• Title/Summary/Keyword: making landscape

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Effects of Light-Weight Soil Mixture and Depth on the Three Native Plants in Extensive Roof Garden (옥상조경용 경량 토양의 혼합비와 토심이 3가지 자생초화류의 생육에 미치는 영향)

  • 김명회;방광자;주진희;한승원
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.101-107
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    • 2003
  • Focusing on native plants that have a high possibility of being introduced as extensive rooftop material, this study was conducted to realize extensive and easy-to-manage rooftop gardens and to raise the utilization of native plants by verifying their growing response to soil media and depth. Its result is as follows: 1) In the case of Chrysanthemum zawadskii, the top growth was better in sandy loam than in P$_1$V$_1$P$_2$, and P$_1$V$_1$P$_3$, but the mortality rate was high, making it unsuitable soil. Regarding soil depth the mortality rate was lower in 10cm than in 5cm, and it grew well in 10cm. When using it for rooftop gardens, it would be desirable to keep the minimum viable soil depth over loom. 2) In the case of Sedium middendorffianum the mortality rate was 0% regardless of soil media and depth making it very suitable material for rooftop garden. Although the flowering rate was somewhat lower in P$_1$V$_1$P$_2$, and P$_1$V$_1$P$_3$ than in sandy loam, the mortality rate was low and the root growth was good. Therefore, provided that fertilizing is managed well, it is a plant that can be highly utilized. 3) In the case of Allium senescens, the mortality rate was 0% regardless of soil or soil depth, making it a very suitable plant for extensive rooftop gardens. Although top growth was poorer in P$_1$V$_1$P$_2$, and P$_1$V$_1$P$_3$than in sandy loam the root growth was good. Therefore, provided that fertilizing is managed well, it is a plant that can be highly utilized. In conclusion the study revealed that suitable species for extensive rooftop gardens are Sedium middendorffianum and Allium senescens. However, Chrysanthemum zawadskii can be utilized greatly when fertilizing is managed regularly in artificial mixed soil over l0cm.

A Dynamic Analyses on the Influences of the Governance Decisions for Cheong-ju Won-heungi Eco-Park (청주 원흥이생태공원 조성과정에서 나타난 거버넌스 의사결정 영향력 변화 분석)

  • Kwon, Jeong-Ju;Kim, Dong-Ho;Hwang, Hee-Yun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.65-74
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    • 2011
  • To establish governance, which is rising as the new urban management system, it is significant to prepare Good-Local governance model that is proper to regional conditions and characteristics. This study analyzes changes in influence of governance participants appeared during the process in ecological park in Chungju Won-heung, using new methodology comparing ideal form and real condition regarding the influence of decision making, which is the key factor of governance. The result of this study showed that influence in participation of governance decision making improved gradually and this developed as Good-Local governance decision making by developing consultation regarding the new regional issue when it comes to operation and management. For further study, general model needs to be established through applying and analyzing suggested analysis method to various governance cases to evaluate the level of influence, which is the key component.

Development of BIM Templates for Vest-Pocket Park Landscape Design (소공원의 조경설계를 위한 BIM 템플릿 개발)

  • Seo, Young-hoon;Kim, Dong-pil;Moon, Ho-Gyeong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.40-50
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    • 2016
  • A BIM, which is being applied actively to the construction and civil construction industries, is a technology that can maximize efficiency of various sectors from initial planning and design, construction, and maintenance, to demolition; however, it is in the introductory phase in the field of domestic landscaping. In order to introduce and promote BIM in the field of landscape design, this study developed a prototype of a library and template and analyzed the performance of trial application. For the development of a prototype, annotations and types were analyzed from floor plans of existing small parks, and components of landscape template were deduced. Based on this, play facilities, pergola, and benches were madeintofamily and templates, making automatic design possible. In addition, annotations and tags that are often used in landscape design were made, and a 3D view was materialized through visibility/graphic reassignment. As for tables and quantities, boundary stone table, mounding table, summary sheet of quantities, table of contents, and summary sheet of packaging quantities were grouped and connected with floor plans; regarding landscaping trees, classification criteria and name of trees that are suitable for domestic situations were applied. A landscape template was created to enable the library file format(rfa) that can be mounted on a building with BIM programs. As for problems that arose after the trial application of the prepared template, some CAD files could not be imported; also, while writing tables, the basis of calculation could not be made automatically. Regarding this, it is thought that functions of a BIM program and template need improvement.

