• Title/Summary/Keyword: linear reservoir

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Evaluation for Constructing Isochrones using a GIS (GIS를 이용한 등시간도 작성의 평가)

  • Cho, Hyo-Seob;Kim, Ke-Ho;Jung, Kwan-Sue;Kim, Jae-Han
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.925-936
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    • 2003
  • The objective of this study is to suggest new drawing methods of isochrones using GIS. For this purpose the Unit Hydrograph (UH) of studied watershed for instantaneous rainfall suggested by Clark have been determined by routing the time-area curve through a single linear reservoir. To evaluate constructing methods of isochrones three methods has been examined; Channel Profile and Clark-kict method; Laurenson method; Average velocity method of S.C.S. Also, these methods have been recomposed by GIS in this study. To apply first method, spatial modeling, the vector based on the stream network and Route_System measuring a distance between points has been used. A raster based on the flow direction grid from burn DEM and the slope grid from original DEM has been applied for the second method. The third method has been applied by a raster based on the landuse grid and a velocity function expressed by slope. Results by these three methods have been evaluated with observed hydrograph, and the method using average velocity method of S.C.S shows more reasonable results comparatively.

A Study on Flood Discharge Capacity and Hydraulic Characteristic of Labyrinth Weir as a Side-Channel Spillway (래버린스 웨어를 적용한 측수로형 여수로의 홍수배제능력 및 수리학적 특성 연구)

  • Park, Sae-Hoon;Moon, Young-Il
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.65-74
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    • 2008
  • The small and medium sized dams have the fill dam type of a lot of occasions, which are often weak in cases of major floods. For this reason, although a countermeasure is in great need, due to the importance of the facilities and financial situations, no direct safety measures have been taken. In this study, in order to minimize construction expenditure for practical safety measures in cases of major floods, the overflow section of spillway has been analyzed focusing on how the overflow capacity will increase in the case of partially rebuilding a part of the overflow section of spillway favorable for hydraulic conditions. The Labyrinth weir and movable weir was chosen for reconstruction models of the overflow section. Moreover, for analyzing the after-effects of the reconstruction, a small scale dam was temporarily chosen for various experiments such as the hydraulic model testing and the three dimension numerical evaluation through the use of Flow-3D.

Control Algorithm Characteristic Study of Cooling System for Automotive Fuel Cell Application. (차량용 연료전지 냉각시스템 제어 알고리즘 특성 연구)

  • Han, Jae Young;Park, Ji Soo;Yu, Sangseok
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.39-45
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    • 2016
  • Thermal management of a fuel cell is important to satisfy the requirements of durability and efficiency under varying load conditions. In this study, a linear state feedback controller was designed to maintain the temperature within operating conditions. Due to the nonlinearity of automotive fuel cell system, the state feedback controller results in marginal stable under load condition from $0.5A/cm^2$ to $0.7A/cm^2$. A PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) and the modified state feedback controller are applied to control the temperature under the load condition from $0.5A/cm^2$ to $0.7A/cm^2$. The cooling system model is composed of a reservoir, radiator, bypass valve, fan, and a water pump. The performance of the control algorithm was evaluated in terms of the integral time weighted absolute error (ITAE). Additionally, MATLAB/SIMULINK$^{(R)}$ was used for the development of the system models and controllers. The modified state feedback controller was found to be more effective for controlling temperature than other algorithms when tested under low load conditions.

Relative Importance of Bottom-up vs. Top-down Controls on Size-structured Phytoplankton Dynamics in a Freshwater Ecosystem: II. Investigation of Controlling Factors using Statistical Modeling Analysis (담수성 식물플랑크톤의 크기별 동태에 대한 상향식, 하향식 조절간의 상대적 중요도 조사: II. 통계 모델링 분석을 이용한 조절인자 분석)

  • Song, Eun-Sook;Lim, Jang-Seob;Chang, Nam-Ik;Sin, Yong-Sik
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.38 no.4 s.114
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    • pp.445-453
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    • 2005
  • Relative importance between bottom-up and top-down controls on phytoplankton dynamics was investigated in the Juam Reservoir, Chonnam based on the results from statistical analyses including regression and artificial neural network (ANN) modeling. Effects of nutrients on size-structured phytoplankton dynamics were explored by simple linear regression analysis and relative importance between bottom-up and top-down controls was estimated based on results from the artificial neural network analyses. Although there is a limitation in determining direct grazing effects since chlorophyll a : pheopigments ratios, indirect index for grazing activity rather than grazing rates or herbivores biomass were used, the results from regression analysis showed that nutrients especially orthophosphates were positively correlated with the phytoplankton biomass and chlorophyll a : pheopigments ratios were also positively correlated with the phytoplankton biomass at lower coefficient of determination ($r^2$) compared to orthophosphates. The simulation results from ANN suggested that the bottom-up mechanisms including water temperature and availability of nutrients, especially orthophosphates were more important than top-down mechanisms such as grazing in the phytoplankton dynamics.

