• Title/Summary/Keyword: meal situation

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Analyzing adolescent family meal vs. alone meal: Focusing on adolescent time use and family characteristics (청소년의 가족식사와 혼밥 비교분석: 청소년의 시간활용과 가족특성을 중심으로)

  • Cha, Seung-Eun;Lee, Hyun Ah
    • Journal of Family Relations
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.135-156
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    • 2018
  • Objectives: This study aim to determine adolescent meal time, which provides the important context of parent-child sharing time. We divided mealtime into family meal and alone meal, and analyzed the time/space context of each meal time as well as the social determinations. Method: We employed adolescents age 10-18 who live with married patents and attends school at the present (n=5,128) from the original data of Korean Time Use Survey. Results: More adolescent were engaged in family meal rather than eating alone in daily bases. However, the trend show difference by day of week and academic grade; family meal are more prevalent in weekends rather than weekdays. As adolescent reaches high school age, the proportion of eating alone beats the proportion of family meal time. Most of the meal occur at home. Having meal outside was relatively scares, especially on weekdays. Tobit and logistic analysis reveal that, on weekday meal, less school hours, more time spent at the private academy, having family leisure event, and long mother's housework hours were positively associated with family meal time. In weekend model, father's education gradient was associated with family meal time, showing higher the father's education level, there were higher chance of having weekend family meal. As for the eating alone, relevant factors were similar with family meal but the directions were the opposite; having family leisure were negatively associated with alone meal, both weekdays and weekend. Long academy hours, meal preparing and leisure alone were positively associated eating alone. Overall, weekday meal time was strongly linked with adolescent daily schedules and time use, while for weekends meal, in both family meal and alone meal, the influence of parent factors were discovered. Conclusion: The results indicates that alone meal and the family meal are not exclusively related but seem to be complementary. Families tend to enjoy family meal yet, there are some necessary situation that adolescent need to be on their own. Increase in ready-made food industries, growing independence of children by age seem partly allow adolescent children to eat alone. Careful attentions may require for monitoring weekends meal situation and the family factor of adolescent in future studies.

A Study on the Present Condition of the Meal Service in School and the Research about Effective Working Principle (학교급식의 현황과 효율적인 운영방안에 관한 연구 -제주도내 초ㆍ중ㆍ고등학교를 중심으로 -)

  • 강다원
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.151-172
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    • 1999
  • This research is carried to understand school meal system problems and to present a means of settling. To carry this problem, I analysised the elementary school's meal service system in cheju island and presented a means of settling, As we know the situation in cheju island a meal service by their school is regard the one of the best way in the school-meal-service will be possible when central government and local government with related school meal service cooperate one another and prepare financial working principle. Especially, to mange effective a meal service in the school is need to activate the committee essentially, We can conference main articles about a meal service with an administrative organ through the committee. We will be able to expect financial support to need to management and development from committee.

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A Survey of the Kitchen Facilities and Present Meal Situation in the Korean big cities (한국 대도시 가정의 부엌설비 및 조리기구에 관한 실태조사 제I보 : 부엌설비 및 식사현황에 관하여)

  • Kim, Yong-In;Kim, Ki-Sook
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.53-60
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    • 1990
  • This survey was performed to investigate the kitchen facilities and present meal situation in the four Korean big cities; Seoul, Pusan, Kwangju and Taejon. The results are as follows; 1. The kitchen facilities. The number of families with old-fashioned kitchen forms a percentage of 10.8. The kitchen floor consists mainly of polyvinyl chloride materials such as monoryum and vinyl. Gas fuel is mostly used for home cooking. The families equipped waterworks and drainage system in the kitchen cover 92.6% and 85.7% respectively. 2. The present meal situation. Most of the housewives do the cooking for themselves (94.4%) and it is desirable for the health and nutrition of the whole family. The number of families that use the dining kitchen for daily meals covers 53.4%. All the family have their dinner together at most once a week. The instant foods are used frequently in the family whose housewife has a job and the family with high income.

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A Study on the Situation-Specific Multiattribute Attitude Model of Bakery (베이커리업체의 선택요소에 관한 연구)

  • 이정훈
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.177-195
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study is to examine two different types of meal experiences as the experimental factors and empirically incorporates a context specific approach into the measurement of bakery attractiveness. The study used frequency analysis to examine the demography of respondents, t-test to compare the importance rating of each attribute for its contribution to the selection of a bakery in terms of each type of meal, and anova analysis to compare the satisfaction rating of each attribute for its contribution to the selection of a bakery in the context of regular meal and a eating between meal The study indicated the implications of these findings concerning marketing and development initiatives to improve the physical and perceptual attractiveness of the bakerys.

