• Title/Summary/Keyword: labor market entry

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A Longitudinal Study on the Influential Factors for the Labor Market Entry of Disabled Women (여성장애인 노동시장 진입 영향요인에 관한 종단연구)

  • Park, Mi-Hee
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.783-801
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this research is to grasp the influencing factors on the labor market entry of disabled women, and to suggest policy alternatives to support the labor market entry of them. This article utilized the survey data of the 3rd to the 7th Panel Survey of Employment for the Disabled in 2010-2014(by PSED), which is a longitudinal survey for the disabled in Korea. I analyzed the pattern changes of the labor market entry of them with the passage of years, and the influencing factors on that by the event history analysis. The major findings are as follows: First, according to the life table analysis involved in change of the labor market entry, 90% of them continued to remain the longest period of unemployment for four years and the labor market entry rate was only 10% of them. Second, the result of Cox regression analysis shows that public benefit recipient or not, the degree of disability and discrimination experience at the job market were factors to affect the labor market entry. With these results, this study suggested the practical alternatives to improve the labor market entry of disabled women.

A study on the impact of impoverished and disabled women's entry into the labor market - Focusing on the level and type of social capital -

  • Gull Lim
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.125-134
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    • 2024
  • This study was conducted to verify the impact of social capital on labor market entry for poor and disabled women and to reveal the relationship. In the case of poverty-stricken and disabled women, the reality is that there is very little research on the impact on labor market entry depending on the level and type of social capital that disabled women possess or are involved in for economic activities. Therefore, in this study, we looked at how the level and type of social capital possessed by poor and disabled women affects their entry into the labor market. As a result of the study, the level of social capital of poor and disabled women is larger and the stronger the density, the more labor market they have. It was found to have a very significant impact on market entry, and in terms of social capital type, greater trust and participation were found to have a very significant impact on labor market entry. Based on these research results, major policy implications were suggested regarding the impact of the level and type of social capital of poor and disabled women on their entry into the labor market.

Determinant of Married Women′s New Entry in Labor Market after the First Child Birth (첫 자녀 출산 후 노동시장 신규진입의 결정요인)

    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.69-79
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    • 2004
  • This study has examined factors of young married women's new entry in labor market after the birth of their first child. For the dynamic analysis, the Cox Regression Hazard Model is applied. The following results are obtained: First, about 33% of married women who did not have a job at the pre-birth enter in labor market at the post-birth. Second, compared to those out of the labor force, women who succeeded in finding their first jobs after the birth of their first child are more likely to be younger, have baby-sitters, have working experiences in the past, and have lower level of household income. Third, age, having baby-sitter and the experience of job transition are vital factors in entering the labor market after the first child birth.

Labor Market Regulation and MNE's Production: Evidence from OECD Countries

  • Choi, Hyelin
    • Journal of Korea Trade
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.115-130
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    • 2019
  • Purpose - This paper examines the impact of labor market regulations on FDI and the production of foreign firms. Design/methodology - We use an index of employment protection along with data on the FDI and production of foreign affiliates that are provided by the OECD. Findings - The empirical results show that strict employment protection discourages both the production and initial entry of foreign firms, with its impact on production being larger than that on the initial entry decision. The result is robust to various specifications in which instrumental variable estimations are used by applying a unionization rate and a severance pay for redundancy dismissal as instruments, respectively. Therefore, policymakers should not limit their focus to tax incentives, cash grants, and relaxation of market regulations, but they should also extend their attention to labor market deregulation and decreasing non-wage cost to attract more foreign firms into their countries. Originality/value - This paper attempts to answer the question on the impact of employment protection rules on the foreign firm's decisions regarding production as well as initial entry.

Labor Force Withdrawal And Entry (Surrounding First Birth of Married Women) (출산을 전후한 시기 여성의 노동시장 이탈과 진입 (미국 기혼여성의 경우))

  • 장지연
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.5-42
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    • 1997
  • This study contributes to understanding women's labor market behavior by focusing on a particular set of labor force transitions - labor force withdrawal and entry during the period surrounding the first birth of a child. In particular, this study provides a dynamic analyses, using longitudinal data and event history analysis, to conceptualize labor force behaviors in a straightforward way. The main research question addresses which factors increase or decrease the hazard rates of leaving and entering the labor market. This study used piecewise Gompertz model, following the guide of the non-parametric analysis on the hazard rates, which allowed relatively detailed description on the distribution of timing of leave and entry to the labor market as parameters of interest. The results show that preferences and structural variables, as well as economic considerations, are very important factors to explain the labor market behavior of women in the period surrounding childbirth.

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Analysis of Career Behaviors on the Women's Second Labor Market Transition (경력단절 여성의 노동시장 재진입 욕구형태에 따른 진로행동 분석)

  • Park, Sung-Mi
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.165-179
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze career behaviors(job exploration, job hunting) of the need mode in the women's second labor market transition. To obtain this objective 501 women, who quitted their job in 780 women randomly sampling completed questionnaire. To analyze data, $x^2$, ANOVA were executed. Research results were explained, there were no difference career behaviors, experience of career counseling, experience of career education, aspiration of career behaviors by the need mode in the women's second labor market transition. But, there were difference motivation of labor market entry, career barriers, preference of occupations, level of job competence of career behaviors by the need mode in the women's second labor market transition. The implications of the results on women's second labor market transition of developing career education and counseling programs were discussed and finally suggestions for further study were made.