Determination and preconcentration of Cu(II) using microcrystalline p-Dichlorobenzene loaded with salicylaldoxime (Salicylaldoxime이 내포된 p-Dichlorobenzene 미세결정을 이용한 Cu(II)의 예비농축 및 정량)

  • Lee, Ha-Na;Choi, Hee-Seon
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.240-246
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    • 2010
  • A technique for the determination of trace Cu(II) in various real samples by FAAS after the column preconcentration onto p-dichlorobenzene-SA adsorbent, which is microcrystalline p-dichlorobenzene loaded with salicylaldoxime (SA) has been developed. Several experimental conditions such as pH of the sample solution, the amount of chelating agent salicylaldoxime, the amount of adsorbent p-dichlorobenzene-SA, and flow rate of sample solution were optimized. The interfering effects of various concomitant ions were investigated. $CN^-$ interfered more seriously than any other ions. However, the interference by $1\;{\mu}g\;mL^{-1}\;CN^-$ could be overcome completely by controlling the concentration of Ni(II) to $20\;{\mu}g\;mL^{-1}$. The linear range, correlation coefficient ($R^2$) and detection limit obtained by this technique were $3.0\sim100\;ng\;mL^{-1}$, 0.9901, and $3.1\;ng\;mL^{-1}$, respectively. For validating this technique, the aqueous samples (wastewater, reservoir water and stream water) and the food samples (orange juice, fresh egg and skim milk) were used. Recovery yields of 93~104% were obtained. These measured mean values were not differents from ICP-MS data at 95% confidence level. The good results were obtained from the experiments using the rice flour certified reference material (CRM) sample. Based on the experimental results, it was found that this technique could be applied to the preconcentration and determination of Cu(II) for various real samples.

Evaluation of the Impact of Land Surface Condition Changes on Soil Moisture Field Evolution (지표면 조건의 변화에 따른 토양수분의 변화 평가)

  • Yu, Cheol-Sang
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.795-806
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    • 1998
  • Soil moisture is affected by regional climate, soil characteristics and land surface condition, etc,. Especially, the changes in land surface condition is more than other factors, which is mainly due to rapid urbanization and industrialization. This study is to evaluate how the change of land surface condition impacts on soil moisture field evolution using a simple model of soil moisture dynamics. For the quantification of soil moisture field, the first half of the paper is spared for the statistical characterization based on the first- and second-order statistics of Washita '92 and Monsoon '90 data. The second half is for evaluating the impact of land cover changes through simulation study using a model for soil moisture dynamics. The model parameters, the loss rate and the diffusion coefficient, have been estimated using the observed data statistics, where the changes of surface conditions are considered into the model by applying various parameter sets with different second-order statistics. This study is concentrated on evaluating the impact due to the changes of land surface condition variability. It is because we could easily quantify the impact of the changes of its areal mean based on the linear reservoir concept. As a result of the study, we found; (1)as the variability of land surface condition, increases, the soil moisture field dries up more easily, (2)as the variabilit y of the soil moisture field is the highest at the beginning of rainfall and decreases as time goes on to show the variability of land surface condition, (3)the diffusion effect due to surface runoff or water flow through the top soil layer is limited to a period of surface runoff and its overall impact is small compared to that of the loss rate field.

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Porewater Pressure Predictions on Hillside Slopes for Assessing Landslide Risks (II) Development of Groundwater Flow Model (산사태 위험도 추정을 위한 간극수압 예측에 관한 연구(II) -산사면에서의 지하수위 예측 모델의 개발-)

