• Title/Summary/Keyword: motors

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Dynamic Properties of Tiny Piezoelectric linear Motor by Applied Voltage (인가 전압에 따른 초소형 압전 리니어 모터의 동특성)

  • Yoo, Kyoung-Ho;Ko, Hyun-Phill;Kang, Chong-Yun;Kim, Hyun-Jai;Ko, Tae-Kuk;Yoon, Seok-Jin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2005.07a
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    • pp.62-63
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    • 2005
  • Recently, a tiny piezoelectric linear motor using a vibration made of the transducer has been invented. The motor consists of a shaft, mobile element, and piezoelectric transducer using a piezoelectric radial mode bimorph disk. The fringe of the bimorph disk is fixed firmly which means this area has no degree of freedom. Therefore, the radial mode of the tranducer transfers to the flexurd mode. The mobile elements move along the shaft by the impact force generated by the flexurd mode of the piezoelectric transducer. The piezoelectric ceramic disks have thickness of 0.1 mm and diameter of 3.5 mm. The elastic disk is introduced between two disks of the ceramic, which has thickness of 0.1 mm and diameter of 3.8 mm. The fringe of the elastic disk is fixed by a brass cylinder which height is 1.2 mm. The Pyrex shaft is used which has diameter of 1 mm and height of 10 mm. The motors are operated at their resonant frequencies. The dynamic properties of the motor have been intensively measured and analyzed according to the applied voltage wave forms at the resonant frequencies. As the sawtooth and rectangular voltage waves are applied, the velocity, the thrust force, and the velocity dependence of the mobile position are measured. The dynamic characteristics are also analyzed within a period of each wave using laser vibrometer. The velocity of the mobile is moderately constant along the shaft. The better dynamic characteristics are obtained in the case of applying the rectangular wave.

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Design of 1 MW High-temperature Superconducting Motor with Water-cooled Armature (수냉식 전기자로 구성된 1 MW 고온초전도 동기모터의 설계)

  • Baik, S.K.;Lee, J.D.;Kim, S.H.;Lee, E.Y.;Sohn, M.H.;Kwon, Y.K.;Moon, T.S.;Park, H.J.;Kim, Y.C.;Lee, J.Y.;Hong, J.P.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2005.07b
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    • pp.1258-1260
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    • 2005
  • Superconducting synchronous motors and generators have the field coil composed of superconductor with almost zero resistance at superconducting state. Therefore, co or loss at the conventional field coil is eliminated and the superconducting machine gets higher efficiency. The armature coil of the superconducting machine is composed of cower wire and supported by non-magnetic material such as FRP(Fiber Reinforced Plastic). Although a fully-superconducting machine with superconducting armature coil has been researched, it was not developed toward industrial application because of AC transporting loss and difficulty in construction of the cooling structure and so on. This paper contains the design procedure of a 1 MW superconducting synchronous motor using high-temperature superconductor only for the field coil. Especially, the armature coil is designed by water-cooling in order to dissipate Joule heat easily. Moreover, 3-dimensional electromagnetic design is conducted to get a proper design result and reduce design errors from 2-dimensional approach.

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Finite Element Analysis on Process Improvement of the Multi-Forming for the Motor-Case of an Automobile (자동차용 모터케이스 성형용 멀티포머의 공정개선에 관한 유한요소해석)

  • Kim H. J.;Bae W. B.;Cho J. R.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity Conference
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.467-470
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    • 2005
  • There are about 10 motors for tile actuator of the automation system in an auto-mobile recently. The performance of the motor-case is much related to the noise and the vibration of an auto-mobile Multi-Forming process is so much the better than existing deep-drawing or Multi-step forming by press by less cost, installation and staff. But there isn't the specific and general process design, so we aren't good at competition. So in the first step, I want to study about the core design for the multi-forming process. We can access by the elasto-plastic theory and the finite element method, and we use a commercial package of the Deform-2D and, Deform-3D which is based on three-dimensional elasto-plastic finite element, evaluated propriety oi the package. The evaluation of the package propriety was simulated by simple bending example. It was found the elasto-plastic theory was mostly in agreement with the simulation. We proposed that three type of section for the core and analyzed by finite element method (Deform-2D). We can get the best result with the ellipse type core. Then we apply the result of the preceding analysis to the finite element method (Deform-3D). In 3D-finite element analysis, we can get the result of 8/100mm-roundness. This result can help the improvement of the multi-forming process.

