• Title/Summary/Keyword: leaf length

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Effects of Light Intensity, Light Quality and Photoperiod for Growth of Perilla in a Closed-type Plant Factory System (완전제어형 식물공장에서 광량과 광질, 광주기가 들깨의 생장에 미치는 영향)

  • Sul, Seonggwan;Baek, Youngtaek;Cho, Young-Yeol
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.180-187
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    • 2022
  • In order to select suitable light in a plant factory, electric energy use efficiency and light use efficiency should be considered simultaneously to consider operating costs as well as quantitative and functional aspects. The growth characteristics, electric energy use efficiency, light use efficiency by light intensity, LED ratio, and photoperiod conditions were compared together. Light intensity is 60, 130, 230, and 320 µmol·m-2·s-1 treatments, and light quality is the mixing ratio of red light and blue light 8:2, 6:4, 4:6, and 2:8 treatments. Photoperiod is 9, 12, 15, and 18 hours treatments based on the daytime. In the light intensity experiment, the growth rate increased as the light intensity increased, but there was no significant difference in the light use efficiency. When comparing the leaf fresh weight per power consumption, only the 320 µmol·m-2·s-1 treatment group showed significantly low efficiency, and there was no significant difference in the other treatments, so 230 µmol·m-2·s-1, which produced the most, was the most efficient. In the light quality experiment, the ratio of red light and blue light was measured to be high at the same time as the growth rate and light use efficiency in RB 8:2, and there was no significant difference in color difference and flavonoids content, so a Red:Blue ratio of 8:2 was the most suitable condition. In the photoperiod experiment, the longer the photoperiod, the higher the growth rate. However, there was no significant difference in the growth rate over 12 hours of daytime, so 12 hours considering the light consumption efficiency was a suitable condition. Based on the above results, LED light environmental conditions for perilla growth in plant factories were light intensity, light quality, and day length of 230 µmol·m-2·s-1 or more, 8:2, and 12 hours or more, respectively.

Appropriate Cold Treatment Periods and Shading Levels on Codonopsis lanceolata for Plug Seedling Production in Summer Season (더덕 플러그묘의 하절기 생산을 위한 적정 저온처리 기간과 차광 수준)

  • Eun Won Park;Jeong Hun Hwang;Hee Sung Hwang;Hyeon Woo Jeong;So Yeong Hwang;Jin Yu;Seung Jae Hwang
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.157-164
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    • 2023
  • Codonopsis lanceolata (S. et Z.) Trautv. is mainly cultivated in Korea and China as a medicinal crop. C. lanceolata is difficult to produce plug seedlings in the summer, because C. lanceolata has a low germination rate and is vulnerable to high temperatures. Cold treatment is effective in breaking dormancy of seeds and increasing the germination rate. Shading cultivation can control the solar irradiance received by plants and reduce the damage by high temperatures and strong light. This study was conducted to examine the appropriate cold treatment period for the improving germination of C. lanceolata, and shading level during the summer seedling period. Cold treatment experiments were conducted for 0 (control), 1, 2, 3, and 4 weeks at 4℃ before sowing. In the shading experiment, C. lanceolata was grown for 45 days with 0 (non-treatment), 45, 75% shading levels. Cold treatment for one week significantly improved the germination energy. The plant height, leaf area, and fresh and dry weights of C. lanceolata seedlings were significantly increased under the 45% shading level. Total root length, root surface area, and the number of root tips were significantly higher in shading treatment (45 and 75%) than in non-treatment. The C. lanceolata seedling's compactness and Dickson's quality index were the highest at 45% shading level. Therefore, these results recommended sowing C. lanceolata after cold treatment for one week at 4℃, and 45% shading level could stably culture C. lanceolata plug seedlings during the high temperature period.

