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Design-Thinking 5 Step 메이커 모형 적용 SW코딩 교수학습에 대한 연구 (A Study on the Teaching of SW coding by Design-Thinking 5 Step Maker Model)

  • 김명숙;정종인;김창석;강신천;김의정
    • 한국정보통신학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국정보통신학회 2018년도 춘계학술대회
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    • pp.309-313
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    • 2018
  • Design-Thinking 5 Step 기반 메이커 활동은 사용자의 상황에 공감하여 필요와 요구를 분석한 뒤, 이를 디자인에 적용시켜 사용자들에게 더 필요한 경험을 제공하기 위한 사용자중심의 디자인 접근 방식이다. 본 논문은 학습자의 의도에 따라 다양한 도구를 활용하여 만든 결과물을 다른 사람들과 공유하고 개방하는 것을 강조하는 메이커 교육의 가치와, 인간에 대한 관찰과 공감 그리고 사용자 중심의 결과물 도출이라는 Design-Thinking의 기본 마인드를 SW코딩 교육과정에 적용한 교수학습 방법을 제안한다. 이를 위하여 중등 교육과정에서 다루어지는 정보 교과교육 내용 중에서 코딩교육이 필요한 단원을 중심으로 Design-Thinking 기반의 교수학습 방법을 연구하였다. Design-Thinking 기반 교수학습 지도안으로 교육 전문가 집단을 대상으로 수업을 시연하고, 전문가들의 평가와 의견을 수집하고, 수집된 평가내용을 반영하여 교수학습 지도안을 수정하였다. Design-Thinking 5 step 기반의 SW코딩 교수학습은 학생들로 하여금 무한한 발상을 가능하게 하는 확산적 사고와 확산된 사고로부터 최적의 결정을 이끌어내야 하는 수렴적인 사고를 체득하기에 적합한 학습 기회가 될 것이라고 기대한다.

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예비특수교사들의 특수교육교육과정 문해력 향상을 위한 프로토콜 적용 가능성 탐색 (Exploring the Applicability of Protocol to Improve Curriculum Literacy for Special Education Pre-Teachers)

  • 이옥인;박은영
    • 문화기술의 융합
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    • 제7권3호
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    • pp.179-185
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    • 2021
  • 이 연구는 특수교육과정 문해력 향상을 위한 프로토콜을 개발하고 이를 적용하여 교육현장에서 프코토콜이 예비특수교사들의 특수교육교육과정 문해력 향상을 위해 적용될 수 있는지를 탐색하기 위해 실행되었다. 이를 위해 박윤경 등(2018)의 교육과정 문해력 프로토콜을 일부 수정하여 적용하였다. 특수교육교육과정 문해력 프로토콜은 프로토콜 1, 2로 적용되었으며, 프로토콜 1은 2015 특수교육교육과정 재구성과 문해력을 이해하는 것을 중심으로 진행되었다. 프로토콜 2는 해당 특수교육교육과정에 제시된 5개 교과를 중심으로 교과수준을 재구성하고, 통합적 주제 설정 및 재구성 계획을 세우는 내용으로 구성되었다. 프로토콜은 총 15주차 특수교육교육과정 교과목에 적용되었다. 수업 형태는 역진행수업을 통해 교육과정 전반에 대한 사전 동영상 강의가 제공되었으며, 학습자중심의 자기주도 활동지를 작성하는 형태로 진행되었다. 연구결과 예비특수교사들은 교육과정 재구성을 통해 장애학생의 학업성취와 만족감을 높일 수 있다고 인식하였으며, 교과별/간 재구성 경험이 문해력 향상에 도움이 되었지만 어렵게 느껴짐을 보고하였다.