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Design and Control of a Biomimetic Fish Robot (생체 모방 로봇 물고기의 설계와 제어에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Young-Jin;Kim, Seung-Jae;Yang, Kyung-Sun;Lee, Jeong-Min;Yim, Chung-Hyuk;Kim, Dong-Hwan
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2012
  • This paper introduces the mechanical design, fabrication, and control of a biomimetic fish robot whose driving motions resemble a real fish's flexibility and movement. This robot uses two motors create flexible movement like that of a fish. Several schemes, such as neutral buoyancy, fast underwater swimming, and direction changes, are introduced. The tail of the fish robot is made of a polymer material for flexible movement. The interior of the tail contains a joint and a wire. A sine wave command was applied to the tail to produce motion resembling a real fish swimming, and a buoy control device was installed. The up and down motion of the robot fish was controlled using this device.

Study on NOx Reduction with Multi-Perforated Tube Geometry in Integrated Urea-SCR Muffler (촉매삽입형 Urea-SCR 머플러 다공튜브 형상변화에 따른 NOx 저감 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Moon, Namsoo;Lee, Sangkyoo;Ko, Sangchul;Lee, Jeekeun
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.38 no.12
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    • pp.1017-1026
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    • 2014
  • A multi-perforated tube is generally installed between the muffler inlet and in front of selective catalytic reduction (SCR) catalysts in the integrated urea-SCR muffler system in order to disperse the urea-water solution spray uniformly and to make better use of the SCR catalyst, which would result in an increase nitrogen oxide ($NO_x$) reduction efficiency and a decrease in the ammonia slip. The effects of the multi-perforated tube orifice area ratios on the internal flow characteristics were investigated analytically by using a general-purpose commercial software package. From the results, it was clarified that the multi-perforated tube geometry sensitively affected the generation of the bulk swirling motion inside the plenum chamber set in front of the SCR catalyst and to the uniformity index of the velocity distribution produced at the inlet of the catalyst. To verify the analytical results, engine tests were carried out in the ESC and ETC modes. Results of these tests indicated that the larger flow model in the longitudinal direction showed the highest NOx reduction efficiency, which was a good agreement with the analytical results.

A Study on Combustion and Exhaust Emission in Direct Injection Diesel Engine (직접분사식 디젤기관의 연소 및 배기에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Du-Beom;Kim, Gi-Bok;Kim, Chi-Won;Han, Sung-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.105-113
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    • 2017
  • Recently the direct injection diesel engine is the most efficient one available for road vehicles, so this fundamental advantage suggests the compression injection diesel engine are a wise choice for future development efforts. The compression ignition diesel engine, with its bigger compression ratios if compared to the SI engine, offers a higher thermodynamic efficiency, also additionally the diesel engine with its less pumping losses due to the throttled intake charge as in a SI engine has higher fuel economy. But the largest obstacle to the success of this engine is meeting emission standards for Nitric oxides and particulate matter while maintain fuel consumption advantage over currently available engines. Thus its use should be largely promoted, however, diesel engine emits more Nitric oxides and particulate matter than other competing one. There has been a trade-off between PM and NOx, so efforts to reduce NOx have increased PM and vice versa, but trap change this situation and better possibility emerge for treating NOx emission with engine related means, such as injection timing, equivalence ratio, charge composition, and engine speed. The common rail direct injection system is able to adjust the fuel injection timing in a compression ignition engine, so this electronically controlled injection system can reduce the formation of NOx gas without increase in soot. In this study it is designed and used the engine test bed which is installed with turbocharge and intercooler. In addition to equipped using CRDI by controlling injection timing with mapping modulator, it has been tested and analyzed the engine performance, combustion characteristics, and exhaust emission as operating parameters.

