• Title/Summary/Keyword: mass transfer coefficients

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A modeling of in-tube condensation heat transfer considering liquid entrainment (액적이탈을 고려한 관내 응축열전달계수 계산 모델)

  • Kwon, Jeongtae;Ahn, Yehchan;Kim, Moohwan
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.22 no.7
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    • pp.946-955
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    • 1998
  • Local condensation heat transfer coefficients in tubes were calculated by solving momentum and energy equations for annular film with liquid entrainment. The turbulent eddy distribution across the liquid film has been proposed and the calculated heat transfer coefficients were presented. Also turbulent Prandtl number effects on condensation heat transfer were discussed from three Pr_t/ models. Finally, the calculated condensation heat transfer coefficients of R22 were compared with some correlations frequency referred to in open literature. This calculation model considering liquid entrainment predicted well the in-tube condensation heat transfer coefficient of R22 than the model not considering liquid entrainment. The effect of entrainment on heat transfer was predominant for high quality and high mass flux when the liquid film was turbulent.

Flow Condensation Heat Transfer Coefficients of R22 Alternative Refrigerants in Plain and Microfin Tubes of 6.0 mm Inside Diameter (내경 6 mm 평관과 마이크로 핀관 내에서 R22 대체냉매의 흐름응축 열전달계수)

  • 박기호;서영호;박기정;정동수
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.444-451
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    • 2004
  • Flow condensation heat transfer coefficients (HTCs) of R22, R134a, R407C, and R410A were measured on horizontal plain and microfin tubes. The experimental apparatus was composed of three main parts; a refrigerant loop, a water loop and a water/glycol loop. The test section in the refrigerant loop was made of both a plain and a microfin copper tube of 6.0∼6.16 mm inside diameter and 1.0 m length. Refrigerants were cooled by passing cold water through an annulus surrounding the test section. Tests were performed at a fixed refrigerant saturation temperature of 40C with mass fluxes of 100, 200, and 300 kg/m2s. Test results showed that at similar mass flux the flow condensation HTCs of R134a were similar to those of R22 for both plain and microfin tubes. On the other hand, HTCs of R407C were lower than those of R22 by 4∼16% and 16∼42% for plain and microfin tubes respectively. And HTCs of R410A were similar to those of R22 for a plain tube but lower than those of R22 by 3∼9% for a microfin tube. Heat transfer enhancement factors of a microfin tube were 1.3∼1.9.

An Experiment on Evaporating Heat Transfer of HCFC-22 for Transport Refrigeration System (HCFC-22 냉매사용 차량냉동시스템의 증발 열전달에 관한 실험)

  • Oh, M.D.;Kim, S.C.
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.166-174
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    • 1994
  • An experimental study has been performed to identify the evaporation characteristics of HCFC-22 for transport refrigeration system. Heat transfer coefficients were measured in a horizontal, smooth evaporating tube with an inner diameter of 10.7mm and a length of 2.8m. The refrigerant was heated electrically by surface-wrapped heaters and uniform power is applied along the tube. The entire tube was divided into 7 sections. Surface temperatures of tube and refrigerant temperature in each test section were measured. Pressure drops in each section and the inlet pressure were also measured. The mass flowrate of the refrigerant was controlled and measured. A single tube evaporation test was conducted for different ranges of mass flux of refrigerant, heat flux of evaporator and condensing temperature of transport refrigeration system. The evaporation heat transfer coefficients of HCFC-22 were compared with predictions from the well known Chen's correlations. Averaged heat transfer coefficients in this experiment range from 2kW/m2/C to 3kW/m2/C. Most of the experimental results differ from the predicted ones by less than ±30.