농촌지역 60세 이상 노인인구의 고혈압 유병율 및 관리형태 (Prevalence Rate of Hypertension and Cared Pattern in Rural Aged over Sixty Years Old)

  • 임송;천병렬;예민해
    • 농촌의학ㆍ지역보건
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.129-140
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    • 1994
  • 경상남도 울산군 삼남면에 거주하는 894명의 60세 이상 노인인구를 대상으로 제요인별 고혈압의 상명상태 및 관리양상을 비교 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 조사된 노인 894명중 고혈압 유병률 27.5%였으며 남자에서는 26.0%, 여자에서는 28.6%로 나타났다. 2. 남자에서 제요인별 고혈압 유병률은 연령, 고혈압 가족력, 음주유무, 식염섭취량이 통계적으로 유의하였다. 3. 여자에서 제요인별 고혈압 유병률은 식염 섭취량 및 비만도가 통계적으로 유의하였다. 4. 고혈압의 진단동기에 관한 설문조사에서 증상이 있어 직접 진찰을 받아 전달 받은 경우 및 정기 신체검진에 진단 받은 경우는 각각 25.0%, 9.1%에 불과했고 나머지 65.9%는 다른 질병으로 병원에 갔다가 우연히 발견한 경우였다. 5. 과거 고혈압에 대한 치료 받은 경험율은 사회경제수준이 중류층 이상에서 통계적으로 유의하게 높았으며 제요인별 치료장소는 전반적으로 과반수 이상이 병원을 선호하였으나 통계적 유의성을 인정할 수 없었다. 6. 고혈압에 대한 치료를 받지 않는 이유 및 치료중단 이유를 면접조사한 결과 각각 일상생활에 지장이 없기 때문이라고 응답한 경우가 45.5%, 지리적 여건이 완만치 못하기 때문이라고 응답한 경우가 47.6%로 가장 높았다. 7. 제요인별 고혈압에 대한 예방행동유무는 통계적으로 유의하지 않았다. 8. 제요인별 향후 치료유무에서는 연령, 사회 경제수준, 고혈압가족적이 통계적으로 유의하였고 향후 치료장소는 전반적으로 병원을 선호하는 경향이 뚜렷하였으나 제요인별 향후치료장소는 통계적으로 유의하지는 않았다. 9. 고혈압에 대한 치료를 받지 않을 것이라고 응답한 이유중 가장 높은 빈도를 차지하는 것은 46.8%로 일상생활에 지장이 없기 때문이라고 응답한 경우였다. 10. 제요인별 향후 예방행동유무는 연령, 교육수준, 사회경제수준, 고혈압 가족력이 통계적으로 유의하였다.

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데이컴(DACUM) 기법을 활용한 특성화고 산학협력부장 교사의 직무 분석 (DACUM Job Analysis of Management Teacher of industry-academy cooperation of Specialized high school)

  • 김종욱;김진수
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • 제43권1호
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    • pp.76-93
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    • 2018
  • 이 연구의 목적은 데이컴(DACUM) 직무 분석기법을 활용하여 특성화고 산학협력 부장 교사의 직무를 분석하는 것이다. 연구의 내용은 특성화고 산학협력부장 교사의 직무를 구성하는 임무와 작업을 도출하여 순서를 매긴 후, 작업별 중요도, 난이도, 수행 빈도를 정하고 입직 초기에 갖추어야 할 핵심 능력인지의 여부를 구분하여 제시하는 것이다. 최종적으로 직무분석 결과를 토대로 특성화고 산학협력부장 교사의 데이컴 차트를 개발하였다. 데이컴 직무분석을 위한 워크숍은 Level-I 자격증을 소지한 데이컴 분석가 1명, 5년 이상 경력을 가진 데이컴 위원 8명, 서기 1명, 실무자 1명으로 구성하여 이틀동안 진행하였다. 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 특성화고 산학협력부장 교사란 특성화고 산업수요 맞춤형고 등에서 취업진로지도, NCS 기반 현장실습운영, 산학관관계구축, 대외사업운영, 산학협력행정업무, 담당교과교수 등을 수행하는 보직교사로 정의하였다. 둘째, 산학협력부장 교사의 직무 영역은 7개의 임무(duties)와 80개의 작업(tasks)이 도출되었다. 산학협력부장 교사의 7개 임무는 '취업 진로 지도', 'NCS 기반 현장 실습 운영', '산학관 관계 구축', '대외 사업 운영', '산학 협력 행정 업무', '담당 교과 교수활동', '자기계발'이다. 이들 임무 중 가장 많은 작업은 '담당 교과 교수활동'으로 17개의 작업이 확인되었다. 셋째, 각 작업마다 중요도, 난이도 및 수행 빈도를 정도에 따라 각각 높음(A), 보통(B), 낮음(C)으로 구분하고, 전문가들의 합의를 통해 입직 초기에 갖추어야 할 핵심 능력인지의 여부를 구분하였다. 넷째, 직무 분석 결과를 토대로 특성화고 산학협력부장 교사의 데이컴 직무분석 차트를 제시하였다. 또한 산학협력부장 교사의 직무에 종사하면서 필요한 일반 지식과 능력, 사용되는 공구, 기계, 자재 및 소모품의 목록을 도출하고, 작업자의 태도와 산학협력부장 교사의 장래 전망과 특성을 제시하였다.

