• Title/Summary/Keyword: max weight

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The Study on the Relationship between Changes of Rumen Microflora and Bloat in Jersey Cow (저지종 젖소의 반추위 내 미생물 균총 변화와 고창증 발병간의 상관관계 연구)

  • Kim, Sang Bum;Oh, Jong Seok;Jeong, Ha Yeon;Jung, Young Hun;Park, Beom Young;Ha, Seung Min;Im, Seok Ki;Lee, Sung Sill;Park, Ji Hoo;Park, Seong Min;Kim, Eun Tae
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.106-111
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    • 2018
  • This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between changes of rumen microflora and bloat in Jersey cow. Jersey cows (control age: 42 months, control weight: 558kg; treatment age: 29 months, treatment weight 507kg) were fed on the basis of dairy feeding management at dairy science division in National Institute of Animal Science. The change of microbial population in rumen was analyzed by using next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies due to metabolic disease. The diversity of Ruminococcus bromii, Bifidobacterium pseudolongum, Bifidobacterium merycicum and Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens known as major starch fermenting bacteria was increased more than 36-fold in bloated Jersey, while cellulolytic bacteria community such as Fibrobacter succinogenes, Ruminococcus albus and Ruminococcus flavefaciens was increased more than 12-fold in non-bloated Jersey. The proportion of bacteroidetes and firmicutes was 33.4% and 39.6% in non-bloated Jersey's rumen, while bacteroidetes and firmicutes were 24.9% and 55.1% in bloated Jersey's. In conclusion, the change of rumen microbial community, in particular the increase in starch fermenting bacteria, might have an effect to occur the bloat in Jersey cow.

Effects of Herbicides on the Growth, Nodulation and VA Mycorrhizal Infection in Soybean (Glycine max) (제초제(除草劑) 처리(處理)가 콩 생육(生育) 및 근류균(根瘤菌) 착생(着生)과 VA 균근균(菌根菌) 감염(感染)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Yoon, C.S.;Huh, S.M.;Shon, B.K.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.16-30
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    • 1992
  • A field experiment was done to evaluate the growth response, rhizobia nodulation and vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (VAMF) infection of soybean treated with the different concentration of three-herbicides, alachlor, simazine, linuron. The results obtained were summarized as follows ; Emergence rate of soybean was non-significantly decreased by increasing the herbicide concentration. In simazine treatment, low emergence rate showed even in recommended concentration, especially the lowest emergence rate in treble concentration of recommended dose was about 50%. The plant length of soybean lowered by increasing the herbicide concentration, but there were almost no differences in recommended dose. Particularly that in a high concentration of herbicides at three weeks after treatment(WAT) was decreased remarkably. In the plant diameter of soybean shoot, no differences in the recommended concentration of alachlor and linuron at 2 WAT, but those of recommended dose was decreased with the lapse of time, and the lowest treatment was simazine-treated plot. Leaf area and fresh weight of soybean tended to decrease over the control even in recommended concentration and it was decreased with the increment of the herbicide dose. Yield component, fresh weight of rhizobia nodule and chlorophyll content of soybean leaves were reduced with the increment of herbicide dose, espicially remarkable tendency was revealed in simazine-treated plot. Seasonal infection rate of VAM showed a slight decrease by increasing of herbicide dose, and the lowest infection was simazine treatment. Significant correlation was realized among the reduction of rhizobia nodulation, VAM colonization and the agronomic characters of soybean and it was considered that the reduction of rhizobia nodulation and VAM colonization by misapplication of the herbicides might be a causal factor for decrease in soybean yield.

