• Title/Summary/Keyword: installation/management

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Analysis of Sheath Temperatures and Load Currents Dependent on Conductor Temperatures in Live 6kV CV Cables Operating at a Power Station (발전소에서 운전 중인 활선 6 kV CV 단심 cable의 도체온도에 따른 피복 표면온도 및 부하전류 특성 분석)

  • Um, Kee-Hong
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.189-195
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    • 2017
  • The only method used in the power stations in order to deliver generated electric power is 6 kV XLPE (or CV) single core cables. Among many kinds of accidents happening in the power stations, the outbreak of fire due to the deterioration of live cables causes enormous socioeconomic losses. From the installation of the cables, the management and diagnose should be thoroughly made. Even though it differs depending on the installations and usage conditions, the cross-sectional area of cables is in shortage. The excessive allowable temperature caused from the current causes the deterioration of cables. In order to prevent an unexpected breakdown of live cables, we have invented a device to monitor and diagnose the status of cables. We have installed our device in the Korea Western Power Co., Ltd.. In this paper, we present our research results in situ that we have obtained by measuring the temperature of sheath, changing with the surrounding circumstances, especially ambient temperatures. We also show our study results of characteristics for temperature of sheath surface and load current at the ambient temperatures of $40^{\circ}C-10^{\circ}C$.

The Establishment of an Evaluation Model and Analysis of Perceived Differences between Appraisers for Scenic Roads (경관도로의 평가모형 구축 및 중요도 인식 분석)

  • Kim, Hyeong-Cheol;Jo, Eung-Rae;Jang, Seung-Il
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.31-40
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to formulate an evaluation model and to select evaluation factors for designing scenic roads and designating existing roads as scenic roads. The definition of a "scenic road" contains the purpose not just of travel or access but visiting itself. The value of a scenic road can be enhanced through the preservation of natural environment along the road or the installation of artificial facilities. In order to promote objective scenic road selection and evaluation, the authors used Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), which is a multi-criteria decision making method. The weighting value was 0.382 for the value of landscape along the road, 0.154 for the value of landscape in the road, 0.269 for the characteristics of the road, and 0.196 for the management of the road.

Environmental Health Strategies in Korea (우리 나라의 환경정책 방향)

  • 조병극
    • Journal of environmental and Sanitary engineering
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 1992
  • Since 1960's along with industrialization and urbanization, economic growth has been . achieved, however, at the same time, environmental condition has been seriously deteriorated. . Currently, volume of wastewater has been increasing at annual rate of 7% in sewage and 20% in industrial wastewater. However, the nation's sewage treatment serves only 33% of the municipal wastewater as of 1991. Major portion of air pollutants comes from combustion of oil and coal which comprise 81% of total energy use and emission gases from motor vehicles increasing at an accelerated rate. It is known that Korea generates the highest amount of waste per capta. Nevertheless, it is not sufficient to reduce the volume of waste by means of resources recovery and recycling. Recognizing the importance of global environmental problems such as ozone layer depletion, global warming and acid rain, international society has been making various efforts since the 1972 Stockholm conference. In particular, it is expected that the Rio conference which has adopted the Rio declaration and Agenda 21 will form a crucial turning point of the emerging new world order after the Cold War confrontation. To cope with such issues as domestic pollution and global environmental problems, the fundamental national policy aims at harmonizing "environmental protection and sustainable development". The Ministry of Environment has recently set up a mid-term comprehensive plan which includes annual targets for environmental protection. According to the government plan, gradual improvement of various environmental conditions and specific measures to achieve them is planned in time frame. Additional sewage treatment plants will be constructed in urban areas with the target to treat 65% of the nation's municipal sewage by 1996. Supply of clean fuels such as LNG will also be expanded starting from large cities as a cleaner substitute energy for coal and oil. In parallel with expansion of LNG, emphasis will be placed on installation of stack monitoring system. Due to the relatively limited land, government's basic policy for solid waste treatment is to develop large scale landfill facilities rather than small sized ones. Thirty three regional areas have been designated for the purpose of waste management. For each of these regions, big scale landfill site is going to be developed. To increase the rate of waste recycling the government is planning to reinforce separate collection system and to provide industries with economic incentives. As a part of meeting the changing situation on global environmental problems after UNCED, and accommodation regulatory measures stipulated in the global environmental conventions and protocols, national policy will try to alter industrial and economic structure so as to mitigate the increasing trends of energy consumption, by encouraging energy conservation and efficiency. In this regard, more attention will be given to the policy on the development of the cleaner technology. Ultimately, these policies and programs will contribute greatly to improving the current state of national public health.

