• Title/Summary/Keyword: monk

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A Study on the Engravers of Temple Woodblock Publications in Choson Dynasty (조선조 사찰판 각수 연구)

  • Kim Sang-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.20
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    • pp.331-403
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    • 1991
  • 1. The Purpose of the Research Historical study on the early woodblock printing in Korea has been mostly focussed on woodblock-printed books. Whereas, researches on those who pioneered to develop the advanced culture of the times have been very scant. Meanwhile, extant temple woodblock publications contain well preserved descriptions about Monk-Engravers and Sextons together with respective colophons at the end of the books. These records are very important research materials in the study of woodblock printing history and are also very useful source materials for discernment in conducting historical research about woodblock-printed books. Based on these records, this research has revelaed the characteristics of the Engrevers and realities of engraving activities, and by doing this, has clarified the characteristics of temple woodblock publications, and discussed the historical research about the woodblock-printed-publications by means of the Engravers. 2. Research Methods Temple woodblock publications with colophons in the nation's major libraries have been directly investigated and 3,059 Engravers were identified in 510 different woodblock-printed books, based on which this research and analysis have been conducted. 3. Research Results As a result of the research the followings have been clarified. A The Engravers' status composition and the motivation of engraving. B. The realities and tendencies of the Engravers' activities. C. The characteristics of the times found in the Engravers' lists. D. Historical research methods through the names of the Engravers.

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Formation and System of the Ancient Indian Medicine(AYURVEDA) (고대인도의학(古代印度醫學)(AYURVEDA)의 형성(形成)과 체계(體系))

  • Park, Jong Woon;Park, Chan Kuk
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.516-674
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    • 1998
  • Ancient Indian medicine, Ayulveda that had been developed during the period from 1500B.C. to 1000A.D. was a part of Atharva Veda in Vedas, ancient religious literature. Ayurveda accumulated wisdom of life from time immemorial presents that an individual entity is required to live in harmony with nature or universe according to its constitution. Ayurveda is the medical science that grasps individual constitution through Tridosha, a combination of five primary elements(space, wind, fire, water, and earth), and systemetically explains physiological and pathological phenomena which reveal according to the constitution. In Ayurveda, diseases are classfied by various diagnostic methods, and the state of sound body, mind and spirit is maintained by several unique theraphies and regimens. Ayurveda has (once) been developed in the form of monk medicine since it was transmitted as the buddistic medicine in China and Korea. It has a lot of similarities to the oriental medicine that systematizes the theory of holistic idea on the basis that the human body is a small universe corresponding to nature. The oriental medicine and Ayurveda, two main axes of the oriental medicine arouse western medical schools' interest by their perculiar views of the disease and the system of their medical theories. And they are expected to render services to human health.

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A Study on the Renewal Plan and Practical Use Way according to Architectural Features of Jungam Temple (정암사의 건축적 특징에 따른 정비계획과 활용방안에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Jang-Soon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.67-74
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    • 2016
  • Establishing a renewal plan and practical use of Jungam temple, which exists natural monuments, including national treasures and Gangwondo cultural materials, at Jungseon is as important as anything else. To discuss the renewal plan and the practical use of Jungam temple, this thesis is composed with the next series of processes. First, this thesis presents examining a relationship between Jajang, who was a buddhist monk and caused a departure point of foundation of the temple, and Jungam temple is necessary; thus, the relationship of his architectural consciousness and Jungam temple was showed in this thesis. Second, this thesis demonstrates present conditions for extant facilities and features of the space structure for Jungam temple to look into architectural characteristics of Jungam temple. Third, this thesis shows preservation of Jungam temple because this temple is the historic cultural resource; in addition, this thesis explains restoring of lost elements for points, repairing shipments regarding the whole area of preservation targets, expansion of the area nearby historic cultural resources to make plans for maintaining Jungam temple. Finally, this thesis concludes the final result of Jungam temple to work towards becoming the contemporarily historic cultural resource by designating Jungam temple as the historic site and suggesting energization by public participation and experience programs to continuously manage Jungam temple.

