• Title/Summary/Keyword: monk

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A Study of Gisaeng Performance Costume for Folk Dance in Early Modern Korea (근대(近代) 기생(妓生)의 민속무(民俗舞) 공연복식에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Ji-Hye;Cho, Woo-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.59 no.10
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    • pp.137-150
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    • 2009
  • Performance costumes are an important element in the stages which set the tones and embody characters in the performances. This study focuses on Gisaeng's costumes in folk dance performances when Korea experienced modernization from Joseon Dynasty, and aims to examine the features of the costumes as well as how the costumes both influenced, and got influenced by, the rapidly changing society. Gisaeng had been legal entertainment performers of the government in the Joseon Dynasty and, despite careful training and talents, had inferior social status in Joseon's social hierarchy system. In the modern society, a new system of Gisaeng emerged and the first public theater opened. The advent of theaters changed performance stages and the ways performances are conducted. This study investigated Gisaeng's performance costumes by the type of folk dances, such as monk dance, palace dance, Salfuri dance, Jangu dance, and Ip dance. The study brings light to three conclusions. First, as folk dances which had been performed by civil dancers were spread to Gisaeng, Gisaeng's costumes absorbed the costumes of civil dancers. Also, royal costumes appeared in folk dance performances. This can be viewed as mixture of royal and folk dance costumes, resulted from interactions between Gisaeng and civil art performers associated with the modernizing society and the weakening of the old hierarchical class system. Second, as performing arts on stages were modernizing, performance costumes changed accordingly. Thirdly, Giseang's costumes in folk dances also adapted the introduction of the western culture, which largely influenced the fashion trends of people in the early modern society in Korea.

Changing Trends and Classification of Composition Styles of Treasure Patterns on Textiles in Joseon Period (조선시대 직물에 나타난 보배무늬의 변화 경향과 구성 유형)

  • Cho, Hyo-Sook;Lee, Eunjin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.65 no.7
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    • pp.32-46
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    • 2015
  • Treasures patterns are simplified designs of vessels used in everyday life, which were symbols of luck. Treasures patterns on textiles are largely assorted into four groups: eight auspicious patterns of Buddhism, eight immortal patterns of Taoism, seven treasures patterns of King Chakravarti in the Buddhist Scriptures and normal treasures patterns. Among them normal treasures patterns are most commonly used. Records in the Joseon documents show these patterns as being composed of seven treasures patterns or eight treasures patterns. But observation of the actual relics show that these patterns ranged from four to ten patterns. Korean traditional textiles treasures patterns began to appear in Korea on the relics of the last of Goryeo period. They were used as sub-patterns among main patterns of dynamically rising cloud patterns with five heads. Treasures patterns in the early Joseon period were commonly used as sub-patterns, and cloud and treasures pattern were prime examples of this. In the 16th century, lotus vine pattern, small flower vine pattern, or small flower pattern were often used as main patterns and treasures patterns were regularly used as sub-patterns. The robe of the Great Monk of Seo San was unique, in that both main and sub patterns consisted of the treasures patterns. From the 17th century, treasures patterns began to be used as main patterns. For example, a relic with eight alternatively arranged treasures patterns were found. Though there were still some cases where the patterns were used as sub-patterns, they begin to appear bigger than the previous period and became similar to main patterns in size. In the 18th and 19th centuries, there were various cases where treasures patterns were combined with flowers, fruits, animals, and letter patterns and used as main patterns. And there are many different methods of representing and developing the patterns.

The Literary Study on The Written Date of and The Background of Sa-Ahm's 5 Element Acupuncture Method (사암침법(舍巖鍼法)의 저작시기(著作時期) 및 형성배경(形成背景)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Dal-Ho;Kim, Jung-Han
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.7
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    • pp.113-160
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    • 1994
  • The Sa-Ahm monk, who was believed to have existed in the middle of Cho-Seon Dynasty in Korea, have created an original Sa-Ahm's acupuncture method and written down, "Book of Sa-Ahm's 5 Element Acupuncture Method" using not only laws of creation and suppression in 5 element theory but also its main and other connected meridians according to the daignosis of visceras and bowels. Also the written time and background of its theory have not been known, and after obtaining Ji-San's book on Sa-Ahm's acupuncture method, I studied on them. The results are as follows : 1) The treatment chapter of Book of Sa-Ahm's 5 Element Acupuncture Method was written down by Sa-Ahm himself, and the chapter for Medical Experience was found to be written down by Ji-San. 2) It seemed that Sa-Ahm adopted the main ideas of "Eui Hak Jeong Jon(醫學正傳)" for the section of physiology, pathology and classification of disease symptoms the contents of which covered 40 of 43 parts, and the ideas of "Dong Eui Bo Gam(東醫寶鑑)" for YunGi treatise(運氣篇), and SangHan part(傷寒門) in classification of diease symptoms was intensified by the ideas of "Eui Hak Ip Moon(醫學入門)", and the contents of apoplexy, diseases characterized by acute diarrhea and vomiting, beriberi, diseases of oral cavity were intensified by the ideas of "Chim Ku Kyeong Hearn Bang(鍼灸經驗方)". 3) The written date of the Book of Sa-Ahm's 5 Element Acupuncture Method has been established as 1644 AD(22nd year of In Jo king of Cho-Seon Dynasty) after studying preface, contents and acknowledgement of Heo Im's "Chim Ku Kyeong Hearn Bang(鍼灸經驗方)". 4) The philosophic background of "Sa-Am Acupuncture Method(舍巖鍼法)" seems to be derived from the theories of "I Ching(周易)" and Yin Yang 5 Element Theory(陰陽五行學說), and to be influenced by such medical scholars as Tan Ke(丹溪), Woo Bak(虞搏), and Heo Im(許任).