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Variations in Nutrients & CO2 Uptake Rates and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Saccharina japonica from the South Coast of Korea (다시마(Saccharina japonica)의 생장에 따른 영양염 및 CO2 흡수율과 광합성 특성 변화)

  • Hwang, Jae-Ran;Shim, Jeong-Hee;Kim, Jeong-Bae;Kim, Sook-Yang;Lee, Yong-Hwa
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.196-205
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    • 2011
  • To investigate the contribution of macroalgae to biogeochemical nutrients and carbon cycles, we measured the uptake rates of nutrients and $CO_2$ and characteristics of fluorescence of Saccharina japonica (Laminaria japonica Areschoug) using an incubation method in an acrylic chamber. From January to May 2011, S.japonica was sampled at Ilkwang, one of well-known macroalgae culture sites around Korea and ranged 46~288 cm long and 4.8~22.0 cm wide of whole thallus. The production rate of dissolved oxygen by S. japonica (n=25) was about $6.9{\pm}5.8{\mu}mol\;g^{-1}$ fresh weight(FW) $h^{-1}$. The uptake rate of total dissolved inorganic carbon ($TCO_2$), calculated by total alkalinity and pH, was $8.9{\pm}7.9{\mu}mol\;g^{-1}\;FW\;h^{-1}$. Mean nutrients uptake were $175.6{\pm}161.1\;nmol\;N\;g^{-1}\;FW\;h^{-1}$ and $12.7{\pm}10.1\;nmol\;P\;g^{-1}\;FW\;h^{-1}$. There were logarithmic relationships between thallus length and uptake rates of nutrients and $CO_2$, which suggested that younger specimens (<100-150 cm) were much more efficient at nutrients and $CO_2$ uptake than old specimens > 150 cm. There was a positive linear correlation ($r^2$=9.4) existed between the dissolved oxygen production rate and the $TCO_2$ uptake rate, suggesting that these two factors may serve as good indicators of S. japonica photosynthesis. There was also positive linear relationship between maximal quantum yield ($F_v/F_m$) and production/uptake rates of dissolved oxygen, $TCO_2$ and phosphate, suggested that $F_v/F_m$ could be used as a good indicator of photosynthetic ability and $TCO_2$ consumption of macroalgae. Maximum relative electron transport rate ($rETR_{max}$) of S. japonica increased as thallus grew and was high in distal part of thallus which may be resulted from the increase of photosynthetic cell density per area. The annual $TCO_2$ uptake by S. japonica in Gijang area was estimated about $1.0\sim1.7{\times}10^3C$ ton, which was about 0.02-0.03% of carbon dioxide emission in Busan City. Thus, more research should be focused on macroalgae-based biogeochemical cycles to evaluate the roles and contributions of macroalgae to the global carbon cycle.

Characteristics of Percutaneous Absorption of Glycol ethers (Glycol ethers에 대한 피부 투과 특성)

  • Lee, Han-Seob;Choi, Sung-Boo;Kim, Nac-Joo;Keun, Jang-Hyoun;Hwang, Hyun-Suk;Baek, Jung-Hun;Choi, Jin-Ho;Lee, Ho-Joon
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.116-126
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    • 2013
  • Glycol ethers are a group of solvents based on alkyl ethers of ethylene glycol commonly used in paints. These solvents typically have a higher boiling point, together with the favorable solvent properties of lower-molecular weight ethers and alcohols. The word "Glycol ethers" was registered as a United States trademark by Union Carbide Corp. Typically, glycol ethers are found in pharmaceuticals, sunscreens, cosmetics, inks, dyes and water based paints. On the other hand, glycol ethers are used in degreasers, cleaners, aerosol paints and adhesives. Most glycol ethers are relatively water soluble, biodegradable and only a few are considered toxic. Therefore, they are unlikely to pose an adverse risk to the environment. Recent study suggests that occupational exposure to glycol ethers is related to low motile sperm count in men, but the finding has been disputed by others. In this study, skin permeation of 3 types glycol ethers were studied in vitro using matrix such as solvent and detergent. The absorption of glycol ethers[methyl glycol ethers(MC), ethyl glycol ethers(EC) and butyl glycol ethers(BC)] has been measured in vitro through rat skin. Epidermal membranes were set up in Franz diffusion cells and their permeability to PBS measured to establish the integrity of the skin before the glycol ethers were applied to the epidermal surface. Absorption rates for each glycol ethers were determined and permeability assessment made to quantify any irreversible alterations in barrier function due to contact with the esters. Types of glycol ethers in vitro experimental results on MC> EC> BC quickly appeared in the following order: skin permeation was beneficial to the skin permeation small molecular weight, the difference in chemical structure, such as hydrophilic, because with the partition coefficient and solubility mechanisms and passive diffusion to increase the speed at which transmission is considered.