사회적 기술 부족과 충동성으로 인해 또래갈등이 심한 분교아동의 상담사례 (Counseling Case Study of a Child with Peer Confliction due to Lack of Social Skills and Impulsiveness)

  • 이인선
    • 초등상담연구
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    • 제5권1호
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    • pp.227-253
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    • 2006
  • It seems common for students living at a small county and islands to experience psychological conflicts and be unaccustomed in the peer society because they are not familiar with peer interaction and social skills. This is a case study of L (hereinafter called L) who was grown up in the sheltered school at a small county. L was psychologically disturbed because he couldn't get along well in the transferred school. It is the reason why he had lived in the sheltered school at a small county, so he had not enough exposure to interact with peer and social skills. Sometimes he was obstinate irrationally and when he had trouble with friends, he threw something out or went out of school and tricked juniors dangerously. The fact of disperse with families, parent's indifference, and hate of older brother made L to have ill feeling against family. He had low motivation and low self confident in learning because of short attention time and accumulated poor learning progress. In this study, he was evaluated at various area, such as, intelligent, affective, personal and inter-personal, before counselling. To evaluated the effect of the counselling, K-WISC-III, KPRC, sentence filling test, social adaptation ability test, etc, were administered right after the counselling was over and 8 weeks later. For specific information gathering and analysing, observation diary and deepen counselling were accomplished by homeroom teacher, his mother, and his peers. To correct his problematic behaviors, 13 counseling sessions were accomplished for 6 months and those counselling sessions were recorded and analysed definitely. Followings are the result of this case study. First, he was recovered from the anxiety of inter-personal interaction and he started to interact with peers. The result of sac scale score of KPRC profile was lower than before as much as average student after counseling and 8 weeks later. This reveals that the distress against interpersonal relation have settled. Especially, through the result of sentence filing test, he seemed to feel attachment to peers and be positive, active in the relation of peer. For instance, he was active in the open class lesson and interacted well with peers. It could be said that he overcame the psychological distress comparing with previous time. Second, he could apologize to his peer and juniors for his fault. His attitude were well shown in the letter from an old friend at the sheltered school, average KPRC profiling score comparing with previous counseling time, and remarkable decrease of attack scale score of teacher and peer. Third, his view toward family turn out positive. He recognized his situation that he lived apart from family and even worried about his parent's financial difficulty. Through solving the confliction with his older brother, he could acquire the feeling of family reunion. Fourth, his learning motivation and self-confidence were increased. He confirmed his future positively and he might be judged more attentive because his intelligence index was higher than before as much as average student. With the main goal of this study, verification for effectiveness of counseling. understanding and helping problematic students such as L who lives at a small county and island through investigation of their real situation and problems with the method of counseling and socio-cultural analysis is worthwhile. Identification of ideal relationship with peer is related with positive self-conception, harmonic social adaptation and development of child. It is time to investigate easy adaptive in classroom and well-organised program to acquire general social skills for sheltered school students at a small county and islands.

