• Title/Summary/Keyword: job factor

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Difference in Health-related Quality of Life among Social Classes and Related Factors in Korea (우리나라 사회계층별 건강관련 삶의 질의 차이와 관련요인)

  • Lim, Gyeong-Tae;Kwon, In-Sun;Kim, Soon-Young;Cho, Young-Chae;Nam, Hea-Sung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.2189-2198
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    • 2012
  • This study was designed to measure the difference in health-related quality of life (HRQOL) among social classes and explore the factors that may explain it. Study subjects were 7,992 Korean adults aged 20-69 from the 4th (2007-2009) Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys data. We described mean value of EQ-5D index as a HRQOL by class and performed hierarchical multiple regression analysis to find the factors. The result was as follows. In the distribution of EQ-5D index level among social classes, new middle class (class II) had the highest score (0.966 in men and 0.955 in women); upper and middle-upper class (class I) 0.965 in men and 0.936 in women; working class (class IV) 0.958 in men and 0.936 in women; old middle class (class III) 0.955 in men and 0.932 in women; low class (class VI) 0.941 in men and 0.908 in women; and rural self-management class (class V) the lowest score (0.918 in men and 0.866 in women). In men, chronic disease, job stress, education and income level were found to make the difference in the health-related quality of life among social classes; in women, those factors and health behavior explained the difference. In conclusion, the lower social class has lower HRQOL. Except for education and income level, chronic disease may be the major factor to explain the difference in the health-related quality of life among social classes.

The Effects of Internal Competence and Growth Stages on the Performance of Venture Business : the Moderating Effect in Connection with Government Funding Utilization (벤처기업의 내부역량과 성장단계가 경영성과에 미치는 영향 : 정부 지원자금 활용의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Yoonjung;Suh, Yoonkyo;Hong, Jungim
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.636-662
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    • 2018
  • Recently, the Moon administration established the Ministry of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and Startups, as part of its national strategy for start-up and innovation growth led by small and medium-sized venture companies. In a slowing economy, as venture companies with excellent internal competencies are seen to be favorable to growth, the government funding for technology development is becoming increasingly important. Previous studies examine the internal competence factors that can strengthen competitiveness through self-efforts and the influence structure of growth stage, which is an important factor in industrial environment, on business performance. As the government support for venture firms has been strengthened, the effect of government funding on the management performance and technological innovation performance of venture firms have been recently discussed in various ways. However, there is a lack of precedent research on the moderating effect of the utilization of government funding on the existing influence structure in which firm's internal competence and growth stages affects business performance. Therefore, this study examined whether the internal competencies of the venture firms and the stage of growth have direct effects on business performance and analyzed the moderating effect in connection with government funding utilization under these influence structures. The results of the study are as follows. First, the utilization of government funding in the venture firms whose R&D personnel ratio is relatively low, not to have own brands and showed an increase of employees has a significantly positive influence on business performance. Second, the moderating effects of the government funding utilization at the high growth stage of the venture firms are shown significantly. These results suggest that the venture policy linked to the job creation of the present government requires not only the support considering R&D personnel but also the necessity of supporting human resources policy to a greater extent and further study on the effectiveness of venture firms in the high growth stage.

A study on simple nursing activities for the registered nurses and nurse aides in the hospital (단순간호활동에 관한 간호사 및 간호조무사의 태도조사연구)

