• Title/Summary/Keyword: korea national health and nutrition examination survey

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Factors Affecting the Abdominal Obesity by Sex among the Korean Elderly: Focusing on Health and Health Behavior Related Factors (한국 노인의 성별에 따른 복부비만에 영향을 주는 요인: 건강 및 건강행태 관련 요인을 중심으로)

  • Jeon, Hae Ok
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.10
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    • pp.559-568
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    • 2018
  • This study examined the factors affecting abdominal obesity by sex among the Korean elderly focusing on health and health behavior related factors. The data utilized in this study were derived from the Sixth Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES VI-3) conducted from January to December 2015 by the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The subjects of this study were 599 men and 793 women over the age of 65 for whom their waist circumference was known. The data were analyzed by a complex sampling design method applying weights using the SPSS 23.0 program. Korean elderly showed significant differences in demographic factors, health-related factors, and health behaviors according to gender. The abdominal obesity rate of elderly males was 38.3%, while that of elderly females was 50.5%. Among the factors related to health and health behavior, frequency of binge drinking among elderly male and subjective health status of elderly females were significant factors influencing abdominal obesity. Therefore, programs for abdominal obesity management of elderly Koreans should be planned with consideration of differences in health related factors and health behavior and influencing factors by sex.

Association between Sleep Duration, Dental Caries, and Periodontitis in Korean Adults: The Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2013~2014 (한국 성인에서 수면시간과 영구치 우식증 및 치주질환과의 관련성: 2013~2014 국민건강영양조사)

  • Lee, Da-Hyun;Lee, Young-Hoon
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.38-45
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    • 2017
  • We evaluated the association between sleep duration, dental caries, and periodontitis by using representative nationwide data. We examined 8,356 subjects aged ${\geq}19$ years who participated in the sixth Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2013~2014). Sleep duration were grouped into ${\leq}5$, 6, 7, 8, and ${\geq}9$ hours. Presence of dental caries was defined as caries in ${\geq}1$ permanent tooth on dental examination. Periodontal status was assessed by using the community periodontal index (CPI), and a CPI code of ${\geq}3$ was defined as periodontitis. A chi-square test and multiple logistic regression analysis were used to determine statistical significance. Model 1 was adjusted for age and sex, model 2 for household income, educational level, and marital status plus model 1, and model 3 for smoking status, alcohol consumption, blood pressure level, fasting blood glucose level, total cholesterol level, and body mass index plus model 2. The prevalence of dental caries according to sleep duration showed a U-shaped curve of 33.4%, 29.4%, 28.4%, 29.4%, and 31.8% with ${\leq}5$, 6, 7, 8, and ${\geq}9$ hours of sleep, respectively. In the fully adjusted model 3, the risk of developing dental caries was significantly higher with ${\leq}5$ than with 7 hours of sleep (odds ratio, 1.23; 95% confidence interval, 1.06~1.43). The prevalence of periodontitis according to sleep duration showed a U-shaped curve of 34.4%, 28.6%, 28.1%, 31.3%, and 32.5%, respectively. The risk of periodontitis was significantly higher with ${\geq}9$ than with 7 hours of sleep in models 1 and 2, whereas the significant association disappeared in model 3. In a nationally representative sample, sleep duration was significantly associated with dental caries formation and weakly associated with periodontitis. Adequate sleep is required to prevent oral diseases such as dental caries and periodontitis.

The Mediating Effect of Stress on Relationship between Oral Health Behaviors and Health-related Quality of Life in the Korean Elderly (한국 노인의 구강보건행위가 삶의 질에 미치는 영향에서 스트레스의 매개효과)

  • Shin, Sooil;Hong, Min-Hee;Sim, Seon-Ju
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.12
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    • pp.826-835
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the mediating effect of stress on the relationship between oral health behaviors and health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in the elderly. We analyzed 8148 subjects aged 65 or older who participated in the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2010-2015). All individuals were asked about their socioeconomic history, general health, and oral health behaviors (the frequency of tooth brushing, regular dental check-ups, and use of interdental cleaners). In the results, HRQOL was low in the elderly from a low socioeconomic class, or with diabetes mellitus, hypertension, or poor oral health behaviors. A partial mediating effect from stress was confirmed on the relationship between oral health behaviors and HRQOL. In conclusion, HRQOL was associated with oral health behaviors, with a mediating effect from stress. Therefore, it is necessary that a convergence health promotion program should be planned with an oral health education program and a stress management program for the elderly.