Modern Vision in the 18~19th Century Garden Arts - The Picturesque Aesthetics and Humphry Repton's Visual Representation - (18~19세기 정원 예술에서 현대적 시각성의 등장과 반영 - 픽처레스크 미학과 험프리 렙턴의 시각 매체를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Myeong-Jun;Pae, Jeong-Hann
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.30-39
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    • 2015
  • The English Landscape garden and picturesque aesthetics, which was in fashion during the 18th to early 19th century in England, has been accused of making people see the actual garden in terms of a static landscape painting without a synesthetic engagement in nature. As new optic devices such as diorama, panorama, photography, and cinematography were invented, ways of seeing nature transitioned from a perspective vision to a panoramic, that is, modern one. This study intends to uncover signs of this kind of modern vision in the picturesque aesthetics and visual representation of landscape gardener Humphry Repton. German garden theorist Christian Cay Lorenz Hirschfeld contended that the English landscape garden was a new style of designing landscape that followed the principle of the serpentine line, which produced movement in sightlines; thus, he considered garden art as a superior art form among all other genres. The signs of visual motion appear in Repton's sketches of "Red Books". Firstly, he designed systemic routes in his clients' properties by considering different types of movements between walks and drives. Secondly, he often used the visual effects of panoramic views for his sketches in order to allow his clients to experience the human visual field. Lastly, he constructed sequences of sketches in order to provide his clients with an illusion of movement; in other words, Repton's sketches functioned as potential visual media to produce the duration of time in a visual experience. Thus, the garden aesthetics of the time reflected the contemporary visual culture, that is to say, a panoramic vision pertaining to visual motion.

Poly Synonyms Study on Naturalness in Landscape Architecture (조경학 연구에서 자연성 개념의 다의적 체계 연구)

  • Lee, Seong-Jin;Kim, Do-Eun;Son, Yong-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.51 no.1
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    • pp.29-41
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    • 2023
  • In landscape studies, the concept of naturalness was vast in its categories from physical space to cognitive systems, making it difficult to define terms at once. Therefore, this study summarized the concept and evaluation attributes of 'naturalness' used in the literature through systematic review (SR), and identified the scope of individual attributes that constitute the meaning of naturalness. In addition, the individual attributes classified in previous studies were identified as the meaning chain, one of the cognitive linguistic research methods, and applied to papers targeting naturalness among domestic landscape studies to organize a polysemous meaning system. Meaning chain is a suitable method for grasping words whose meaning expands in a chain due to family resemblance around prototypical meaning, and the dimension is classified according to the classification of naturalness evaluation items and a multi-semantic chain system of naturalness concepts discussed in domestic academia. The results of the study are as follows. First, the attributes of naturalness extracted through foreign landscape literature were classified into four areas: nature perceived as wilderness, nature as non-artificiality, nature as visual landscape, and nature as experience, and 13 detailed attributes. Second, these detailed attributes are generally consistent with domestic landscape studies, but their specific cases were different, and a Korean context was presented in perception of time accumulation, also they suggested that there may be a mutual conflict between naturalness attributes.

Design and Implementation of 3D Urban Landscape Simulation System Based on Web GIS (Web GIS 기반의 3차원 도시경관 시뮬레이션시스템 설계 및 구현)

  • Jang Mun-Hyun
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.13 no.1 s.32
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    • pp.103-117
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    • 2005
  • Information can be visualized as information technology and computers have recently made dramatic improvements. Thanks to the brisk effects of providing information in 3D on the web with the technological developments of Web 3D and virtual reality implementation in the Internet, there has been the trend to present geographic information in images and 3D. In this study, the Web 3D GIS technique was adopted in analyzing the current state of urban landscape and examining and predicting the urban landscape affected by new urban development businesses. As a result, it was expected that the study would be able to help the government agencies to reduce their errors in making urban landscape plans and policies and implementing them to provide objective and visual data, and to come up with a simulation system that could be used to reflect the residents opinions in plans and policies.

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A Study on the Direction of Rural Landscape Color Plan according to the Expert Perceptions (전문가 인식에 따른 농촌경관 색채계획 방향 설정 연구)

  • Kim, EunJa;Han, ChaeWon;Lim, ChangSu;Park, MeeJung;Choi, JinAh;Kwon, SoonChan
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.31-40
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    • 2017
  • People are making efforts multilaterally to create agricultural landscape beautifully. Still in farming villages, however, large-scale facilities or houses are disharmonized with natural environment because of their outer colors, mostly primary colors, not considering natural environment. The main study is done on experts' color perception. Investigation about perception of color experts ' view according to the existence of the energy business based on the color to set the direction of the rural landscape in the future. The result of the study shows that the image of the rural area is not reflected well, and the symbolic color of the rural landscape is the reverse image according to the energy business. The rural village's image in the future, "Harmonious", "Natural", "Rural" were higher Figure. There were the most important and harmony with nature. Based on such future harmony with nature in the color planning The colors match and is expected to be the color within the scope. Lack of awareness in the current farming town scenery is unsatisfactory. Awareness about the need for further improvement was higher. Therefore, color according to a harmony with nature images in accordance with the type of farming model should be planned.