Effects of Salt Concentration on the Rehydration Characteristics of Freeze Dried Mook (재수화용액의 염농도에 따른 동결건초 도토리 묵의 재수화 특성)

  • 윤광섭;황정섭;정헌식;양경미
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.313-319
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    • 2001
  • In order to produce the high quality rehydrated acorn Mook(Korean tradition gel flood) that enhance acceptability, the optimum condition was investigated for the rehydration process of dried Monk as salt concentration(0, 1, 2%), temperature(20, 70, 80, 90$^{\circ}C$) and time. The estimation of moisture gain, rehydration efficiency was analyzed statistically. The surface color md seniory evaluation were undertaken to evaluate the rehydrated Mook quality The optimum rehydration time was decided to 15 minutes and it takes 3 minutes for the cooling tilde. The moisture gain increased as the rehydration temperature increase. And the moisture gain and moisture gain rate were higher at 1% salt solution than other concentration. As the rehydration efficiency, surface color and sensory properties of rehydrated Mook, 1% salt treatment was superior.

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A Study on the Architectural Document and Constructions of Gimlyong-sa(金龍寺) in 17~19th Century (17~19세기 김룡사의 불사(佛事) 관련 기록물 현황과 영건(營建)활동)

  • Do, Youn-Soo;Han, Dong-Soo
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.7-22
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    • 2013
  • Gimlyong-sa temple has played an important role of Buddhist culture in Gyeongsangdo Provinces(嶺南地域) in the late Joseon Dynasty as the 31st head temple(本山) in the Japanese occupation. There are lots of architectural documentary records remained nevertheless, most of cultural heritages are destroyed by fire in 1997. There were 85 articles in five kinds of books which contained historical achievements of Gimlyong-sa temple and hermitages(Daeseongam(大成庵), Hwajangam(華藏庵), Yangjinam(養眞庵), Geum seondae(金仙臺), Dosoram(兜率庵), Myeongjeogam(明寂庵)). It is possible to understand the five situational peculiarities in the 17~19th century. At the first, they were compiled in 1914 to around 1930 by Kwon Sangro(權相老) to clarify the historical facts. Second, confirmed the formation process of the foundation narrative. Third, the meaning of Seolseondang(設禪堂), Manseru(萬歲樓) and Hyangnojeon(香爐殿) were recorded, it is possible to look at the concept of people at that time. Fourth, the great masters portraits were enshrined in hermitages, not in Gimlyong-sa temple. It means that a hermitage is not for only self-discipline or living but assembly of religious orders(門派). Fifth, Chimgye(枕溪), the great Buddhist clergy and carpenter of Gimlyong-sa, was nationwide active worker in 19th century because he was also in a charge of investment manager for construction.

A Study on the Construction Records and Architectural Type of Unsoo-sa Daeoong-jeon in Busan (부산 운수사 대웅전의 조영기록과 건축형식 연구)

  • Seo, Chi-Sang;Kim, Yoon-Jeong
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.47-64
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this paper is to examine the foundation and subsequent reconstruction years of Unsoo-sa Daeoong-jeon in Busan, especially based on the five records of this building. Moreover, this paper aims to analyze the possibility of the architectural type changes by comparison with nearby Buddhist buildings. The results of this study are summarized as follows. First, Unsoo-sa Daeoong-jeon was built in 1655. Afterward, it had been repaired through five times, but most members of it's wood-framework were found to had been prepared and constructed in 1655. Second, such as the gongpo type, roof type, module system, intercolumnar distance and proportion of intercolumnar distance and column-height, the architectural type of this building is similar to nearby Sinhung-sa Daekwang-jeon. This was because the identical monk-craftsmen carried out the many constructions of nearby temples with their architectural skills at the same period. Third, in particular, the style and created-time of the front gongpos are different from those of the rear gongpos. That is why the front gongpos were replaced when Unsoo-sa Daeoong-jeon was reconstructed in 1771.

