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The study on Byunsangwha(Buddha's preaching paint) of 4 volumes of the script of 80 Avatamska Sutra present in Japan (일본(日本)에 현존(現存)하는 4권의 주본화엄경(周本華嚴經)의 변상획(變相畵)에 관한 연구)

  • Kwon, Hi-Kyung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.67-85
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    • 2004
  • Four volumes of the script of the Avatamska Sutra written with golden paste on dark blue papers manufactured in Koryo Dynasty which are collected or deposited in every museum of Japan show specific features on their cover paintings. In general 3 or 4 lotus flowers are wound by arabesque patterns in zigzag on the cover paintings of Koryo scripts, whereas 10 lotus flowers painted with golden paste on the 4 volumes of these scripts are same in their style. Though there is no prayer sentences in 4 volumes of the script, it is possible to know that they should belong to a set of 80 Avatamska Sutra by the results of above studies. In this study the contents of Byunsangwha of the script of 4 volumes of the Avatamska Sutra were discussed at first and their manufactured era should be postulated by the results of style analysis of cover paintings and Byunsangwha. First thing that saint hair of Buddha was painted with cobalt color is same as that of Byunsangwha of Munsuchoisangsungmusenggebueob prayed in Tejeong 3rd year, king Chungsuk 13th year(AD 1326). Second thing that the beads in topknot of saint hair and lips were painted completely with pink color, and ears, face outline as well as bosom outline disclosed through monk's cloth were also painted with pink color, furthermore the last thing is that Buddha's face was coated with golden paste. All of these things are same as shown in the characteristics of Byunsangwha of the scripts of Kanezawa Daishoji, Matsue Tenrinji and Haga Tera collection in Japan. However, since the cloud pattern style of Byunsangwha of the script is similar to that of the Byunsangwha manufactured in reinstatement era of king Chungsuk, it is possible to say that these 4 volumes of script should be manufactured in the reinstatement era of king Chungsuk.

A Study on Changes of the Central Part of Beomeosa Temple - Based on Photographs and Drawings - (범어사(梵魚寺) 가람배치(伽藍配置)의 중단영역(中壇領域) 변화(變化)에 관한 연구(硏究) - 사진(寫眞)과 도판(圖版)을 중심(中心)으로 -)

  • Youn, Suk-Hwan;Han, Sam-Geon
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.14 no.4 s.44
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    • pp.41-58
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    • 2005
  • This study was started under the judgement that reviewing $\ulcorner$A Survey Report of Korean Architecture$\lrcorner$, which contains photographs and drawings by Sekino Tadashi and which was also made under the order of the Japanese government(1902), would make it possible to consider in detail the status of Korean buildings in the period of the Korean Empire. The focus of the study. was put on three main parts of the temple, especially the central parts. The photographs and drawings as mentioned above showed that changes in the layout of buildings in the central part of the temple were made between the period of the Korean Empire and that of Japanese occupation. Thus the purpose of the study is to investigate when changes in building layout in the central part of the temple were made and what made such changes to be caused, obtaining information necessary for future changes in the precincts of the temple. Results of the study can be summarized as follows. First, 'Seonchal Daebonsan Beomeosa feonkeongdo' and 'Gyeongsangnamdo Dongraegun Beomeosa Geonmul Jeondo' were made in a same period. While, 'Chosun Gojeok Dobo', published by the government-general of Chosun, was a collection of photographs taken by Sekino Tadashi for about 30 years from 1902 to 1933 under the order of the Japanese government. But there were few changes in the building layout of the temple shown in the three materials. Second, one of the photographs and drawings made since 1933, not contained in 'Chosun Gojeok Dobo', and discovered by this researcher was 'Seonchal Daebonsan Beomeosa Annae' which was published by the temple itself after national independence from the period of Japanese occupation, indicating the main reason of changes in building layout as mentioned above. In conclusion, the layout of buildings of the temple began to be changed on a large scale, with so-called 'Cheyongseol' ignored, when Buddhist monk Cha Woon Ho established a 7-storied sarira tower to the left of the main building in the center of the upper part in 1936. In addition, the axis line connecting between Hwaeomjong and Seonjong was also changed at that time.

