• Title/Summary/Keyword: multi-screen

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Image Processing Algorithms for DI-method Multi Touch Screen Controllers (DI 방식의 대형 멀티터치스크린을 위한 영상처리 알고리즘 설계)

  • Kang, Min-Gu;Jeong, Yong-Jin
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2011
  • Large-sized multi-touch screen is usually made using infrared rays. That is because it has technical constraints or cost problems to make the screen with the other ways using such as existing resistive overlays, capacitive overlay, or acoustic wave. Using infrared rays to make multi-touch screen is easy, but is likely to have technical limits to be implemented. To make up for these technical problems, two other methods were suggested through Surface project, which is a next generation user-interface concept of Microsoft. One is Frustrated Total Internal Reflection (FTIR) which uses infrared cameras, the other is Diffuse Illumination (DI). FTIR and DI are easy to be implemented in large screens and are not influenced by the number of touch points. Although FTIR method has an advantage in detecting touch-points, it also has lots of disadvantages such as screen size limit, quality of the materials, the module for infrared LED arrays, and high consuming power. On the other hand, DI method has difficulty in detecting touch-points because of it's structural problems but makes it possible to solve the problem of FTIR. In this thesis, we study the algorithms for effectively correcting the distort phenomenon of optical lens, and image processing algorithms in order to solve the touch detecting problem of the original DI method. Moreover, we suggest calibration algorithms for improving the accuracy of multi-touch, and a new tracking technique for accurate movement and gesture of the touch device. To verify our approaches, we implemented a table-based multi touch screen.

Implementation of High-definition Digital Signage Reality Image Using Chroma Key Technique (크로마키 기법을 이용한 고해상도 디지털 사이니지 실감 영상 구현)

  • Moon, Dae-Hyuk
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.49-57
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    • 2021
  • Digital Signage and multi-view image system are used as the 4th media to deliver stories and information due to their strong immersion. A content image displayed on large Digital Signage is produced with the use of computer graphics, rather than reality image. That is because the images shot for content making have an extremely limited range of production and their limitation to high resolution, and thereby have difficulty being displayed in a large and wide Digital Signage screen. In case of Screen X and Escape that employ the left and right walls of in the center a movie theater as a screen, images are shot with three cameras for Digital Cinema, and are screened in a cinema with multi-view image system after stitching work is applied. Such realistic images help viewers experience real-life content. This research will be able to display high-resolution images on Digital Signage without quality degradation by using the multi-view image making technique of Screen X and Chroma key technique are showed the high-resolution Digital Signage content making method.

Efficient Multi-Touch Detection Algorithm for Large Touch Screen Panels

  • Mohamed, Mohamed G.A.;Cho, Tae-Won;Kim, HyungWon
    • IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing and Computing
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.246-250
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    • 2014
  • Large mutual capacitance touch screen panels (TSP) are susceptible to display and ambient noise. This paper presents a multi-touch detection algorithm using an efficient noise compensation technique for large mutual capacitance TSPs. The sources of noise are presented and analyzed. The algorithm includes the steps to overcome each source of noise. The algorithm begins with a calibration technique to overcome the TSP mutual capacitance variation. The algorithm also overcomes the shadow effect of a hand close to TSP and mutual capacitance variation by dynamic threshold calculations. Time and space filters are also used to filter out ambient noise. The experimental results were used to determine the system parameters to achieve the best performance.

Design and Implementation of Seamless Folding Display Device (Seamless 접이식 디스플레이 장치 개발 및 구현)

  • Jin, Kyung-Chan;Chun, Keyoung-Jin;Kim, Si-Hwan
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2006.06a
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    • pp.911-912
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    • 2006
  • The recent growth in the portable display industry has been dominated by flexible display, moreover, several developing of using LCD technology has been in making the flexible display work effectively, however flexible device is not practical. Recently, the study on the multi-display screen has been published as the needs of larger screen in mobile device has been increased. The multi-display screen which is composed of two LCD panels, has the characteristics of the seamless gap between two panels. To meet the needs of this multi-display, in this paper, the study is performed to design the seamless device which consist of LCD panels, light film, back light and driver, and finally, we evaluated the effectiveness of seamless folding mechanism.

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Development of Multiple-Windows Manager using virtual Screen (가상 화면을 이용한 다중 윈도우즈 매니저 개발)

  • Won, Hui-Chul;Choi, Jae-Kyung;Kim, Soon-Cheol
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.53-59
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, we describe the problems which can happen during multi-tasking process in the Windows operating system (OS) environment. To cope with the problems, multiple-windows manager program is proposed in this paper. If we use the proposed multiple-windows manager program with three virtual screen, we can obtain the effect like using four Windows OS and thus we can improve the tardy speed and the high complexity for multi-tasking process.

