• Title/Summary/Keyword: land classification

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Genesis and Classification of the Red-Yellow Soils derived from Residuum on Acidic and Intermediate Rocks -II. Songjeong series (산성암(酸性岩) 및 중성암(中性岩)의 잔적층(殘積層)에 발달(發達)한 적황색토(赤黃色土)의 생성(生成) 및 분류(分類) -제(第)II보(報) 송정통(松汀統)에 관(關)하여)

  • Um, Ki Tae
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.75-81
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    • 1973
  • The morphological, physical, and chemical properties of Sonjeong series derived from acidic crystalline rocks are presented. Also it deals with the genesis and classification of the Songjeong series. Morphologically these soils have brown to dark brown loam A horizons and yellowish red to red clay loam Bt horizons with moderate, medium subangular blocky structure and thin patchy clay cutans on the ped faces. C horizons are very deep, yellowish red to yellowish brown fine sandy loam or sandy loam with original rock structure. Physically distribution of particle size indicates that clay increases with depth up to argillic horizons but below the argillic horizons clay content decrease. The moisture holding capacity is fairly good in Songjeong soils. Chemically soil reaction is strongly to very strongly acid throughout the profile and content of organic matter is less than 1 per cent except A horizons. Cation exchange capacity ranges from 5 to 9 me/100g of soils and base saturation is less than 35 per cent throughout the profile. The natural fertility of Songjeong soils are usually low. It needs lime, organic matter, and heavy application of fertilizer for the crop land. These soils occur temperate and humid climate under coniferous, deciduous, and mixed forest vegetation. Songjeong soils are classified as Red-Yellow Soils. Characteristically Songjeong soils are similar to Red-Yellow Podzolic soils in the United States but lack of A2 horizons and are quite liket Red-Yellow Soils of the Japan. According to new classification system which is 7th approximation of USDA Songjeong soils can be classified as fine loamy, mesic family of Typic Hapludults and in the FAO/UNESCO project World Soil Map as Orthic Acrisols.

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The Classification and filing of the Official Documents of the Office of Crown Properties in the Great Han Empire (대한제국기 내장원의 공문서 편철과 분류)

  • Park, Sung-Joon
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.28
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    • pp.3-33
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    • 2011
  • The Office of Crown Properties was established to manage the property of royal properties as an institution belonging to the Department of the Royal Household in April, 1895. However, as the Great Han Empire established and various policies enforcing the power of the emperor became introduced, the Office of Crown Properties came to be expanded to a large financial agency that would be in charge of various financial sources such as Public Land and Maritime Tax. As the Office of Crown Properties came to manage various income sources, it classified the documents dealing with various government agencies in the Capital and other countryside regions by the unit of Section. The Office of Crown Properties classified the documents by Section and filed them according to Sending/Receiving subject. Sometimes, it filed one kind of document only but sometimes many different kinds of documents were filed together. The types of the document can show the characteristics of the document and the hierarchy of the related agencies through the document name. The fact that they filed the documents with different grades in one file shows that the hierarchy of the agency they dealt with was not the primary standard of the filing and that they did not file the documents by its type. The Office of Crown Properties did not file the related documents in the same file, either. We can say the documents are related if they were corresponded with other agencies while they dealt with a specific item. However, they did not file the related documents in the same file but distinguished sending documents from receiving documents. The reason why they filed different kind documents in the same file and separated the related documents in different file was they took 'whether they were sent or received' as the primary filing standard. They separated the sending documents from the receiving documents first and then filed them according to time regardless of the region or institution. The Office of Crown Properties primarily classified the documents by Section, classified the documents with the standard of whether they were receiving documents or sending documents and then filed them in a file according to the time. It means that the Office of Crown Properties came to create the Official Document Classification and filing system.