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A Study on the Need of Specialized Institution for Post-Evaluation of Construction Projects (건설공사 사후평가 전문기관 설치 필요성 연구)

  • Lee, Du-Heon;Park, Hee-Sung
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.285-295
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    • 2016
  • The post-evaluation system after construction projects can evaluate estimates of use demand, project cost, and project schedule estimated in the planning phase of construction projects in public sector. Thus, it was introduced in 2000 for the purpose of reduction in future errors during similar constructions by project orderer by referring the post-evaluation results. However, many barriers to the post-evaluation system after construction projects have been reported due to evaluation systems that lack objectivity and reliability and lack of main bodies that utilize the system. Thus, this study derived implications for improvements of the post-evaluation system in Korea by benchmarking building project evaluation system and management as well as utilization systems of developed nations. Then this study conducted a survey with experts who have experienced activities in the post-evaluation committee and members of post-evaluation for public project owners. Therefore it identified the need of installation of specialized post-evaluation institutions as well as functions and work tasks to be taken by specialized institutions. Based on the analysis results, this paper provided revision drafts of related legislations and guidelines to be effective in post-evaluation. Through the study results, many trial and errors can be reduced in similar projects in the future by performing in-depth analysis on large-scale construction projects and repeatedly applied building project practices can be improved to raise technical competitiveness if the specialized institution is installed.

A Study on the ex-ante Hydraulic Facilities Assessment Techniques Combinedly Considering Flood Control - Environmental Functions (하천의 치수-환경기능 복합 고려 수리시설물 사전평가 방법에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Tae-Geun;Sim, Gyoo-Seong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.10
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    • pp.517-529
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    • 2020
  • Various facilities in the river working in a complex interdependence network result in both desired and adverse effects. Among these, the weir crossing the river continuously acts in various ways, such as securing river maintenance flow and water level during dry-period, and rising flood level during rainy period. Until now, weir planning was only limited to flood mitigation management. Recently, the demand for securing river environment functions is increasing. Therefore, the necessity for an environmental flow has emerged. Nevertheless, there is no analysis and evaluation of the ecological functional aspects applying the environmental flow when planning facilities. Therefore, this study aimed to develop and systematize an assessment method that considers not only flood control but also river environment. Environmental flow was applied to the weir named Dondaet-bo and hydraulic analysis was conducted for each retention, demolition, and re-installation case. Also, this research was conducted to minimize the impact on the surrounding river facilities and flood assessments from previous perspectives were performed. The study result demonstrated a plan to reinstall the weir as a natural riffle. Through this study, it is expected that the flood control and environmental functions of rivers can be secured in combination.

A Study about Improvement of Multiple Odor of Public Toilet (Dong-gu, Daejeon) (공중화장실 복합악취 및 개선에 관한 연구 (대전광역시 동구))

  • Jo, Soo-Jun;Shin, Je-Youn;Oh, Sang-Soo;Yu, Dae-Yong;Lee, Sung-Jae
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.240-245
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    • 2015
  • This study aimed to provide the basic data to establish measures for the management of the public toilets and reduction of the offensive odor through the air dilution olfactory method and instrumental analysis about offensive odor dilution rate of public toilets, focusing on the Dong-gu, Daejeon Metropolitan City, Korea. The offensive odor intensities ranged from 10 degree to 669 degrees in the urinal toilets and from 31 to 464 in closet bowl toilets. Meanwhile, toilets that had offensive odor of more than 2.5, of which a civil complaint can be filed, were researched 6 (33%). Offensive odor intensities were different according to the closet bowl toilets of the flush, fermented and conventional methods and the year of their installation, but not according to the area of the toilets. As a result of the instrumental analysis targeting 6 public toilets to identify the offensive odor substance, the maximal concentration of $NH_3$ was 2.04 ppm and the average concentration was 0.67 ppm, but $H_2S$, $CH_3SH$ and $(CH_3)_3N$ were not detected. In the fermented and conventional public toilets were not soaps, air fresheners and wastebaskets. Just 50% of the flush toilets had toilet tissue.

The Effects of Wind Power Generation Exports on the National Economy (풍력발전 해외수출의 경제적 파급효과 분석)

  • Jin, Se-Jun;Jeong, Dong-Won;Kwon, Yong-O;Yoo, Seung-Hoon
    • Journal of Energy Engineering
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.281-291
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    • 2012
  • Recently, global economy has recovered and aspects of the renewable energy industry in the global competition is more fierce, the new growth engines of the major countries, including the United States and China, industry promotion policy as being deployed. Major advanced countries and Korea also invested a lot of money to wind power development as a part of renewable energy development and promoting the construction of wind power generation. The global wind power generation market is expected to further increase the scale to about 70 billion US dollars, thus, Korea as well as the installation of domestic wind power overseas actively considering. This study uses input-output analysis to estimate the role of wind power generation sector exports national economy. More specifically, this study shows what national economy effect of production-inducing effect, value-added inducing effect, and employment-inducing effect are explored with demand-driven moel. After define wind power generation sector what small sized of Input-Output table 168 sectors among 11 sectors, this study pays particular and close attention to wind power generation sector by taking the sector as exogenous specification and then investigating economic impacts of it. The wind power generation exportation case of overseas 100 billion won, production-inducing effect, value-added inducing effect, and employment-inducing effect are 205 billion won, 68 billion won and 1,054 persons, respectively. These quantitative information can be usefully utilized in the policy-making for the industrialization of wind power generation exports.