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A Comparison Study on Kyedan of Korea Buddhist Temple and Kyedandokyung (한국(韓國) 불교사원(佛敎寺院)의 계단(戒壇)과 계단도경(戒壇圖經)의 비교(比較) 연구(硏究))

  • Park, Eon-Kon;Lee, Jae-In;Choi, Hyo-Sik
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.99-118
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    • 2007
  • Kyedan(戒壇) is an altar to perform a rite of Buddhist Initiation which gives Precept to a Buddhist monk. Sometimes it is called the Place of Precept and Mandala by Sanskrit. In this study, the Sutra of the Tang(唐) Dosun(道宣) regarding First Kyedan of Jetavana-anathapindasyarama(祇園精舍), which was the first temple such as, Kyedandokyung(戒壇圖經), Kiwonsadokyung(祇洹寺圖經), Sabunyul(四分律) were analyzed to find out original form and layout. Ultimately, the study was intended to examine the spatial formation-principle by comparing with Kyedan Temple. The results of this study could be summarized as below. First. Except for Kyedan in Bakryensa, the height of lower stone plate of Buddhist Bell-Shaped Stupa of Korean Kyedan is higher than three storied Kyedan that described in Kyedandokyung. Second. Buddhist Bell-Shaped Stupa above Kyedan was presumed that embodied image of Bell Pedestal and symbolism of overturned-bowl were combined together, when Kyedandokyung and Kiwonsadokyung were referred. It could be examined by the existence of stone lantern. Third. In Korea, the rite of Buddhist initiation that gives Precept in Kyedan has been considered impossible. However, when the rite was conducted, there was a possibility to establish wood stair. It is because that the Buddhist Stupa of Silleuuksa(神勒寺) and Woljeongsa(月精寺), which reflected the image of Kyedan had stone stair. Fourth, The method to build Kyedan of Dosun divided into Large Region and Small Region was applied to the method to construct Stone terrace behind Jeongmyeolbogung(寂滅寶宮) like Tongdosa(通度寺) and complete Kyedan on the stone terrace. In other words, Jeongmyeolbogung became Kyedanwon(戒壇院) and Kyedan, itself became Small Region. The area of Stone terrace became Large Region and naturally, they constituted an Institution. Fifth, Korean Kyedan which is consist of Jeongmyeonlbogung and Kyedan is a Korean original composition principles of Kyedangaram(戒壇伽藍) that can satiate all the functions of Kyedan as a religious subject and the place of the rite of Buddhist initiation, as it had complex of Outdoor Kyedan, which was suggested by the sutra of Dosun and Institution of Kyedan.

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Protective Effect of Dopaol β-D-glucoside Isolated from East Asian Monk'shood on Cisplatin-Induced Nephrotoxicity (한라돌쩌귀로부터 분리된 Dopaol β-D-glucoside의 신장독성 보호효과)

  • Nho, Jong Hyun;Jung, Ja Kyun;Jung, Ho Kyung;Jang, Ji Hun;Jung, Da Eun;Lee, Ki Ho;Kim, A Hyeon;Sung, Tae Kyoung;Park, Ho;Cho, Hyun Woo
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.231-237
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    • 2017
  • Background: Cisplatin is one of the most extensively used chemotherapeutic agents for the treatment of cancer, including bladder, and ovarian cancers. However, it has been shown to induce nephrotoxicity, despite being an outstanding anti-cancer drug. In this study, we investigated the protective effect of dopaol ${\beta}$-D-glucoside (dopaol) on cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity. Methods and Results: To confirm the protective effect of dopaol on cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity, HK-2 cells were treated with $20{\mu}M$ cisplatin and $80{\mu}M$ dopaol. Cisplatin increased apoptosis, caspase-3 activity and mitochondrial dysfunction; however pretreatment with $80{\mu}M$ dopaol successfully attenuated apoptosis, caspase-3 activity and mitochondrial dysfunction. To evaluate the protective effect dopaol on cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity in vivo, we used an animal model (balb/c mice, 20 mg/kg, i.p. once/day for 3 day). The results were similar to those obtained using HK-2 cells; renal tubular damage and neutrophilia induced by cisplatin reduced following dopaol injection (10 mg/kg, i.p. once/day for 3 day). Conclusions: These results indicate that dopaol treatment reduced cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity in vitro and in vivo, and can be used to treat cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity. However, further studies are required to determine the toxicity high dose dopaol and the signal pathways involved in its mechanism of action in animal models.

