• Title/Summary/Keyword: mountain range

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Ecological Characteristics and Changes in Plant Community Structure in Mt. Cheongryang, Incheon (인천시 청량산의 생태적 특성과 식생구조의 변화)

  • Lee, Sang-Hee;Han, Bong-Ho;Park, Seok-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.74-88
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    • 2021
  • In the present study, the characteristics and changes in the vegetation of Mt. Cheongryang, Inchon, were examined to identify and determine appropriate ways to restore the health of the urban forest and to preserve its vegetation. The vegetation of the community of Quercus mongolica (Mongolian oak) on Mt. Cheongryang appeared to decrease in response to the control of the wilt disease of oak trees. The communities of Sorbus alnifolia (Korean mountain ash) and Styrax japonicus (Snowbell tree) have increased. Pinus rigida (Pitch Pine) had its overall territory decrease, but the current state of the Pinus rigida (Pitch Pine) was estimated to be stable due to its dominance as a tree layer species. In regards to Robinia pseudoacacia (Black Locust), the urbanized species of Sorbus alnifolia (Korean mountain ash), and Styrax japonicus (Snowbell tree), their areas have increased with the appearance of Magnolia obovate (Whiteleaf Japanese Magnolia). The biodiversity of Mt. Cheongryang has decreased by simplifying species in the tree layer and understory species thereof, and the initial success of species in marginal areas has increased. The absence of potential succession was attributed to the termination of ecological succession; thereby, the current vegetation structure was concluded to be remaining as it is for the time being. Soil texture in the mountain primarily consisted of sandy loam or loamy sand; the pH of the soil was in the range 4.26-4.86, rendering a mean pH of 4.59. The content of organic matter (O.M.) appeared having a distributing range of 2.18-9.60%, rendering a mean value of 4.33%. To promote species diversity, several methods are suggested, such as prevention of soil acidification, selecting nationally-grown trees from moist soil or valleys for afforestation, preventing species appearing due to urbanization or excessive growth, protecting the understory vegetation and species with hygropreference, and managing the forest to maintain a multi-layered vegetation structure.

The Distribution Characteristics of Incised Meander River in the Korean Peninsula (한국에 있어서 감입곡류 하천의 분포 특성)

  • 송언근;조화룡
    • The Korean Journal of Quaternary Research
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.17-34
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    • 1989
  • The distribution characteristics of incised meander river are analysed concerning topography, geology, stream order and altitude. Additionally geomorphological development of the Korean peninsular is considered with incised meander. The main findings are as follows: 1. The incised meander is intensively distributed on the west and north slope of T'aebak and Sobaek mountain range, but sparsely distributed on the opposite slopes. 2. Geologically, the occurrence rate of incised meander is high orderly as follows: Joseon supergroup, Pyeongan supergroup, Daedong supergroup metamorphic rock, Gyeongsang supergroup, and granite. The incised meander is developed well on the following conditions: hard rocks against weathering, stratified structure, geologic arrange across the river channel and contacting zone of geological formations. 3. The higher stream orders are, the higher occurrence of incised meander is. 4. Comparing the altitude of present river bed with the summit level of restored map, it is supposed that the incised meander rivers have been dissected about 300-500m down ward. 5. Considering the distribution characteristic of incised meander, it is suggested that not only T'aebak mountain range but Sobaek mountain range is the axis of asymmetrical up-warping in the Korean peninsular. 6. Considering the distribution characteristic of incised meander on the restored map and the stream order, it seems that present incised meander channel was inherited from antecedent meander river that had flowed on High and Middle level erosion surface. But the channel pattern has been modified.

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Analysis of Characteristics of Landslide Susceptibility in Rugged Mountain Range in the Korean National Park (산악형 국립공원지역의 산사태 발생과 취약지역 특성 분석)