  • Lee Jung-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.37-55
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    • 1990
  • Every country in the world has been trying to expand the basic health right for the peoples as W.H.O has established the goal 'health for AU' by the year of 2000. Related to this goal, our government authority has establish the policy 'the insurance of health for all' into effect from July 198\). Recently hospitalshave been making a ceaseless effort for the plan for the rationalization of its management the academic World is making it a subject of discussion by doing the secure of manpower at a resonable level and the increase of productivity by the manpower. As a result of the efforts the study was established to secure the numbers of nursing manpower at a resonable level and use the unskilled persons at the utilizing field and seek the possible area of their activity for more efficient service through the investigation of ablity of simple nursing activities of regiestered nurses and nurse aides for rational function according to the educational levels and talents. The method of study was established by the registered nurses and nurse and nurse aides(R.N 229, N.A 226) who are working in 15 hospitals with over 200 beds. This surrey was conducted from Mar 29, 1989 to April 8, 1989. The method to test the degree of importance, difficulties, and the abillity of performance of a simple nursing activities was classified into 35 activities on the basis of references on this field. The degree of importance was composed from point l(Not so important) to 5(Very important). the degree of difficulties. was composed as follows; very easy - Point 1 very difficult and complicated - Point 5. and the ability of performance was composed from point 1 to 5. The materials gathered through the survey were analyzed with frequency, mean standard deviation, percentage. t-test, Anova, pearson's coefficient of correlation, stepwise multiple regression. factor analysis, discriminant analysis. The obtained results are summarized as follows: 1. The recognition values of the simple nursing activities of each group of registered nurse and nurse aides show; The degree of importance; 4.04 and 4.26 The degree of difficulties; 2.72 and 2.94 The ability of performance; 2.07 and 2.38 The brief summary shows there are little differences between who two groups the simple nursing activities turned out to be easy and simple work. 2. Regardless of the degree of importance, and difficulties, the ability of performance the important in fluencing of the degree of the simple nursing activities between the registered nurses and nurse aides was the order of educational level, hospital career, working career in wards and ages of the registered nurses and ages and hospital creer of nurse aides. The result was that the simple nursing activities could easily be familiar through the training of their working environment and period of experience. 3. Among the 35 simple nursing activities the items capable of resonable entrusting to the nurse aides are 5 that is helping bed-bathing, 8itz Bath, using bed pan, care while delivering patient, accompaying patient when visitor's check. There wasn't and differences between RN and nurse aides in performing the above 5 items. In anywhere. so we can say obviosuly that this nursing activities should be performed under the nursing system of which chief of nurse are supposed to supervise nurse aides as a possible function to be entrusted. In view of the above mentioned results, therefore, this partial functional job of the simple nursing activities can able be entrusted to the nurse aides through the regular training course. In case of these functional activities could be entrusted under, the responsibility of registered nurse, we can able suggest to for that there are the following advantages: 1.. In the nursing activities-affairs, the qualified guarantee of the nursing services can be kept and increased or promotoed with accommodation of the required nursing service and roles being expanded presently. 2. In the productivity of the hospital manpower, therefore, we have comt to view and consider in favourly that when an automational administration times would be come in the near future time to hospital affairs as a reality, to utilize the existing nures aides is better rather than investing so as to develop the other source manpowers or seek its for the efficient business management in the operational strategy or its policy.

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Under-Utilization of Women's Education in Korean Labor Market: A Macro-Level Explanation (한국 노동시장에서 여성교육의 저활용: 거시적 차원의 설명)

  • 이미정
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.107-137
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    • 1996
  • Under-utilization of Korean women's education in the labor market has been observed and pointed out as a waste of valuable human resources. Although education provides women with positive returns when they work, it has been found that Korean women's education is not much related to the likelihood of women's labor force participation. This tendency cannot be explained by micro-economic theory, which says that educated women are more likely to participate in the labor force. Thus, in this analysis, a macro-level explanation is attempted to understand Korean women's economic behaviors in relation to education. Korea's rapid industrialization since 1960 has provided ample job opportunities mostly for less educated women. On the other hand, increasing demand for educated female labor has been moderate. Various restriction against women, especially married women, have prevailed in the Korean labor market. Restrictions against women and the marriage bar tend to be selectively applied to decent white-collar jobs, mostly affecting educated women. Furthermore, there has been no shortage of educated male labor due to its adequate supply. Since Korean women spend most of their adult lives in marriage, married women's low participation in the labor force is a critical factor for the low economic returns to women's education throughout their lifetime. Restriction against married women in the labor market also existed in the past of the United States and the Great Britain. However, along with the expansion of the service sector, married women in great numbers flowed into non-manual jobs. The post-1940 increase of married women in the labor force in those countries can be understood to be a result of a labor shortage for non-manual jobs. Also in Taiwan, which shares many common cultural and economic backgrounds with Korea, the marriage bar has been in decline since the late 1970s, along with an increasing demand for female labor in the service sector. In sum, the changes in the demand structure and the supply of educated male labor force will contribute to the lift of the marrige bar in Korea.