  • Lee, In-Mo;Park, Gyeong-Ho;Im, Chung-Mo
    • Geotechnical Engineering
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.5-20
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    • 1992
  • The physical-based and lumped-parameter hydrologic groundwater flow model for predicting the rainfall-triggered rise of groundwater levels in hillside slopes is developed in this paper to assess the risk of landslides. The developed model consists of a vertical infiltration model for unsaturated zone linked to a linear storage reservoir model(LSRM) for saturated zone. The groundwater flow model has uncertain constants like soil depttL slope angle, saturated permeability, and potential evapotranspiration and four free model parameters like a, b, c, and K. The free model parameters could be estimated from known input-output records. The BARD algorithm is uses as the parameter estimation technique which is based on a linearization of the proposed model by Gauss -Newton method and Taylor series expansion. The application to examine the capacity of prediction shows that the developed model has a potential of use in forecast systems of predicting landslides and that the optimal estimate of potential 'a' in infiltration model is the most important in the global optimum analysis because small variation of it results in the large change of the objective function, the sum of squares of deviations of the observed and computed groundwater levels. 본 논문에서는 가파른 산사면에서 산사태의 발생을 예측하기 위한 수문학적 인 지하수 흐름 모델을 개발하였다. 이 모델은 물리적인 개념에 기본하였으며, Lumped-parameter를 이용하였다. 개발된 지하수 흐름 모델은 두 모델을 조합하여 구성되어 있으며, 비포화대 흐름을 위해서는 수정된 abcd 모델을, 포화대 흐름에 대해서는 시간 지체 효과를 고려할 수 있는 선형 저수지 모델을 이용하였다. 지하수 흐름 모델은 토층의 두께, 산사면의 경사각, 포화투수계수, 잠재 증발산 량과 같은 불확실한 상수들과 a, b, c, 그리고 K와 같은 자유모델변수들을 가진다. 자유모델변수들은 유입-유출 자료들로부터 평가할 수 있으며, 이를 위해서 본 논문에서는 Gauss-Newton 방법을 이용한 Bard 알고리즘을 사용하였다. 서울 구로구 시흥동 산사태 발생 지역의 산사면에 대하여 개발된 모델을 적용하여 예제 해석을 수행함으로써, 지하수 흐름 모델이 산사태 발생 예측을 위하여 이용할 수 있음을 입증하였다. 또한, 매개변수분석 연구를 통하여, 변수 a값은 작은 변화에 대하여 목적함수값에 큰 변화를 일으키므로 a의 값에 대한 최적값을 구하는 것이 가장 중요한 요소라는 결론을 얻었다.

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Reservoir Trophic State and Empirical Model Analysis, Based on Nutrients, Transparency, and Chlorophyll-${\alpha}$ Along with Their Relations Among the Parameters (영양염류, 투명도 및 엽록소를 이용한 인공호 영양상태, 경험적 모델 분석 및 변수들 간의 상호관계)

  • An, Kwang-Guk;Kim, Jae-Kyeng;Lee, Sang-Jae
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.252-263
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to determine trophic state, based on nutrients (TN, TP), transparency (SD), and chlorophyll-${\alpha}$ (Chl) and identify their empirical relations of TN-Chl, TP-Chl and Chl-SD depending on the dataset used along with dynamics of conductivity and suspended solids. Analysis of trophic states showed that more than half of 36 reservoirs were judged as eutrophic-hypertrophic conditions depending on the trophic variables. Seasonal values of TP varied by nearly 500% and showed greater in August than any other months. In contrast, TN varied within less than 90% and all monthly mean values of TN were never fall less than 1.2 mg L$^{-1}$ indicating low seasonal variations and high ambient concentrations (eutrophic-hypertrophic state). Analysis of empirical relations in the trophic variables showed that transparency had greater functional relations with Chl (R$^2$=0.31, p<0.001) than TP (R$^2$=0.15, p<0.001) and TN (R$^2$=0.20, p<0.001). Ratios of TN : TP in the ambient water indicated that most reservoirs showed a potential phosphorous limitation on the algal growth. Thus, algal biomass, based on Chl values, was more regulated by phosphorous than nitrogen. Analysis of linear regression model, based on log-transformed annual mean values, showed that only 30% in the variation of Chl was explained by TP (R$^2$=0.295, p=0.001, n=36) and 15% by TN (R$^2$=0.151, p=0.019, n=36). However, linear regression model, based on individual system, showed that Chl-TP model had strong positive relations (R$^2$=0.62, p=0.002, n=12), whereas the model had no any relations (p=0.892, n=12). Overall, our data suggested that averaging effect in the empirical model developments may influence the significance in the statistical analysis.

A Study on the Cultivation Processes and Settlement Developments on the Mangyoung River Valley (만경강유역의 개간과정과 취락형성발달에 관한 연구)