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성교육 실시에 따른 성지식, 성태도 변화 연구 -1학년 여중생을 대상으로- (The Study on Change in Sex-Related Knowledge and Attitude through Sex Education : focusing on the 1st grade students in girls' junior high schools)

  • 계수연;문인옥
    • 보건교육건강증진학회지
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    • 제16권2호
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    • pp.137-155
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of sex education on knowledge and attitude related to sex. The subjects were taken from by 199 students in 3 classes from 1st grade in H girl's junior high school as the study group, and 2 classes from 1st grade in S girl's junior high school as control group. During the survey period(September 21, 1998 to September 30, 1998), 6 times in terms of one-hour class for sex education were taught to the study group. A pre-test was executed on September 19, 1998 and the post-test on September 30. The findings were as follows. 1. According to the research, 20.1% of the subjects have experienced sex education from parents and 89.9% from teacher. They have mostly obtained the sex-related information from teachers(59.8%), following movie, radio, TV, or video tape(40.7%), friends(35.2%), reading materials such as books, cartoons, news papers and magazines(31.7%), parents(15.6%), siblings(7.0%), PC(1.5%) and telephone service(1.5%). 2. 27.1% of the subjects reported that they had sex-related worry concerning from friendship with the opposite sex, following physiological phenomenon(31.5%), sex violence(11.1%), physical characteristics(7.4%), VD and contraception(5.6%), sexual impulse(5.6%), pregnancy and delivery(5.5%), and sexual behaviour(3.7%). The research showed that the adolescents usually solved their problems through the consultation with theifriends(44.4%). However, 16.7% of the subjects were turned out not to request any solution. The other minor routes to settle their problems were written materials such as books, magazines(13.0%), parents(13.0%), movie, radio, TV, or video tape(5.5%), acquainted female elders(3.7%) and teachers(3.7%). 3. The most interesting part regarding sex was the friendship with the opposite sex(61.8%), following adolescent's emotion(55.8%), physiological differences between two genders(52.8%), AIDS(48.7%), VD(46.7%), pregnancy(45.2%), contraception(45.2%), abortion(41.7%), intercourse(41.7%), masturbation(41.2%), sex violence(41.2%) and genital structure and secondary sexual characteristics(28.6%). 4. In regard to characteristics of the subjects influencing sex-related knowledge, the higher educational career of mother, living with at least either parent and the experience of sex education by teachers were statistically significant factors(p〈0.05). 5. In regard to characteristics of the subjects influencing attitudes toward sex, the experience of sex education by parents or teachers was a statistically significant factor(p〈0.05). 6. The analysis of knowledge score comparing results before and after sex education showed that control group's score decreased from 12.5 to 12.44 while the study group's score increased from 12.33 to 21.31, which was statistically significant(p〈0.001). 7. The analysis of the attitude scores before and after sex education showed that the control group's score slightly increased from 55.57 to 56.36, while the study group's score increased from 54.79 to 61.95, which was statistically significant(p〈0.001). 8. The level of sex-related concerns of the study group after sex education marked both the increase in some items and the decrease in others. 9. Most instructive session among the sex education was the third “to be a good friend to the opposite sex”(27.0%).

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흡연이 치아건강에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 - 대구지역 치기공과 학생을 중심으로 - (Research about influence on the teeth health by the smoking - research intended for students of dental technology in Daegu -)