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A Study on the Lifestyle and Fashion Style of City Nomads (시티 노마드의 라이프스타일과 패션스타일에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hyejeong
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.15-29
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to examine modern people's lifestyle and identify their needs by analyzing clothing behavior through city nomads' attitudes in dairy life, tastes, and methods to pursue in their life. This study tries to understand substitute values as ethical life emerging recently, free life style of mental emotion, clothing behaviors, and fashion style represented by the results. Upon observing city nomads' fashion trend, tunics symbolizing flexibility and comfort and simultaneously reflect colors in a monk style or from basic items that have been used. City nomads' fashion trend also reveals androgynous freeness-and-easiness. City nomads reflect a folksy inspiration, and different cultural perspectives appear in a mixed fashion. Multi-purpose gypsy/boho style is ideal for traveling and occupying smaller spaces in line with the nomadic lifestyle reflectings an American casual image partially by way of gypsy or bohemian nuances. Motorcycle jeans symbolizing functionality for traveling are becoming a part of everyday life. The fashions discussed are categorized as urban, tourer, sports and road. Everyday sportswear - athleisure - is attracting attention enabling a healthy and sound lifestyle. Athleisure is fashion wear harmonizing workplace with leisure, and everyday life and social gatherings. Athleisure represents a significant collapse of the boundary of high fashion and street fashion. Urban- tech wear is light and enables modern people to perform garment and gear functions simultaneously, making storage useful using various technical devices by elevating activity and functionality. Urban outdoor fashion holding functionality and adding modern fashion in appearance has appeared.

The Buddhist Scripts of Korea Flowed into Japan (일본에 유전된 한국판 석가유전적)

  • Shim Woo-Choon
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.28
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    • pp.71-81
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    • 1995
  • There are no exact copies or carvings of India's original Buddhist Scripts published in Korea that had been flowed into Japan except those of WanSanJungUiMongSanPuPo(환산정의몽산법어). YaWoonJaKyung (야운자경). KyeChoShimHakInMoon(계초심학인문) PalSimSooHangChang(발심수행장) and MongsanWhaSangPupoRackLock published by a mid-Chosun Dynasty Buddhist monk, YaWoon TaesunSa. Others are the translations by Chinese people. All printings were of woodblock except ChonjimyungYangsoo- RhockChapMoon(천지명양수육잡문) of Inkyng wood printing type. This shows perhaps that the Buddhists were so devout that they spared no effort in their prayers to head for the Paradise. Even the woodblock carver himself took his hard work for granted in his belief and engraved the blocks with all his heart taking his work as God-given task. Or. perhaps they to use wood-block printing as the demand for the Scripts soared. By the way. as the Koryo Dynasty took Buddhism as the state religion, it was natural that the Buddhist Scripts were published at TaeJangToKam (the publishing office) and were much encouraged. It is noteworthy. however, that not a few Buddhist Scripts had been published during the Chosun Dynasty despite its crack-down on Buddhism as the Confucianism was declared as the state principle. The Scripts were even published by such temples as MoonJooSa(문수사), MyoHeeAm(묘희암). SsangbongSa(쌍봉사). PyoHoonSa(표훈사), YooJupSa(유점사), YongJangSa(용장사). and AnShimSa(안심사). The fact that the Scripts were even published by KanKyungToKam(간경부감) leads us to reconsider the traditional way of thinking of the Chosun Dynasty as anti-Buddhist or flunkeyist. The historical fact that a record number of Buddhist publications had been transmitted to Japan - is it accidental? - This issue could well be another subject matter for further research. However, it should be noted that very few of above­mentioned Buddhist Scripts are found in present-day Korea.

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A Study on the Nu-A, a Member Piece of Ship′s Hull recorded in the Ennin′s Diary (『입당구법순례행기』 에 기록된 선체구성재 ‘누아’에 대한 소고)

  • Hugh, Ihl;Cui, Yun-Feng
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.593-597
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    • 2003
  • Ennin was a Japanese buddhist monk who stayed in Tang from Jun. 13, 838 A.D. to Dec. 14, 847 A.D. in lunar's calender and wrote lengthy diary through the travel. This diary contained lots of information on the politics, economy, social culture, religion, diplomatic policies, militaries, geography, transportations and administrations of Tang China. Especially the beginning of his diary dated from Jun. 13, to July 3, 838 A. D. was recorded in the manner of ship's logbook entries. Many terms of navigation and naval architecture appeared on it. It is very important to understand them for studying ancient ship and its navigation skill. This paper aims to investigate the meaning of ‘Nu-A’ obviously referring to some part of hull of the ship as the first step to annotate the terms of navigation and naval architecture which were appeared in the diary.