Effect of Blue Light on the Major Components of Soybean-sprouts (Blue광(光) 조사(照射)가 콩나물의 주요성분(主要成分)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Kim, Kwang-Soo;Kim, Soon-Dong;Kim, Jin-Koo;Kim, Ju-Nam;Kim, Kyoung-Ju
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.7-12
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    • 1982
  • Growth of soybean sprouts(Glycine Max L.) and amounts of some chemical components were measured when they were exposed to blue light (120lux, 3hrs/day) during their growth. Hypocotyl length of irradiated soybean sprouts exceeded slightly that of control (dark) soybean sprouts, but the tfresh weight of whole sprouts as well as each part of the sprout showed no difference between the two groups. Chlorophyll content of cotyledon under blue light increased significantly with the lapse of days (3.57 and $8.45\;{\mu}g/100g$ fresh weight on the 3rd and 7th day). Bluelight irradiated sprouts contained more vitamin C than control sprouts (21.7% and 30.8% higher for the cotyledon and hypocotyl). Total amount of protein was not affected. Hypocotyl protein content was 8% of that in original soybean. Blue light did not affect the activity of trypsin inhibitor of sprouts. Similar activity of the inhibitor was observed in the cotyledon whereas hypocotyl showed activity corresponding to 23.7% of original bean. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoretogram for the protein showed 10, 9, and 11 bands in the original bean. 5th day cotyledon and hypocotyl respectively. Especially, band 3 of low Rm value was major protein component for the hypocotyl. Band 5 and 11 could be seen only in the protein of hypocotyl from bluelight irradiated sprouts, whereas no effect of blue light on the electrophoretogram was observed for the cotyledon.

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Selection and Quality Evaluation of Sprout Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] Variety for Environment-Friendly Cultivation in Southern Paddy Field (남부지역 친환경 논 재배를 위한 나물콩 품종 선발 및 품질 평가)

  • Kim, Young-Jin;Lee, Kwang-Won;Cho, Sang-Kyun;Oh, Young-Jin;Shin, Sang-Ouk;Paik, Chae-Hoon;Kim, Kyong-Ho;Kim, Tae-Soo;Kim, Ki-Jong
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.357-372
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    • 2011
  • We carried out the experiment to select the suitable sprout soybean varieties for environment-friendly cultivation in paddy field of southern part area, compares of excess moisture injury degree and yield ability among 29 sprout soybean varieties. Plant growth of sprout soybean was generally low in beginning and recovered after flowering due to rainfall. In paddy field cultivation, number of pod per individual and number of seed per individual were less in difference than upland cultivation, and maturing date was delayed 5-14 days than upland cultivation in most species. When environment-friendly cultivation, pest injury was not caused major problem for the growth during the vegetative period of soybean due to ground spider as natural enemy to insect pest. However, damage of stink bugs showed severe during grain filling period, and Dawonkong, Anpyeongkong, Dachaekong and Wonhwangkong showed susceptible to sting bug. SMV infection was weak and showed some necrosis symptoms in Sokangkong, but black root rot was not infected at all. Bacterial pustule began to be infected slowly from pod enlargement stage in most species, displayed severe symptoms in Dawonkong, Pungsannamulkong, Seonamkong and Sobaeknamulkong. The symptoms of pod anthracnose, pod blight and purple spot were greatly appeared after flowering. Disease resistance varieties was Paldokong, Kwangankong, Doremikong, Somyeongkong, Pungsannamulkong, Iksa-namulkong, Seonamkong, Sojinkong, Pureunkong, Bosugkong, Namhaekong and Sorokkong. Lodging index showed 3 in Saebyeolkong, and other species displayed slight lodging in 0-3 degree. 100-seed weight is 9.8-17.2g extent and increased 0.1-3.7g than upland cultivation in most species, but decreased in some species. Government purchase standard, species correspond to small-seed-size namulkong (Sizing screen diameter 4.0-5.6 mm) was Dawonkong, Dachaekong, Bosugkong, Seonamkong, Sokangkong, Hannamkong, Somyeongkong and Wonhwangkong. Species which seed yield was higher than Pungsannamulkong (266kg/10a) were Sorokkong, Hannamkong, Bosugkong and Sowonkong. Considering sprout soybean species, disease endurance, insect resistance, lodging resistance, 100-seed weight, yield ability and excess moisture tolerances synthetically, Seonamkong, Hannamkong, Doremikong, Bosugkong, Pungwonkong, Kwangankong, Sowonkong, Dagikong, Paldokong, Eunhakong and Pungsannamulkong were promising for environment-friendly cultivation in paddy field.