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Characteristics of Absorption and Heat Transfer for Film Falling along a Vertical inner Tube (1st Report, Characteristics of Absorption) (수직관내(垂直管內)를 흘러내리는 액막식(液膜式) 흡수기(吸收器)의 흡수(吸收) 및 열전달특성(熱傳達特性) (제(第) 1 보(報), 흡수특성(吸收特性)))

  • Ohm, K.C.;Kashiwagi, T.;Seo, J.Y.
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 1993
  • Mass transfer coefficients were measured for water vapor absorption into a LiBr-Water solution of 60wt% flowing down an absorber of vertical tube type. The absorber is copper tube of 25mm inner diameter and 1000mm length. The film Reynolds number were varied in the range of 35~130. The solution is fed from the top of the pipe, and the conditions of solution are supercooled liquid and superheated liquid. As results, the flowrates of LiBr solution which takes peak value of average absorption mass flux exist. Mass transfer coefficients decrease with increasing the flowrate of LiBr solution, and the decrease rate in the case of supercooled liquid is large as compared with that in the case of superheated liquid. But the absorption rate of supercooled liquid is decidedly superior to that of superheated liquid.

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Mass Transfer to Amalgamated Copper Rotating Disk Electrode

  • Sulaymon, Abbas H.;Abbar, Ali H.
    • Journal of Electrochemical Science and Technology
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.165-171
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    • 2012
  • An experimental study of mass transfer to an amalgamated copper rotating disc electrode has been employed to determine an empirical correlation for the mass transfer rate in laminar flow. The study was performed in a three-electrodes configuration using 0.1 M boric acid and 0.1M potassium chloride as supporting electrolyte with Zn (II) concentration in the range (25-100 mg dm3). Polarization curves at different zinc ion concentration are reported. Hydrogen and oxygen reduction has also been considered.The diffusion coefficients and mass transfer coefficient were obtained using limiting diffusion current technique based on zinc ion reduction. A least squares analysis indicates that the laminar flow results for 13067 < Re > 57552 and 550 < Sc > 1390 can be correlated by the following equation with correlation coefficient (CR) equal to 0.98: sh=0.61Re0.5Sc1/3.

Endwall Heat (Mass) Transfer in a Turbine Cascade Under Combustor-Level High Free-Stream Turbulence (연소기 출구 난류 상태에서의 터빈 익열 끝벽 열(물질)전달 특성)

  • Jun, Sang-Bae;Lee, Sang-Woo;Park, Byung-Kyu
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2001.06d
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    • pp.759-764
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    • 2001
  • Heat (mass) transfer characteristics have been investigated on the endwall of a large-scale linear turbine cascade passage under a combustor-level high free-stream turbulence with a large length scale. Local heat (mass) transfer coefficients are measured by using the naphthalene sublimation technique. The result shows that local heat (mass) transfer on the endwall is greatly enhanced in the central region of the turbine passage, but there is no noticeable change in the local heat (mass) transfer in the region suffering severe heat load. Under the high free-stream turbulence, the local heat (mass) transfer coefficient shows more uniform distribution and its average value across the whole endwall region is increased by 26% of that at low turbulence condition. The heat (mass) transfer data on the endwall strongly supports that well-organized vortices near the endwall tends to suffer an suppression by the high free-stream turbulence.

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Flow Condensation Heat Transfer Coefficients of Pure Refrigerants (순수냉매의 흐름응축 열전달계수)

  • 김신종;송길홍;정동수
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.175-183
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    • 2002
  • Flow Condensation heat transfer coefficients (HTCs) of Rl2, R22, R32, Rl23, Rl25, R134a, R142b were measured experimentally on a horizontal plain tube. The experi- mental apparatus was composed of three main parts; a refrigerant loop, a water loop and a water-glycol loop. The test section in a refrigerant loop was made of a copper tube of 8.8 mm inner diameter and 1000 mm length respectively. The refrigerant was cooled by passing cold water through an annulus surrounding the test section. All tests were performed at a filed refrigerant saturation temperature of 40C with mass fluxes of 100, 200, 300 kg/m2s. The experimental result showed that flow condensation HTCs increase as the quality, mass flux, and latent heat of condensation increase. At the same mass flux, the HTCs of R32 and R142b were higher than those of R22 by 35~45% and 7~14% respectively while HTCs of R134a and Rl23 were similar to those of R22. On the other hand, HTCs of Rl25 and Rl2 were lower than those of R22 by 28 ~30% and 15 ~25% respectively Finally, a new correlation for flow condensation HTCs was developed by modifying Dobson and Chato's correlation with the latent heat of condensation considered. The correlaton showed an average deviation of 13.1% for all pure fluids data indicating an excellent agreement.