Development of Early Maturing Rice Stripe Virus Disease-Resistant 'Haedamssal' through Marker-Assisted Selection (MAS를 이용한 줄무늬잎마름병 저항성 조생종 벼 '해담쌀' 개발)

  • Lee, Jong-Hee;Cho, Jun-Hyeon;Lee, Ji-Yoon;Oh, Seong-Hwan;Kim, Choon-Song;Park, No-Bong;Hwang, Un-Hwa;Song, You-Chun;Park, Dong-Soo;Yeo, Un-Sang
    • Korean Journal of Breeding Science
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    • v.51 no.4
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    • pp.448-453
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    • 2019
  • 'Haedamssal' is an early maturing and rice stripe virus disease-resistant cultivar adaptable for early-transplanting cultivation that was developed by the rice breeding team of the Department of Southern Crop, NICS, RDA, in 2014. This cultivar was derived from the cross YR25869 (YR21247-B-B-B-49-1/Sasanishiki BL4//Koshihikari) and YR25868 (Unkwang//YR21247-B-B-B-49-1/Sasanishiki BL4) made in the 2005/2006 winter season and was advanced to the F5 generation by a bulk breeding method using rapid generation advance. To incorporate rice stripe virus resistance, marker-assisted selection on the RSV gene was conducted in 3-way and 6-way cross F1 generation using the tightly linked marker RM6897. From testing in the replicated yield trial in 2011, a promising line YR26258-B-B-B-33-3 was selected and it was designated as 'Milyang276'. A local adaptability test of 'Milyang276' was performed at three locations from 2012 to 2014 and it was named as 'Haedamssal', which was a good eating quality variety. The culm length was 67 cm in yield trials, which was 4 cm shorter than 'Jopyeong'. The number of spikelets per panicle was lower than 'Jopyeong', whereas the number of tillers per hill was higher. This variety was resistant to RSV disease, bacterial blight, and leaf blast disease. The milled rice yield of 'Haedamssal' was 5.48 MT per ha at the early transplanting in the local adaptability test. 'Haedamssal' is well adapted to early transplanting cultivation in the southern plain area (Registration No. 6811).

Effect of Spring Potato Cultivation Period on Growth, Yield and Processing Quality of Autumn Potato Cultivars (봄감자 재배기간이 가을감자 품종의 생육, 수량 및 가공품질에 미치는 영향)

  • Gyu Bin Lee;Jang Gyu Choi;Do Hee Kwon;Jae Youn Yi;Hee Tae Lee;Yong Ik Jin
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.149-160
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    • 2024
  • In Korea, potatoes have served as a side dish, but their role as snacks, such as chips or French fries, has recently gained traction. While there is a high demand for processing potatoes, there remains a dearth of research on the impact of double cropping, particularly during autumn, on processing quality. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the effects of different spring potato cultivation periods on growth, yield, and processing quality during autumn cultivation. Following spring planting, harvest was carried out four times: 70 days, 80 days, 90 days, and 100 days. Subsequently, autumn cultivation was carried out in Gangneung and Seocheon regions using these seed potatoes. Results showed an increase in above-ground emergence rate with shorter spring growing period. When seed potatoes with a spring cultivation period of 80 and 90 days were grown in the autumn in the Gangneung region, the stem length was 47.2 to 48.9, which was greater than that of other treatments. However, stem number and leaf color (SPAD) showed no significant differences across cultivation periods. The number of tubers, tuber weight, yield, and marketable yield did not vary significantly with cultivation periods but described clear cultivar dependent differences. The tuber weight of the Saebong cultivar in Gangneung and the Eunseon cultivar in Seocheon was superior. The starch content peaked at 7.9% when seed potatoes grown for 80 days in the spring were harvested after autumn cultivation in the Gangneung region, but there was no significant differences in the Seocheon region. Glucose content showed a clear difference depending on the cultivation period, increasing with longer spring cultivation period during autumn cultivation. In conclusion, as a result of the effect of the spring potato cultivation period on the growth, yield, and processing quality of tubers when cultivating potatoes in double-cropping, the differences depending on the cultivation period were insignificant, while cultivar-based disparities were pronounced. The Eunseon cultivar exhibited robust above-ground growth and yield, while the Saebong cultivar demonstrated excellent processing quality.