Associations between Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D and Consumption Frequencies of Vitamin D Rich Foods in Korean Adults and Older Adults (한국 성인과 노인의 계절별 혈중 25-hydroxyvitamin D 농도와 비타민 D 급원식품 섭취빈도와의 관계)

  • Yu, Areum;Kim, Jihye;Kwon, Oran;Oh, Se-Young;Kim, Junghyun;Yang, Yoon Jung
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.122-132
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    • 2014
  • Objectives: This study was conducted to investigate the vitamin D status and to determine the association between serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] concentrations and consumption frequencies of vitamin D rich foods in Korean adults and older adults. Methods: Subjects were 10,374 adults and 2,792 older adults participating in the 2008-2009 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES). Consumption frequencies of vitamin D rich foods were estimated by using a qualitative food frequency questionnaire (FFQ). Eleven food items such as beef, egg, mackerel, tuna, yellow corvina, pollack, anchovy, mushroom, milk, yogurt, and ice cream were selected as vitamin D rich foods based on previous research. Results: The proportions of deficiency (< 12 ng/mL), inadequacy (12-20 ng/mL) and sufficiency (${\geq}20ng/mL$) of serum 25(OH)D concentrations from June to November and December to May in adults were 8.8%, 42.3%, 48.8%, and 28.2%, 52.8%, 19.1%, respectively. The proportions of deficiency, inadequacy and sufficiency of serum 25(OH)D concentrations from June to November and December to May in older adults were 10.1%, 32.4%, 57.5%, and 24.1%, 45.4%, 30.5%, respectively. The mean serum 25(OH)D concentrations in adults were positively related to the consumption frequencies of mackerel, anchovy, all fish, milk and milk dairy products. The mean serum 25(OH)D concentrations in older adults were positively related to the consumption frequencies of yellow corvina and negatively related to the consumption frequencies of ice cream. Conclusions: Our results suggest that Korean adults were more deficient in serum 25(OH)D concentrations than older adults. The consumption of vitamin D rich foods may affect vitamin D status in Korean adults. Further studies are required to confirm these findings.

Elucidation of Dishes High in N-Nitrosamines Using Total Diet Study Data (총식이조사 자료를 이용한 음식별 니트로사민 함량 분포 규명)

  • Choi, Seul Ki;Lee, Youngwon;Seo, Jung-eun;Park, Jong-eun;Lee, Jee-yeon;Kwon, Hoonjeong
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.361-368
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    • 2018
  • N-nitrosamines are probable or possible human carcinogens, which are produced by the reaction between secondary amines and nitrogen oxide in the acidic environment or by heating. Common risk assessment procedure involves the comparison between exposures expressed in the unit, mg/kg body weight/day and the Health-Based Reference dose expressed in the same unit. This procedure is suitable for the policy decision-making and is considered as inappropriate for the consumers to get information about their dietary decision-making. Therefore, the distributions of NDMA (N-nitrosodimethylamine), NDBA (N-nitrosodibutylamine), the six N-nitrosamines (NDMA, NDBA, NDEA (N-nitrosodiethylamine), NPYR (N-nitrosopyrrolidine), NPIP (N-nitrosopiperidine), and NMOR (N-nitrosomorpholine) in the menus grouped based on the presence of main ingredients and cooking methods were analyzed to generate consumer-friendly information regarding food contaminants. Recipes and intakes were taken from 2014 to 2016 KNHANES (The Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey) and only the data from ages of 7 years or older were used. The contamination data were collected from the 2014~2016 Total Diet Study and all the analysis were performed using R software. Rockfish, eel, anchovy broth and pollock were mainly exposed to N-nitrosamines. In terms of cooking methods, soups and stews appeared to contain the highest amount of N-nitrosamines. Cereals, fruits, and dairy products in the ingredient categories, and rice dishes and rice combined with others in recipe categories had the lowest level exposure to N-nitrosamines. In case of N-nitrosamines, unlike other cooking related food contaminants, boiled dishes such as soups and stews and dishes mainly consisting of fishes and shellfishes had highest level of exposure, showing a large discrepancy with the previous thought of processed meat is the main source of N-nitrosamines.

Relationship among impaired fasting glucose and diabetes and periodontal disease (공복혈당장애 및 당뇨병과 치주질환의 관련성)

  • Park, Ji-Hye
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.389-396
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    • 2015
  • This study examined the relationships among impaired fasting glucose (IFG), diabetes and periodontal disease. The data from 10,856 adults (aged over 19 years) was derived from the Fifth Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, which was conducted in 2010 and 2012. Adjusting the related confounders, multiple logistic regression analysis showed that periodontitis were related to gender, age, education level, smoking and diabetic status (p<0.001). These findings suggest that abnormal fasting glucose, which is a predisposing factor for diabetes mellitus, does not appear to be a risk indicator for periodontal disease. On the other hand, if patients do not take steps to prevent or delay diabetes, prediabetes is likely to develop into type 2 diabetes within 10 years. Therefore, patients with prediabetes need to undergo continuous examinations and management of periodontal disease.