A Study on Status of Landscape Architecture Industry with National Statistics (국가통계자료를 활용한 조경산업 현황 연구)

  • Choi, Ja-Ho;Yoon, Young-Kwan;Koo, Bon-Hak
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.50 no.5
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    • pp.40-53
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    • 2022
  • This study carried out to provide the methodology and basic status material of using Korean national statistics needed to find the actual state of the landscape architecture industry. The landscape architecture industry was classified into 'Design', 'Construction Management', 'construction', 'Maintenance & Management', 'Materials', 'Research', 'Education', and 'Administration' areas. In each field, business types were systemized and associated in accordance with Korean standard industrial classification and legislations pertinent to construction. Among them, the business types directly defined in the construction related legislations under the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport were focused on, and the establishment, association, integration, distribution, duplication, and omission of national statistics were analyzed. As a result, the business types of statistical analysis were selected. In order for commonality of statistical items and minimized error of interpretation, semantic analysis was conducted. Finally, the number of registered business types, the number of workers, and sales were selected. Based on them, the analysis framework applicable to fundamental analysis and evaluation of the actual state of the industry was proposed. Actual national statical data were applied for analysis and evaluation. In 2019, the number of registered business types related to the landscape architecture industry was 12,160, the number of workers by business type was 106,296, and the sales by business type were 8,308.5 billion KRW. The number of registered business types and the number of workers had been on the rise from 2017, whereas the sales had been on the decrease. It is required to come up with a plan for industrial development. This study was conducted with the national statistics established by multiple public institutions, so that there are limitations in securing consistency and reliability. Therefore, it is necessary to establish systematic and consistent national statistics in accordance with 「Landscaping Promotion Act」. In the future, it will planned to research application and development plans of national statistics according to subjects including park and green.

Vegetation classification based on remote sensing data for river management (하천 관리를 위한 원격탐사 자료 기반 식생 분류 기법)

  • Lee, Chanjoo;Rogers, Christine;Geerling, Gertjan;Pennin, Ellis
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2021.06a
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    • pp.6-7
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    • 2021
  • Vegetation development in rivers is one of the important issues not only in academic fields such as geomorphology, ecology, hydraulics, etc., but also in river management practices. The problem of river vegetation is directly connected to the harmony of conflicting values of flood management and ecosystem conservation. In Korea, since the 2000s, the issue of river vegetation and land formation has been continuously raised under various conditions, such as the regulating rivers downstream of the dams, the small eutrophicated tributary rivers, and the floodplain sites for the four major river projects. In this background, this study proposes a method for classifying the distribution of vegetation in rivers based on remote sensing data, and presents the results of applying this to the Naeseong Stream. The Naeseong Stream is a representative example of the river landscape that has changed due to vegetation development from 2014 to the latest. The remote sensing data used in the study are images of Sentinel 1 and 2 satellites, which is operated by the European Aerospace Administration (ESA), and provided by Google Earth Engine. For the ground truth, manually classified dataset on the surface of the Naeseong Stream in 2016 were used, where the area is divided into eight types including water, sand and herbaceous and woody vegetation. The classification method used a random forest classification technique, one of the machine learning algorithms. 1,000 samples were extracted from 10 pre-selected polygon regions, each half of them were used as training and verification data. The accuracy based on the verification data was found to be 82~85%. The model established through training was also applied to images from 2016 to 2020, and the process of changes in vegetation zones according to the year was presented. The technical limitations and improvement measures of this paper were considered. By providing quantitative information of the vegetation distribution, this technique is expected to be useful in practical management of vegetation such as thinning and rejuvenation of river vegetation as well as technical fields such as flood level calculation and flow-vegetation coupled modeling in rivers.

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A Study on the Clustering Method of Row and Multiplex Housing in Seoul Using K-Means Clustering Algorithm and Hedonic Model (K-Means Clustering 알고리즘과 헤도닉 모형을 활용한 서울시 연립·다세대 군집분류 방법에 관한 연구)