  • Lee, Sung-Jae;Lee, Eun-Jai;Ma, Ho-Seop
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.108 no.4
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    • pp.552-561
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    • 2019
  • In korea, debris-flow disasters are induced by typhoon and localized torrential rainfall annually. These disasters are particularly severe in the Korean national park due to its geomorphological characteristics. This study was conducted to analyze the landslide characteristics and forest environmental factors of landslide areas located in rugged mountain range in the Korean national park (Mt. Seorak, Mt. Jiri, and Mt. Sobaek). Overall, landslides occurred at 474 sites. The average area of the landslide scar among these sites was 1,212 ㎡. The average landslide sediment was 1,389 ㎥, average landslide length was 75 m, and the average width was 12.9 m. The landslides frequently occurred in regions with igneous rock and coniferous forest. In addition, slope gradient degree (31°-40°), slope gradient direction (N), vertical slope (concave), cross slope (concave), altitude (401-800 m), position (middle), stream order (first order), forest type (mixed), parent rock (igneous), and soil depth (<46 cm). The relationship between landslide soil volume and environmental factors showed positive correlation. The variables of vertical slope (complex), altitude (<1,201 m), and soil depth (<46 cm) correlated significantly at 1 % level.

Discussions on the Distribution and Genesis of Mountain Ranges in the Korean Peninsular (II) : The Proposal of 'Sanjulgi-Jido(Mountain Ridge Map)‘ (한국 산맥론(II): 한반도 '산줄기 지도'의 제안)

  • Park Soo Jin;SON ILL
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.40 no.3 s.108
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    • pp.253-273
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    • 2005
  • In recent years, there are strong social demands to characterize the spatial distribution of mountains in Korea. This study aims to develop a 'Sanjulgi-Jido(mountain ridge map)' that might be used not only to satisfy these social demands but also to effectively present the spatial distribution of mountains and drainage basins in the Korean Peninsular. The 'Sanjulgi-Jido' developed in this study is a map that presents the continuity of mountains based on the drainage divides that are delineated by a pre-defined drainage basin size and elevation. This study first validated the Bakdudaegan system through the analyses of a digital elevation model. The Bakdudaegan system has long been recognized as the Koreans traditional conceptual framework to characterize the spatial distribution of mountains. The analyses showed that the Bakdudaegan system has several problems to represent the mountain systems in Korea, which includes 1) the lack of the representativeness of drainage basins, 2) inaccuracy to depict the boundary of drainage basins, 3) the lack of representativeness of mountains, and 4) geo-polical issue that confines the spatial extent of mountain systems within the Korean Peninsular. In order to represent the mountains system in a more quantitative manner, we applied several terrain analysis techniques to understand the spatial distribution of mountains and drainage basins. Based on these analyses, we developed an hierarchical system to classify the continuity (If mountains, which are presented as the spatial distribution of drainage divides with a certain elevation. The first-order Sanjulgi is the drainage divides whose drainage basin are bigger than $5,000km^2$ and the point elevation is above 100m. The next order Sanjulgi is delineated as the size of drainage basin is successively divided by two. This kind of design is able to provide a logical framework to present the mountain systems at different details, depending on the purpose and scale of maps. We also provide several empirical functions to calculate various geomorphological indices for each order of Sanjulgi. The 'Sanjulgi Jido' is similar with the Bakdudaegan system, since it characterizes the continuity of mountains based on the spatial distribution of the drainage divide. It, however, has more scientific criteria to define the scale and continuity of mountains. It should be also noted that the 'Sanjulgi Jido' proposed has different logical and methodological background, compared with the mountain range map that explains the genesis of mountain systems in addition to the continuity of mountains.

Genetic Analysis of 5 Mountain Cultivated Ginseng and Wild Ginseng in Korea (국내 5개 지역의 장뇌삼과 산삼의 유전 분석)

  • Ahn, Ji-Young;Kang, Sang-Gu;Kang, Ho-Duck
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.98 no.6
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    • pp.757-763
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    • 2009
  • ISSR PCR technique was applied to investigate genetic relationship among 5 Mountain cultivated ginseng populations (Jinan, Hongcheon, Punggi, Andong and Yeongju) and cDNA libraries of wild ginseng roots were constructed and analyzed functional genes related to morphogenesis via EST. Twenty four ISSR markers tested produced 127 polymorphic loci from 5 regional Mountain cultivated ginseng. Among the regional samples, Yeongju was made 18 polymorphic loci that were the highest level of variations among the cultivated regions. The range of similarity coefficient was 0.46~0.58 and the regional samples of Punggi and Hongcheon, Jinan and Andong were classified to similar groups respectively, whereas Yeongju was shown to be separate group with high level of genetic variation in UPGMA cluster analysis. As a result, there was no relationship according to geographical distance and genetic similarity. Eleven cDNA clones were consisted of 9 known genes and 2 unknown genes analyzed by BLAST program of NCBI. To recognize expression pattern of Homeodomain transcription factor related genes, Northern Blot analysis was performed for wild ginseng's leaf and root. As a result, the gene was only expressed by Mountain wild ginseng root.

