• 제목/요약/키워드: managerial failure

검색결과 50건 처리시간 0.026초

Empirical Analysis on Comparison between Self-checkout and Regular Staffed-checkout lanes in a Poland Retail Store

  • Kwak, Jin Kyung
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.56-61
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    • 2020
  • Customer satisfaction in retail stores are considerably affected by checkout services. Self-checkout counters have been installed in order to reduce waiting times at checkout in retail stores. However, it is uncertain whether the self-checkout lanes actually decrease the average waiting time of customers. Rather, there are some problems associated with self-checkout lanes such as theft or service failure due to technological problems. This study analyzes comparison between self-checkout and regular staffed-checkout lanes, based on the dataset collected from a retail store in Poland. As a result, we observe that the average transaction times were longer at the self-checkout lanes though fewer products were purchased than at the staffed-checkout lanes. In addition, the customers who buy more products tend to use self-checkouts less frequently. We also check that transaction times are proportional to the number of products customers purchase, and that both the time to scan one item and the fixed time related to checkout are significantly longer at the self-checkout counters. As there has been very few research on the effectiveness of self-checkouts, this study can be the first step to investigate managerial insights on checkout services in retail stores.

Analysis of Accidents Causes in an Auto-Glass Manufacturing Company using the Comprehensive Human Error Analysis Model (통합적 휴먼에러 분석 모델을 이용한 자동차 유리공장의 사고 원인 분석)

  • Lim, Hyeon-Kyo;Lee, Seung-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • 제27권4호
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    • pp.90-95
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    • 2012
  • To prevent similar accidents with the basis of industrial accidents already occurred in industrial plants, it would be possible only after true causes are grasped. Unfortunately, however, most accident investigation carried out with the basis of legal regulation failed to grasp them so that similar accidents have been repeated without cease. This research aimed to find out differences between results from conventional accident investigation and those from human error analysis, and to draw out effective and practical counter-plans against industrial accidents occurred repeatedly in an autoglass manufacturing company. As for analysis, about 110 accident cases that occurred for last 7 years were collected, and by adopting the Comprehensive Human Error Analysis Technique developed by the previous researchers, not direct causes but basic fundamental causes that might induce workers to human errors were sought. In consequence, the result showed that facility factors or environmental factors such as improper layout, mistakes in engineering design, and malfunction of interlock system were authentic major accident causes as opposed to managerial factors such as personal carelessness or failure to wearing personal protective equipments, and/or improper work methods.


  • Smith, Palmer W.;Phillips, J. Donal;Lucas, William H.
    • Journal of the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society
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    • 제3권1호
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    • pp.81-91
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    • 1978
  • Decision models are an attempt to reduce uncertainty in the decision making process. The models describe the relationships of variables and given proper input data generate solutions to managerial problems. These solutions may not be answers to the problems for one of two reasons. First, the data input into the model may not be consistant with the underlying assumptions of the model being used. Frequently parameters are assumed to be deterministic when in fact they are probabilistic in nature. The second failure is that often the decision maker recognizes that the data available are not appropriate for the model being used and begins to collect the required data. By the time these data has been compiled the solution is no longer an answer to the problem. This relates to the timeliness of decision making. The authors point out throught the use of an illustrative problem that stocastic models are well developed and that they do not suffer from any lack of mathematical exactiness. The primary problem is that generally accepted procedures for data generation are historical in nature and not relevant for probabilistic decision models. The authors advocate that management information system designers and accountants must become more familiar with these decision models and the input data required for their effective implementation. This will provide these professionals with the background necessary to generate data in a form that makes it relevant and timely for the decision making process.

