• Title/Summary/Keyword: major of the university of education

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A Comparative Study on the Logic Structure of Myeongri Old Law and New Law (명리학 고법과 신법의 논리구조 비교연구)

  • Na, Hyeok-Jin;Jung, Kyeong-Hwa
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.61-71
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this paper is to reaffirm the logical framework of the saju analysis method by recreating the saju model of old-law to study and organize the theories of frame in old-law Myeongri, and then by organizing and comparing the logic structure of the saju analysis method of new-law and old-law. Some believe that Myeongri Theory first appeared in the world in the Warring States Period when they were active with Gwigokja and Naknokja as origin, while others believe that it was origin that "Okjokyeong" was written by Kwak-Bak of Eastern Jin after a while. Since then, Myeongri Theory, which had been organized by Won-Cheongang and Yi-Heojung, has undergone a major transformation since reaching the Song Dynasty Seo-Japyeong. Based on this point, the Myeongri Theory of the previous generation is called the Old-law, and the subsequent theory is called the New-law. The changes in the logic structure of the old-law and the new-law leave a big difference and disconnect between those. But comparative studies have confirmed that the philosophy and logic structure due to natural laws that have not changed much such as the symbolic system of nature called Yinyang & five elements and Cheongan-jiji, the idea of a heavenly response projected in the Three Wonders of heaven, earth and human, and the concept of generation and time in the position of year-month-day-time.

A Survey on Visiting Nurses' Management for Elders with Cognitive Impairment Living in a Community: Focused on Health Centers in a Metropolitan and Medium-sized Cities (방문간호사의 재가노인 인지기능장애 관리에 대한 실태조사: 광역시보건소와 중소도시보건소를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Chong Mi;Kim, Younkyoung;Park, Inhyae
    • Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.197-207
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the status and characteristics of visiting nurses' management for elders with cognitive impairment living in a community focused on health centers in a metropolitan city and five medium-sized cities. Methods: Data were collected from 47 visiting nurses working in a metropolitan city and 47 visiting nurses working in five medium-sized cities from November to December 2012. Results: There were no statistically significant differences in knowledge, attitudes, and nursing behaviors of cognitive impairment between two groups (F=2.13, p=.148; F=3.64, p=.060; F=0.28, p=.595). Among the elders referred to a physician in a metropolitan city by visiting nurses, 42.4% were diagnosed as mild cognitive impairment and 15.2% were diagnosed as severe dementia. The major intervention programs which visiting nurses currently applied for elders were medication and exercise intervention programs, and the intervention programs which they would want to apply in the future were playing, music and recall intervention programs. Conclusion: The cognitive impairment screening test can be done effectively by visiting nurses. This study also suggests to develop various kinds of intervention programs to improve cognitive function for elders living in a community.

The Influence of Regulatory Focus, Self-regulated Learning and Academic Burnout on Academic Achievement (조절초점, 자기조절학습 및 학업소진이 학업성취에 미치는 영향)

  • Jung, Eun-Sun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.11
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    • pp.5455-5464
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of the present study was to investigate the role of self-regulated learning and academic burnout on the relationship between regulatory focus and academic achievement. The participants of this study were 312 university students and analyses for this study was conducted by using PASW 18.0 and Amos 8.0. The major achievements were as follows; Self-regulated learning confirmed mediating variable between regulatory focus and academic burnout, and academic burnout confirmed mediating variable between self-regulated learning and academic achievement. That is, regulatory focus had some effect on academic achievement through academic burnout based on self-regulatory learning. Finally, the needs of development about the counseling and the education approaches as a special intervention was discussed, and that approaches were reflected self-regulated learning to be improved and academic burnout to be reduced. Also, limitations and implications of subsequent further study were suggested in this research.

