• Title/Summary/Keyword: map measure

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Land Category Non-coincidence Measurements Using High Resolution Satellite Images and Digital Topographic Maps (고해상도 위성영상과 수치지형도를 이용한 지목 불부합의 정도 측정)

  • 홍성언;이동헌;박수홍
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.43-56
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    • 2004
  • Basically a land parcel consists of a land parcel number, land category, land boundary and area, and land value is mostly determined by the land category. Generally people want to change their land use to increase their land value so that they can expect more benefits from the land. However, changing land use causes several problems with land properties, haphazard urban expansions and land category non-coincidences. Unfortunately, no effective solutions exist for land category non-coincidence problems. In this study, we proposed a methodology that can classify the land category based land covers using high resolution satellite images and digital topographic maps. For this, we obtained a parcel based land use/cover classification map. Using both this classification map and a digital cadastral map, we inspected land category non-coincidences. As a result, land category non-coincidence rates could be statistically measured and interpreted and demonstrate a possibility that we could quantitatively interpretate and measure cadastral non-coincidence automatically.

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Feasibility Study of Patient Specific Quality Assurance Using Transit Dosimetry Based on Measurement with an Electronic Portal Imaging Device

  • Baek, Tae Seong;Chung, Eun Ji;Son, Jaeman;Yoon, Myonggeun
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.54-60
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    • 2017
  • This study was designed to measure transit dose with an electronic portal imaging device (EPID) in eight patients treated with intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT), and to verify the accuracy of dose delivery to patients. The calculated dose map of the treatment planning system (TPS) was compared with the EPID based dose measured on the same plane with a gamma index method. The plan for each patient was verified prior to treatment with a diode array (MapCHECK) and portal dose image prediction (PDIP). To simulate possible patient positioning errors during treatment, outcomes were evaluated after an anthropomorphic phantom was displaced 5 and 10 mm in various directions. Based on 3%/3 mm criteria, the $mean{\pm}SD$ passing rates of MapCHECK, PDIP (pre-treatment QA) for 47 IMRT were $99.8{\pm}0.1%$, $99.0{\pm}0.7%$, and, respectively. Besides, passing rates using transit dosimetry was $90.0{\pm}1.5%$ for the same condition. Setup errors of 5 and 10 mm reduced the mean passing rates by 1.3% and 3.0% (inferior to superior), 2.2% and 4.3% (superior to inferior), 5.9% and 10.9% (left to right), and 8.9% and 16.3% (right to left), respectively. These findings suggest that the transit dose-based IMRT verification method using EPID, in which the transit dose from patients is compared with the dose map calculated from the TPS, may be useful in verifying various errors including setup and/or patient positioning error, inhomogeneity and target motions.

Policy Decision Making Through Wildlife Habitat Potential With Space Value Categorization (야생동물 서식지 잠재력과 공간가치분류를 통한 정책방향 설정)

  • Jang, Raeik;Lee, Myungwoo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2015
  • Beginning of the human ecology in 1920s, the efforts for applying the environmental values to a policy have been embodied by the enactments of international agreement and relevant laws. The government has been struggling to adopt the environmental values for the policy by enacting the relevant laws and establishing the environmental value evaluation information (environmental conservation value assessment map, eco-natural map, biotope map). In spite of the efforts to apply the environmental value assessment information for the habitat potential of wildlife, the application is being challenged by the discrepancy in methods and criteria. Thus this study intends to measure the potential of wildlife habitat and apply it to the spatial value classification for the application plan of wildlife habitat potential in policy. Maxent was used for the habitat potential and the land types were classified depending on the surface and land use pattern of cadastral map. As a result, the policy matrix including conservation strategy(CS), restoration strategy(RS), practical use strategy(PS) and development strategy(DS) has been deduced as CS $13.05km^2$(2.38%), RS $1.64km^2$(0.30%), PS $162.42km^2$(29.57%) and DS $8.56km^2$(1.56%). CS was emerged mostly on forest valleys and farmlands, and RS was appeared in the road area near the conservation strategy areas. Boryung downtown and Daecheon Beach were the center of DS, while the forest and farmlands were presented as PS. It is significant that this study suggest the new approaching method by comparing the wildlife habitat potential with the land type. Since this study evaluated the environmental value by one species of leopard cat (Prionailurusbengalensis) with Maxent model, it is necessary to apply the habitat potential measuring method for various target species as further research.