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A Study on the Performance of Information System Developmint Methodology : Innovation Theory Perspective (정보시스템 개발방법론 성과에 관한 연구 : 혁신이론 관점으로)

  • 장윤희;이재범
    • Journal of the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society
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    • 제24권4호
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    • pp.27-47
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    • 1999
  • Many enterprises are interested in using the IS development methodologies as a means of increasing system performance and solving the problems of delayed delivery time, excessive budget, and failure of integrated systems. Even if previous researches showed that the system productivity and quality improvement using the system development methodologies are very poor, we tried to find that the methodologies are meaningful as an innovative means for IS performance. We defined that the IS development methodology as a technical and managerial innovation for IS department. We intended to study the relationship between the implementation process of the IS development methodology divided into four steps and IS performance. A cross-sectional field survey with IS departments of domestic companies was conducted, and we used LISREL 8.12a to perform the structural equation model analysis and hypothesis verification. We found the meaningful relationship between the development methodology and qualitative performance. We reconfirmed that the relationship between the development methodology and quantitative performance is not meaningful as expected, which is the same result with the previous researches. But the qualitative performance affects very strongly to the quantitative performance. As a results, we suggest that IS managers and developers keep the principles of the IS development methodologies to get the quantitative performance through the qualitative performance improvement.

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A Study on the Implementation of ERP System through ASP in the Small-to-Medium Enterprises (중소기업의 ASP를 기반으로 한 ERP 시스템 도입에 관한 연구)

  • Lim, Byung-Ha
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.95-117
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is to provide a conceptual understanding of ASP service for ERP implementation in small-to-medium enterprises under the current market situation in which the significance of information systems was standing out to respond to the rapid changes of managerial environment caused by the spread of Internet. In addition, it was to extract practical causes of introduction of ERP through ASP services by analyzing the causes and benefits considered by small-to-medium enterprises which use it. This study confirms that using ASP is better, faster and cheaper. Therefore, it is inevitable. The enterprises can reduce many risks of in-House ERP system such as excessive initial investment and operational expenses, lengthened constructional time, and the possibility of failure while achieving the benefit of ERP solution. However, there are many considerations which the enterprise carefully take into in order to implement the systems successfully such as selecting the system which is right for the enterprise's environment by setting the goal of implementing the system clearly, reducing the construction time by minimizing the customizing of the system, including the core people who knows the business process well, enough education before and after the implementation, and considering many aspect of ASP service provider. Also, the service provider should develop new way to provide customized service with cheap price while guaranteeing the reliability and supporting the customer's needs actively.

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Corporate Reengineering for MRPII Implementation: Via a Hierarchical Modelling Approach

  • Chan, Jimmy S.F.;Chau K.Y.;Chan, Y.K.
    • International Journal of Quality Innovation
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    • 제6권2호
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    • pp.59-89
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    • 2005
  • Manufacturing Resources Planning (MRPII) is one kind of manufacturing information system that can help manufacturing companies gain competitive advantages. It is estimated that more than one hundred MRPII systems are available in the market, many of them are mature enough to solve most operational issues in accordance with users' requirements. More often than not, many of these systems provide more functions than a company expects. Manufacturing companies worldwide have attempted to implement these MRPII systems, however, many companies experienced failure (Turbide, 1996) due to managerial rather than technical issues. The authors propose an approach utilising a roadmap to integrate BPR and the MRPII implementation in order to overcome this difficulty. A detail road map is developed to guide this implementation, which is designed using a hierarchical analysis technique known as Integrated DEFinition Method (IDEF). IDEF is a systematic manufacturing management and integration-modeling tool. The proposed approach is implemented and illustrated using a reference company and the results indicated that 66% reduction in errors for maintaining the bills of materials system; 99% reduction in time to carry out material requirement planning; and 70% reduction in time previously taken for non-productive discussions.

A Remote Applications Monitoring System using JINI (JINI 기반 원격 응용 모니터링 시스템)

  • 임성훈;송무찬;김정선
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • 제10권3호
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    • pp.221-230
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    • 2004
  • In general, remote monitoring systems monitor the status of distributed hosts and/or applications in real-time for diverse managerial purposes. However, most of the extant systems have a few undesirable problems. First of all, they are platform-dependent and are not resilient to network and/or host failures. Moreover, they normally focus on the resource usage trends in monitored hosts, rather than on the status change of the applications running on them. We strongly believe that the latter has more direct and profound effect on the resource usage patterns on each host. In this paper, we present the design and implementation of the Remote Applications Monitoring System (RAMS) that enables us to effectively manage distributed applications through a real-time monitoring of their respective resource usages. The RAMS is a centralized system that consists of many distributed agents and a single centralized manager. An agent on each host is in charge of collecting and reporting the status of local applications. The manager handles agent registration and provides a central access point to the selection and monitoring of distributed applications. The salient features of the system include robustness and portability The adoption of JINI greatly facilitates an automatic recovery from partial network failure and host failure.

