• Title/Summary/Keyword: internet map

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Design and Implementation of a Mapping Middleware for Wireless Internet Map Service (무선인터넷 지도서비스를 위한 매핑 미들웨어의 설계와 구현)

  • 이양원;박기호
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.165-179
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    • 2004
  • With the spread of wireless internet, the interest in mobile applications and services is increasing. Korea Wireless Internet Standardization Forum has been establishing the standards for mobile platform and map service in the wireless internet environment. This study aims to present a paragon of mapping middleware that plays the role of broker for wireless internet map service: in particular, it focuses on the interoperability with generic map servers. In this study, we developed a method for applying current map servers to the wireless internet map service, and analyzed the request/response structure of the map servers which have different operation characteristics in order to allow our middleware to fully utilize the functionalities of the map servers. The middleware we developed is composed of .NET-based XML Web Services: it has a lightweight module for image map and a map representation module for choropleth map, symbol map, chart map, etc. This mapping middleware is a broker between mobile client and generic map server, and supports .NET clients and Java clients as well. Its component-based interoperability grants the extensibility for the wireless internet dedicated map servers of the future in addition to the current generic map servers.

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A Trend of Web 2.0 and its Effect on the Field of Geography (웹2.0 환경변화가 지리학 연구에 미치는 영향 고찰)

  • Kang, Young-Ok
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.375-391
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    • 2008
  • In this paper I try to analyze the trends of f environments, which changes dramatically, on the center of Web2.0 and Geospatial web, and then investigate how these new technologies can be applied in the field of geography. Nowadays international IT companies have provided the internee map which includes whole world. Also, mashup technology based on internet map has also been applied in the various areas. In the study of geography one can utilize the internet map as a basic data for regional study. In addition, I recognize that the collaborative intellectual of the ordinary people as well as expert can be utilized actively in the regional study. But in Korea, the mashup technology based on the internet map is not fully utilized. It is necessary to study the technologies related to the Geospatial web. For example, the study of the Geocoding technology which can locate the user information on the internet map, the technology that can combine the information of Geospatial attributes among the various information widely dispersed over the internet with the internet map, and the technology that can efficiently visualizing data by using wet-based vector graphic etc, is needed.

Segmentation of the Internet Stock Trading Market Using Self Organizing Map (SOM을 이용한 인터넷 주식거래시장의 시장세분화 전략수립에 관한 연구)

  • 이건창;정남호
    • Journal of the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.75-92
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    • 2002
  • This paper is concerned with proposing a new market strategy for the segmented markets of the Internet stock trading. Many companies are providing various services for customers. However, the internet stock trading market is glowing rapidly absorbing a wide variety of customers showing different tastes and demographic information, so that it is necessary for us to investigate specific strategy for the segmented markets. General strategy so far in the Internet stock trading market has been to lower transaction fee according to the market trend. As the advent of rapidly enlarging market, however, more specific strategies need to be suggested for the segmented markets. In this respect, this paper applied a self-organizing map (SOM) to 83 questionnaire data collected from the Internet stock trading market in Korea, and obtained meaningful results.

Utilization of the Internet for Seismic Intensity Map (인터넷을 이용한 진도도 작성)

  • 이희일;지헌철;임인섭;조창수
    • Proceedings of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2003.03a
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    • pp.23-29
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    • 2003
  • We have developed a Web-based intensity map generation system. We describe here briefly our system that is automatically generating seismic intensity map using the informations afforded by Internet users who actually experience recent earthquake. Whenever internet survey questionnaires, reported from the citizens using the form available through our Web site, are received, the associated ZIP code region is color-coded according to the Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale. As the number of questionnaires is increased, the intensity value of each region divided by ZIP code is averaged and updated automatically. The coverage of acceleration stations is insufficient to map the accurate extent of ground shaking in Korea. So our system will serve as an alternative for much more rapid generation of intensity map than conventional method, such as mailing intensity survey or elaborate manual processing.