Review of BLAC Motor and Drive Technology for Electric Power Steering of Vehicles (자동차용 EPS의 BLAC 모터 및 제어기술의 고찰)

  • Cho, Kwan-Yuhl;Kim, Hak-Wone;Cho, Young-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.9
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    • pp.4083-4094
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    • 2011
  • The Electric Power Steering (EPS) has been applied to the vehicles due to its better fuel efficiency, better steering feel, and the compact volume compared to the hydraulic power steering. The brushed PM (Permanent Magnet) DC motors had been adopted in most of the EPS systems until several years ago due to its easy control and a simple hardware configuration of the power converter, but nowadays the BLAC (Brushless AC) motor is becoming more popular for the EPS system because of its high efficiency and long lifetime. This paper reviews the configuration of the EPS system and the BLAC motor and drive technologies based on the papers published recently. The torque ripple reduction for steering feel and the fault detection algorithms for safety are also reviewed.

Evaluations of Swaging Process for Rotor Core of Induction Motors (유도전동기 회전자 제작시 압입작업 평가)

  • Park, Sang-Chul
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.10
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    • pp.21-26
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    • 2016
  • This study evaluates the magnitudes and distributions of contact tangential forces with the swaging depth of punch acting at the contact surfaces between a rotor core slot and a Cu bar during a sequential rotor core swaging process. The effects of the core slot shape on the magnitudes and distributions of the total contact forces were investigated to improve the productivity of the rotor core swaging process. Parametric elastic-plastic numerical analyses were performed using simplified two-dimensional cyclic symmetric plane strain models to evaluate the contact force distributions at the contact surfaces. The numerical analysis results show that the total contact tangential forces increased by about 55% with the adjacent Cu bar swaging process. The length of the core slot is a dominant factor in the core slot design as result of the increased total contact tangential forces during the swaging process of the rotor core.

Evaluations of Swaging Process for Rotor Core of Induction Motors II (유도전동기 회전자 제작시 압입작업 평가 II)

  • Park, Sang-Chul
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.464-469
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    • 2017
  • This study evaluated the displacements of a Cu bar in the Y-direction and the relationship between swaging pressures and total contact forces to increase the productivity of the rotor core swaging process. Elastic-plastic numerical analyses of four different Cu bar shapes were performed with a constant swaging pressure to evaluate the displacements of the Cu bar in the Y-direction and the contact force distributions at the contact surfaces during the swaging process. Based on the numerical analysis results, the following conclusions were obtained. First, a simplified 2-dimensional cyclic symmetric analysis model was developed for the numerical analysis of the rotor core swaging process. Second, the final displacements of the Cu bar in the Y-direction were nearly the same as the change of the Cu bar size at a constant swaging pressure. Third, a linear relationship between the swaging pressures and the total contact forces, the so called resistance forces, was suggested.

Comparative Study of Minimum Ripple Switching Loss PWM Hybrid Sequences for Two-level VSI Drives

  • Vivek, G.;Biswas, Jayanta;Nair, Meenu D.;Barai, Mukti
    • Journal of Power Electronics
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.1729-1750
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    • 2018
  • Voltage source inverters (VSIs) are widely used to drive induction motors in industry applications. The quality of output waveforms depends on the switching sequences used in pulse width modulation (PWM). In this work, all existing optimal space vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM) switching strategies are studied. The performance of existing SVPWM switching strategies is optimized to realize a tradeoff between quality of output waveforms and switching losses. This study generalizes the existing optimal switching sequences for total harmonic distortions (THDs) and switching losses for different modulation indexes and reference angles with a parameter called quality factor. This factor provides a common platform in which the THDs and switching losses of different SVPWM techniques can be compared. The optimal spatial distribution of each sequence is derived on the basis of the quality factor to minimize harmonic current distortions and switching losses in a sector; the result is the minimum ripple loss SVPWM (MRSLPWM). By employing the sequences from optimized switching maps, the proposed method can simultaneously reduce THDs and switching losses. Two hybrid SVPWM techniques are proposed to reduce line current distortions and switching losses in motor drives. The proposed hybrid SVPWM strategies are MRSLPWM 30 and MRSLPWM 90. With a low-cost PIC microcontroller (PIC18F452), the proposed hybrid SVPWM techniques and the quality of output waveforms are experimentally validated on a 2 kVA VSI based on a three-phase two-level insulated gate bipolar transistor.