• Title/Summary/Keyword: knots

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Alternative Fixation Technique for Bony Bankart Lesion with Using Suture Anchor (봉합나사와 골터널을 이용한 골성 반카르트 병변의 고정)

  • Kim, Byung-Kook;Lee, Ho-Jae;Kim, Go-Tak;Dan, Jinmyoung
    • Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association
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    • v.54 no.6
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    • pp.574-578
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    • 2019
  • For the treatment of a bony Bankart lesion accompanied by an acute traumatic shoulder dislocation, anatomical reduction and stable fixation of the bone fragment and glenohumeral ligament are essential to avoid chronic instability or degenerative changes. If the Bankart lesion has large bony pieces or comminuted fragments, it can be difficult to perform precise and secure fixation of the big intraarticular fragment to the fracture site because of the limited visualization of the arthroscopic procedure. In addition, in the case of the open procedure, it requires an extensive surgical dissection to access the fractured fragment, which may cause surgical approach-related morbidity, such as neurovascular complications, delayed subscapularis healing, and increased risk of stiffness. This paper describes an alternative open suture anchor technique for a large bony Bankart lesion, which was secured anatomically with squared knots after a shuttle relay through bony tunnels and adjacent soft tissue and labrum. This technique can achieve anatomical and firm fixation under direct vision, and reduce the number of surgery related morbidities.

Development of the Large-Capacity Mooring Fittings according to MEG4(Mooring Equipment Guideline 4) (MEG4(Mooring Equipment Guideline 4) 적용에 따른 대용량 무어링 피팅 개발)

  • Myung-Su Yi;Kwang-Cheol Seo;Joo-Shin Park
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.29 no.7
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    • pp.950-957
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    • 2023
  • For safe mooring and towing between the ship and port, the equipment must be designed in accordance with the relevant international regulations. However, some small shipyards and engineering companies often do not fully comprehend the core contents. Therefore, the international regulations regarding towing and mooring equipment are reviewed and the bollard and chock are newly developed based on the Mooring Equipment Guideline 4 (MEG4) standards. A bollard is a mooring equipment used to fix a mooring rope to the hull. It has two columns and is mostly used in a figure eight pattern knots under the mooring condition. The chock, which is used to change the mooring rope direction coming into the ship from outside, is manufactured using a casting with curvature. The two mooring equipment are widely used in the stern, bow, and mid-side. Owing to the increase in the size of container vessels and LNG ships, the mooring rope load has increased and the safe working load of the mooring equipment must be revised. This study summarizes and examines the results of the allowable stress method obtained using finite element analysis modelling. To consider the mesh size effect, a reasonable criteria was suggested by referring the existing class guidance. Additionally, the safe working load was verified through nonlinear collapse analysis, and the elastic region against load increments was confirmed. Furthermore, the proposed evaluation method can be used to develop similar equipment in the near future.

Evaluation of Structural Performance of 3D Printed Composite Rudder according to Internal Topology Shape (내부 위상 형상에 따른 3D 프린트 복합재 방향타의 구조 성능 평가)

  • Young-Jae Cho;Hyoung-Seock Seo;Hui-Seung Park
    • Composites Research
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.454-460
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    • 2023
  • Recently, regulations on greenhouse gas emissions have been strengthened, and the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has been strengthening greenhouse gas regulations with a goal of net 'zero' emissions by 2050. In addition, in the shipbuilding/offshore sector, it is important to reduce operating costs, such as improving propulsion efficiency and lightening structures. In this regard, research is currently being conducted on topology optimization using 3D printed composite materials to satisfy structural lightness and high rigidity. In this study, three topology shapes (hexagonal, square, and triangular) were applied to the interior of a rudder, a ship structure, using 3D printed composite materials. Structural analysis was performed to determine the appropriate shape for the rudder. CFD analysis was performed at 10° intervals from 0° to 30° for each rudder angle under the condition of 8 knots, and the load conditions were set based on the CFD analysis results. As a result of the structural analysis considering the internal topology shape of the rudder, it was confirmed that the triangular, square, and hexagonal topology shapes have excellent performance. The rudder with a square topology shape weighs 78.5% of the rudder with a triangular shape, and the square topology shape is considered to superior in terms of weight reduction.