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A Study of the Ways that Koreans Pay for Meals: With Focus on Equality and Intimacy (한국인의 식사비 지불 방식에 관한 연구: 공정성과 친밀성을 중심으로)

  • Youngjae Park;Seohyeon Hong;Sihyeong Lee;Taeyun Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.173-183
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    • 2024
  • The practice of paying for meals in a society is a social behavior that reflects the culture of that society. Accordingly, this study examined Koreans' way to pay for meal and perception of that meal payment methods in various contexts. In Study 1 and 2, Korean college students were asked open-ended questions about the payment methods that Koreans prefer in various situations, and asked to describe reasons for liking or disliking 9 payment methods derived by study 1. As a result, positive characteristics stood out as fairness such as rationality and fairness, as well as intimacy such as friendliness, affection. In Study 3 and 4, we investigated the perception of 6 payment methods (equal payment, membership dues payment, rotational payment, hierarchical payment, ability payment, and volunteering payment method) and examined whether there were generational differences in preferences for six payment methods depending on the situation. As a result, each payment method could be classified into a payment method closer to the logic of reason (sari), which emphasizes fairness, and the logic of heart (simjung), which emphasizes emotional intimacy. Payment method closer to fairness (equal method) was consistently preferred by young people. These results were discussed focusing on the cultural characteristics of Korean society.

A Study on the Perception about Emergency Meal as School Meal Services among Nutrition Teachers in the COVID-19 Situation (COVID-19 상황의 학교급식에서 위기대응식에 대한 급식관리자의 인식 조사)

  • Seo, Min-guk;Lee, Min-june;Min, Sung-Hee;Ham, Sunny
    • Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.45-57
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    • 2022
  • This study aimed to evaluate the perception of nutrition teachers about emergency meals in all schools affiliated with the Seoul Office of Education. The purpose of this study was to suggest the need for emergency meals and provide directions for future development, thereby assisting meal service sites. An online survey was conducted from May 26 to 31, 2021, analyzing 130 collected samples. The summary of the results is as follows: First, the nutrition teachers recognized the need for school meal services for the prevention of the spread of infectious diseases and considered the variance among school meal consumers. Also, they generally thought of emergency meals due to the need for social distancing and the decrease in the distribution of food. Secondly, in terms of the differences in the perception about emergency meals, nutrition teachers (45.4%) who have provided emergency meals (t=2.584, P<0.05) were more aware of the need for emergency meals than nutrition teachers (54.6%) who had not provided emergency meals. Nutrition teachers conceived emergency meals to minimize the contact between people (45.6%) and to rectify the imbalance in nutrition (37.5). Next, emergency meal attributes were observed to be ranked in the order of convenience (3.49), safety (3.15), and satisfaction (2.88). Fourthly, although there were no meaningful differences in emergency meal attributes, there were statistically significant differences in the safety of the cooking process, menu familiarity, the low unit price compared to regular meals and the excellent satisfaction with nutrition provided (t=2.603, P<0.05), (t=2.039, P<0.05), (t=2.154, P<0.05), (t=2.477, P<0.05) respectively.

A Study on the Feeding and Whole Satisfaction of Silver Town Tenants according to Individual Characteristics (실버타운 입주자 개인 특성에 따른 급식 및 전체 만족에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Chun-Bong;Chae, Byung-Sook;Shin, Wang-Sun
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.12 no.2 s.29
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    • pp.57-72
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    • 2006
  • It is a real situation that the meal service at silver towns such as the welfare facilities for the elderly is giving help in maintaining health, preventing diseases, and giving mental pleasure to the dwelling elderly people, thus the importance of meal service for housing occupants is being demanded together. This study is based on some inconvenient matters when using the meal-service facilities within the silver town targeting housing occupants at the silver town, aiming to examine which influence it can have upon the satisfaction with meal service in housing occupants. Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to present a desirably developmental direction for the meal-service facilities, which can cope with diverse needs of housing occupants. To achieve the objectives of this study, it was analyzed by selecting research variables that were verified by the consideration of preceding studies.