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The Effect of Parental Support, Organizational Culture, and Marriage Support Policies on the Intention of Marriage of Unmarried Workers (부모의 지원과 조직문화, 결혼지원정책이 미혼직장인의 결혼의향에 미치는 영향)

  • Hwang, In Ja
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.15-34
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    • 2021
  • Purpose : This study aims to identify the influence of individual, parental, workplace, and policy variables on the intention of marriage of unmarried workers. The results of the study can be used as a basis to come up with policy and practical measures to increase these workers' intention of marriage. Methods : Data was collected from 480 participants through a questionnaire. The measuring tools in this study were tested for reliability and validity. In addition, technical statistics, ANOVA, correlation analysis, and hierarchical regression analysis were performed by SPSS 18.0. Results : First, unmarried workers' willingness to marry was higher above the average. Second, significant differences in the unmarried workers' intention of marriage were revealed based on gender, age, level of education, total assets, and debt status. Significant associations were also found with parents' economic levels and the possibility of parental support for housing and marriage expenses. The differences in response based on employment patterns, job satisfaction, and family-friendly organizational culture were also significant. The correlation between policy variables and marriage intentions also showed the necessity of a funded housing policy and a marriage preparation policy. Third, based on the hierarchical regression analysis using personal, parental, and workplace variables to identify the factors affecting unmarried workers' willingness to marry, it is clear that gender, age, and the likelihood of parental support for housing and marriage expenses have a significant impact. A family-friendly organizational culture and funded housing policy were also significant contributors. Conclusion : The study found that the funded housing policy was the most important factor affecting unmarried office workers' willingness to marry. Additionally, the possibility of parental support for housing and marriage expenses and a family-friendly organizational culture at work were found to have an important impact on the improvement of unmarried workers' willingness to marry.

Archival Appraisal of Public Records Regarding Urban Planning in Japanese Colonial Period (조선총독부 공문서의 기록학적 평가 -조선총독부 도시계획 관련 공문서군을 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Seung Il
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.12
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    • pp.179-235
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    • 2005
  • In this article, the task of evaluating the official documents that were created and issued by the Joseon Governor General office during the Japanese occupation period, with new perspectives based upon the Macro-Appraisal approaches developed by the Canadian scholars and personnel, will be attempted. Recently, the Canadian people and the authorities have been showing a tendency of evaluating the meaning and importance of a particular document with perspectives considering the historical situation and background conditions that gave birth to that document to be a more important factor, even than considering the quality and condition of that very document. Such approach requires the archivists to determine whether they should preserve a certain document or not based upon the meaning, functions and status of the entity that produced the document or the meaning of the documentation practice itself, rather than the actual document. With regard to the task of evaluating the official documents created and issued by the Joseon Governor General office and involved the city plans devised by the office back then, this author established total of 4 primary tasks that would prove crucial in the process of determining whether or not a particular theme, or event, or an ideology should be selected and documents involving those themes, events and ideologies should be preserved as important sources of information regarding the Korean history of the Japanese occupation period. Those four tasks are as follow: First, the archivists should study the current and past trends of historical researches. The archivists, who are usually not in the position of having comprehensive access to historical details, must consult the historians' studies and also the trends mirrored in such studies, in their efforts of selecting important historical events and themes. Second, the archivists should determine the level of importance of the officials who worked inside the Joseon Governor General office as they were the entities that produced the very documents. It is only natural to assume that the level of importance of a particular document must have been determined by the level of importance(in terms of official functions) of the official who authorized the document and ordered it to be released. Third, the archivists should be made well aware of the inner structure and official functions of the Joseon Governor General office, so that they can have more appropriate analyses. Fourth, in order to collect historically important documents that involved the Koreans(the Joseon people), the archivists should analyze not only the functions of the Joseon Governor General office in general but also certain areas of the Office's business in which the Japanese officials and the Koreans would have interacted with each other. The act of analyzing the documents only based upon their respective levels of apparent importance might lead the archivists to miss certain documents that reflected the Koreans' situation or were related to the general interest of the Korean people. This kind of evaluation should provide data that are required in appraising how well the Joseon Governor General office's function of devising city plans were documented back then, and how well they are preserved today, utilizing a comparative study involving the Joseon Governor General office's own evaluations of its documentations and the current status of documents that are in custody of the National Archive. The task would also end up proposing a specialized strategy of collecting data and documents that is direly needed in establishing a well-designed comprehensive archives. We should establish a plan regarding certain documents that were documented by the Joseon Governor General office but do not remain today, and devise a task model for the job of primary collecting that would take place in the future.