  • Kwon, Soonjae;Kim, Seonghyeon;Tak, Onsik;Jeong, Hyeonhee
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.95-118
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    • 2017
  • Recent centrally the downtown area, the transaction between the row housing and multiplex housing is activated and platform services such as Zigbang and Dabang are growing. The row housing and multiplex housing is a blind spot for real estate information. Because there is a social problem, due to the change in market size and information asymmetry due to changes in demand. Also, the 5 or 25 districts used by the Seoul Metropolitan Government or the Korean Appraisal Board(hereafter, KAB) were established within the administrative boundaries and used in existing real estate studies. This is not a district classification for real estate researches because it is zoned urban planning. Based on the existing study, this study found that the city needs to reset the Seoul Metropolitan Government's spatial structure in estimating future housing prices. So, This study attempted to classify the area without spatial heterogeneity by the reflected the property price characteristics of row housing and Multiplex housing. In other words, There has been a problem that an inefficient side has arisen due to the simple division by the existing administrative district. Therefore, this study aims to cluster Seoul as a new area for more efficient real estate analysis. This study was applied to the hedonic model based on the real transactions price data of row housing and multiplex housing. And the K-Means Clustering algorithm was used to cluster the spatial structure of Seoul. In this study, data onto real transactions price of the Seoul Row housing and Multiplex Housing from January 2014 to December 2016, and the official land value of 2016 was used and it provided by Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport(hereafter, MOLIT). Data preprocessing was followed by the following processing procedures: Removal of underground transaction, Price standardization per area, Removal of Real transaction case(above 5 and below -5). In this study, we analyzed data from 132,707 cases to 126,759 data through data preprocessing. The data analysis tool used the R program. After data preprocessing, data model was constructed. Priority, the K-means Clustering was performed. In addition, a regression analysis was conducted using Hedonic model and it was conducted a cosine similarity analysis. Based on the constructed data model, we clustered on the basis of the longitude and latitude of Seoul and conducted comparative analysis of existing area. The results of this study indicated that the goodness of fit of the model was above 75 % and the variables used for the Hedonic model were significant. In other words, 5 or 25 districts that is the area of the existing administrative area are divided into 16 districts. So, this study derived a clustering method of row housing and multiplex housing in Seoul using K-Means Clustering algorithm and hedonic model by the reflected the property price characteristics. Moreover, they presented academic and practical implications and presented the limitations of this study and the direction of future research. Academic implication has clustered by reflecting the property price characteristics in order to improve the problems of the areas used in the Seoul Metropolitan Government, KAB, and Existing Real Estate Research. Another academic implications are that apartments were the main study of existing real estate research, and has proposed a method of classifying area in Seoul using public information(i.e., real-data of MOLIT) of government 3.0. Practical implication is that it can be used as a basic data for real estate related research on row housing and multiplex housing. Another practical implications are that is expected the activation of row housing and multiplex housing research and, that is expected to increase the accuracy of the model of the actual transaction. The future research direction of this study involves conducting various analyses to overcome the limitations of the threshold and indicates the need for deeper research.

An attempt at soil profiling on a river embankment using geophysical data (물리탐사 자료를 이용한 강둑 토양 종단면도 작성)

  • Takahashi, Toru;Yamamoto, Tsuyoshi
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.102-108
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    • 2010
  • The internal structure of a river embankment must be delineated as part of investigations to evaluate its safety. Geophysical methods can be most effective means for that purpose, if they are used together with geotechnical methods such as the cone penetration test (CPT) and drilling. Since the dyke body and subsoil in general consist of material with a wide range of grain size, the properties and stratification of the soil must be accurately estimated to predict the mechanical stability and water infiltration in the river embankment. The strength and water content of the levee soil are also parameters required for such prediction. These parameters are usually estimated from CPT data, drilled core samples and laboratory tests. In this study we attempt to utilise geophysical data to estimate these parameters more effectively for very long river embankments. S-wave velocity and resistivity of the levee soils obtained with geophysical surveys are used to classify the soils. The classification is based on a physical soil model, called the unconsolidated sand model. Using this model, a soil profile along the river embankment is constructed from S-wave velocity and resistivity profiles. The soil profile thus obtained has been verified by geotechnical logs, which proves its usefulness for investigation of a river embankment.

Satellite Remote Sensing for Forest Surveys and Management (산림조사(山林調査) 및 경영(經營)을 위(爲한) 위성원격탐사(衛星遠隔探査))

  • Choung, Song Hak
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.83 no.1
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    • pp.75-87
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    • 1994
  • The states of development of remote sensing, GIS and forest management technology are such that new directions in forest surveys and management are possible. The technologies can not be considered separately. With the increasing power and decreasing cost of computer processing and the development of inexpensive mass storage media, digital remote sensing applications are becoming more practical. Powerful microcomputer-based image analysis systems and GIS are important advancements. As well, it is only a matter of time before the integration of remote sensing image analysis systems and GIS becomes transparent to the users. Implementation of operational applications by both centralized agencies and local units is, therefore, becoming practical. This paper discussed the state of remote sensing technology and its application to forest surveys and management. The relative advantages and disadvantages of readily available remote sensing products for regional biodiversity assessment were summarized. Discussion is limited to the sources of up-to-date imagery suitable for regional land use/cover mapping, specifically : LANDSAT MSS and TM, and SPOT.