A Study on the Living Conditions of Locals through the Management of Village Common Pastures and Pasturing Activities in Gotjawal located in the Mid-mountain Area of Jeju Island (제주도 중산간 곶자왈 지대의 마을공동목장 운영과 방목활동을 통한 생활상 연구)

  • Bu, Hye-Jin;Kang, Chang-Hwa;Jeong, Kwang-Joong
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.353-368
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    • 2016
  • The importance of Gotjawal located in the mid-mountain area of Jeju Island has been emphasized in various aspects. This study aims to identify the value of Gotjawal as a life-cultural space. This will be illustrated by tracing the locals' previous pasturing activities and the management of village common pastures. Cheongsu Village Common Pasture and Jeoji Village Common Pasture in Cheongsu-Jeoji Gotjawal area, which are the study areas, have been actively used by local farmhouses since the establishment of the pastures in 1930's. In particular cattle were significant means for agriculture and transportation methods in 1960's and 1970's. The farmhouses were needed to breed cattle as one of the main economic means. Pasturing cattle on the village common pastures has developed a unique ranching culture. Furthermore, cooperative work of these farmhouses were performed. These include the establishment of ponds for water supply and the preparation of hay. Ranching facilities for pasturing were built on village common pastures and still remain in Gotjawal area. This has been used in the understanding of the locals' lives in the mid-mountain area of Jeju Island.

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Study on the Coexistent Development of the Touristic and Educational Cultures of Temples - Focused on Youngwol region - (사찰건물의 관광 및 교육문화를 위한 상생발전 연구 - 영월지역을 중심으로 -)

  • Jo, Won-seob;Oh, Seung-ha
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.178-187
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to study the coexistent development of the touristic and education cultures of temples. For the study, an investigation on the actual conditions of temples in Youngwol and a set of interviews were conducted from 13th June to 7th November in 2014. The analysis was conducted through the field observations and the interviews with building owners based on the criteria and SPSSWIN 18.0 program was used for statistical processes. The results of analysis are as follows. First, the temples are found to be the extremely valuable local cultural assets with the cultural values and historical backgrounds. Second, the major temple buildings show that they have the unique and distinct characteristics that cannot be found from other general temples, so it is necessary for developing the unique local tourism resources from them. Third, since the study shows that there is a lack of tourism and educational culture resources, so a relevant plan thereof is urgently required. The implication of this study is that there is an urgent necessity for the succession and the modern reinterpretation regarding the cultures of traditional temples, based on which a shift of viewpoint to the digital tourism, which covers both the traditional temple cultures and the modern cultures, could arise.

Korean society and educational achievement (V): The contribution of educational achievement for the future of Korean society (한국 사회와 교육적 성취 (V): 교육적 성취를 통한 미래 한국 사회의 모색)

  • Youngshin Park;Uichol Kim
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.14 no.1_spc
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    • pp.427-468
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    • 2008
  • This article examines the role and influence of educational achievement on Korean society and its future. Four major factors that associated with and influence educational achievement in Korea (i.e., trust, efficacy beliefs, quality of life, and societal transformation) are reviewed. First, the role of educational achievement on establishing a basis for trust in Korean society is examined. By reviewing studies of perception of Korean society, people and institutions, the importance of establishing trust in Korean society is outlined. Second, the role of efficacy belief in promoting educational achievement is examined. The importance of collective efficacy, at the adolescent, adult and political levels is emphasized. In addition, the concept and application of self-efficacy for teachers and parents is reviewed. Third, the role and influence of educational achievement on quality of life is outlined. Studies indicate that educational achievement plays an important role in improving the quality of life. The pressure to achieve, however, can have negative impact on stress and mental health and support systems need to be developed to alleviate their impact. Fourth, the future and prospects for Korean society through educational achievement is discussed. Through education, the importance of bridging the divide with North Korea is an important agenda for the future of Korean society. Finally, the importance of indigenous psychological perspective in understanding Korean society and providing direction for the future is discussed.

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Analysis of the Utilization of Mobile Applications by Generation Z using Topic Modeling :Focusing on Users' Essay Data (토픽모델링을 활용한 Z세대의 애플리케이션 효용성에 대한 분석: 이용자의 에세이 데이터를 중심으로)

  • Park, Ju-Yeon;Jeong, Do-Heon
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.43-51
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to provide basic information necessary for the establishment of mobile service marketing strategies, educational service development, and engineering education for Generation Z by analyzing the utilitization of various applications by Gen Z. To this end, 177 essays on mobile service usage experience were collected, major topics were analyzed using topic modeling, and these were visualized through word cloud analysis. As a result of the study, the main topics were related to 'transportation' such as movement and public transportation, 'personal management' such as schedule management, financial management, food management, 'transaction' such as checkout, meeting, purchase, 'leisure' such as eating out, travel, study, culture. Additionally, words such as time, thought, people, life, bus, information, confirmation, payment, KakaoTalk, and so on were found to have a high of frequency of use. Also, there was found to be a difference between topics by college. This study is meaningful in that it collected essays, which are unstructured data, and analyzed them through topic modeling.

