• Title/Summary/Keyword: land classification

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Mapping Burned Forests Using a k-Nearest Neighbors Classifier in Complex Land Cover (k-Nearest Neighbors 분류기를 이용한 복합 지표 산불피해 영역 탐지)

  • Lee, Hanna ;Yun, Konghyun;Kim, Gihong
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.883-896
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    • 2023
  • As human activities in Korea are spread throughout the mountains, forest fires often affect residential areas, infrastructure, and other facilities. Hence, it is necessary to detect fire-damaged areas quickly to enable support and recovery. Remote sensing is the most efficient tool for this purpose. Fire damage detection experiments were conducted on the east coast of Korea. Because this area comprises a mixture of forest and artificial land cover, data with low resolution are not suitable. We used Sentinel-2 multispectral instrument (MSI) data, which provide adequate temporal and spatial resolution, and the k-nearest neighbor (kNN) algorithm in this study. Six bands of Sentinel-2 MSI and two indices of normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and normalized burn ratio (NBR) were used as features for kNN classification. The kNN classifier was trained using 2,000 randomly selected samples in the fire-damaged and undamaged areas. Outliers were removed and a forest type map was used to improve classification performance. Numerous experiments for various neighbors for kNN and feature combinations have been conducted using bi-temporal and uni-temporal approaches. The bi-temporal classification performed better than the uni-temporal classification. However, the uni-temporal classification was able to detect severely damaged areas.

Utilization of Space based Digital Information for Land Information around the Acreage of a Lot (필지 중심 토지정보화를 위한 공간기반 수치정보의 활용방안)

  • Jung, Dae-Young;Shin, Young-Chul;Jung, Young-June
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.11-22
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    • 2005
  • It is necessary to arrange and analyze the collected research date to get regularity such as characteristics, merits and demerits, and possibility in city when constructing land information by analyzing linkage and utilization of cadastral information as the fundamental data for land information around the acreage of a lot and by expressing the purpose of each digital data construction with map. In short, that is the work to classify data, to make chart or map, or to analyze using statistical technique. Some information in land utilization had been used by computerization, but several problems were found in common use of total divisions. The most important problem is, in the case of drawing information, that topographical map with building boundary and land registration map with acreage boundary cannot be used together. In the case of property information, common utilization of property information that is basically needed and standard measurement of usage classification are necessary. The characteristics of the land usage data by the rearrangement of the cadastral information. etc. is presented as the basic data for the land information orientation, and the analyzing result of the data should be expressed and controlled on the map as the fundamental survey for the establishment of the land information oriented planning supports the physical space planning of the land cadaster finally. In this research, the problem in establishing current land information around acreage of a lot was found to research data to be needed in land information for utilizationof space based digital information, and was studied the method in relation to GIS.

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Development of Evaluation Indices for Forest Landscape Classification (산림경관 등급화를 위한 평가지표 개발)

  • Kang, Mi-Hee;Kim, Seong-Il
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.99 no.6
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    • pp.777-784
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to develop evaluation indices for forest landscape classification. The indices were chosen to enable forest managers to establish effective landscape management strategies through three times of focus group interviews and email survey with experts. The 13 landscape evaluation indices were finally divided into four categories. They were ecological health (degree of green naturality, degree of ecological naturality, disease and insect damage, crown vitality), aesthetic visual quality (naturalness, harmony, diversity, traditionality, aesthetic appreciation, rarity), and sensitivity (level of tourism/recreational use), interruptions (damaged land, artificial structures). The five-level was suggested for the forest landscape classification system.

Land cover classification of a non-accessible area using multi-sensor images and GIS data (다중센서와 GIS 자료를 이용한 접근불능지역의 토지피복 분류)

  • Kim, Yong-Min;Park, Wan-Yong;Eo, Yang-Dam;Kim, Yong-Il
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.493-504
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    • 2010
  • This study proposes a classification method based on an automated training extraction procedure that may be used with very high resolution (VHR) images of non-accessible areas. The proposed method overcomes the problem of scale difference between VHR images and geographic information system (GIS) data through filtering and use of a Landsat image. In order to automate maximum likelihood classification (MLC), GIS data were used as an input to the MLC of a Landsat image, and a binary edge and a normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) were used to increase the purity of the training samples. We identified the thresholds of an NDVI and binary edge appropriate to obtain pure samples of each class. The proposed method was then applied to QuickBird and SPOT-5 images. In order to validate the method, visual interpretation and quantitative assessment of the results were compared with products of a manual method. The results showed that the proposed method could classify VHR images and efficiently update GIS data.