Significant Caries(SiC) Index Based on 2009 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2009년 국민건강영양조사에 근거한 Significant Caries(SiC) Index)

  • Han, Ji-Hyoung;Ann, Eun-Sook
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.229-234
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    • 2011
  • This study obtained DMFT index(9271 people) in population with more than 6 years old based on data of 2009 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, and calculated SiC index(2,517 people) by classifying group with high risk, which is 1/3 in high rank out of it. The aim was to confirm existence of the group with high risk of dental caries, and was to emphasize necessity of preventive strategy for the group with high risk. Statistical analysis was carried out t-test by using STATA 11.0 program. 1. DMFT index accounted for 45.0%(4,174 people) for men and 55.0%(5,097 people) for women. SiC index stood at 2,517 people. Men accounted for 36.3%(914 people). Thus, women were larger with 64.7%(1,603 people). 2. Seeing the mean in DMFT index and SiC index, the more rise in age led to the bigger difference in the mean between two groups. Especially, the difference was shown more than 4 points on the average for 13 and 14 years old and more than double on the average from over 15 years. 3. As a result of comparing gender, DMFT index was higher in women than men from over 14 years old. SiC index wasn't significant. However, women were indicated to be 1 piece more than men at the age of 9 and 14. 4. As a result of comparing by region, both DMFT index and SiC index were indicated to be higher in the rural area for their over 60s. Seeing the above results, the group with high risk is showing the higher rate of experiencing dental caries than DMFT-index in the whole. Thus, the comprehensively & intensively preventive management seems to be likely needed on group with high risk.

The Effect of Korean Elderly's Prosthetic Status on Health Related Quality by Using EuroQol-5 Dimension (한국 노인의 보철상태에 따른 건강관련 삶의 질)

  • Park, Jeong-Hye;Lee, Min-Kyung;Lee, Jung-Hwa;Jin, Hye-Jung
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.417-423
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    • 2014
  • The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between prosthetic status and health related quality of elderly by using EuroQol-5 dimension (EQ-5D) which is a standardized instrument used as a measure of health outcome. Data from 1,179 elderly subjects (over 65 years old) from the fifth Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey were used in our analysis. Oral examination were conducted to obtain wearing prosthetic and needed prosthetic. EQ-5D is a widely used health condition measuring instrument. It consists of the five dimensions: Mobility, Self-care, Usual activities, Pain/discomfort and Anxiety/depression. EQ-5D index is a score calculated out of a weighting system. In this study, the mean score of the EQ-5D index among the elderly was 0.86. For EQ-5D index gender, female showed statistically significantly lower quality of life than male. The related factors EQ-5D index, when the lower demand for fixed prosthodontics and full denture. Wearers in partial and complete denture than non-wearers showed higher EQ-5D index. In order to improve EQ-5D index among the elderly who demand prosthetic status, which has lost its function through providing proper dental prostheses.

Prediction model of hypercholesterolemia using body fat mass based on machine learning (머신러닝 기반 체지방 측정정보를 이용한 고콜레스테롤혈증 예측모델)

  • Lee, Bum Ju
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.413-420
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of the present study is to develop a model for predicting hypercholesterolemia using an integrated set of body fat mass variables based on machine learning techniques, beyond the study of the association between body fat mass and hypercholesterolemia. For this study, a total of six models were created using two variable subset selection methods and machine learning algorithms based on the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) data. Among the various body fat mass variables, we found that trunk fat mass was the best variable for predicting hypercholesterolemia. Furthermore, we obtained the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve value of 0.739 and the Matthews correlation coefficient value of 0.36 in the model using the correlation-based feature subset selection and naive Bayes algorithm. Our findings are expected to be used as important information in the field of disease prediction in large-scale screening and public health research.

A convergence of association between menopause, breastfeeding and first birth age and metabolic syndrome in Women (여성의 폐경과 모유수유 기간 및 첫출산 연령과 대사증후군의 연관성에 관한 융합적 고찰)

  • Lee, Seyoung
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.43-50
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was investigate the association between birth age related health factors and metabolic syndrome in women. The data of 6743 women from Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey(2012-2014 KNHANES) were analyzed. Dependent variable was metabolic syndrom related variables were collected. Menopause status was associated with metabolic syndrome [odds ratio of with post-menopause 1.44(95% CI: 1.09-1.90)]. First birth age was associated with metabolic syndrome [odds ratio of women with 26-30 year : 0.81 (95% CI: 0.68-0.98); odds ratio of women 31 year over: 0.62(95% CI: 0.45-0.87)] after adjusted for age, region, household income, smoking, occupation. In conclusion, the metabolic syndrome is closely related to menopause and first birth age, and will be used as a basic data in developing future educational programs for women.