The Factors Influencing of Professional Consciousness of Long-term Care Workers (요양보호사의 직업의식과 영향요인)

  • Kim, Hyang Soo;Kim, Hee Kyung;Park, Yeon Suk
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.591-606
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to propose basis data to nursing intervention development in order to raise the professional consciousness of long-term care workers grasping influence factor and professional consciousness. The subjects were about 185 long-term care workers at D megalopolis and 4 cities of 3 provinces from November to December, 2009. The data were analyzed using the SPSS program for descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficients and multiple regression. The correlated factors of professional consciousness included self-efficacy(r=.420, p=.000), sense of the calling(r=.636, p=.000), education training effectiveness(r=.441, p=.000), internal locus control(r=.378, p=.000), and external locus control(r=-.356, p=.000). Factors influencing of professional consciousness of them were to show in order of sense of the calling(B=.329, p=.000), education training effectiveness(B=.250, p=.000), internal locus control(B=.216, p=.000), external locus control (B=-.165, p=.002), consideration and opplicable job choose characteristic(B=.207, p=.004), these variables accounted for 57.5% of the variance of professional consciousness. Further research needs to develop well organized educational program, training of enhancing internal locus control, and clear examination about roles and tasks of long-term care workers. Also, it suggests education and research that can enhance professional consciousness by utilizing these factors.

A Case Study on the Success Factors of Overseas Agricultural Startup: Focusing on the Case of Banana Farm in Cote d'Ivoire (해외 농업스타트업(Agricultural Startup) 성공요인에 관한 사례연구: 'C사'의 제2창업기(바나나 팜 개발사례)를 중심으로)

  • Jin hwan Park;Sang soon Kim
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.61-79
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    • 2023
  • This study is a case study of overseas banana farms as a global agricultural startup that has hardly been attempted so far in terms of paradigm shift in the industry, beyond regional limitations. It was researched for the purpose of revealing the success factors of 'global agricultural startup' in terms of business process, entrepreneurship, and management dimensions learned through direct participation and observation at the local level. In order to study global agricultural startups, this study also conducted a comparative analysis of global startups (global startups) and global agricultural startups(global agricultural startups). In fact, the analysis consists of 'definition', 'components', and 'success factors', and we want to confirm the difference between the two concepts that can be distinguished. The case analysis tried to maximize the advantages of 'participatory action research' by directly observing and experiencing banana farms. In the case of banana farm cases, by dividing them into preparation process for farm development and farm development and management process, various variables considered in farm management were explained through the whole process of farm management. Through the process of overcoming and responding to specific failure cases, we tried to secure the reliability and validity of the research, and the case studies related to entrepreneurship, management, and organization analyzed by applying them by subdividing them into theoretical areas belonging to components and management that were theorized in existing preceding studies. This study is almost the first study on the process of creating a local entry business by directly moving the head office overseas rather than entering overseas agriculture as a subsidiary, joint venture or overseas corporation. In particular, it is a unique case that corresponds to agriculture in terms of region(Africa), scale(startup), and industry that have not been introduced so far as a global agricultural startup. In terms of entrepreneurship, it also concretely exemplified how entrepreneurship components such as innovativeness, risk-taking propensity, proactiveness, vision sharing, social contribution, leadership, etc., which have not been attempted so far in agricultural cases, are manifested and effective. The management and cultural aspects also went beyond the argument that only cultural aspects are important in overseas business, and also confirmed individual failure cases and their responses in recruitment, job, wage, retirement, development, organizational structure management, etc. As a result, there is significance and implications of this study in that it provides theoretical confirmation as well as practical and responsive basis for 'entrepreneurship', 'farming management', and 'management' aspects in overseas agricultural startup business operation.