  • 김정숙;정효경;이종도
    • 대한치과기공학회지
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    • 제31권3호
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    • pp.35-45
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    • 2009
  • This survey study was conducted on dental technician school students in April 2008 to investigate the effects of smoking on oral health. 110 male and 39 female students were surveyed and cross analysis was performed to examine the relationship between oral health status and smoking-related and oral health maintenance characteristics of smoking and non-smoking group. T-test and one-way ANAVA was used to analyze the average difference verification of two independent samples(smoking group and non-smoking group) and followings are the results. In general characteristics, 74 male students(74.7%) and 25 female(25.3%) students smoked and the percentage of male students were higher in smoking group. Regarding class grade, 2nd-year students(37 students, 37.4%) and 1st-year students(18 students, 36.0%) took the highest percentage of smoking and non-smoking group, respectively. Concerning the experience of drinking, smoking group consumed more alcoholic beverages(94 students, 94.9%) With respect to the frequency of between-meal consumption, respondents who eat between-meal once or twice smoked more. Respecting preferences of sweet food, respondents who enjoyed sweet food smoked more. Concerning smoking characteristics, many of smoking group had been smoked fo a long time(two to five years) and it was worrisome. About the amounts of smoking, 50 respondents(52.6%) of smoking group smoked 20 cigarettes a day with the highest proportion. With regard to the awareness of harmfulness, 70 respondents(70.7%) considered smoking as very harmful and showed that smoking group were aware of its harmfulness but it was habitualized. Respecting smokers in family members, father was more common as smokers(58 respondents, 58.6%) in family and showed that the influence of father. Main reasons of poor periodontal health were alchoholic consumption, smoking, and oral parafunctional habit(57 respondents, 56.7%) in smoking group and neglect of oral hygiene(21 respondents, 42.0%) in non-smoking group. With regard to the scaling, 80 respondents of smoking group(80.8%) didn't received scaling and showed that more oral health education was required. Regarding the periodontal status, non-smoking group was $1.26{\pm}0.44$, respondents who received scaling was $1.43{\pm}0.50$, respondents who regularly floss was $1.50{\pm}0.52$, respondents who brush more than three times a day was $1.38{\pm}0.49$ and had better periodontal health. Bleeding during tooth brushing was more frequent in smoking group ($1.51{\pm}0.70$). Regarding mouth order, non-smoking group was $2.34{\pm}0.62$, after scaling was $2.02{\pm}0.76$, patients who regularly floss was $1.50{\pm}0.52$, patients who brush more than three times a day was $1.81{\pm}0.87$. Concerning the experience of dental caries treatment, smoking group was $1.20{\pm}0.40$, patients who do not floss was $1.30{\pm}0.46$, patients who brush once a day was $1.29{\pm}0.45$. With regard to dental prosthesis, non-smoking group was $3.78{\pm}1.62$, patients who received scaling was $1.43{\pm}0.50$, patients who regularly floss was $1.40{\pm}0.51$, patients who brush more than three times a day was $1.24{\pm}0.43$. From these results, oral health education and smoking has correlation and more oral health education needs to be carried out to educate students with non-health related majors about harmfulness of smoking on oral health. Also more study are required.

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지역아동센터 방문아동을 위한 구강건강증진 프로그램 필요에 대한 연구 -인천광역시를 중심으로- (A study on the necessity of oral health promotion program for children visiting local child care centers: the case of Incheon)