Overview of the Korean Marine Industry and VPP Analysis of a 28ft Sailing Yacht (대한민국의 해양 레저 시장 및 28ft급 세일요트의 VPP 성능해석 연구)

  • Yeongmin Park;Hoyun Jang;Minsu Kang
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.365-372
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    • 2024
  • The South Korean marine industry is emerging as a significant market, driven by the growing popularity of various water leisure activities, including sailing. This trend suggests a rising demand for sailing yachts. Consequently, since 2022, the design and development of a 28ft sailing yacht have been ongoing, supported by the government and the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, to promote yachting culture in South Korea. The Velocity Prediction Program (VPP) analysis was conducted using WinDesign during the preliminary design stage to evaluate performance and determine design parameters. The hydrodynamic model used for this vessel is based on regression methods developed from years of experience in naval architecture and yacht research at the Wolfson Unit, providing reliable estimates for most modern yachts. However, owing to the lack of specific hydrodynamic data from towing tank tests or CFD numerical analysis, verification of the hydrodynamic model has faced some challenges. Additionally, an incomplete weight estimate resulted in variable VCG values, potentially affecting stability and overall performance. The optimal boat speed for this vessel was determined at true wind speeds (TWS) of 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20 knots, using both the jib (up to 120° TWA) and the spinnaker (from 80° TWA). The optimized speed of the yacht was found to be comparable to that of international similar-class yachts.

The Estimation of Pressure Drop according to Blockage Rate of Agricultural Nets (농업용 네트의 폐쇄율에 따른 압력 강하 예측)

  • Sung-Hyun Yum;Seung-Hee Kang;Hee-Ryong Ryu;Hong-Ki Yoon;U-Su Lee;Yeongji Yu
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.396-404
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    • 2023
  • The blockage rate for three kinds of nets commonly used in agricultural facilities was assessed by using the image acquisition and its relevant processing. By using both empirical relations presented by Idel'chik and Richards and Robinson, and the blockage rate obtained from the image processing, the pressure drop through the nets was predicted and also compared with wind tunnel experiment results. The results of the study showed that the blockage rate of the net was discriminated according to such factors as the magnitude of nets, the existence of inside threads, the thickness and number of threads. In addition, the blockage rate for the incident angle of 0° when the wind blew at the front had the range of 0.22-0.29 (0.22-0.32 when considering whole incident angles from 0° to 45° by 15°). For the nets with the blockage rate of about 30% or below, the prediction by the empirical relations of by Idel'chik and Richards and Robinson showed a little higher pressure drop overall than that of the wind tunnel test, but the use of the empirical relations and the blockage rate could be thought of as providing effectively meaningful guidelines for the safe design of agricultural facilities including nets because the wind tunnel test has been tedious and expensive. Further research and potential application on the prediction technique of the pressure drop, regarding both a subtle deformation by the wind and manufacturing methods with regard to the level of knots and the existence of inside threads, needs to be done for the nets with higher blockage rate.

Comparative analysis of the effectiveness of the correct knot and the fisherman's knot in a rescue situation using ropes (로프를 활용한 구조상황에서 바른 매듭과 피셔맨 매듭의 효과성 비교 분석)

  • Jeon, Jai-In
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.767-773
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    • 2024
  • This study was limited to tying (connecting) knots using rescue ropes, and 5 subjects were selected for the experiment. After performing the correct knot, single-layer knot, figure-8 connecting knot, and fisherman's knot, the speed and convenience of each were analyzed. The results of analyzing the most convenient and fastest rope connecting method in rope tying are as follows. The correct knot and single-layer knot showed similar values of 11.80 seconds and 13.20 seconds, respectively. The figure-8 connecting knot showed significantly higher time of 19.00 seconds, which seems to be because the method of making a loop in the shape of a figure-8 and then inserting the rope along the figure-8 shape took some time to connect the rope. The fisherman's knot showed the lowest time of 9.80 seconds. This method overlaps the rope and forms a sling knot on the left and right, so it seems that the overall result is easy for the subjects to learn because it involves wrapping the rope once and pulling it out in the opposite direction. In an emergency rescue situation, the fisherman's knot is considered to be the most appropriate way to quickly and firmly connect ropes.