Analysis of Fruit Quality and Productivity of 'Kawanakajima Hakuto' Peach according to the Different Irrigation Starting Point (관수 개시점에 따른 복숭아 '천중도백도'의 과실 품질 및 생산성 변화 분석)

  • Seul Ki Lee;Jung Gun Cho;Jae Hoon Jeong;Dongyong Lee;Jeom Hwa Han;Si Hyeong Jang;Suhyun Ryu;Heetae Kim;Sang-Hyeon Kang
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.475-483
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    • 2023
  • This study was conducted to determine the optimal irrigation starting point by analyzing tree growth, physiological responses, fruit quality, and productivity in peach orchards. Seven-year-old 'Kawanakajima Hakuto' peach trees were used in an experimental field (35°49'30.4"N, 127°01'33.2"E) located within the National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science located in Wanju-gun, Jeollabuk-do. The irrigation starting point was set with four levels of -20, -40, -60, and -80 kPa from June to September 2022. While there were no significant differences in increase of trunk cross-section area and leaf area among treatments, shoot length and diameter decreased in the -80 kPa and -20 kPa treatments. The photosynthetic rate measured in August was highest for -60 kPa (17.7 μmol·m-2·s-1), followed by -40 kPa (15.6 μmol·m-2·s-1), -20 kPa (14.5 μmol·m-2·s-1) and -80 kPa (14.0 μmol·m-2·s-1). SPAD value measured in May and August was lower in the -80 kPa and -20 kPa treatments than in the -60 kPa and -40 kPa treatments. The harvest date reached three days earlier in the -20 kPa treatment compared to other treatments. The fruit weight was highest in the -60 kPa (379.1 g), followed by -40 kPa (344.0 g), -80 kPa (321.0 g) and -20 kPa (274.9 g). Firmness was the lowest in the -20 kPa treatment. The soluble solid content was highest in the -60 kPa treatment (13.3°Bx).The ratio of marketable fruits was highest in the -60 kPa treatment (50.7%) and lowest in the -80 kPa treatment (23.4%). In conclusion, we suggest that setting the irrigation starting point at -60 kPa could improve the fruit quality and yield in peach orchards.

Productivity Evaluation of Rosemary Shoots using Artificial Light Sources in Multi-layer Cultivation (다단재배에서 인공광원을 이용한 로즈마리 어린순의 생산성 평가)

  • Myeong Suk Kim;Jung Seob Moon;Song Hee Ahn;Dong Chun Cheong;Min Sil Ahn;So Ra Choi
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.163-171
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    • 2024
  • This study was aimed to investigate the effects of layer-by-floor environmental conditions and lower shelf supplemental lighting on the productivity of fresh shoots when growing rosemary in multi-layer cultivation. The 10-cm cuttings from stock plants of common rosemary (Rosemarinus officinalis) were planted in a 128-hole tray, rooted, and then transplanted into pots of 750, 1,300, and 2,000 mL. Afterwards, they were placed on multi-layer shelves (width × length × height: 149 × 60 × 57 cm, 3-layer) in a two-linked greenhouse and cultivated using the sub-irrigation. The productivity of young shoots by layer of the multi-layer shelf was the highest on the third floor (top floor), but productivity decreased sharply after September due to stem lignification caused by excessive light during the summer. Conversely, the lower two layers exhibited faster growth rate of young shoots until the late cultivation period, but the quality decreased due to stem softening and leaf epinasty. To address the excessive light problem on the third floor during the summer, shading was implemented at 30% opacity in July and August, resulting in a 210% increase in rosemary young shoots count and a 162% increase in fresh weight per unit area compared to the unshaded control. To improve the lighting deficiency on the lower layer, supplemental lighting with LED at 30 W increased rosemary young shoot harvest by 168% from June to September compared to no supplemental lighting, but it decreased productivity after September. Therefore, when growing rosemary in multi-layer, it is judged that intensive production of young shoots is possible if the third floor (top layer) is shaded with 30% of light from July to August to prevent stem lignification, and the lower layer is temporarily supplemented with LED 30 W from June to September to increase young shoot growth.