Real-time Underground Facility Map Production Using Drones (드론을 이용한 실시간 지하시설물도 작성)

  • NO, Hong-Suk;BAEK, Tae-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.39-54
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    • 2017
  • Between 1998 and 2010, the computerization of underground facilities was completed in 84 cities. Since 2011, new pipelines have been laid or existing pipelines have been maintained, renovated, and renewed. To measure the exact location and depth of the exposure pipe, a map of underground facilities was created before filling the ground. This method is based on the time when the underground facilities of the National Geographic Information Institute Regulation No. 134 of the National Geographic Information Office revised in 2010 were drafted. The process of the drone taking the video is based on a theoretical basis of ground control points. The method works by removing all ground control points located outside of the error range and re-processing it for calculating the best result. Furthermore, using a drone-based spontaneous measuring method allows workers to obtain a high accuracy underground facilities map in error bound. The proposed method could be used as a new way to standardize the processing.

The Design of Blog Network Analysis System using Map/Reduce Programming Model (Map/Reduce를 이용한 블로그 연결망 분석 시스템 설계)

  • Joe, In-Whee;Park, Jae-Kyun
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.35 no.9B
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    • pp.1259-1265
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    • 2010
  • Recently, on-line social network has been increasing according to development of internet. The most representative service is blog. A Blog is a type of personal web site, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary. These blogs are related to each other, and it is called Blog Network in this paper. In a blog network, posts in a blog can be diffused to other blogs. Analyzing information diffusion in a blog world is a very useful research issue, which can be used for predicting information diffusion, abnormally detection, marketing, and revitalizing the blog world. Existing studies on network analysis have no consideration for the passage of time and these approaches can only measure network activity for a node by the number of direct connections that a given node has. As one solution, this paper suggests the new method of measuring the blog network activity using logistic curve model and Cosine-similarity in key words by the Map/Reduce programming model.

Damage Proxy Map over Collapsed Structure in Ansan Using COSMO-SkyMed Data

  • Nur, Arip Syaripudin;Fadhillah, Muhammad Fulki;Jung, Young-Hoon;Nam, Boo Hyun;Kim, Yong Je;Park, Yu-Chul;Lee, Chang-Wook
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.363-376
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    • 2022
  • An area under construction for a living facility collapsed around 12:48 KST on 13 January 2021 in Sa-dong, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do. There were no casualties due to the rapid evacuation measure, but part of the temporary retaining facility collapsed, and several cracks occurred in the adjacent road on the south side. This study used the potential of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellite for surface property changes that lies in backscattering characteristic to map the collapsed structure. The interferometric SAR technique can make a direct measurement of the decorrelation among different acquisition dates by integrating both amplitude and phase information. The damage proxy map (DPM) technique has been employed using four high-resolution Constellation of Small Satellites for Mediterranean basin Observation (COSMO-SkyMed) data spanning from 2020 to 2021 during ascending observation to analyze the collapse of the construction. DPM relies on the difference of pre- and co-event interferometric coherences to depict anomalous changes that indicate collapsed structure in the study area. The DPMs were displayed in a color scale that indicates an increasingly more significant ground surface change in the area covered by the pixels, depicting the collapsed structure. Therefore, the DPM technique with SAR data can be used for damage assessment with accurate and comprehensive detection after an event. In addition, we classify the amplitude information using support vector machine (SVM) and maximum likelihood classification algorithms. An investigation committee was formed to determine the cause of the collapse of the retaining wall and to suggest technical and institutional measures and alternatives to prevent similar incidents from reoccurring. The report from the committee revealed that the incident was caused by a combination of factors that were not carried out properly.


    • Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.111-127
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    • 2005
  • Let B and S be the unit ball and the unit sphere in $\mathbb{C}^n$, respectively. Let ${\sigma}$ be the normalized Lebesgue measure on S. Define the Privalov spaces $N^P(B)\;(1\;<\;p\;<\;{\infty})$ by $$N^P(B)\;=\;\{\;f\;{\in}\;H(B) : \sup_{0 where H(B) is the space of all holomorphic functions in B. Let ${\varphi}$ be a holomorphic self-map of B. Let ${\mu}$ denote the pull-back measure ${\sigma}o({\varphi}^{\ast})^{-1}$. In this paper, we prove that the composition operator $C_{\varphi}$ is metrically bounded on $N^P$(B) if and only if ${\mu}(S(\zeta,\delta)){\le}C{\delta}^n$ for some constant C and $C_{\varphi}$ is metrically compact on $N^P(B)$ if and only if ${\mu}(S(\zeta,\delta))=o({\delta}^n)$ as ${\delta}\;{\downarrow}\;0$ uniformly in ${\zeta}\;\in\;S. Our results are an analogous results for Mac Cluer's Carleson-measure criterion for the boundedness or compactness of $C_{\varphi}$ on the Hardy spaces $H^P(B)$.

3D Shape Recovery Using Image Focus through Nonlinear Total Variation (비선형 전변동을 이용한 초점거리 변화 기반의 3 차원 깊이 측정 방법)

  • Mahmood, Muhammad Tariq;Choi, Young Kyu
    • Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.27-32
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    • 2013
  • Shape From Focus (SFF) is a passive optical technique to recover 3D structure of an object that utilizes focus information from 2D images of the object taken at different focus levels. Mostly, SFF methods use a single focus measure to compute image focus quality of each pixel in the image sequence. However, it is difficult to recover accurate 3D shape using a single focus measure, as different focus measures perform differently in diverse conditions. In this paper, a nonlinear Total Variation (TV) based approach is proposed for 3D shape recovery. To improve the result of surface reconstruction, several initial depth maps are obtained using different focus measures and the resultant 3D shape is obtained by diffusing them through TV. The proposed method is tested and evaluated by using image sequences of synthetic and real objects. The results and comparative analysis demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.

Task Based Design of a Two-DOF Manipulator with Five-Bar Link Mechanism (5절 링크구조를 갖는 2자유도 매니퓰레이터의 작업지향설계)

  • Kim, Jin-Young;Cho, Hyung-Suck
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.66-72
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    • 2000
  • As the demand for the design of modular manipulators or special purpose manipulators has increased, task based design to design an optimal manipulator for a given task become more and more important. However, the complexity with a large number of design parameters, and highly nonlinear and implicit functions are characteristics of a general manipulator design. To achieve the goal of task based design, it is necessary to develop a methodology to solve the complexity. This paper addresses how to determine the kinematic parameters of a two-degrees of freedom manipulator with parallelogram five-bar link mechanism from a given task, namely, how to map a given task into the kinematic parameters. With simplified example of designing a manipulator with five-bar link mechanism, the methodology for task based design is presented. And it introduces formulations of a given task and manipulator specifications, and presents a new dexterity measure for manipulator design. Also the optimization problem with constraints is solved by using a genetic algorithm that provides robust search in complex spaces.

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A Novel Image Segmentation Method Based on Improved Intuitionistic Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Algorithm

  • Kong, Jun;Hou, Jian;Jiang, Min;Sun, Jinhua
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.3121-3143
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    • 2019
  • Segmentation plays an important role in the field of image processing and computer vision. Intuitionistic fuzzy C-means (IFCM) clustering algorithm emerged as an effective technique for image segmentation in recent years. However, standard fuzzy C-means (FCM) and IFCM algorithms are sensitive to noise and initial cluster centers, and they ignore the spatial relationship of pixels. In view of these shortcomings, an improved algorithm based on IFCM is proposed in this paper. Firstly, we propose a modified non-membership function to generate intuitionistic fuzzy set and a method of determining initial clustering centers based on grayscale features, they highlight the effect of uncertainty in intuitionistic fuzzy set and improve the robustness to noise. Secondly, an improved nonlinear kernel function is proposed to map data into kernel space to measure the distance between data and the cluster centers more accurately. Thirdly, the local spatial-gray information measure is introduced, which considers membership degree, gray features and spatial position information at the same time. Finally, we propose a new measure of intuitionistic fuzzy entropy, it takes into account fuzziness and intuition of intuitionistic fuzzy set. The experimental results show that compared with other IFCM based algorithms, the proposed algorithm has better segmentation and clustering performance.