Differences in Grip Strength by Living Conditions and Living Area among Men and Women in Middle and Later Life (독거여부와 거주지역에 따른 중년기와 노년기 남성과 여성의 악력 차이)

  • Joo, Susanna;Jun, Hey Jung;Park, Hayoung
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.551-567
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    • 2018
  • Demographic and socio-structural information is useful to identify potential welfare recipients who are in need of disease-prevention and intervention services. Thus, the present study aims to explore the differences in grip strength among middle and old-aged adults by living conditions and by living area. The 5th wave data of Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging was utilized. The dependent variable was grip strength, and the independent variables were living alone (living alone or not) and living area (city or non-city). Covariates were age, education, log-transformed household income, spouse existence, body mass index, self-rated health conditions, depressive symptoms, cognitive function, smoking, regular exercise, frequency of meeting with friends, and the number of social participation. Regression analysis was performed for middle-aged men, middle-aged women, old-aged men, and old-aged women, respectively. ANOVA and Chi-test were additionally used to specifically discuss significant results. Cross-sectional weight was applied to all analyses. According to the results, living alone and living area did not have significant effects on grip strength among middle-aged men, old-aged men, and old-aged women. In middle-aged women, however, living alone and living area were significantly associated with grip strength. To be specific, middle-aged women who lived alone in rural areas had the lowest grip strength compared to other middle-aged women. Additional analysis showed that middle-aged women who lived alone in rural areas had risk factors, such as low education level, low income, or high depressive symptoms. It implies that middle-aged women living alone in rural areas may have physical health risks, so they might be in need of disease prevention. This study is meaningful in that it can provide reliable information on the latent welfare recipients by using representative panel data and applying weight values.

Characteristics of Indigenous Rhizobium to Korean Soils -II. Symbiotic and Serological Characteristics of Bradyrhizobium japonicum Naturalized in Yeongnam Soils (우리나라 토착근류균(土着根瘤菌)의 제(諸) 특성(特性) 연구 -II. 영남지역(嶺南地域) 토착(土着) Bradyrhizobium japonicum의 공생(共生) 및 혈청학적(血淸學的) 특성(特性))

  • Kang, Ui-Gum;Jung, Yeun-Tae;Somasegaran, Padma;Hoben, H.;Bohlool, B. Ben
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.61-68
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    • 1991
  • Thirty Bradyrhizobium japonicum isolates (10 strains per each soil) from 1 uncultivated [Sangnam(Soil 1), Milyang]- and 2 cultivated [Dong(Soil 2)and Chinbuk(Soil 3), Changweon] upland soils in Yeongnam area were evaluated on their symbiotic effectiveness to soybean [Glycin max (L.)] cv. Korean Jangbaekkong and American Clark and examined on their serological diversity. The results obtained were summarized as follows : 1. On symbiotic effectiveness of B. japonicum with plant genotypes, isolates showed a relatively high value of nodule mass in Jangbaekkong cv. and of shoot dry weight and total nitrogen in Clark cv. demonstrating the order of Soil 1> Soil 2> Soil 3 isolates. 2. Among 30 B. japonicum isolates, YCK 141 showed the best effectiveness on mean nitrogen fixation of two cultivars. 3. Thirty indigenous B. japonicum showed 6 types of serological diversities in the immunoblot analysis which were present in various proportions at Soil 2(5) and Soil 3(5) except Soil 1 where all isolates fell into the YCK 117 serogroup. And their distribution order was serotype YCK 117( 12 strains) > USDA 1l0(5strains), USDA 123(5 strains) > YCK 150(4 strains) > YCK 141(3 strains) > YCK 226(1 strain). 4. Especially, 10 isolates from Soil 1, an uncultivated orchard, showed a very homologous pattern in not only effectiveness but serological distribution. It seemed to indicate that the isolates were typically affected by numerous physical and environmental factors of the soil.