Studies on the Breeding of the Response to short photoperiod, Fiber weight, and Qualitative characters and of the Associations Among these characters in Kenaf (섬유용양마의 육종에 관한 연구 -단일반응성과 섬유종의 유전 및 연소)

  • Johng-Moon Park
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.115-124
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    • 1968
  • It was shown that the most desirable characters for kenaf are high-fiber weight and moderately early maturity. Therefore, the objectives of this research on this crop is to find varieties possessing these characteristics. The experiments covered in this report provided new information relative to segregation, mode of inheritance, estimate of the number of genes involved in fiber weight and their response to short day length of 10 hours and the qualitative characters, such as, color of stem, capsule, petiole and shape of leaves. The associations which exist among these characters are also indicated. Fiber weight per plant, days to flowering, Stem color, Petiole color, Capsule color, and shape of leaves were studied in parental, $F_1$.$F_2$and backcross populations of a cross between Dashkent, a low-fiber weight but early maturing kenaf variety, and G 38 F-1, a high-fiber weight but late maturing kenaf variety. Crosses were made using the varieties, Dashkent and G 38 F-1 as parents. The Dashkent parent had the following characteristics: green stems, capsules and petioles and lobed shaped leaves; 105.8234 mean-days to flowering in the field, and 106.9222 mean-days under 10 hours short day treatment. The other parent, G 38 F-1 had red stems yellow capsules and red petioles and unlobed shaped leaves; 149.8921 mean-days to flowering in the field, and 62.3684 mean-days under 10 hours short day treatment. Both of the parents, $F_1$, $F_2$, $BC_1$ ($F_1$ X Dashkent, ) and $BC_2$($F_1$ ${\times}$ G38F-1) of the kenaf cross were grown at the Crops Experiment Station, Suwon, Korea in 1965. Color of stems, petioles and capsules, and shape of leaves were noted to be simply inherited as a single factor. Red stem color was dominant over green stem color, red petiole color was dominant over green petiole, lobed shaped leaves were dominant over unlobed shaped leaves and yellow capsules were dominant over green capsule. It was, also, noted that the factor for color of petiole was linked with the factor for shape of leaf with a 11.9587 percent recombination value, however no interaction or linkage were found among the color of stem and capsule color. Using Powers partitioning method, theoretical means and frequency distributions for each population, the days to flowering were calculated with the assumption that two gene pairs were involved. The values obtained fitted the theoretical values. In general this would indicate that Dashkent and G 38 F -1 were differentiated by two gene pairs. Heritability values were calculated as the percent of additive genetic variance. Heritability value of days to flowering, 89.5% in the broad sense and 79.91% in the narrow sense, indicated that the selection for this character would be effective in relatively early generations. Particularly, high positive correlations were found between days to flowering and the color of petioles and shape of leaves. However, there was no relation between days to flowering and capsule color nor between these and stem color. On the basis of the results of this experiment there is evidence that the hereditary factor for shape of leaves and the color of petioles is linked with an effective factor or factors for the characters of days to flowering. The association was sufficiently close to offer a possible simple and efficient means of selection for moderately early mat. uring plants by leaf shape and petiole color selection. Again using Powers partitioning method the frequency distribution for each population to the fiber weight were calculated with the assumption that two gene pairs, AaBb, were involved. Both phenotypic and genotypic dominance were complete. The obtained value did not agree with the theoretical value for $F_2$ and $BC_1$ ($F_1$ ${\times}$ Dashkent.) It seems that Dashkent and G 38 F-1 were differentiated by two major gene pairs but some the other minor genes are necessary. It is certain that the hereditary factor for shape of leaves and color of petioles is linked with an effective factor or factors for fiber weight. Also, high. yielding plants with moderately early maturity were found in the $F_2$ population. Thus, simultaneous selection for high-fiber yield and moderately early maturing plants should be possible in these populations. Phenotypic and genotypic correlation coefficients between fiber weight per plant and days to flowering, stem height and stem diameter were calculated. In general, genotypic correlations are higher than the phenotypic correlation. The highest correlation is found between stem height and fiber weight per plant (0.7852 in genotypic and 0.4103 in phenotypic) and between days to flowering and fiber weight per plant (0.7398 in genotypic and 0.3983 in phenotypic.) It was also expected that the selection of high stem height and moderately early maturing plants were given the efficient means of selection for high fiber weight.