Leadership Comparison Analysis of Hotel F&B Manager (호텔 식음료 지배인의 리더십 비교 분석)

  • Shim, Hong-Bo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • 제8권12호
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    • pp.375-385
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    • 2008
  • As hotel industry lately recognize that food and drink industry produces more profits than hotel rooms, multi-various and scientific management policies are required along with the management of profitability. Particularly, as hotel services have become more alike due to the development of technology and sharing information, opportunities for differentiation have decreased. Human resource is a significant key for the hotel business as it could lead to a success or failure. It would be overwhelming for employees if they carry all the burdens on their shoulders to impress the customers and improve the service culture in this fast-changing society with different colors of human desire. Therefore, it is essential to focus on developing strategies of efficient organizational as well as human resource management, and the managerial leadership with capability of understanding the organizational structure should play the leading role, considering the specific characteristics of hotel business. The purposes of the study are transformational leadership and transactional leadership comparison analysis of hotel F&B to management strategy.

The Effect of Coworkers' Task-related Help Seeking and Their Characteristics on Knowledge Sharing in Coworker Relationship (동료의 과업관련 도움요청과 이들의 특징이 지식공유에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Boyoung;Lee, Soojin
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • 제13권4호
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    • pp.101-116
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    • 2012
  • Knowledge management system is crucial for increasing organizational performance. However, despite this importance of knowledge management system, many companies fail to facilitate individual employees' knowledge sharing. One of reasons for this failure is the lack of consideration of how individual employees' characteristics and their interpersonal relationship influence on individual-level knowledge sharing. To explain individual-level knowledge sharing, this study investigates the mechanism that employees engage in knowledge sharing activities with their coworkers from the social exchange perspective. We have two purposes of study. First, we examine whether coworker's task-related help seeking affects employee's knowledge sharing with them. Second, we investigate the influence of help-seeker' characteristics as moderators on the relationship between task-related help seeking and knowledge sharing. Specifically, we considered coworker's maladjustment, LMX, and ability as moderators. Our analysis of 192 employees shows that the main effect of coworker's task-related help seeking on knowledge sharing is not significant. However, coworker's maladjustment and LMX moderate the relationship between task-related help seeking and knowledge sharing. The positive relationship between task-related help seeking and knowledge sharing is stronger when help seeker's maladjustment is high than when it is low. And the positive relationship between task-related help seeking and knowledge sharing is weaker when help seeker's LMX is high than when LMX is low. The results of this study have theoretical implications that enrich our understanding of individual-level knowledge sharing, and managerial implications that suggest employees' appropriate attitudes to facilitate knowledge sharing in a coworker relationship.

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The Effect of Attributions to Switching Barrier on Negative Emotions and Complain Behaviors (전환장벽의 귀인이 부정적 감정과 불평행동에 미치는 영향)

  • Jeong, Yun-Hee
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • 제36권2호
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    • pp.223-237
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    • 2017
  • This study focus on the effect of switching barrier on negative performance. To suggest the negative effect of switching barrier, we reviewed the researches on service-failure and attribution theory. The model which we present in the research study includes the antecedents and consequences of negative emotions(regret, resentment) that caused by switching barriers. The former factors consist of internal attribution and external attribution. The latter factors consist of acceptance, complain, negative word-of-mouth. Survey research is employed to test these hypotheses. Previous researches, such as service marketing, psychology, have been referenced to measure constructs. We collected data involving various service area, and used 189 respondents to analyze these data with LISREL structural modeling. The hypothesized relationships were statistically significant. Internal attribution had positive effect on regret and external attribution had positive effects on resentment. And then regret had significant effects on acceptance and complain behaviour. Also resentment strongly effects on complain behaviour and negative word-of-mouth. We concluded with managerial implications, including the potential to deeper understanding switching barrier.

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