  • 한수진;황윤숙
    • 한국치위생학회지
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.91-103
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to pave the way for the development of oral health promotion programs for children from the low-income class. The subjects in this study were 322 children from the city of Incheon. Some of them visited local childcare centers, and the others attended six different adjacent elementary schools. Their awareness of oral health, oral health behavior and preventive-treatment experience were investigated in May 2005, and whether there were any characteristics in their visit of dental institutions was checked. Besides, whether their parents advised them to brush their teeth before turning in was examined. The findings of the study were as follows: 1. 22.0 percent of the children investigated were visiting local childcare centers, and 78.0 percent weren't. The guardians of the former group largely received high-school(50.7%) and middle-school or lower education(22.5%), and those of the latter group mostly received high-school(41.0%) and college- or higher education(35.5%)(pE0.001). The common monthly mean house-hold income of the former was one million won or less(54.9%) or ranged from 1.01 to 2.00 million won(19.7%), and the most prevalent monthly mean household income of the latter was between 2.01 and 3.50 million won(28.7%). The second most dominant monthly mean household income of the latter ranged from 1.01 to 2.00 million won(28.3%), and the third most common one was 3.50 million won or more(12.0%)(pE0.001). 2. The most prevalent daily toothbrushing frequency among the local childcare center visitors was twice(39.4%), followed by three times(19.7%). The third largest group of the visitors brushed their teeth after each meal(19.7%). The most dominant daily toothbrushing frequency among the non-users of local child care centers was twice(54.2%), followed by three times(29.1%)(pE0.01). As to the way of toothbrushing, 58.2 percent of the visitors and 74.9 percent of the non-visitors brushed their teeth by turning their toothbrush or up and down(pF0.05). 62.0 percent of the former and 74.9 percent of the latter always brushed their teeth before turning in, and whether they visited local childcare centers made a significant difference to that(pE0.05). 3. 69.7 percent of the non-visitors were always advised by their parents to do toothbrushing before turning in, and the visitors who were given the same advice all the time numbered 29.6 percent(pE0.001). 4. 56.4 percent of the visitors and 72.1 percent of the non-visitors had ever visited dental institutions over the past year. Dental hospitals and clinics were identified as the dental institutions that they visited the most, and they mostly received dental-caries treatment or had a tooth out there. 49.3 percent of the visitors and 35.1 percent of the non-visitors had ever had a toothache. 5. Sealant was experienced by 42.3 percent of the visitors and 46.2 percent of the non-visitors to prevent dental caries(pF0.05). 33.8 percent of the visitors underwent fluoride application, and that rate was higher than that of the non-visitors with the same experience that stood at 22.7 percent(pE0.05). The visitors mainly acquired knowledge on oral health through other channels that weren't specified in the questionnaire(28.2%), and the non-visitors did it mostly at dental clinics(39.0%)(pE0.001).

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중학생의 신체상 지각수준과 성형수술 허용도 (Middle School Students' Perception of Body Image and Allowance for Plastic Surgery)

  • 배진주;박영수
    • 한국학교ㆍ지역보건교육학회지
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    • 제5권
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    • pp.25-42
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    • 2004
  • This study set out to investigate the relations between middle school students' perception of body image and their allowance for plastic surgery, to understand their perception of body image and desire for plastic surgery, and provide some data needed to warn against reckless plastic surgery and guide the students effectively. For those purposes, an examination was conducted of the relationships between the individual characteristics and perception levels of body image, the individual characteristics and allowance for plastic surgery, and perception levels of body image and allowance for plastic surgery. The subjects were drawn from sour middle schools located in two regions of Gyeonggi Province. Total 922 boys and girls were surveyed on a questionnaire, which was developed based on the pretest of previous literature, reviewed for appropriateness, and tested for reliability and reasonableness. The body image on the five scale was greater as the perception level was higher. The allowance for plastic surgery was also greater as the scores were more. The findings were as follows: First, the relationships between individual characteristics and perception levels of body image were examined. The third graders showed the highest perception level, being followed by the first and second graders. The girls were more perceptive than the boys, and those who were extrovert were more perceptive than those who were introvert. Those students whose parents earned 2 million won or more a month and who adapted themselves to the environmental changes had a higher perception level. In a word, the girls from the middle class that were well adapted, felt happy, and were extrovert had a higher perception level of body image. Second, the connections between individual characteristics and allowance for plastic surgery were investigated. The third graders were the most admissive of plastic surgery, followed by the second and first graders. That is, the upper graders were more admissive of plastic surgery. In addition, the girls were more admissive than the boys, and those who were extrovert were more than those who were introvert. There were no significant differences according to the monthly income of the parents, grades, adaptability to surroundings, and happiness, which results almost resembled the findings of a study conducted on adults. Third, there were negative correlations found between the perception levels of body image and the allowance for plastic surgery. To elaborate, the higher the perception levels were, the lower the allowance was, and vice versa. As for the items, the subjects showed more allowance for plastic surgery when they scored less in the item of caring about appearance, importance of looking pretty to others, and efforts to improve appearance. When they had a low value of body and easily felt tired, they were highly acceptive of plastic surgery. The allowance for plastic surgery was also great when their perception was much of how healthy they felt, how important they felt about their bodies, how they were satisfied with their current appearances, how they evaluated the appearance of others, how much they were satisfied physically, and how much demanding they were for physical changes. Meanwhile, there were no correlations between the allowance and physical attraction, the degree for one's activities to be hindered, and sickness. In short, the demand for plastic surgery was 41% for the girls and 20.2% for the boys. Just as the study on adults reported, those who had a low or negative perception of body image were more acceptive of plastic surgery. The middle school students were generally positive about their bodies with the lowest perception level at 2.91 and the highest at 3.21. Their individual allowance for plastic surgery was related to their individual body images, which were in turn affected by the mass communication, surrounding environments, and social values. Thus it's necessary for the entire society to try to improve or change the overall perception. Helping measures should be taken so that the students can form right sense of values about their bodies, avoid the obsession with appearance and appearance-based evaluation, and exercise righteous criteria against humans beings and things. In conclusions, the following suggestions were made: they need to develop such questionnaires or tools as can measure the body image of teens and fit the reality. Moreover, body image improvement programs should be more diverse and more applicable to teens. Despite the consistent reports that prove the correlations between body image and plastic surgery, there has been little effort to apply such factors as experience of the life of the disabled, volunteer activities for the disabled and at the hospitals, and others that can induce changes to body image to the body image improvement programs. In the future, comparative research should be carried out on body image and plastic surgery.