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Effects of Evaporative Water-loss from Cultural Pots on Growth of Pot-grown Ornamental Plants (화분(花盆)의 수분증발(水分蒸發)이 분식화훼류(盆植花卉類)의 생육(生育)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Suh, Youn-gkyo
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.317-343
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    • 1977
  • This study was carried out to obtain the informations about evaporation from pot, soil temperature and soil atmosphere composition in pot, and the effect on the growth of nine ornamental species using seven different containers. The investigated containers were clay pot(CP), clay pot painted in green(CP-P), varnished clay pot(CP-V), polyethylene film inserting in clay pot(CP-PI), clay pot mulched with black polyethylene film(CP-PM), porcelain pot(POP), and plastic pot(PLP). Nine ornamental species were balsam(Impatiens balsamina), chrysanthemum(Chrysanthemum morifolium), cosmos(Cosmos bipinatus), English ivy(Hedera helix), geranium(Pelargonium zonale), kochia(Kochia scoparia var. trichophila), marigold(Tagetes patula), ornamental kale(Brassica oleraceae var. acephala), and salvia (Salvia splendens). The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. Dry weight of all tested species grown in PLP, POP, CP-P, CP-V and CP-PI was heavier than that of CP. 2. Plant height in nine tested species grown in PLP, POP, CP-P, CP-V, and CP-PI was taller than that of CP. 3. Geranium grown in PLP, POP, CP-P, and CP-V gave more number of leaf than that of CP. 4. The number of flower in balsam grown in PLP, POP, CP-P, CP-V and CP-PI was more than that of CP. The result from marigold was very similar to this tendency. Spike length and floret number in salvia gave the same tendency, but its spike number was not different among containers used. 5. The average diurnal evaporation from PLP and POP was about 43% of that of CP. About two third of total evaporation from CP was through pot wall. 6. The evaporation rate from the slowest to the highest was PLP, POP, CP-P, CP-V, CP-PI, CP-PM and CP. Containers inhibiting evaporation through pot wall hold more soil moisture than CP from one day after water supply. 7. The more evaporative water-loss from containers gave the lower soil temperature. The variation of soil temperature among containers was higher during the day than the night. 8. The $O_2$ concentration of soil atmosphere in CP was higher than that of nonporous containers, and the difference between them was 0.40-1.12%. The range of the $O_2$ concentration 17.95~19.62%. The $CO_2$ concentration of soil atmosphere in CP was lower than that of nonporous containers, and its range was 0.59-1.76%. This deviation in soil atmosphere composition did not influenced on the growth of plants. 9. There was a possitive correlation between the amount of soil water and the plant growth. 10. Plant grown on CP gave more total nitrogen content in top growth than that on PLP. C/N ratio was somewhat low in plant on CP. From the above results, $O_2$ and $CO_2$ concentration in soil atmosphere did not gave enough deviation to the extent which affect the plant growth. The effect of soil moisture on the plant growth using different containers was the far-most significant factor from this investigation. Therefore, it was obious that the utilization of the nonporous container might save the cost for water supply and reduce the production cost of the pot-grown ornamental plant in Korea eventually.

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Studies on the Effect of Low Temperature Treatment at Meiotic, Heading and Seedling Stage in Paddy Rice (수도의 장해형 냉해에 관한 연구)