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An Empirical Study on Influencing Factors of Venture Firm's CSR: Focusing on Slack Resources and Growth Strategy (벤처기업의 사회적책임(CSR)활동의 영향요인에 관한 연구: 기업의 여유자원과 성장전략을 중심으로)

  • Jang, Dong-Hyun;Yeon, Ju-Han;Kim, Chun-Kyu
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.27-40
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    • 2024
  • This study empirically derives the factors affecting the practice of corporate social responsibility (CSR) of venture firms in Korea from the perspective of Slack Resource Theory and the company's growth strategy, and provides implications for future expansion of venture firm's CSR activities. In Korea, venture firms have grown into important players in the national economy since the late 1990s through social contributions such as economic value creation, job creation, and technological development. As venture companies grow in status, positive relationships with stakeholders and responsibility for environmental and social values are required. Now, CSR is becoming an important strategic choice for SMEs and venture firms. However, until now, CSR-related academic research has mainly focused on large or listed corporations, and there is not much research on SMEs or venture firms. In particular, research on the factors that lead venture companies to make important business decisions of participating in CSR activities is not there yet. This study applied logistic multiple regression analysis using the '2023 Survey on Venture Firms' conducted by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups. As a result of this study, operating profit, which is an available resources of venture companies, and government support, which is a potential resource, have a positive impact on venture firms's CSR activities. Also, business relationships with large corporations and expectation for future cooperation also have a positive impact on CSR activities as the determinants. On the other hand, it was analyzed that in venture firms where ownership and management are not separated, the higher the CEO's shareholding ratio, the more negatively it affects CSR activities. This study contributes academically as the first empirical study on the determinants of CSR activities of venture firms in Korea and provides implications that government policy support and collaboration between large corporations and venture firms are important in order to expand CSR activities of venture firms.

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Preparing for the Second Baby Boom Retirement: A study on Entrepreneurship Education to Support a Fresh Start for Retirees (제2차 베이비붐 세대의 은퇴 준비: 퇴직자의 새로운 시작을 돕는 창업교육 연구)

  • Park So Youn;Choi Kyu Sun
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.231-245
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    • 2024
  • While the large-scale retirement of the second baby boomers is predicted, new beginnings such as re-employment and start-up of prospective retirees who attempt to switch careers before and after retirement based on the skills and expertise accumulated in the industrial field are very important in terms of society. Therefore, this study established a research model based on Shapero's start-up event model, a representative theory explaining start-up intention and behavior. In the direct variable affecting the start-up motivation of prospective retirees, factors affecting positive (+) and negative (-) factors In order to comprehensively grasp it, family support and the burden of failure were set as parameters to verify the effect of these factors on the intention to start a business. As a result, a positive (+) influence relationship was found on the effect of the retiree's start-up motivation on the burden of failure, the start-up motivation on the family support, the start-up motivation on the start-up intention, and the family support on the start-up intention. It was found that the start-up motivation had a positive (+) effect on the start-up intention through family support. In other words, for prospective retirees, who are mainly middle-aged, the threshold for start-up has been very low due to technological advances, but nevertheless, family support was found to be a very important factor in the conditions of investing retirement funds and capital, which are important in family relationships. However, it was confirmed that the burden of failure had a negative (-) effect on the start-up intention, and the loss of investment and fear of repayment of the loan appeared as a large burden. Accordingly, it is proposed that prospective retirees who are considering starting a business be able to thoroughly prepare for a start-up through the support of their families, and to operate a specialized outplacement start-up education program that can learn about raising funds and efficient management of funds. It is expected to systematically support retirees' preparation for start-ups, reduce the burden of failure, and ultimately increase the likelihood of a successful start-up.

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