• Title/Summary/Keyword: level of awareness

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E-Safety Awareness of Saudi Youths: A Comparative Study and Recommendations

  • Alharbi, Nawaf F;Soh, Ben;AlZain, Mohammed A;Alharbi, Mawaddah F
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.21 no.11
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    • pp.181-188
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    • 2021
  • The use of the internet has become a basic need for many across the globe. The situation is very much the same for the youth in many countries like Saudi Arabia who have grown up surrounded and accessing the internet. This demographic, however, is at an increased risk of falling as victims to cybercrime because of a low level of technical awareness. This review looks at the level of technical awareness of internet use in 3 different countries which include the USA, South Africa, and New Zealand. The review will compare the situation in these nations with those in KSA. Based on the review and comparisons, recommendations are made for culturally and socially acceptable e-Safety awareness of Saudi youths.

The Effects of a Mother's Characteristics and Self-awareness upon Parenting Stress (어머니의 특성 및 자아인식이 양육스트레스에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Jin-Kyung;Kim, He-Ra
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.129-144
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to focus on the effects of a mother's characteristics and self-awareness as they impact upon parenting stress, with the additional aim of creating an appropriate structural equation model. The subjects of the study comprised 2078 newborn children (and their mothers) taken from the $1^{st}$ year of the Korea Children's Panel. The results of the research are as follows. The mother's feeling of pregnancy, her income activity, religion, and educational level impacted significantly upon self-awareness, whereas employment status did not. In addition, the feeling of pregnancy and income activity had a effect on parenting stress both directly and indirectly. Educational level and religion impacted on parenting stress indirectly through self-awareness. Both employment status and self-awareness were found to have impacted on parenting stress directly. The implication of these findings are also discussed.

Factors influencing fall prevention nursing performance of hospital nurses (병원간호사의 낙상예방간호 수행 영향요인)

  • Jang, Keong-Sook;Kim, Hae-Sook
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.69-83
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore the factors influencing evidence-based fall prevention nursing performance of hospital nurses. Methods: A self-reported questionnaire was completed by 344 nurses from three general hospitals from January 20 to March 10, 2013. The study instruments included general characteristics of the subjects, and awareness and performance of fall prevention. Data were analyzed by t test, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation, and multiple regression using SPSS v. 20.0. Results: There were statistically significant differences in awareness and performance according to age, marital status, clinical experiences, workplace, experience of fall prevention education, knowledge of fall prevention, compliance with fall prevention, attention level toward prevention, recognition level of potential falls, nurse responsibility for falls, importance of fall prevention, efforts level for fall prevention, and awareness score of falls prevention. There was a positive correlation among awareness and performance of fall prevention. Based on the multiple regression analysis, compliance with fall prevention, efforts level for fall prevention, and awareness score of falls prevention were significant predictors for performance of fall prevention. The explanation power of the model was 64.1%. Conclusion: The findings revealed the need to develop an effective nursing intervention to improve hospital nurses' performance for fall prevention.


  • Kim, Mi-Ran
    • 한국초등상담교육학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2004.01a
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    • pp.205-222
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    • 2004
  • Fundamental direction of the seventh education curriculum aims to nurture active and creative Koreans for globalized and information-oriented society of 21 century, and emphasizes the importance of career education identifying its subsections that are practices of student-focused education of aptitude, ability and career. Hence, as a clear targeting of career objective from elementary school through relevant career education enables them to recognize appropriate career for themselves, the basis of self- actualization and social contribution must be settled. This paper seeks to identify the relationship between career awareness and self-esteem by examining and analysing differences of sex, region and level. This study selected 536 samples from 4th and 6th year elementary school students in C city and S town of Chungcheong province. Career awareness test and self-esteem test is used as a measurement, statistical process control (SPC) of career awareness and self-esteem (M, SD, r) is made for each variable, and the significance was tested. The result of this research can be summarized as follows: First, generally there is very significant regional differences of career awareness (F=16.817, p<.001), which contains that urban children has higher career awareness (M=120.22) than that of rural children (M=113.87). In subsections of career awareness, self-esteem of urban children is higher than that of rural children, and the attitude & for career and values of girls is higher than that of boys. In terms of the career planning, urban children and 6th year students are higher than rural children and 4th year students. Second, self-esteem generally has very significant regional difference (F=12.123, p<.01), which contains that the self-esteem of urban children (M=106.50) is higher than that of rural children (M=101.80). In comparison of different forms, a very significant difference is as much as p<.01 level (F=11.046), which contains 4th year students (M=105.63) have higher self-esteem than 6th year students (M=102.05). In subsections of self-esteem, gross self-esteem and social self-esteem of urban children are higher than rural children. In terms of family self-esteem, urban children and 4th year students have higher figure than rural children and 6th year students. In school self-esteem, 4th year students had higher level than the 6th. Third, the career awareness and self-esteem are generally related as r= .50, it was very significant at p<. 001 level. All subsections of career awareness had positive relationships except the school self-esteem. According to the result, rural children had relatively low career awareness and self-esteem. This is presumably due to relatively poor circumstances for rural children, comparing to that of urban children. Therefore rural elementary schools should try to let them have appropriate career awareness by associating with family, school and local society to expand the opportunity of experiences for the self perception of aptitude, nature and interest. In addition, we have to strive for the whole-minded education increasing the self-esteem of rural children and giving them positive thinking through career counselling, personal counselling and group counselling.