A Study on the Restoration Plan of Beomeosa Temple in the Late Period of Chosun (구한말(舊韓末) 범어사(梵魚寺)의 복원도(復元圖) 작성(作成)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Youn, Suk-Hwan;Han, Sam-Geon
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.14 no.4 s.44
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    • pp.137-155
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    • 2005
  • This study was started with its consideration as materials showing original shapes of temple buildings in the late period of Chosun the photographs and drawings which contained in $\ulcorner$A Survey Report of Korean Architecture$\lrcorner$ made by Sekino Tadashi through his survey for 62 days(July 5${sim}$Sep. 4, 1902). Results of the study can be summarized as follows. During the period of Japanese occupation, Beomesa temple experienced frequent changes in building layout including the transfer and removal of buildings. Such frequent change began in spring, 1936 when a Buddhist monk of Beomeosa temple, Cha Woon Ho moved Gwaneumjeon, originally located to the light of the main building, to the left of the building and, on its original site, built up a 7-storied sarira tower. Though it is difficult to say that the study provides everything about Beomeosa temple, the researcher expects that the study would be the very basis on which changes in the building layout of the temple since the late period of Chosun can be researched. In conclusion, the researcher hopes that the above mentioned restoration plan would help originally restore or enlarge temples, further transmitting such restored or enlarged establishments as valuable cultural remains from generation to generation. In this respect, the researcher expects such restoration plan to be made in continuous and more detailed ways.

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The Costumes of 18th Century Joseon Dynasty from Lee Ok's Writings (이옥(李鈺)의 글에 나타난 18세기 조선시대 복식)

  • Choi, Ji-Hee;Hong, Na-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.63 no.5
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    • pp.18-34
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    • 2013
  • This paper examines the costumes of 18th century Joseon dynasty that appears in the writings of Lee Ok(李鈺, 1760~1815). The main characteristics that can be inferred about the clothing from his writings are as follows. 1) It suppose that the color of first grade(一品) official uniform was purple. The popular color for the bride's ceremonial dress was red. 2) It was likely that only bridesmaids or married women were allowed to wear Jokduri(ceremonial coronet). 3) White clothes were only preferred in Yeongnam-udo, whereas other regions mainly wore blue, which differs from the national preference for white clothes that was prevalent in the end of the Joseon dynasty. 4) Once cotton was harvested, it only took 5 days to convert it into cotton cloth and be sold on the market. Cotton cloth was one of the most important products during the latter half of the Joseon dynasty. It was common practice in markets to sell expensive costume materials as counterfeits or fungible goods with the intent to cheat. 5) The buddhist monk's hat is various that short cylinder form(短桶帽) and jade or gold headband button(玉圈 金圈) attached shape, etc. Consequently, Lee Ok's writing is a suitable reference for researching Joseon dynasty clothing, since it includes detailed and various descriptions of everyday clothing worn by strict noblemen, which is difficult to find elsewhere.

A Study on the Husband and Wife Epic Test (부부서사진단도구를 위한 구비설화와 부부서사의 진단 요소)

Opinions on the Turks' Turkic Translation Activities in the Period of Taspar Qagan

    • Acta Via Serica
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.151-160
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    • 2018
  • There is a variety of opinions about the first translation activities within the Turkic Empire. It is widely believed that some Buddhist sutras were translated into the Turkic language in the period of Taspar Qagan (572-581). This theory is based on certain arguments: Some Turks practiced Buddhism, Buddhist monks translated sutras in the center of the Turkic Empire, Taspar brought sutras from China and had them translated, and the monarch of Northern Qi had a sutra translated and sent to Taspar. However, in my opinion, these arguments lack credibility. This article, which is based on primary Chinese sources, will question the likelihood of such translation activities having occurred. Some Chinese records for these claims exist: Da Tang Nei Dian Lu (大唐內典錄) and Xu Gao Seng Chuan (續高僧傳) by the Buddhist monk Jinagupta and the records of Hui Lin in Sui Shu (隋書) and Wen Xian Tong Kao (文獻通考). These are known as "primary sources." Secondary sources, namely contemporary history and language studies, such as those in books and articles, must be based on primary sources. It can be seen that claims relating to the first Turkic translation activities at the time of Taspar are mainly derived from secondary sources, and that the arguments in these secondary sources vary. Sometimes researchers make suppositions on the existence of information that is not referred to in primary sources. However, this is not normal practice. If a researcher relies on unknowns for the evidence of information existing, it can cause false information, ideas and anachronisms to be created. It is important that primary sources, such as the Chinese sources mentioned above, be translated correctly in language and history studies. If only a word is mistranslated, very different results may occur. Mistranslating or misinterpreting a primary source allows conclusions to be reached that are not supported by dissemination of information from primary sources. This can mislead experts and result in information that is not correct being considered as being true. As well as helping to prevent such misinterpretations occurring, another aim of this paper is to question the interpretations of the first Turkic translations in contemporary studies on history and language. The origin of such assessments will be explored and the validity of that information will be examined.