Double Tension Band Osteosynthesis in Intra-articular Fractures of the Distal Humerus (AO type C) in Elderly Osteoporotic Patients (고령 환자의 상완골 원위부 AO-C형 골절에서 이중 강선 장력대 고정술)

  • Cheon, Sang Jin;Lee, Dong Ho;Goh, Tae Sik
    • Clinics in Shoulder and Elbow
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.33-39
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: The aim of this study is to evaluate the clinical result of intra-articular fractures of the distal humerus (AO type C) in elderly osteoporotic patients treated with double tension band osteosynthesis. Materials and Methods: From January 2006 to December 2010, 10 elderly osteoporotic patients(1 male, 9 females) with intra-articular fractures of the distal humerus (AO type C) were treated with double tension band osteosynthesis. The mean age of patients at the time of surgery was 74.6(66~84) years and the mean follow-up period was 39.2(20~74) months. The fracture union and complications were assessed and the functional result was evaluated by the rating system of Jupiter et al. and the Mayo elbow performance index. Results: Bone union was achieved in all patients with no secondary displacement. The mean time for union was 16.6(13~22) weeks. The average postoperative arc of elbow flexion was 119(100~140) degrees with a mean flexion contracture of 8.5(0~15) degrees. The recovery in two patients was rated as excellent, in 7 as good, and in 1 as fair in terms of the Mayo elbow performance index with average value of 82(70~90) points. Seven patients were rated as excellent, 1 as good, and 2 as fair in terms of the rating system of Jupiter et al. Changing tension band wiring was performed in one patient as skin irritation was noticed due to tension band knots. Heterotopic ossification developed in one patient but had no symptom. Conclusion: Double tension band osteosynthesis in intra-articular fractures of distal humerus (AO type C) in elderly osteoporotic patients can provide sufficient and secure stability to allow early rehabilitation.

Pollutant Loading and Changes of the Self - Purification Capacity with Season in Gokneung Stream Ecosystem (곡릉천 생태계의 오염부하량과 계절에 따른 자정능의 변화)

  • 이선경;심규철;김재영;김준민;장남기
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.355-366
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    • 1994
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the changes of water quality and the patterns of self-purification with season in Gokneung stream. The vegetation in the ecosystem around Gokneung stream was dominated by Quercus species. In the physicochemical analysis based on the contents of DO, BOD, conductivity and total phosphorus, the upstream seemed to have been polluted, but the downstream was self-purified. In biological investigation by bentic macroinvertebrates, the result was similar to that in the physicochemical analysis. The self-purification constant based on BOD of the upstream, 1.013, was the highest. In the self-purification constants with month, that of September was 0.995 and that of January was 0.272. These results indicated that the self purification capacities of spring and autumn were larger than those of winter and summer in Gokneung stream.

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Zooplankton and Neustonic Microplastics in the Surface Layer of Yeosu Coastal Areas (여수 연안 표층에 출현하는 동물플랑크톤과 미세플라스틱)