The Korean Dictionary and the Buddhist Language: Description of Popularity of Buddhism Terminologies (국어사전과 불교 언어: '불교' 영역의 전문용어 기술을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Han-saem
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.45
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    • pp.195-218
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    • 2016
  • This paper focuses on the terminology of the dictionary as an encyclopedic element in the Buddhist language. The previous study on Buddhist language can be divided into a philosophical approach to the language itself, a review of the linguistic perspective of a specific monk, and a linguistic examination of the Buddhist language. The linguistic examination of the Buddhist language is further divided into analysis of certain Buddhist scriptures, and a study of vocabulary used throughout the Buddhist sphere. The Buddhist vocabulary in the existing Korean dictionary is found in specialized areas such as name, place name, history, and Buddhism. By advancing the generalized words of the terminologies, the meanings of the terminologies and the general words are described as polysemy. It is possible to identify the degree of transition from terminology to general word depending on the distribution of senses. In the case of Buddhist vocabulary, the usage as a general language and as a Buddhist term was given priority, and vocabulary was also derived from a Buddhist term, although it was described as a general language. If a dictionary is changed according to the language unit it contains, the difference in a Buddhist terminology for each dictionary, and a conflict between the existing academic research result and the prior description, will need to be resolved through the collaboration of religious experts, linguists, and lexicographers.

A study on publication and distribution of Mengshan analects in Joseon Dynasty Focusing on two books of Mengshan, Mengshan Heshang Sermons Abstract and Mengshan Heshang Liudao Pushuo (몽산 어록 조선본의 간행과 유통에 대한 연구 - 『몽산화상법어약록(蒙山和尙法語略錄)』과 『몽산화상육도보설(蒙山和尙六道普說)』을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Eun Jin;Song, Il Gie
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.61-84
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    • 2019
  • This study is an analysis of Mengshan heshang analects. Mengshan heshang lived in Song(?) and Yuan(?) Dynasty and he was a Buddhist monk of Linji Chan(???). His works handed on Buddhist monks of Goryeo in the late Goryeo Dynasty. And he influenced Buddism in the early Joseon Dynasty. In Joseon Dynasty Mengshan heshang Sermons abstract was confirmed existence of 39 editions and Mengshan heshang Liudao Pushuo was confirmed existence of 24 editions. All 63 editions show that Sermons abstract and Liudao Pushuo are his representitive analects. All editions were printed in early Joseon Dynasty. At that time Mengshan heshang analects was distributed in Joseon Dynasty. Mengshan heshang analects was distributed in all over the nation as well as in Royal Family of Joseon. Also Mengshan heshang analects was published many times in the Mt. Jiri area. The names of almost engravers found on the publications of many temples. Some engravers actively participated in publishing Buddhist scriptures in particular area. His ideas were received in the late Goryeo Dynasty and the early Joseon Dynasty actively and his many works appears like this.

Daeungbojeon Hall of Bulyeongsa Temple, Uljin and the Architectural Technique of the Features (울진 불영사(佛影寺) 대웅보전(大雄寶殿)의 특징(特徵)과 건축술(建築術))

  • Oh, Se-deok
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.46-65
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    • 2014
  • This study, under the title of Daeungbojeon Hall of Bulyeongsa Temple, Uljin and the architectural technique of the architect, aimed to make a comprehensive speculation on Daeungbojeon Hall of Bulyeongsa Temple whose accurate construction year was confirmed in 1725. While existing studies dealt with it separately between construction and Buddhist art history this study attempted to sort out it in one perspective by means of comparison with compatible objects in the area. The results are as follows. 1st, by means of comparison of wall painting of Daeungbojeon Hall of Bulyeongsa Temple and other wall paintings of Gyeongsang-do Province, it was estimated to be created before and after 1725, the founding year of the building. 2nd, the stylobate of Daeungbojeon Hall is the only and unique case that Guibu was supported by the bottom. Such stylobate was estimated to be built in the early period of Goryeo stylobate of PostLintel Construction which was more simplified than that of the traditional unified Silla period considering specific techniques. Lastly, by means of comparison of the architectural technique of Daeungbojeon Hall of Bulyeongsa Temple with other temples in Gyeongsang-do Province, the characteristics of the building were found. In particular, the same architectural technique was confirmed by direct comparison of style with Yeongsanjeon Hall of Tongdosa Temple in 1714 which was constructed by the same architect.

The Periodical Formation and Phase of Change of Cheongpyeongsa Temple Zen Garden (청평사(淸平寺) 선원(禪園)의 시대적(時代的) 형성(形成)과 변천상(變遷相))