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한국형 교정치료용 Bracket의 개발에 관한 연구 (A Study for the development of the Korean orthodontic bracket)

  • 장영일;양원식;남동석;문성철
    • 대한치과교정학회지
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    • 제30권5호
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    • pp.565-578
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    • 2000
  • 한국인의 치열의 특성을 고려한 Straight-Wire Appliance(SWA)의 제작을 위한 자료를 얻기 위하여 18세 이상 25세 사이의 한국인 성인 정상교합자를 1) 구강악안면부에 기능장애가 없고, 2) 양호한 치열궁 형태와 긴밀한 구치부 교합관계를 가지며, 3) 교합이 전후방적으로 앵글 분류 I 급의 관계를 가지며, 4) 간단한 수복 치료 외에 교정치료나 보철치료를 받지 않았으며, 특히 치아의 순면과 협면의 형태에 변형을 초래한 치과 치료를 받지 않았으며, 5) 단정한 안모를 가진 자를 선발 기준으로 정하여 선발하였다. 선정된 정상 교합자의 상, 하악 인상을 채득하고, 교정용 석고 모형을 제작하였다. 얻어진 치과 석고모형을 분석하여, Andrews의 Six keys to optimal occlusion에 부합되는 표본을 5 명의 숙련된 교정의사들이 선별하여 한국인 성인 정상교합자 치열의 석고 모형 155쌍(남자 92쌍,여자 63쌍)을 얻었다. 이들을 대상으로 정밀측정장비인 Coordinate Measuring Machine(CMM, MPC802, WEGU-Messtechnik, Germany)을 이용하여 3차원 digitization을 시행하고, 계측프로그램을 작성하여 SWA 제작을 위하여 필요한 Angulation, Inclination, In-and-Out, Molar offset angle, Arch-form 등을 측정하였다. 측정을 시행하기 전에, CMM을 이용한 3차 원 digitization의 오차에 대한 검증을 실시하였고, 3차원 digitization과 컴퓨터를 이용한 형태학적 분석법과 기존의 수작업에 의한 분석법의 신뢰도에 대한 분석을 실시하였다. 이상의 연구를 통하여 얻은 결론은 다음과 같다. 1. 치과 석고모형의 3차원 digitization에 CMM을 적용하여 mesh size 0.25 mm, 0.5 mm, 1.0 mm로 등간격 디지타이징하는 것은 모두 받아들일 수 있으며, 측정의 효율성을 고려할 때 1.0 mm간격으로 등간격 디지타이징 하는 것이 바람직하다. 2. 3차원 digitization과 컴퓨터를 이용한 방법이 Andrews의 방법에 기반한 수작업 방법보다 신뢰성이 높다. 3. 3차원 digitization과 컴퓨터를 이용한 방법으로 한국인의 치열의 형태학적 특성에 맞는 SWA의 제작을 위한 자료를 채득하였다.

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