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SVG를 이용한 지리정보 활용에 대한 연구

  • 김희원
    • Proceedings of the Korean Association of Geographic Inforamtion Studies Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.15-20
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    • 2003
  • As an emerging technology in Computer graphics areas, SVG(Scalable Vector Graphic) makes it possible to make use of Vector graphics for servicing maps in basic internet browsing environment. SVG based thematic map Internet GIS system implemented by this research is free of special server side GIS mapping system and client side extra technology. It provides high-quality vector map which can interact with the user, template map which can be used for other purpose, glance the future map based on Webservices technologies. Many good characteristics of SVG in mapping at computer screen and reusability of SVG document provide new era of visualzation of geographic information.

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Design and Implementation of Mobile Web Map Service (모바일을 위한 웹지도 서비스의 설계 및 구현)

  • Choi, Jae-Young;Chung, Yeong-Jee
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.6 no.5
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    • pp.97-110
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    • 2005
  • Recently, many WMS(Web Map Services) and POI(Point of Interest) services come to be in service on the Internet using Web GIS(Geographic Information System) as Information Technology and computer H/W are evolved faster in its speed, network bandwidth and features. The Web GIS is, however, limited and constrained on the specification of its system configuration, the service class provided and the presentation methodology of a map. As the mobile Internet becomes popular in mobile service, Web GIS service on mobile environment is strongly required and to be provided by location based WMS(Web Map Service) on a mobile client such as PDA with location information of the user. In this paper, we made an effort to design and implement a GIS computing environment by thin client for mobile web map service. For implementing the thin client GIS computing environment. we were using NGII's(National Geographic Information Institute's) DXF map, representing the map by SVG(Scalable Vector Graphics) recommended by OGC(OpenGis Consortium), and adapting standard XML web service to provide the thin client GIS service on PDA by applying the location information of the user in realtime with GPS on mobile environment.

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Implement of Watt-Hour Meter Monitoring System by Internet Map Based GUI using Power Line Communication (전력선 통신을 이용한 인터넷 맵 연동 전자계량기 모니터링 시스템 구현)

  • Park, Keun-Soo;Lee, Young-Ho
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.8 no.10
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    • pp.1435-1441
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    • 2013
  • This paper deals a watt-hour meter monitor system applying a Power Line Communication (PLC) MODEM and a Data Concentrator Unit (DCU) which can apply to Internet map based Graphical User Interface (GUI). The PLC MODEM is profitable by saving the cost of installing dedicated wiring, and Internet map GUI also is able to contribute an easy access to monitoring system for non export users. This system makes it possible to monitor the amount of electricity of previous/ current month metering data via Internet mapping service. The implement system can easily apply a PC-management for the electric charges and maintenance with gathering the metering data.

Smart AGV system using the 2D spatial map

  • Ko, Junghwan;Lee, Jong-Yong
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.54-57
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, the method for an effective and intelligent route decision of the automatic ground vehicle (AGV) using a 2D spatial map of the stereo camera system is proposed. The depth information and disparity map are detected in the inputting images of a parallel stereo camera. The distance between the automatic moving robot and the obstacle detected and the 2D spatial map obtained from the location coordinates, and then the relative distance between the obstacle and the other objects obtained from them. The AGV moves automatically by effective and intelligent route decision using the obtained 2D spatial map. From some experiments on robot driving with 480 frames of the stereo images, it is analyzed that error ratio between the calculated and measured values of the distance between the objects is found to be very low value of 1.57% on average, respectably.

A Study on Technique Vowing of Roads and Buildings for Spatial Information Management of Cyber Urban Area (가상도시의 공간정보관리를 위한 도로 및 건물의 시각화 기법의 연구)

  • 연상호
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.15-23
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    • 2001
  • It is difficult to figure out the specific contents of the buildings in the internet spatial area, since those data on the internet present only the location of buildings and the outlines of lands on which buildings are located, An experimental study for the view management of building information at internet urban spatial area was conducted on the Web-GIS based map using hyper map. With the building information on the 2-D map, modified from the previous numerical map and the regional building information and additional information, a new form of building through 3-D icons was shown on the internet spatial area. This study shows the Web-based building management system, which is designed to manage attribute data about hyper-linked buildings of 2.5-D icons and to reproduce visual building information by putting a variety of information into hyper-linked icons on the hyper map. This system not only complements the lack of consistency between real buildings and those on the map, but also provides users with more familiar urban space, so that everybody can utilize the building information as long as he has access to the internet.

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