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Development of a Finger Tactile Stimulator Based on E-Prime Software (E-Prime에 기반한 손가락 촉각 자극기의 개발)

  • Kim, Hyung-Sik;Min, Yoon-Ki;Kim, Bo-Seong;Min, Byung-Chan;Yang, Jae-Woong;Lee, Su-Jeong;Choi, Mi-Hyun;Yi, Jeong-Han;Tack, Gye-Rae;Lee, Bong-Soo;Jun, Jae-Hoon;Chung, Soon-Cheol
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.703-710
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    • 2010
  • In this study, a tactile stimulator was developed to resolve some problems from the previous version of the system such as system configuration, inappropriate stimulation control and additional problems. The developed tactile stimulator consists of control unit, drive unit and vibrator unit. The control unit was controlled by E-Prime software to generate appropriate vibration pulses. The drive unit supplies enough energy to the vibrator to generate effective stimulation pulses. The vibrator unit consists of small coin type vibrator and velcro, and was made to be attached at the hand easily. The developed tactile stimulator was designed by small-size, light-weight, low-power, simple-fabrication, max 35 channels and little delay time from instruction signal of E-Prime software to vibrator. The duration and magnitude of stimulation was controlled by 10 grades and the problems concerning stimulation control were compensated by wideband frequency ranges. Additionally, the electrical safety was ensured by low voltage operation. Vibrator was made to be attached on finger as well as on any part of the subject. Since this tactile stimulator is developed based on E-Prime software which is widely used in cognitive science, it is believed that this stimulator be suitable for the wide application of cognitive science study.

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Agronomic Traits of Soybean Breeding Lines with Low Stachyose and Raffinose Contents (Stachyose 및 Raffinose 저함량 콩 선발계통의 농업적 형질)

  • Ha, Do Su;Moon, Jin Young;Choi, Sang Woo;Shim, Sang In;Kim, Min Chul;Chung, Jong Il
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    • v.62 no.2
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    • pp.143-148
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    • 2017
  • Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] seed is an important dietary source of protein, oil, carbohydrates, isoflavones, and other nutrients for humans and animals. Raffinose and stachyose are the main antinutritional factors in soybean seed. They are carbohydrates belonging to the raffinose family of oligosaccharides, which are not readily digested in humans and cause flatulence or diarrhea. The genetic reduction of the raffinose and stachyose contents in mature soybean seeds will improve the nutritional value of soybean. The objective of this research was to evaluate agronomic traits with 10 $F_6$ strains selected from breeding populations derived from a cross among seven parents. The contents of raffinose and stachyose in mature seeds were detected by high-performance liquid chromatography. Agronomic traits such as flower color, flowering date, harvesting date, lodging, plant height, seed coat color, hilum color, 100 seed weight, and yield were evaluated. Ten intermediate parents showed low raffinose and stachyose contents. The intermediate parent 883-1 had a small seed size, six intermediate parents (15A1, 15D1, RS-5, RS-33, RS-64, and RS-70) had a medium seed size, and two intermediate parents (14G20 and RS-21) had a large seed size. The intermediate parent RS-21 had a black seed coat and a green cotyledon. Four intermediate parents (883-1, 14G20, RS-5, and RS-21) had elite agronomic traits. The new intermediate parents developed through this study will be used to develop improved soybean cultivars with low contents of raffinose and stachyose.