The Characteristics of the Bird Communities by Land-use Types - The Case Study of Siheung City, Korea - (토지이용유형별 야생조류 군집구조 특성 분석 - 시흥시를 사례로 -)

  • Kim, Ji-Suk;Hong, Suk-Hwan;Oh, Choong-Hyeon
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.313-321
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    • 2012
  • To analyze the bird communities by the land use type, we surveyed 43 plots in Siheung City, Korea from Mar. 2009 to Feb. 2010 and classified the community by TWINSPAN and DCA. Classification result by TWINSPAN was classified into 4 communities. In the first division, waterbirds, such as spot-billed duck(Anas poecilorhyncha) and great egret(Egretta alba) operated as the differential species. In the second and third division, little grebe(Tachybaptus ruficollis) and eurasian sparrow(Passer montanus) were operated as the differential species. The relationship between land use types and classified bird communities, all plots of community I were located in the forest. Community II plots were contained all urban and several semi-natural land use types. Community III contains stream and rice paddy. Plots in the reservoir were classified community IV. The stream and rice paddy were classified into different communities, which were colsely related with the size of wetland paddy. Community III had the highest species diversity index and community II had lowest. Community III also had the highest maximum species diversity index and evenness index. The result of this study, small stream and small rice paddy located within the city have insignificant characteristics as the habitat for birds. Management size of semi-natural land use for wildbird habitat in the urban area should be considered for showing their habitat characteristics. If the classification of biotope type based on the scale of rice paddy and urban park and the type of landuse type in the riverside then we should be consider the standard of minium area.

Shifting Cultivation and Environmental Problems of Nam Khane Watershed, Laos (라오스 남칸(Nam Khane)유역분지(流域盆地)의 이동식화전농업(移動式火田農業)과 환경문제(環境問題))

  • Jo, Myung-Hee;Jo, Hwa-Ryong
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.93-101
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    • 1995
  • Nam Khane watershed, in the Northern Laos, consists of limestone plateau surrounded with steep slope(above 1000m), wide piedmont hill land(300-700m) and narrow alluvial plain. Opium on the plateau and up-land rice on the hill-side are cultivated for each, but its shifting agricultural activity, which degrades the forest and soil, has caused the serious environmental problems. MOS-1 satellite image and 40 points of soil samples are analyzed to identify the distribution of the shifting cultivation and to evaluate the environmental problems for Nam Khane watershed. The land use classification map is presented on the photo 2, and the value of each land use area by elevation level and soil property are showed on the table 2 and 3, respectively. Excessive agricultural activity of shifting cultivation in the Nam Khane watershed not only decreased the forest area, but also changed the primary forest of tree into secondary woodland of shrub. On the phase of soil property, it accelerated the soil and gully erosion, and acidification. To solve these environmental problems, the most important step is to settle the agriculture from shifting cultivation to permanent cropping.

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Approach for Suitable Site Selection and Analysis for Reforestation CDM using Satellite Image and Spatial Data in North Korea (위성영상과 공간자료를 이용한 북한 지역의 재조림 CDM 대상지 선정 및 적지분석 방안)

  • Yoo, Seong-Jin;Lee, Woo-Kyun;Lee, Seung-Ho;Kim, Eun-Sook;Lee, Jong-Yeol
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.3-11
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    • 2011
  • The objective of this study was to select appropriate sites for reforestation CDM using satellite image and spatial data in North Korea. A suitable site for reforestation CDM can be defined as non-forest area since 1990. To detect land cover change between two different years and to delineate potential reforestation CDM site(unstocked forest, converted crop land, denuded bare land), Landsat TM satellite image which was scanned in 1988 and SPOT Pan-sharpened image which was scanned in 2007 were used. As a result of classification, 1,214 ha of forest area in 1989 had been converted to other land cover types in 2007. and 2,245 ha of the total study area was detected to be suitable for reforestation CDM. 79.2% of total potential CDM sites was converted crop land. Through topography and accessibility analysis for potential reforestation CDM sites detected by satellite image, suitability index was calculated and the potential reforestation area was reclassified into suitability grades.