Ventilation Corridor Characteristics Analysis and Management Strategy to Improve Urban Thermal Environment - A Case Study of the Busan, South Korea - (도시 열환경 개선을 위한 바람길 특성 분석 및 관리 전략 - 부산광역시를 사례로 -)

  • Moon, Ho-Yeong;Kim, Dong-Pil;Gweon, Young-Dal;Park, Hyun-Bin
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.659-668
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to propose a ventilation corridor management plan to improve the thermal environment for Busan Metropolitan City. To this end, the characteristics of hot and cool spots in Busan were identified by conducting spatial statistical analysis, and thermal image data from Landsat-7 satellites and major ventilation corridors were analyzed through WRF meteorological simulation. The results showed the areas requiring thermal environment improvement among hot spot areas were Busanjin-gu, Dongnae-gu, industrial areas in Yeonje-gu and Sasang-gu, and Busan Port piers in large-scale facilities. The main ventilation corridor was identified as Geumjeongsan Mountain-Baekyangsan Mountain-Gudeoksan Mountain Valley. Based on the results, the ventilation corridor management strategy is suggested as follows. Industrial facilities and the Busan Port area are factors that increase the air temperature and worsen the thermal environment of the surrounding area. Therefore, urban and architectural plans are required to reduce the facility's temperature and consider the ventilation corridor. Areas requiring ventilation corridor management were Mandeok-dong and Sajik-dong, and they should be managed to prevent further damage to the forests. Since large-scale, high-rise apartment complexes in areas adjacent to forests interfere with the flow of cold and fresh air generated by forests, the construction of high-rise apartment complexes near Geumjeongsan Mountain with the new redevelopment of Type 3 general residential area should be avoided. It is expected that the results of this study can be used as basic data for urban planning and environmental planning in response to climate change in Busan Metropolitan City.

Value-Chain Analysis of Mountain Farm Milk Products (산지 방목 유제품의 Value Chain 활성화를 위한 조사 연구)

  • Park, Seung-Yong;Kwon, Young-Woong;Sung, Kyung-Il
    • Journal of Dairy Science and Biotechnology
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.184-195
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    • 2017
  • This study was carried out to investigate the micro-agribusiness realities of dairy farms by surveying both farmers' opinions and consumers' recognition of dairy farm products for in a value-chain analysis. In most cases, dairy farms produced fermented milk for sales and to prepare cheese both for sales and for providing the necessary material for farm visitors. Value-chain analysis did not seem to be a viable strategy for dairy farmers, except when assessing the quality of farmstead milk products in comparisons of dairy farm milks and commercial milk products. Consumers had a wide range of experience with milk products and had no willingness to buy products from dairy farms because of the high cost and the lack of product diversity. Our findings established three strategies for improving the economic feasibility of dairy farms. First, the price should be reduced by adopting a production balance to establish a farm-gate price, i.e., not as quota milk but as surplus milk. Second, consumers should be educated on the prescription of cheese at home. Third, a value-chain based on cooperative partnerships should be established among dairy farms. In addition, to improve the consumers' satisfaction on the diversity and quality of farm dairy products, developments of new value-added milk products made from the milk of cows allowed to graze on mountain pastures are needed.

Survey on Concentration Characteristics of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Soil in Seoul (서울시 토양 중 다환방향족탄환수소의 농도특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim Dong-Hwan;Ok Gon
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.71-80
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    • 2005
  • Soil is one of the most fundamental elements as well as with water and air in studies associated with the environment, in addition, it is one of the important environmental mediums that constructs a basis of the bio­logical system and performs various roles of matter circulation. This study was carried out in Seoul, in May 2000 to evaluate variation in the concentration levels and distribution characteristics for PAH compounds in soil. Soil samples were collected from 33 sites covering traffic, factory, incineration and mountain groups and the PAHs were analyzed. The results show a wide dis­tribution range of PAHs concentrations between 14.66 ng/g and 1,219.35 ng/g. The highest concentration levels exist at Sungsu-2 of the factory group (FS-2). Daemo-3 of the Mountain group (MD-3) presents the lowest levels as compared with the other sites. PAH compounds including mutagenic and carcinogenic materials show high concentrations in the traffic and factory groups and a high ratio in the mountain group. Besides, these compounds absorbed with micro particles might be spread out over a wide region associated with particles' movement and diffusion. After principal component analysis of the soil samples, the results indicated that the sources of PAHs in the soil were divided into two groups, pesticides and vehicles.