  • Hong-Suk Lee;Hyung-Yull Cho;Pyeong-Ki Yim;Hoon Heu
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    • v.15
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    • pp.85-97
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    • 1974
  • In order to clarify the inducing conditions and cause of sterility in rice plants, 4 varieties were cooled at 3 different levels of temperature combined with 3 different levels of treatment period. And 19 varieties were tested to examine the varietal difference of cold resistance. The results obtained were summarized as follows; 1. There were significant varietal differences in the effect of cooling treatment at meiotic stage. Suwon 213-1 was induced heavy sterility by 3 day cooling treatment at 17.5$^{\circ}C$ whereas Hayayuki, Nongpaik and Jinheung were induced a little sterility by 3 day cooling treatment at 15$^{\circ}C$ and 5 day treatment at 17.5$^{\circ}C$. The per cent of grain fertility was correlated significantly with the delayed days to heading, the degree of panicle extraction (Suwon 213-1, Nongpaik, Jinheung), culm length (Nongpaik, Suwon 213-1), and Auricle distance (Suwon 213-1). The degree of sterility was able to be estimated from the linear regression equation between the degree of panicle extraction (distance from panicle neck to flag leaf) and fertility percentage. In the case of heavy cold damage by the treatment of low temperature at meiotic stage, the rice plant had somewhat lower pollen density per anther, small and ununiform anther and pollen in size, and more sterile pollen grains. Suwon 213-1 showed anthesis in almost all spikelets, while Nongpaik, Jinheung and Hayayuki indicated considerable number of indehisced anther at 5 days after heading. 2. The fertility were not generally higher in cooling treatment at heading stage than at meiotic stage treatment. And significant correlation was found between the percentage of grain fertility treated at above two stages. Nongpaik and Jinheung were not affected in percentage of fertility by 5 day treatment at 15$^{\circ}C$ when these were treated at heading stage. Indehisced anthers were not found in Suwon 213-1 and Hayayuki, but Nongpaik and Jinheung showed more anthers which did not show anthesis 3. There was different varietal response to low temperature which was indicated by the decrease of grain fertility resulted from cooling treatment at meiotic stage. Jaekeun and Jinheung did not show low fertility but Milseong, Suwon 210, Satominoli and Suwon 213-1 showed outstanding decrease in fertility percentage by the cooling treatment at meiotic stage. The varieties which had low fertility were likely to have low pollen density per anther, abnormal anthers, small size po]]en grains and many sterile pollens. 4. Remarkable varietal difference of cold resistance was found in heading stage cooling treatment. Nongpaik, Jinheung, Jaekeun, Paltal, Akibare, Milseung and Palkeong were not affected in grain fertility by cooling treatments but Nonglimna No. 1, Suseong, Hayayuki, Suwon 213-1 and Suwon 210 showed significantly high sterility as treated by cool temperature. Most of the varieties showed higher fertility by cooling treatment at heading stage than meiotic stage but Hayayuki, Suseong and Nonglimna No.1 showed lower fertility when these were treated at heading stage than meiotic stage. There were two grops of varieties in the response to cooling treatment, one was somewhat non-anthesised and the other showed full anthesis. 5. In cold injury test of young seedlings, the result of observation was not accorded with the degree of growth inhibition. As a general, Palkeum and Suseong were highly torelant to cool temperature but Suwon 213-1, Jaekeun, Paltal, Shirogane, Palkeong, Mankyung were highly susceptible. 6. There is no significant correlation between the degree of young seedling cold damage and or the degree of growth retardation at seedling stage and grain fertility resulted from coding treatment both heading and meiotic stage.

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Nutritional Effects of Paper Board Sludge on the Soybean(Glycine max. L.) (대두(大豆)에 대(對)한 제지(製紙) Sludge의 영양학적(營養學的) 연구(昭究))

  • Kim, Moon Kyu;Chang, Ki Woon;Choi, Woo Young;Ham, Suon Kyu;Nam, Yun Kyu;Lee, Chang Jun
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 1990
  • The paper board sludge(PBS) itself and compost sludge manure(CSM) mixed with sawdust, fowl droppings and urea to the PBS were treated to soybean plants to find the effects of growing characters, yield components, and nutritional compounds in the plant tissues. 1. Percentages of missing plants were 5-9% and 3.6-4.1% in the treatments of PBS and CSM, respectively. After that, the plants were restored to normal conditions. Anyway it is not desirable to use the paper board sludge and immature compost sludge manure in seeding time or to young seedlings. 2. Growth of the plant height was retarded in early growing phase, but it was normal in later stages. And the width and length of the largest leaf, numbers of main stem nodes and pods were not significant among the treatments. 3. The yield intends to increase through the treatments of 1,200, 1,600, and 2,000Kg PBS per 10a. In the CSM treatments with high rate of sawdust, fowl droppings and urea, the numbers of pods and grains were higher than the treatment of high content of PBS. 100-grain and one liter weights were opposite intention. It was suggested that the excess nitrogen amounts from the compost sludge manure than conventional fertilization affected to the yield components. 4. The contents of the main chemical compounds such as N, $P_2O_5$, $K_2O$, Ca, Mg were determined. The concentrations of nitrogen were higher in the treatment of PBS and CSM than none and control. 5. In conclusion, the nutritional effects of PBS were in evidence. To use the sludges, it should be fermented with adequate additives to improve the aeration, C/N ratio, activity of microbial, and other conditions. The sludges could be used to crops as a fertilizers effectively.

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