A Study on the Urban climate Mitigation Effects with Ecological Landscape Planning with reference to Namyang-Ju Walsanli Master-plan (환경생태계획의 도시기후 변화 대응 가능성 연구 -남양주 월산리 마스터플랜을 중심으로)

  • Moon, Soo Young;Kim, Hyun Soo;Lee, Kwang Bok
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.11-19
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    • 2010
  • To meet with the nation's policy of Green Growth, local governments are rushing to propose an ecological urban development plan. And although various studies stress on the need of ecological planning to harmonize development with preservation, we have come to a point in which a quantitative evaluation of how much ecological planning contributes to the environmental load is needed. Through the increasing tendency of making plans based on the development of IT technology, capability of gathering environmental data and scientific instrument, studies on ecological planning's effect towards environmental load has recently begun. This study aims to perform a quantitative evaluation on how ecological planning mitigate urban heat island in the region of Namyang-ju Wallsanli. Three theories were used to mitigate urban heat island ; White network, Green network and Blue network. As a result, the atmosphere temperature was reduced the whole site $1.1^{\circ}C$ and partly $7^{\circ}C$ and the mean radiant temperature was reduced the whole site $1.1^{\circ}C$ and partly $8.7^{\circ}C$ on the modified ecological landscape plan in summer. The PMV index is 0~1 in ecologically modified landscape plan otherwise almost 3 in landscape plan. This study has its limits on the fact that results may differ from the actual plan as the study was performed based on the land use plan and building plan. However, what is important is that it shows a quantitative result of the effect that ecological planning has on surrounding environment and reducing environmental load.

Biotope Networking in a Metropolitan Area of Daegu -The Case of Susung gu-

  • Ra, Jung-Hwa;Park, In-Hwan;Sagong, Jung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture International Edition
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    • no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2001
  • The biotope network of Susung gu is characterized as dense residence zones forming its core that enable partial biotope in and around the residential zones. First, in district I, it is possible to make these zones connected to the third district. In district II, which is abundant in biotope, it is very important not to continue destoyi9ng the existing biotopes. In the case of district III, old residence zones have fill the severe gap between forests and the Sinchun river, through redevelopment, which covers more than 30% of the biotope area with large scaled linear residence areas. In the case of district IV, limited destruction of biotope and the improvement of nature areas were suggested as the alternative for preservation of biotopes. Consequently, in the construction of the biotope network in Su-sung gu, the maintenance of existing biotopes is required. Int he old residence zones, as redevelopment occurs, by maintaining biotope area of more than 30% and making the scale of residential complexes more than 1ha, it is possible for old residence zones to accomplish the role of providing important green spaces. In the case of newly developed residential zones, by reducing the rate of pavement of traffic conducts, utilizing small sized parks at the junctions and the plantation of trees along the corridors, the entire residence zones are able to accomplish the role of providing important green space. The problem houses and connecting the inner green space of the private houses with the green spaces of the streets in some areas. Futhermore, green spaces of forests must not be used for urban development. Dual planting on sidewalks, planting plots dispersed among streets and median strips must be established on road, too.

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Public Administration Town Plan of Sejong-City based on Landscape Ecological Perspectives (경관생태학적 관점에서의 세종시 중심행정타운 조성계획)

  • Lee, Ai-Ran
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.94-101
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    • 2014
  • This is the urban design master plan for the Public Administration Town. The project proposes a newly configured city, where environmental and democratic principles are expressed in the shape of the urban fabric. To achieve the goal, the concepts of 'Flat City, Link City, and Zero City' were introduced. These concept show "Space fabric arrange, connection and material circulation and flow from ecological landscape". 'Flat City' shaped the government buildings into an iconic plane, and democratic society. The iconic plane's surface extends across the whole city, creating an expansive public park, which is easily accessible, and open to nature. 'Link City' connects governmental agencies to enhance their function and interactions. Government facilities, parks and green spaces, cultural facilities, commercial zones, and residential districts areas create an interconnecting network. 'Zero City' has integrated infrastructure systems to reuse waste, reduce pollution, and provide essential city functions. It creates a new wildlife habitat, making 'Zero City' a good neighborhood. This proposal was made to integrate historical, regional, nature experiences with various approaches in architecture, city, and landscape architecture.