Evaporating heat transfer characteristics of R-22 in small diameter tubes (세관 내 R-22 의 증발 전열 특성에 관한 연구)

  • 최영석
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Marine Engineers Conference
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    • 2000.05a
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    • pp.134-139
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    • 2000
  • Evaporating heat transfer characteristics of R-22 were measured inside smooth horizontal copper tubes with inner diameters of 3.36 mm and 5.35 mm respectively. The experiments were conducted in the closed loop which was driven by a magnetic gear pump. Experiments were performed for the following range of variables ; mass velocity of refrigerants (200 to 400 kg/m2 .s) saturation temperature ($0^{\circ}C, \; 5^{\circC$}) and quality (0 to 1.0) The main results obtained are as follows : Evaporating heat transfer coefficients in the small diameter tubes (ID<7 mm) were observed to be strongly affected by a variety of diameters and to differ from those in the large diameter tubes. The heat transfer coefficients of the small diameter tubes are higher than those of the large diameter tubes. Comparing the heat transfer coefficients between experimental results and some well-known previous predictions (Shah's correlation Gungor-Winterton's and Kandlikar's correlation) it was very difficult to apply those to small diameter tubes.

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Thermal Performance of a Finned-tube Heat Exchanger used in Condensing Gas Boiler

  • Kang, Hie-Chan;Lim, Bok-Bin;Lee, Jung-Man;Kim, Moo-Han
    • International Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.61-67
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    • 2009
  • In the present study, an experiment was conducted to investigate the heat and mass transfer performance of heat exchangers used in the condensing gas boiler. Two types of spiral circular fin-tube heat exchangers and a plain tube were tested in the flue gas of propane and dry air. Heat and mass transfer coefficients were measured and compared with the previous correlations. The experimental data for the sensible heat transfer of the plain tube reasonably agreed with the previous correlations for dry air and flue gas. However, the mass transfer coefficient of the plain tube was greater than the previous correlations. The pH, NOx, and SOx data of condensate were provided.

Evaporation Heat Transfer Characteristics of CO2 R-22 and R-134a in a Horizontal Smooth Tube (수평원관 내 CO2 R-22 및 R-134a의 증발열전달 특성에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Yun, Rin;Hwang, Jun-Hyeon;Choi, Young-Don;Kim, Yong-Chan
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.26 no.7
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    • pp.911-918
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    • 2002
  • Evaporation heat transfer coefficients of carbon dioxide(CO2), R-22, and R-134a in a horizontal smooth tube were measured and analyzed as a function of heat flux, mass flux, and evaporating temperature. The experiments were carried out by varying heat flux from 10 to 20 kW/m2, mass flux from 170 to 340 kg/m2s, and saturation temperatures of 5 and 10C. It was found that the heat transfer coefficient of CO2 decreased with a rise of quality due to an earlier liquid-film dryout as compared to R-22 and R-134a. Averaged heat transfer coefficients of CO2 were 22-63% higher than those of R-22 and R-134a at all test conditions. The effects of mass flux and heat flux on averaged heat transfer coefficients were much greater in CO2 than in R-22 and R-134a. When comparing CO2 test results with the correlations in the literature, the existing models yielded large deviations at medium and high qualities. Therefore, a generalized correlation for CO2evaporation heat transfer needs to be developed by including the effects of dryout phenomenon.