  • NamGoong, Bong
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.37-87
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    • 1997
  • As a results of researches on the cultivation processes and settlement developments on the Mangyoung river valley as a whole could be have four 'Space-Time Continuity' through a [Origin-Destination] theory model. On a initial phases of cultivation, the cultivation process has been begun at mountain slopes and tributory plains in upper part of river-basin from Koryo Dynasty to early Chosun Dynasty. At first, indigenous peasants burned forests on the mountain slopes for making 'dryfield' for a cereal crops. Following population increase more stable food supply is necessary facets of life inducing a change production method into a 'wetfield' in tributory plains matching the population increase. First sedentary agriculture maybe initiated at this mountain slopes and tributory plains on upper part of river basin through a burning cultivation methods. Mountain slopes and tributory plains are become a Origin area in cultivation processes. It expanded from up to down through the valleys with 'a bits of land' fashion in a steady pace like a terraced fields expanded with bit by bit of land to downward. They expanded their land to the middle part of river basin in mid period of Chosun Dynasty with dike construction techniques on the river bank. Lower part of river cultivated with embankment building techniques in 1920s and then naturally expanded to the tidal marshes on the estuaries and river inlets of coastal areas. 'Pioneer fringes' are consolidated at there in modern times. Changes in landscapes are appeared it's own characters with each periods of time. Followings are results of study through the Mangyoung river valley as a whole. (1) Mountain slopes and tributory plains on the upper part of river are cultivated 'dryfields' by indigenous peasants with Burning cultivation methods at first and developed sedentary settlements at the edges of mountain slopes and on the river terrace near the fields. They formed a kind of 'periphery-located cluster type' of settlement. This type of settlement are become a prominant type in upper part of river basin. 'Dryfields' has been changed into a 'wetfields' at the narrow tributory plains by increasing population pressure in later time. These wetfields are supplied water by Weir and Ponds Irrigation System(제언수리방법). Streams on the tributory plains has been attracted wetfields besides of it and formed a [water+land] complex on it. 'Wetfields' are expanded from up to downward with a terraced land pattern(adder like pattern, 붕전) according to the gradient of valley. These periphery located settlements are formed a intimate ecological linkage with several sets of surroundings. Inner villages are expanded to Outer villages according to the expansion of arable lands into downward. (2) Mountain slopes and tributory plains expanded its territory to the alluvial deposited plains on the middle part of river valley with a urgent need of new land by population increase. This part of alluvial plains are cultivated mainly in mid period of Chosun Dynasty. Irrigation methods are changed into a Dike Construction Irrigation method(천방수리방법) for the control of floods. It has a trend to change the subjectives of cultivation from community-oriented one who constructed Bochang along tributories making rice paddies to local government authorities who could be gather large sums of capitals, techniques and labours for the big dike construction affairs. Settlements are advanced in the midst of plains avoiding friction of distances and formed a 'Centrallocated cluster type' of settlements. There occured a hierarchical structures of settlements in ranks and sizes according merits of water supply and transportation convenience at the broad plains. Big towns are developed at there. It strengthened a more prominant [water+land] complex along the canals. Ecological linkages between settlements and surroundings are shaded out into a tiny one in this area. (3) It is very necessary to get a modern technology of flood control at the rivers that have a large volume of water and broad width. The alluvial plains are remained in a wilderness phase until a technical level reached a large artificial levee construction ability that could protect the arable land from flood. Until that time on most of alluvial land at the lower part of river are remained a wilderness of overgrown with reeds in lacks of techniques to build a large-scale artificial levee along the riverbank. Cultivation processes are progressed in a large scale one by Japanese agricultural companies with [River Rennovation Project] of central government in 1920s. Large scale artificial levees are constructed along the riverbank. Subjectives of cultivation are changed from Korean peasants to Japanese agricultural companies and Korean peasants fell down as a tenant in a colonial situation of that time in Korea. They could not have any voices in planning of spatial structure and decreased their role in planning. Newly cultivated lands are reflected company's intensions, objectives and perspectives for achieving their goals for the sake of colonial power. Newly cultivated lands are planned into a regular Rectangular Block settings of rice paddies and implanted a large scale Bureaucratic-oriented Irrigation System on the cultivated plains. Every settlements are located in the midst of rice paddies with a Central located Cluster type of settlements. [water+land] complex along the canal system are more strengthened. Cultivated space has a characters of [I-IT] landscapes. (4) Artificial levees are connected into a coastal emnankment for a reclamation of broad tidal marshes on the estuaries and inlets of rivers in the colonial times. Subjectives of reclamation are enlarged into a big agricultural companies that could be acted a role as a big cultivator. After that time on most of reclamation project of tidal marshes are controlled by these agricultural companies formed by mostly Japanese capitalists. Reclaimed lands on the estuaries and river inlets are under hands of agricultural companies and all the spatial structures are formed by their intensions, objectives and perspectives. They constructed a Unit Farming Area for the sake of companies. Spatial structures are planned in a regular one with broad arable land for the rice production of rectangular blocks, regular canal systems and tank reservoir for the irrigation water supply into reclaimed lands. There developed a 'Central-located linear type' of settlements in midst of reclaimed land. These settlements are settled in a detail program upon this newly reclaimed land at once with a master plan and they have planned patterns in their distribution, building materials, location, and form. Ecological linkage between Newly settled settlemrnts and its surroundings are lost its colours and became a more artificial one by human-centred environment. [I-IT] landscapes are become more prominant. This region is a destination area of [Origin-Destination] theory model and formed a 'Pioneer Fringe'. It is a kind of pioneer front that could advance or retreat discontinously by physical conditions and socio-cultural conditions of that region.

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