  • Yoon, Young Hwal
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2011
  • Cheongpyeongsa Temple was originally built in the early years of Goryeo Dynasty, but its current structural framework was made by the Lord Jinrakgong Lee Ja Hyeon(1061-1125) of the middle Goryeo period based on the Zen thought after he began living in the Cheongpyeong mountain around the temple in 1089. The purpose of this study is to conceptualize, based on old documents, historical changes of the appearance and survival of man-made structures with in the Zen garden formed and developed after Lee Ja Hyeon laid the foundation for Munsuwon Zen garden. Among the eight, outside-the-temple hermitages built at the time of Lee Ja Hyeon's Munsuwon Zen garden, only three hermitages, which are Sik-am, Gyeonseong-am, Yangshin-am had been remaining thanks to restoration and repair until late Joseon Dynasty and preserved as symbolic hermitages. Also, the Yeongji Pond built at the time of Lee Ja Hyeon still remains as precious landscape relics which is meaningful as a genuine Goryeo-period pond. The nine pine trees said to be planted by Lee Ja Hyeon remained until middle 1800s through their descendant trees. When the Buddhist monk Bowoo Daesa(1509-1565)changed the name to Cheongpyeongsa Temple in middle Joseon based on the Munsuwon Zen garden built by Lee Ja Hyeon and greatly expanded it, he newly built and expanded all buildings inside the temple except for Neunginjeon(main temple building), resulting in the present temple structure. In addition, by greatly enhancing the level of scenery by reconstructing Yeongji Pond outside the temple area and transplanting garden plants from the royal court, he made Cheongpyeongsa Temple the most prosperous Zen garden in its history. But after the mid-1800s, which is late Joseon period, Cheongpyeongsa Temple failed to thrive further and began to decline, and so currently most buildings of the Zen garden have disappeared except for some parts of the temple and other facilities are neglected.

Characteristic of cultivating theory in fables of Sam Guk Yu Sa(三國遺事; The Heritage of the Three States) reflected to "Experience-Learning" theory - In the central figure of Three Fables with Naksan temple, Bunhwang temple, and Geumsan temple ('경험-학습' 이론에 비추어 본 『삼국유사』 설화의 수양론적 특징 - 낙산사·분황사·금산사에 얽힌 세 설화를 중심으로 -)

  • Choi, Seung Hyun;Kim, Young Hoon;Shin, Chang Ho
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.32
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    • pp.371-394
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    • 2011
  • Buddhism have affected Korea traditional education very much. Sam Guk Yu Sa is a book which includes the public disposition grounded on world view of Buddhism. In the wide scope, the public disposition relates to their cultivating education. This paper reviewed cultivating education grounded on John Dewey "experience-learning" model about the Buddhistic public disposition appearing in Sam Guk Yu Sa. "Meaning-experience" as "adult-becoming" appearing in Sam Guk Yu Sa shows a strong characteristic of cultivating education when we see on a creative horizon in the Buddhistic world. Dewey-Deleuze's cultivating education which modernizes the theory of John Dewey meets at the place of the public disposition and three fables of Sam Guk Yu Sa grounded on the Buddhistic world. This could open possibility to interpret the cultivating theory of Korea traditional thought and western educational theory with interdigitation. Fables of Sam Guk Yu Sa dealt with growth and maturity of the public from Buddhist monk to folk wishes to achieve Bulgukto(佛國土; the land with Buddha) through the process of cultivating education which leads to "impulse-observation-knowledge-determination." In these series of process for "adult-becoming," life itself possesses characteristic of cultivating theory. In this respect, fables of Sam Guk Yu Sa shows Korea traditional cultivating theory and can be a role of a discourse book for cultivating educational theory which could relate to western educational theory.

Koreans' Folk Religions Concealed in a Oral Literary Tradition of "The story of ruining one's family by Daughter-in-law's Cutting-Condemnation(斷血)" ('며느리-단혈형 부자 패가敗家 설화'에 나타난 한국인의 민간신앙의 한 단면)

  • Seo, Shinhye
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.71
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    • pp.205-229
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    • 2018
  • This article proceeds to scrutinizing a oral tradition called the story of ruining one's family by daughter-in-law's cutting-condemnation conducive to any estimation of Koreans' religious mentality. This oral tradition begins with mischievous behaviors of daughter-in-law. She cut away any materials, which a vagabond monk of Buddhism identified as a source of solacing numberless visitors to her house. Tired of serving all the visitors, she cut away the material. It caused her parents-in-law's house to be collapsed. At a first glance, the daughter-in-law appears to be blamed for the collapse. Interestingly, no one cannot be blamed for the misfortune. A face value of the text does not show that the fate of misfortune comes from any ethical misconduct and its posterior mishandling. Behind this oral tradition, by the way, lies the consciousness that relates misfortune with a ceremony of cutting away any unique material; cutting away any material, cutting away the trend of coming visitors, and cutting away the mood of prosperity becomes identical. The thematic mentality of the text reveals a religious consciousness of seeing human beings' life to be identical with nature. This oral tradition must have focused on the importance of a harmonious relationship between human beings and nature.