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Environmental Survey and Properties of Establishable Grassland (초지조성 대상지 환경조사)

  • Choi, S.S.;Hwang, S.J.;Seo, S.;Lee, J.Y.;Jung, Y.K.
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.93-99
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    • 1985
  • All soil characteristics for 10,077ha of establishable grassland in 1984 were statistically summarized. Soils could be classified into 5 of Order, 7 Suborder, 11 Great group, 28 Subgroup, and 105 Series by the new comprehensive classification system. Distribution rate of farm houses managed the extent magnitude of 3.0ha was 70.8% and its total extent was 35.9%. Extent rate of uncultivated method was 71.3%. These soils were distributed with regard to hilly land and mountain foot slope at, 82.0, and to 0-30% slope at 66.9%. Soil texture was light such as sandy loam to loam at 85.0%, available soil depth more than 20cm at 97.8%, and gravel content less than 35% at 98.4%. Soil would be distributed in 67.3 of first class, 29.7 second class, and 3.0% third class for suitability. Mean values of pH, available $P_2O_5$, OM, Ca, Mg and K for topsoil were 5.6, 31ppm, 3.2%, 2.23me/100gr, 1.05me/100gr, and 0.37me/100gr, respectively.

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Study on Some Characteristics of the Well Adapted Paddy Soils in Korea (답토양유형중(畓土壤類型中) 보통답(普通畓)의 특성연구(特性硏究))

  • Moon, Joon;Um, Ki-Tae;Lee, Gyeong-Su
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 1987
  • This study was designed to evaluate the characteristics, land use and genesis of well adapted paddy soils. They were mostly classified as the Haplaquepts in the U.S.D.A soil taxonomy and as the Grey soils in the Japanese soil classification system. The proportion of these soils in the total acreage of paddy lands was thirty three percents. The fifty four percents in average of these soils were distributed on the local valley and fans on gentle slopes developed from granite, granite gneiss and shale parent materials. The rests were on the fluvio-marine deposits and alluvial deposits. The soils were characterized with prominant development of gleized horizons and clayey or fine loamy textured category. The available soil depth and the ground water level were relatively deep. The base saturation percent were high with weak acidic pH. The potential productivity of these soils was high.

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Environmental Impact Assessment of Nuclear Power Plant Accident using Spatial Information Modeling: A Case Study of Chernobyl (공간정보 모델링을 이용한 원전 사고의 환경 영향 평가: 체르노빌 사례연구)

  • Lee, Sang-Won;Song, Ah-Ram;Park, No-Wook
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.129-143
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    • 2012
  • This paper demonstrates the effectiveness of advanced spatial modeling techniques for environmental monitoring and impact assessment through a case study of Chernobyl nuclear accident occurred in 1986. Land-cover types changed after the accident are analysed by a post classification comparison method using bi-temporal Landsat TM data acquired in 1986 and 1992 near the accident site. Spatial modeling including various kriging algorithms are also applied to analyze the relationships between Cesium concentrations in soil and thyroid cancer incidence rates in Belarus, which was greatly damaged by the accident. The change detection results clearly showed the decrease of croplands and the increase of abandoned lands, and concrete structures were newly built around the nuclear plant to prevent the spread of radioactive contamination. In Belarus, high Cesium concentrations were observed in southern areas with high thyroid cancer risk estimated by Poisson kriging. Geographically weighted regression, which could account for geographic variations of independent variables including Cesium concentrations and distances from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, was applied to extract the relationships between the independent variables and the thyroid cancer risk. The estimated risk values showed a correlation coefficient value of 0.98 with respect to the thyroid cancer risk values, which implied that the thyroid cancer risk in Belarus was affected by the accident. In conclusion, it is expected that advanced spatial modeling techniques applied in this study would be useful for environmental impact assessment and public health research.