The Determinants of Labor Market Outcomes in Four-year graduates through Principal Component Analysis and Correspondence Analysis By training institution (대응일치분석을 이용한 4년제 대학졸업자들의 취업훈련기관별 노동시장 성과에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Chae, Hee Won
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.235-241
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    • 2017
  • This study investigated the performance factors for entry into the labor market of 4 - year college graduates using KEEP data and to determine how the labor market performance is related to the training institutions. The labor market performance is termed as 1) labor market entry time, 2) employment type, and 3) wage. Correspondence analysis was carried out with a nominal variable indicating the characteristics of a training institute, in which the respondents were trained for employment, and the relationship between the two was expressed in a more visible way. First, as a result of analyzing the first job transition period, the shortest training institutes were analyzed as public institutes, followed by private institutes and universities. Second, the employment rate of the public institutions is higher than that of private institutes and universities. Second, the employment rate of public institutions is higher than that of private institutes and universities. Third, the wage level of public institutes ranged from wage level 1 to 3, while private institutes had a wage level ranging from 2 to 4. Universities showed a wide range from 1 to 5. Based on these results, this study can analyze the difference in the labor market performance by training institutions when young people enter society.

Self-employment as Bridge Employment (자영업과 가교일자리)

  • Sung, Jaimie;Ahn, Joyup
    • Journal of Labour Economics
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.1-27
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    • 2004
  • The share of self-employment shows a downward trend until 1990 and then an upward trend since then. The upward trend is mainly due to more employers and more male self-employed, which implies that self-employment plays a significant role as an alternative form of employment. This paper examines whether self-employment can be a bridge between no work and wage work in the processes entering into or exiting labor market, and if so, what determines the choice of self-employment as a bridge, using the data from the Korea Labor and Income Panel Survey(Wave 1 to Wave 5). Empirical analysis employing the probit model shows that the older, female, the less educated, and persons with bad health are more likely to choose self-employment as a bridge in the exit process and that they are less likely to choose it as a bridge in the entry process. Business cycle has a statistically significant negative effect on its role of bridge employment in the exit process but not in the entry process. The result implies that, in the ageing society, labor market policy should consider self-employment as a better alternative than wage work for the aged.

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A Dynamic Analysis of the Women's Labor Market Transition: With a Focus on the Relationship between Productive and Reproductive Labor (여성의 생산노동과 재생산노동의 상호연관성이 취업에 미치는 영향에 관한 경험적 연구)

  • 이재열
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.5-44
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    • 1996
  • Wornen's lahor market participation as well as the policy concern for wider utilization of married women, have continuously grown up. However, research efforts on the determinants of women's labor market participation, in the context of the relationship hetween life courses and active entry into lahor market, has been far behind the growing interest in this field. This study has conducted an event histoiry analysis of women's labor market transition utilizing personal occupational history data collected by the Korea Institute for Women's Development in 1991. The analysis is divided into tow parts: First part introduces logit regression to analyze the determinants of women's labor market participation and exit. The second part employs Cox regression to see the variation of transition rate between employment and non-employment. The result shows that there is a wide variation in women's labor market participation according to age, cohort, and family formation. Special note is needed for the significantly negative effect of marriage and child birth on labor market participation. The transition pattern of lower class women with less education fits well to the prediction of neo-classical economics; but the tendency of highly educated women's regression to non-employment reveals the strong influence of the unfavorable labor market structure, which can be better explained by the neo-structuralist perspective. There is a strong trade-off between productive and reproductive labor of women, which can only be corrected by strong policy implementation, such as extended child care facilities, abolition of discriminatory employment practices, and expansion of flexible part-time employment.

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The Effect of Children's Age on Married Women's Career Reinterruption (자녀 연령이 기혼여성의 경력 재단절에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Seeun;Go, Sun
    • The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business
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    • v.9 no.7
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    • pp.43-52
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    • 2018
  • Purpose - The main purpose of this paper is to examine the effect of children's age on maternal labor supply in Korea using survival analysis. Specifically, we focus on the career re-interruption of women having children under age 12, which has rarely been studied in the existing literature. Research design, data, and methodology - We use micro data from the Korea Labor and Income Panel Study (KLIPS) surveyed from 1998 to 2016. Instead of using a pre-school child dummy or the number of young children as an explanatory variable, 9 children's age dummies are included to capture the effect of nurturing 0 to 9 years old children. This study estimates the hazard of a woman's exiting the labor market after her first experience of the career interruption, rather than the hazard of the first career interruption itself. A Cox proportional hazard model is applied to numerically capture the impact of children's age on behavioral changes in maternal labor supply. The sample used in this analysis is women between 15 and 54 years old. Most of all, we restrict the sample to women who had at least a child between 0 and 12 years old at the time of quitting their jobs. Results - The Cox proportional hazard model estimates show a strong negative effect of a 0-year-old child on maternal labor supply. Mothers with newborns have a high hazard ratio of labor force exit after the re-entry. The hazard of women with infants is three times higher than those with children aged 10 to 18. Additionally, the results show that not only newborns, but also children in the age of school-entry have a negative impact on their mother's labor supply. Conclusions - The findings reveal that children's ages need to be properly expanded and included when analyzing the effect of children and their ages on married women's labor supply, especially on women's career re-interruption. A large negative effect of 7-year-old children on maternal labor supply found here indicates that supporting mothers with school age children as well as pre-school children is necessary to prevent mothers from leaving the labor market.