A study on investigation in damage sector of Wooden Cultural propertices-Housing Sin Keom Dang of MakokSa & Kim, Joo Tae's house (목조문화재 파손요인에 관한 연구-마곡사 심검당, 김주태 가옥)

  • Kim, Sa-Dug;Lee, Young-Hee;Yoon, Hee-Sang
    • 보존과학연구
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    • s.15
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    • pp.104-127
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    • 1994
  • Traditional architecture has structural limits after some terms because it almost made by wood elements. So in the name of 'Restoration', by anatural process, repair works are accomplished. But the repair works of traditional buildings have some problems in spite of best men power and technology. To overcome this problems, we need more detailed studies for examine the reasons of destruction in elements of wooden buildings. The life limits of wooden buildings are caused by natural circumstances and humanic circumstances, the former has bad effect on the damage in wooden buildings. There are various elements of damage in the wooden buildings, earthquake, the falling of a thunderbolt, fire, and rain, microorganism, insect, and so on. Moreover pollutions-sulfurous acid gas, acidorganic matters -are important reason of shortening the life of wooden buildings. From 1981 till now we investigated important traditional buildings under repair works by the way scientific analysis to catch the sample - seramics, woods, insects, metals, etc. In this reports we suggest various method of investigation with two samples of tradional house made by wood, one is Kim Joo Tea House, the order is Simgum-dang of Magok-Sa(dwelling of monk).

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A Study on the Architectural Evolution of Multi-storied Buildings in Hanyang, the Capital of Josun Dynasty (조선시대 도성(都城) 중층건물의 건축형식 전개(展開)에 관한 연구)

  • Ryoo, Seong-Lyong
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.17-29
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    • 2015
  • This study is about the change of multi-storied buildings in Hanyang, the capital city of Joseon Dynasty. The changes are divided into 3 phases in the viewpoint of architectural types and building types. The first phase is from the early Joseon Dynasty to the time of Japanese invasion to Korea and Sungryemun remains until now. The second phase is from 1592 to the the first half of the 18th century. Many multi-storied Buddhist halls were rebuilt at that time. In the final phase, many multi-storied gate buildings and multi-storied main buildings of palaces were rebuilt. And there are differences between the Buddhist buildings and the main buildings of palaces. By the way the change that architectural style of the Buddhist buildings and the main buildings of pal were switched and mixed occurred. For example, Anguksa Daeungjeon adopted the style of multi-storied gates and Injeongjeon adopted the style of multi-storied Buddhist halls. These phenomenon was result from periodical situation the monk carpenter and his disciple took part in governmental construction like Janganmun.

A Study on the Hermitage of Gimuryon-sa (김룡사(金龍寺) 산내암자(山內庵子)에 관한 연구)

  • Do, Youn-Soo;Han, Dong-Soo
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.81-90
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    • 2014
  • This study aims to comprehend architectural peculiarity of the hermitage as the one of Buddhist architectural type in Korea. Although it has not defined properly, it has been demanded the architectural respondence according to the environment of times since the introduction from other countries. Gimryong-sa temple, founded in 1635, and the hermitages are the most appropriate objects for analysis because there are many documents still remained. It is possible to find out that there are some architectural peculiarity after review of the document and the field survey about Geumseon-am(金仙庵=金仙臺), Hwajang-am(華藏庵), Daeseong-am(大成庵), Yangjin-am(養眞庵). In the late of Joseon Dynasty, the group of buddhist proceeded the economical development and the extension of authority based on the family culture. The hermitage functioned for the self-discipline, the meeting of family, the enshrinement of portraits, the memorial ceremony of family at this point. In response to that, the architectural space which had combined residence and rite became preferred such as Inbeopdang(因法堂). And a Large Ondol room called Daejungbang(大重房) was applied and Ru(樓)-Maru was added as the place for rest.

A Study on the Nu-A, a Member Piece of Ship's Hull Recorded in the Ennin's Diary (원인의 입당구법순례행기에 기록된 선체구성재 “누아” 대한 소고)

  • Hugh, Ihl; Cui, Yun-Feng
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.11-15
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    • 2003
  • Ennin is a Japanese buddhist monk who traveled Tang from Jun. 13, 838 A D. to Dec. 14, 847 A D. in lunar's calender and wrote lengthy diary through the travel. This diary contained not only his wandering and triumphs but also politics, economy, social culture, religion, diplomatic policies, militaries, geography, transportations and administrations. Furthermore, the beginning of his diary dated Jun. 13, to July 3, 838 A. D. is recorded in the manner of ship's logbook entries. Many terms of navigation and naval architecture appears on it. It is very important to understand them for study ancient ship and its navigation skill. This Per aims to invest the meaning of “no-a” obviously refers to some part of hull of the ship upon first step to annotate the terms which are appeared in the diary.

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