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Safety Management Status among Nurses Handling Anticancer Drugs: Nurse Awareness and Performance Following Safety Regulations

  • Jeong, Kyeong Weon;Lee, Bo-Young;Kwon, Myung Soon;Jang, Ji-Hye
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.16 no.8
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    • pp.3203-3211
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    • 2015
  • This study identified the actual conditions for safe anticancer drug management among nurses and the relationship between level of awareness and performance of anticancer drug safety regulations in terms of preparation, administration, and disposal. The respondents were 236 nurses working with chemotherapy in wards and outpatient clinics in five hospitals in and near Seoul. Safety regulations provided for the anticancer drug the Occupational Safety Health Administration (OSHA, 1999), as modified for an earlier study, were used. The results showed that the level of awareness and performance on the anticancer drug safety regulations indicate their preparation ($3.38{\pm}0.55$, $2.38{\pm}0.98$), administration ($3.52{\pm}0.46$, $3.17{\pm}0.70$), general handling and disposal ($3.33{\pm}0.54$, $2.42{\pm}0.90$) on a scale 0 to 5. Also, there were significant differences in job positions, work experience, type of preparation, and continuing education and a positive relationship between the level of awareness and nursing performance. Thus, nurses should receive continuing education on the handling of anticancer drugs to improve the level of performance following safety regulations.

A Study on the Improvement of Education through the Correlation Analysis of the Situation Awareness and Education Satisfaction of Helicopter Pilots (헬리콥터 조종사의 상황인식과 교육 만족도의 상관분석을 통한 교육개선연구)

  • Kim, Sang-chul;Lee, Oyong-hyeok
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.82-91
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    • 2021
  • The topic of this paper was analyzed as "t -test" and "multiple regression analysis" for 303 helicopter pilot trainees from aviation schools in the county for "improvement of education through correlation analysis of helicopter pilots' situational awareness and education satisfaction." In addition to the factors for overcoming situational awareness and situational awareness, the level of satisfaction of the instructor and the level of satisfaction of the learning management system (LMS) is the confidence interval p<.05, 95%. It was analyzed to be significant at the level of 05, 95%. Therefore, it was analyzed that in order to improve the "quality of the instructor" in future education, institutional supplementation and "learning management system (LMS)" need to be established including VR and AR so that pilot trainees can use it at all times.

Impact of a Media-Campaign to Promote Walking on Awareness & Behavior Change (지역사회 걷기 활성화를 위한 매체-캠페인이 걷기관련 인식과 행태변화에 미치는 영향)

  • Ann, Eue-Soo;Lee, Yong-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.99-114
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    • 2007
  • Object: To analyze the effect of a media-campaign for "walking exercise participation improvement", which impacted walking-related awareness and behavior change of residents in Seoul. Method: This study used three campaign media including printing information, walking exercise indication board and a public advertisement of cable TV to lead a walking-related awareness change and practice frequency(number of days per week walking) and time(minutes per day walking) of walking exercise. To evaluate the exposure and message-recall levels of a campaign and effects of awareness change and walking practice, this study used a questionnaire survey(N=377). Result: 1) Group of exposure to campaign more participate and had the higher frequency(p=.015) and time(p=.023) in walking exercise and in comparison with group of nonexposure. 2) Group of changed awareness to campaign more participate and had the higher frequency and time in walking exercise and in comparison with group of no changed perception(p <.05). 3) Level of message recall of ${\ulcorner}$printing information${\lrcorner}$ was associated with number of days per week walking, and level of message recall of ${\ulcorner}$public advertisement of cable TV${\lrcorner}$ was associated with minutes per day walking at a statistically significant level(p <.05). Conclusion: These results suggest that media campaign can enhance the success of community-based efforts to promote awareness change and walking practice.