  • Kang, Hui Seung;Seo, Min Ho;Yang, Yun Seok;Park, Eun-Ok;Yoon, Yang Ho;Kim, Daejin;Jeong, Hyeon Gyeong;Soh, Ho Young
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.11-20
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    • 2018
  • In planktonic ecosystems, the microplastics are considered as a potential food source for the zooplankton. To study a relationship between the zooplankton and the neustonic microplastics, a research experiment was carried out during May in the surface layers of the Yeosu coastal areas including Yeoja Bay, Gamak Bay, Yeosuhae Bay, and Botdol Sea. A neustonic zooplankton net (mesh size $300{\mu}m$; mouth area $30cm{\times}18cm$) was towed from the side of the ship in the event that it would not be affected by waves crashing by the ship at a speed of ca. 2.5 knots. All of the microplastic particles were separated from the zooplankton. The zooplankton and microplastics were appearing in a range of 61 to $763indiv.m^{-3}$ and 0.0047 to $0.3471particle\;m^{-2}$, respectively. It was noted that the Acartia omorii, Paracalanus parvus s. l., Labidocera euchaeta, A. hongi, decapod larvae, and cirriped larvae were predominantly seen in the experiment. For verifying relationships between zooplankton and environmental factors in addition to microplastics, a model redundancy analysis (RDA) was performed. The zooplankton were divided into two groups on the basis of feeding types (i.e. particle feeders, and carnivores), and the associated zooplankton larvae were also separately considered. A review of the additional environmental factors such as water temperature, salinity, turbidity, chlorophyll-${\alpha}$ concentration, diatom density, and dinoflagellate density were also contained in the analysis. The results showed that a noted zooplankton abundance had no close relation with the occurring number of microplastic particles, but rather was significantly related with other noted environmental factors such as temperature, salinity, turbidity, and chlorophyll-${\alpha}$ concentration. This fact implies that most zooplankton can feed themselves as a unit, by selecting the most likely available nutritious foods, rather than microplastics under the circumstance of food-richness areas, such what food resources are available as in the location of coastal waters.

A Comparison of Postharvest Physiology and Storability of Paprika Fresh-Cut Made from Disordered and Normal Fruits (착색단고추 생리장해과와 정상과의 수확 후 생리 및 신선편이의 저장성 비교)

  • Yoo, Tae-Jong;Jung, Hyun-Jin;Choi, In-Lee;Kim, Il-Seop;Kang, Ho-Min
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.49-54
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    • 2010
  • The study was conducted to compare the postharvest physiology and storability of fresh cut paprika fruits classified by normal, blossom end rot(BER), and misshapen (or knots) fruit. Some disordered paprika fruits that were produced frequently during high temperature season in highland, were sorted out to non-marketable products. These fruits are mostly wasted, but some of them may be used for fresh cut. The respiration rate of fresh cut paprika fruits was lower and ethylene production rate was higher in normal fruits than in disordered fruits, but there was no significant difference. The fresh-cut paprika fruits were stored in MAP conditions at $4^{\circ}C$, $9^{\circ}C$ and room temperature in 25 ${\mu}m$ and 50 ${\mu}m$ thickness ceramic film packaging. The fresh weight of fresh cut paprika fruits decreased below to 1.1% regardless of fruit types, but the fresh weight loss increased in thinner packaging materials and lower storage temperatures. There were not significant different carbon dioxide and oxygen contents in MAP of all fruit types, while $4^{\circ}C$ storage temperature treatment and 25 ${\mu}m$ thickness ceramic film treatment had lower carbon dioxide and higher oxygen contents. Moreover, the carbon dioxide and oxygen contents were changed rapidly at 9 days in $4^{\circ}C$ storage and at 6 days in $9^{\circ}C$ storage when the visual quality of fresh cut decreased dramatically. The ethylene concentration of packages was below 7 ${\mu}l{\cdot}l^{-1}$ in all treatments during storage, while the treatments of thinner packaging material and lower storage temperature showed lower ethylene concentration. The fresh cut of disordered fruits showed less visual quality than normal fruit treatment in both $4^{\circ}C$ and $9^{\circ}C$ storage temperatures, but there was no significant difference. The value of $4^{\circ}C$ treatment that measured 12 days in storage was higher than $9^{\circ}C$ treatment that measured 9 days in storage. The results suggest that the disordered fruits may be used to fresh cut product without any concerns that they will decreased the value of commodities more quickly than the fresh cut made of marketable paprika fruits. As the fresh cut paprika fruits stored in MAP condition, the more effective storage temperature is $4^{\circ}C$ that may have induced chilling injury a whole fruit of the paprika.