Analysis of Risk Classification on the Urban Flood Damage in Changwon city (창원시 용도지역별 침수 피해에 따른 위험등급화 분석)

  • Park, Ki-Yong;Jeong, Jin-Ho;Jeon, Won-Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.685-693
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    • 2017
  • This study aims to effectively respond to urban local rainstorms by classifying the risk against flood damage for each use district. The risk classification is based on sensitivity analysis of the socio-economic damage caused by local rainstorms in Changwon city, Korea by a Fuzzy model using data, such as the districts that provide institutional bases for land use, land prices, which estimate the property values, and floor area ratios, which measures the density and areas of flood damage. The analysis result indicated that flood damage in five districts of Changwon (Masan happo-gu, Masan Hoewon-gu, Sungsan-gu, Euichang-gu, and Jinhae-gu) is highest in the order of commercial areas, residential areas, industrial areas, and forests, which was attributed to high land price and floor area ratio of commercial areas. On the other hand, specific analysis in Masan Hoewon-gu and Sungsan-gu was different from the previous result, indicating that the risk against flood damage may vary according to the districts depending on their local conditions. The analysis from this study can be applied to future urban planning and be used as a guideline to estimate the potential flood damage. Overall, this study is meaningful in that it proposes an effective management of land use as a new resolution to mitigate of urban flood damage within a broader perspective of climate change and urbanization.

Extraction of Agricultural Land Use and Crop Growth Information using KOMPSAT-3 Resolution Satellite Image (KOMPSAT-3급 위성영상을 이용한 농업 토지이용 및 작물 생육정보 추출)

  • Lee, Mi-Seon;Kim, Seong-Joon;Shin, Hyoung-Sub;Park, Jin-Ki;Park, Jong-Hwa
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.411-421
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    • 2009
  • This study refers to develop a semi-automatic extraction of agricultural land use and vegetation information using high resolution satellite images. Data of IKONOS-2 satellite images (May 25 of 2001, December 25 of 2001, and October 23 of 2003), QuickBird-2 satellite images (May 1 of 2006 and November 17 of 2004) and KOMPSAT-2 satellite image (September 17 of 2007) which resemble with the spatial resolution and spectral characteristics of KOMPSAT-3 were used. The precise agricultural land use classification was tried using ISODATA unsupervised classification technique, and the result was compared with on-screen digitizing land use accompanying with field investigation. For the extraction of crop growth information, three crops of paddy, com and red pepper were selected, and the spectral characteristics were collected during each growing period using ground spectroradiometer. The vegetation indices viz. RVI, NDVI, ARVI, and SAVI for the crops were evaluated. The evaluation process was developed using the ERDAS IMAGINE Spatial Modeler Tool.

Construction Method of ECVAM using Land Cover Map and KOMPSAT-3A Image (토지피복지도와 KOMPSAT-3A위성영상을 활용한 환경성평가지도의 구축)

  • Kwon, Hee Sung;Song, Ah Ram;Jung, Se Jung;Lee, Won Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.40 no.5
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    • pp.367-380
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    • 2022
  • In this study, the periodic and simplified update and production way of the ECVAM (Environmental Conservation Value Assessment Map) was presented through the classification of environmental values using KOMPSAT-3A satellite imagery and land cover map. ECVAM is a map that evaluates the environmental value of the country in five stages based on 62 legal evaluation items and 8 environmental and ecological evaluation items, and is provided on two scales: 1:25000 and 1:5000. However, the 1:5000 scale environmental assessment map is being produced and serviced with a slow renewal cycle of one year due to various constraints such as the absence of reference materials and different production years. Therefore, in this study, one of the deep learning techniques, KOMPSAT-3A satellite image, SI (Spectral Indices), and land cover map were used to conduct this study to confirm the possibility of establishing an environmental assessment map. As a result, the accuracy was calculated to be 87.25% and 85.88%, respectively. Through the results of the study, it was possible to confirm the possibility of constructing an environmental assessment map using satellite imagery, optical index, and land cover classification.