews were used with husbands in multicultural families to ask about marital conflict, and then, conducted a qualitative case analysis. In summary, results of this study are as follows; First, among the decisive events that husbands in multicultural families often experienced in marital conflict with their wives were disrespect toward husbands and parents-in-law, husbands with a low level of trust, feelings of pressure due to financial support for wives' families and children and lack of practical sense about marriage. Second, development of marital conflict that husbands often experienced included aggravated cultural conflict between a couple and between members of the family, difficulty in managing blame and anger, signs of separation or divorce and wives leaving home and limitations in conversation and communication. Third, as to how husbands tried to deal with marital conflict, they tried to be patient and comfort wives, engage in economic activities together, find something that they could focus on, turn to religion or gatherings, use service from government organizations, have trust and develop rules and limit the range of their wives activities.