Counseling Outcomes Research Trend Analysis Using Topic Modeling - Focus on 「Korean Journal of Counseling」 (토픽 모델링을 활용한 상담 성과 연구동향 분석 - 「상담학연구」 학술지를 중심으로)

  • Park, Kwi Hwa;Lee, Eun Young;Yune, So Jung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.19 no.11
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    • pp.517-523
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    • 2021
  • The outcome of the consultation is important to both the counselor and the researcher. Analyzing the trends of research on the results of counseling that have been carried out so far will help to comprehensively structure the results of consultations. The purpose of this research is to analyze research trends in Korea, focusing on research related to the outcomes of counseling published in 「Korean Journal of Counseling」 from 2011 to 2021, which is one of the well-known academic journals in the field of counseling in Korea. This is to explore the direction of future research by navigating the knowledge structure of research. There were 197 studies used for analysis, and the final 339 keyword were extracted during the node extraction process and used for analysis. As a result of extracting potential topics using the LDA algorithm, "Measurement and evaluation of counseling outcomes", "emotions and mediate factors affecting interpersonal relationships", and "career stress and coping strategies" are the main topics. Identifying major topics through trend analysis of counseling performance research contributed to structuring counseling performance. In-depth research on these topics needs to continue thereafter.

A Study of School program in the Case of Library and Information Science in Korea (한국문헌정보학의 학부제 도입에 관한 연구)

  • Koo Bon-young
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.3-50
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    • 1996
  • At present, Korean universities and colleges are confronted with a strong challenge, within and without, demanding a drastic change or innovation of university education. Discussion on the propulsion of the School Program is now under way as one of the means to reform the university education With such a background in mind, we have considered what should be the desirable course of Library and Information Science in Korea. We have considered the characteristic features and roles of library and information professionals to cope with the now approaching information society and the changing conditons of educational environment We have collected the pros and cons among professors of tile School Program, and investigated the curricula of the three universities which are at present practicing the School Program. Of the 139 professors to whom we have sent the questionnaries, $92(66\%)$ responded, of which the pros were 42 and the cons were 45. The model plan for the School Program is 'departmental school program' $(44\%)$, which purports to adopt 'departmental school program', with the curricula and material resources being utilized in common, or to adopt joint-appointment system with the common utilization of teaching materials and the introduction of a limited dual major system. The argument against introduction the School Program was that because of the peculiar nature of the discipline itself, Library and Information Science can not be merged with any other discipline.

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The Geomorphic Development of Angyae Basin (안계분지(安溪盆地)의 지형발달)

  • Bak, Byeong-Su;Son, Myoung-Won
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.51-62
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    • 1997
  • In various places of drainage basins of major rivers in South Korea are distributed intermontane basins. Basin floor covered with fluvial deposits carried from the surrounding mountane area becomes alluvial plain. Its productivity is comparatively higher than anywhere else. Thus basin is a local administrative, economic, and cultural core area. Intermontane basin consists of backward mountane area, gentle hills, and alluvial lowland. The purpose of this paper is to elucidate the morpogenetic processes and development age of Angae Basin located in the sedimentary rock region. Hills with the height of a.s.l. $80{\sim}100m$ distributed in Angae Basin are residual landforms, which are the remnants of dissection of the etchplain that results from the denudation of bedrock deeply weathered along tectolineaments under the warm and moist climate, and reflect lithological differentiation of bedrock. Those hills have been comparatively higher ridges since the initial stage of the original etchplain, and they have been immune from fluvial processes. The etchplain appeared as $80{\sim}100m$ hills. the high terrace distributed in upstream reach of Nakdong River drainage basin and the old meander-cut at Seoburi in Wicheon drainage basin, are formed at the same stage when riverbed of Wicheon Stream functioned as a local base level according as the fluvial system of Wichoen arrived at dynamic equilibrium.

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