A study on the awareness and practice of the pregnant women about oral health care (일부 지역 임산부의 구강보건관리에 대한 인식 및 실천에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Young-Nam;Shim, Chung-Sin
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.53-64
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study examines the level of awareness and practice for the oral health care of the pregnant women, finding problems and proposing the problem point regarding hereupon and an improvement point by analyzing the result. Data for this study are collected by the questionnaire method from pregnant women who attend gynecology clinic located Gwangju provide for the period between December, 2007 and January, 2008. The obtained results were as follows : 1. The experience of oral health education for pregnant women were 'none' 94.8%, 'yes' 5.2%, the majority no received oral health education. 2. The awareness score of dietary treatment was 34.09 and practice score was 29.73, the awareness score of periodontitis prevention was 33.31 and practice score was 29.04. The awareness score of subsidiary oral hygiene articles was 32.19, practice score was 17.95. The awareness score was higher than practice score. 3. The relationship between the awareness and practice of oral health care was positively correlated: dietary treatment(r=0.483, p<0.01), periodontitis prevention (r=0.531, p<0.01), subsidiary oral hygiene articles (r=0.515, p<0.01), oral health care (r=0.531, p<0.01). Conclusion of these survey showed that it is crucial to increase the level of practice of oral health care. It is also necessarily to increase the level of awareness of the oral health care.

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Study on the Awareness and Demands of Korean University Students Majoring in Physical Therapy: Focus on Women's Health Physical Therapy

  • Kim, Jin-Su;Lee, Han-Suk;Song, Mi-Rim;Yu, Ji-Min;Hur, Jae-Eun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Physical Medicine
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.31-43
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    • 2021
  • PURPOSE: This study examined the awareness and demands for Women's Health Physical Therapy (WHPT) of university students majoring in physical therapy. METHODS: From September to October 2020, questionnaire surveys were distributed to students majoring in physical therapy using a convenience sampling method. Data were collected via an internet form from 300 students in eight universities. The survey consisted of three parts consisting of five general characteristics, four questions for awareness, and five questions for the demands. The numerical values for the questions were calculated using a Likert-type scale and descriptive statistics. An independent T-test, ANOVA, and Dunnett T3 test were performed, and the significance level was .05. RESULTS: The demands (3.88) level of the WHPT was higher than the awareness (2.32). The awareness was similar in both genders (p > .05), but there was a significant difference in the demand between genders (p < .05). Female students knew better and had more demands of WHPT than male students. Similarly, a difference in the awareness level by grade was found. The 4th grade had the highest awareness comparing the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades, but there was no significant difference in awareness and demand according to clinical practice (p > .05). CONCLUSION: The students have high demands compared to awareness, suggesting that the university and association need to prepare diverse and deeper education on WHPT.

Comparative study for the satisfaction level of export companies in South Korea and China regarding export insurance system (수출보험제도에 대한 한중 수출기업의 만족도에 대한 비교연구)

  • Choi, Chang-Yeoul;Ham, Hyung-Bum
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.367-387
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    • 2013
  • 19) This research investigates the satisfaction level of both countries' export companies about the export insurance system which can cause problems in Korean-Chinese FTA in this age of spreading FTA. Through this research, it surveys of the system user satisfaction of two nations based on the characteristics of export insurance systems in South Korea and China. The satisfaction level of export credit insurance system is as follows: Awareness of credibility (3.53), awareness of exporting area (3.38), awareness of risk management (3.29), awareness of market change (3.14), awareness of insured accident (3.24), and awareness of regulations (3.03) present positive responses to the export insurance system but awareness of defective product (2.97) was relatively unsatisfied. Though it is hard to compare directly due to the differences between the exporting systems of Korean and China, this research shows the need of various export insurance products, and that most export companies in Korea and China are generally satisfying with export insurance products at present.

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