Design and Implementation of Tangible Interface Using Smart Puck System

  • Bak, Seon Hui;Lee, Jeong Bae;Kim, Jeong Ho;Lee, Hee-Man
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.20 no.9
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    • pp.47-53
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, we propose a novel tangible interface system whose system does not use the expensive hardware is introduced. This proposed tangible interface is used on the table top capacitive multi touch-screen. The tangible interface apparatus which is called smart puck has sanguine arduino compatible board. The board has a Cds photo-sensing sensor and the EPP8266 WiFi module. The Cds sensor decodes the photometric PWM signals from the system and sends corresponding information to the system via TCP/IP. The system has a server called MT-Server to communicate with the smart pucks. The tangible interface shows reliable operation with fast response that is compatible to the expensive traditional devices in the market.


  • Miyake, Rei;Uranishi, Yuki;Sasaki, Hiroshi;Manabe, Yoshitsugu;Chihara, Kunihiro
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 2009.01a
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    • pp.755-759
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    • 2009
  • This paper proposes an HDR display system using multi-projectors for presentation of HDR contents to multi-users. An HDR image is resolved by luminance and the resolved images are assigned to several projectors. The proposed system projects the HDR contents onto a large screen, and the system can display the HDR contents to multi-users. The proposed system realized to output the broad luminance by emitting the light of multi-projectors onto the same screen. In addition, tonal steps of the proposed system increase so that other projectors cover the tonal steps in the region where the dynamic range is expanded. In this paper, we indicate an effectiveness of the proposed system.

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Effect of a Multi-phase Screen in a Laser-beam-propagation Model Under Atmospheric Fluctuations (대기 요동 환경에서의 레이저빔 전파 모델에서 다수 위상판의 효과)

  • Jeongkyun Na;Byungho Kim;Changsu Jun;Yoonchan Jeong
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.143-149
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    • 2024
  • We analyze the effect of atmospheric fluctuation on laser beam propagation, using a single-phase screen model and a multi-phase screen model. When a laser beam (wavelength 1064 nm, radius 10 mm, collimated by 25.4 mm optics) propagates 3 km, atmospheric fluctuation with structure constant Cn2 in the range of 10-17 to 10-14 is generated by the single- and multi-phase screen models. The results of short-term and long-term exposures are analyzed in terms of the beam profile, power in the bucket, and beam radius at the receiver plane. The power in the bucket and beam radius increase as the structure constant increases. When the structure constant is less than 2×10-15, the results of the single- and multi-phase screen models are similar, within a difference of 1.5 %. However, when the structure constant is greater than 2×10-15, the difference between the two models increases, and the multi-phase screen model is appropriate under this condition.

A WPAN Protocol for N-Screen Services in Indoor and Ship Area Networks (선박 및 실내 N-스크린 서비스를 위한 WPAN 프로토콜)

  • Hur, Kyeong;Lee, Seong Ro
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.1185-1192
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    • 2015
  • A wireless bridge is essential to transmit control and managing information to sensors or instruments from a central integrated ship area network station. In this paper, a WPAN protocol is adopted for development of a seamless N-screen wireless service in Indoor and Ship Area Networks. Furthermore, to provide the OSMU (One Source Multi Use) N-screen service through P2P streaming in the seamless WPAN protocol, a Grid-based WPAN networking technology is proposed and analyzed. The proposed Grid-based WPAN networking technology supports multi-path and fast path-setup functions for N-screen communications. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed Grid-based WPAN networking technology outperforms the IEEE 802.15.4 based network in terms of N-screen transmission delay.

Control Architecture for N-Screen Based Interactive Mutli-Vision System (N-스크린 기반 인터렉티브 멀티 비전 시스템 제어 구조)

  • Sarwar, Ghulam;Ullah, Farman;Yoon, Changwoo;Lee, Sungchang
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.50 no.6
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    • pp.72-81
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, we propose the architecture and user interaction mechanism to implement N-Screen services on Multi-Vision System (MVS) that are not supported in existing systems. N-Screen services enable users to control the MVS displays through any of their devices and share contents among MVS displays and user's active-devices with service continuation at any location. We provide N-Screen interactive services on MVS by introducing N-Screen interaction & session management server and agent. Furthermore, we present some examples of the protocols such as application launching, user interaction for service control and visualcasting to support N-Screen services. In addition, we explain the N-Screen service scenarios for providing split sessions on user's active-devices and launching metadata content on any of his devices at any location supported by these protocols. The simulation result demonstrates the feasibility and performance improvement of the proposed visualcasting mechanisms.