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Study on the Present Situation and Management of Free Meal Service for Elderly at Sungnam area (성남 지역의 노인을 위한 무료 급식시설의 급식 서어비스 현황 조사)

  • Lee, Young-Mee;Kim, Min-Kyung;Byun, Hee-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.87-96
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study is, to examine current foodservice management practices at free meal service organization for elderly people and, to evaluate the attitude of recipients about the service and their ecological background. 6 meal service center as well as randomly selected 120 recipients at Sungnam area were surveyed and interviewed and result were summarized as follow. The cost of each meal (lunch) was ranged from 1,300 won to 1,500 won and number of attendant at meal service were ranged from 50 to 200 persons. Meal time for lunch begins from 10:30 am to noon because greater portion of people (elderly) didn't take breakfast frequently. Most of the center adapted self-service system. Standard recipe was not developed and meal preparation was controlled under the experiences of volunteer’s. Recording system of, nutrition management, production control, storage and inventory control was not well adapted by most of the center. In order to measure the level of storage, sanitation etc., scorin system in survey was adapted in this study and result are as follow: The score of sanitation of kitchen was lower than dinning area and that of food storage was lowest score. It was suggested that not only financial but also systematical support on management by local government may be necessary to meet the goal of supply nutritionally balanced food at the center. The score given by the recipient on the satisfaction of meal service was rate as 4.8 at the 5-point maximum scale. Meeting friends and share social relationship was major reason (41.6% of the total) of visiting to the center. It is suggested that in order to meet the changes of the patterns of change of social and family structure, the service of the center should be extended in urban area and it is necessary to develop systematic management models for the center.

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A Survey Study on the Meal Management of Housewives in Seoul (서울지역 주부들의 식생활관리실태 조사 연구)

  • 유영상;노정미
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.263-286
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    • 1995
  • This study was undertaken to investigate the current meal management situation and behaviors of the housewives in Seoul during the period January in 1933. The aim of this study was to improve meal managenment in 1980. This study has been performed by questionnaire about kitchen forms, cooking machines. foodstuffs buying forms, plan of the price in meal and meal management behaviors. 1. 85% of the housewives had stand-up fashioned kitchen forms, and they were equipped with variety of cooking machines and high possession percentage that. 2. 66.7% of the housewives spent the price of meal under plan, 3.1% of them purchased foodstuffs daily. 3. The time spent in preparing the table of breakfast and lunch was about 60 minutes and dinner was about 90 minutes. the time spent in clearing the table of breakfast and lunch was about 20 minutes and dinner was about 40 minutes. 4. The numbers of daily cooking rice was the higher percentage twice a day than once a day, but increased higher percentage once a day than 1980's. 5. In preparing kimchi most of housewives were making it in their homes and number of making kimchi once a 15day and a month was high percentage. 6. When they prepared meals they gave higher percentage to the tastes of families than nutrition. The number of preparing a side dish in breakfast and lunch was 3~4, and dinner was 5~6. 7. In most cases housewives cooked for themselves, and the number of husbands who help their wives for kitchen work was increased in group of younger housewives than older. 8. The environment of kitchen work is improved to many facility but not to be desired facility, and meal management behavior is changing gradually into more convenience but not to be changing into more scientific forms.

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A Survey on the Status of the Homemakers' Meal Management in Jeonbuk Area (전북지역(全北地域) 주부(主婦)들의 식생활관리(食生活管理) 실태(實態)에 관(關)한 조사연구(調査硏究))

  • Lee, Kyung-Ja
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.403-411
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    • 1991
  • A survey was made, from May to June 1991, to reveal the current situation of the meal management of the homemakers in Jeonbuk area. The results obtained from 464 homemakers were summerized as follows. The meal expenses were planned and managed mostly by the homemakers (93.3%). The 31.1% homemakers expended 200,000-300,000 Won a month for meals and the average expenditure was 294,106 Won. Among the homemakers who responded, the 34.0% managed their account books for meal expenses. With decreasing age(p<0.05), increasing education level (p<0.001), and increasing the income(p<0.01), the number of those who managed the account book tended to be higher. Usually they bought their foods at the market place (52.1%) and they did every other days(33.2%). The 46.9% planned what to buy and chose the best ones among the foods they planned to buy at the market. The percentage of those who prepared their menus planned in advance was only 5.5%. The most homemakers cooked for themselves (96.8%). On cooking and buying foods, the 48.2% considered their husbands first and the 64.4% regarded the tastes and needs of their families as the most important thing. The majority (66.2%) regarded the dinner as the most important among those three times of meals. The 39.6% prepared Kimchi twice a month. The foods they prepared for each meal were usually 4-5 kinds (43.2%). Mostly they prepared meals three times a day (49.1%). The average times spent in preparing and cleaning the tables for lunch and breakfast were 41.6, 96.2 minutes respectively. The homemakers who had jobs tended to spend less time in preparing and clearing the tables than those who had not (p<0.01, p<0.001). The 58.0% had complaints in that the food prices were too high and their moneys for meal preparation were insufficient and the 16.6% had difficulty in satisfying the tastes of their families.

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