Synthesis of 8-Alkoxy-4,5-dihydro-[1,2,4]triazole[4,3-a]quinoline-1-ones and Evaluation of their Anticonvulsant Properties

  • Sun, Xian-Yu;Jin, Yun-Zhe;Li, Fu-Nan;Li, Gao;Chai, Kyu-Yun;Quan, Zhe-Shan
    • Archives of Pharmacal Research
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    • v.29 no.12
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    • pp.1080-1085
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    • 2006
  • A series of 8-alkoxy-4,5-dihydro-[1,2,4]triazole[4,3-a]quinoline-1-one derivatives were synthesized using 7-hydroxy-3,4-dihydro-2(1H)-quinolone as the starting material. Their anticonvulsant activities were evaluated by the maximal electroshock test (MES) and the subcutaneous pentylenetetrazole test (sc-PTZ), and their neurotoxicities were measured by the rotarod neurotoxicity test (Tox). The tests demonstrated that 8-hexyloxy-4,5-dihydro-[1.2.4]triazole[4.3-a]quinoline-1-one (4e) and 8-heptyloxy-4,5-dihydro-[1,2,4]triazole[4, 3-a]quinoline-1-one (4f) were the most potent anticonvulsants, with 4e having $ED_{50}$ values of 17.17 mg/kg and 24.55 mg/kg and protective index ($PI=TD_{50}/ED_{50}$) values of 41.9 and 29.3 in the MES and sc-PTZ tests, respectively, and 4f having $ED_{50}$ values of 19.7 mg/kg and 21.2 mg/kg and PI values of 36.5 and 33.9 in the MES and sc-PTZ tests, respectively. The PI values of 4e and 4f were many fold better than that of the marketed drugs phenytoin, carbamazepine, phenobarbital and valproate, which have PI values in the range of 1.6-8.1 in the MES test and <0.22-5.2 in the sc-PTZ test. Structure-activity relationships were also discussed.

Potential impact of climate change on the species richness of subalpine plant species in the mountain national parks of South Korea

  • Adhikari, Pradeep;Shin, Man-Seok;Jeon, Ja-Young;Kim, Hyun Woo;Hong, Seungbum;Seo, Changwan
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.298-307
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    • 2018
  • Background: Subalpine ecosystems at high altitudes and latitudes are particularly sensitive to climate change. In South Korea, the prediction of the species richness of subalpine plant species under future climate change is not well studied. Thus, this study aims to assess the potential impact of climate change on species richness of subalpine plant species (14 species) in the 17 mountain national parks (MNPs) of South Korea under climate change scenarios' representative concentration pathways (RCP) 4.5 and RCP 8.5 using maximum entropy (MaxEnt) and Migclim for the years 2050 and 2070. Results: Altogether, 723 species occurrence points of 14 species and six selected variables were used in modeling. The models developed for all species showed excellent performance (AUC > 0.89 and TSS > 0.70). The results predicted a significant loss of species richness in all MNPs. Under RCP 4.5, the range of reduction was predicted to be 15.38-94.02% by 2050 and 21.42-96.64% by 2070. Similarly, under RCP 8.5, it will decline 15.38-97.9% by 2050 and 23.07-100% by 2070. The reduction was relatively high in the MNPs located in the central regions (Songnisan and Gyeryongsan), eastern region (Juwangsan), and southern regions (Mudeungsan, Wolchulsan, Hallasan, and Jirisan) compared to the northern and northeastern regions (Odaesan, Seoraksan, Chiaksan, and Taebaeksan). Conclusions: This result indicates that the MNPs at low altitudes and latitudes have a large effect on the climate change in subalpine plant species. This study suggested that subalpine species are highly threatened due to climate change and that immediate actions are required to conserve subalpine species and to minimize the effect of climate change.