Analysis of Biodiversity and Ecological Characteristics on Tamjin-river Estuarine Ecosytem (탐진강 하구역의 생물다양성과 생태적 특성 분석 연구)

  • Lim, Jeongcheol;Kim, Taesung
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.181-189
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    • 2018
  • This study was performed to analyze the dynamics and distributional condition of biological community and to support the basic information about the estuarine ecosystem management by using the intensively surveyed results by each taxon experts around Tamjin river. We analyzed the biological diversity, abundance, correlation among species, and ecological characteristics about 11 taxa groups including vegetation, fish, birds, mammals, etc. in the Tamjin river estuarine ecosystem. We classified vegetation types into 7 physiognomic types and 18 communities according to habitat conditions with the physical environments and salinity. In total, 1125 species including 9 species of endangered species were identified in research area. The species composition and distributional characteristics of each taxon were corresponded to the environmental characteristics of the estuarine ecosystem. Especially, the species diversity and distribution were clearly distinguished in the river according to the difference of the environmental factors such as flow rate, salinity, and soil. Despite the disturbance factors such as barrage and levees, the biodiversity and its distribution were evaluated to be high level under the current environmental conditions. However, loss or reduction of wildlife habitat due to reclamation, embankment, barrage installation and expansion of farmland has been identified as a major threat to the diversity and health of the local ecosystem. The results of this study can be used as a basic data to cope with various development pressure and damage crisis of the whole estuaries including Tamjin river.

A study on the Improvement of Design Guideline for the Use Enhancement of Privately Owned Public Space (공개공지(公開空地) 효용성(效用性) 제고(提高)를 위한 설계지침(設計指針) 개선(改善) 방안(方案))

  • Park, Jung-Lim;Kim, Hyun-Jun;Kwon, Young-Hyoo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.115-141
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    • 2011
  • In urban space, public space is publicly or privately owned space freely accessible by the public. Privately owned public space to the public hosts small-scale rest facilities to serve the public in buildings of certain purposes and sizes for the sake of pleasant urban environment. The Building Act and building ordinances formulate a set of criteria for management and easement of construction standards as well as the area. When creating privately owned public space, one can get incentives through the easement of floor space index and height limit. The purposes of this study were to investigate and analyze privately owned public open space, which is freely accessible by the public, and its adjacent streets and to propose plans to improve the regulations for securing privately owned public space for more rational and practical legal applications. The study then proposed some plans to help to increase the quality of privately owned public space including applying the coefficient to suggest the type of privately owned public space fit for the features of the streets and measure the appropriate utility level differently and distinguishing the mandatory items according to the facility regulations in privately owned public space from the ones qualified for additional points in case of installation. The types of privately owned public open space should be applied differently and the content of facilities intended should be different according to whether it will serve as a resting place or grant more importance on traffic by walking, depending on the features of its adjacent streets. The privately owned public space, the frontage space of building, and the adjacent sidewalks should become a whole and be regarded as one space from the integrated perspective. The results of the study claim further significance in that it investigated privately owned open space and roadside across Seoul. They will serve as useful data to solve the problems with the privately owned public space of the city, which destroys spatial continuity by focusing on the quantitative increase of privately owned open space and creating individual privately owned open spaces and builds high-rise buildings alienated from the existing spaces, and to increase the quality of future privately owned public space.

Study on the Operation Characteristics of Heat Detectors through Fire and Wind Tunnel Experiment (풍동실험과 화재실험을 통한 열감지기의 동작특성에 관한 연구)

  • Ryu, Hocheol;Kim, Doohyun
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.203-209
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    • 2015
  • The heat detector detects heat in the fire and is an important core element of the automatic fire alarm system used generally for every fire prevention objects. The heat detector is distinguished in spot type and spread type and in spot type, there are differential and thermistor types. These heat detectors give a great influence on the loss of people and property according to the sensitivity of response such as operation time and operation temperature in actual fire and in overseas people apply it for the development of products that can be operated in the early stage of fire including certification, quality management, and comparison standard by introducing response time index through the theory of heat balance that considers the heat loss and ventilation tests. In Korea, the response time index is introduced and used in the head of sprinkler products, but it is not applied to the heat detector at present. It is necessary to introduce the response time index that shows the sensitivity of response of the heat detector the installation standard for the heat detector that the response time index is applied should be different according to the fire weight, danger degree of fire, and shape of buildings. Through this study, it tries to help reduce lives and property of people through the swift warning by installing detectors suitable for the building structure.