• Title/Summary/Keyword: ideal worker

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A Qualitative Study on Dual Earner Families' Work and Family Lives for Ideal Work-Family Balance (맞벌이 가정의 일-가정 양립의 양상과 조화로운 양립의 가능성 탐색 연구)

  • Kim, So-Young;Kim, Seon-Mi;Lee, Ki-Young
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.93-116
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    • 2011
  • This qualitative study focused on the dual earner families' work and family life to explore the possibility of ideal work-family balance. Seven employed married women and two men were interviewed about their work-family balance during two months in 2010. We described four representative cases of having difficulty in work and life balance. And we identified the three dimensions to make their work-family balance difficult. They are motherhood ideology, ideal worker, and the limit of men's housework participation. For ideal work-family balance, we suggested alternatives. First, the companies should make various work-life balance programs and allow their workers to use them actively. Second, the government should support the needs of work-life balance and carry out various family-friendly and child care polices. Third, husbands have to participate the housework much more and the model of 'good' parents need to be modified.

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Development of an Autonomous Worker-Following Transport Vehicle (I) - Manufacture and indoor experiment of the prototype vehicle - (농작업자 자동 추종 운반차 개발(I) - 시작기 제작 및 실내성능시험 -)

  • 권기영;정성림;강창호;손재룡;한길수;정석현;장익주
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.409-416
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    • 2002
  • This study was conducted to develop a vehicle, leading or following a worker at a certain distance to assist laborious transporting works in greenhouses. A prototype vehicle, which consisted of the rear driving, the front steering and the console units, was designed and tested in the ideal indoor conditions. Results of this study were summarized as following: 1. The driving unit was designed to travel at the speed ranges of 0.3∼0.8 m/sec depending on the operating modes with a maximum payload of 100 kg. 2. The console unit consisted of a main-board including a 80C196KC microprocessor and peripheral devices, a power-board and safety interlock. Worker-leading, and following modes were available in automatic and manual modes. 3. Steering was achieved by turning the steering motor against the sensed direction. Proper steering angles for correcting travel direction were determined as 5 and 9 degrees when sensing cultivation beds and plants, respectively.

A Study on the furniture Design by research of working furniture in office -Focused on the furniture type of solo worker on characteristic kinds of works - (업무공간 가구 사용에 따른 가구디자인 적용에 관한 연구 - 업무특성에 따른 개인 업무자 가구구성을 중심으로 -)

  • 신동준
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • no.38
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    • pp.209-216
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study is to develop furniture design for work space of Office based on the research of furniture design and the survey on the design of the office furniture. The office furniture Is designed in order to use the space flexibly and for the user design in the work space. The furniture type of solo worker on characteristic kinds of works should have a simple shape and it should be safe and easy to move because it has a structural function. The furniture in office should be designed in consideration of moveing line while working. The development of furniture in office which suit human body should be made in consideration of human factors and the study on furniture design in office. As above mentioned, to research and study on the furniture design of working furniture in office which reduces fatigue resulted from labor for office, human factors aspect should be considered, furthermore psychological, mental approach to Ideal solution should be made.

Multidimensional Scaling of User Preferences for the Transportation Modes in Seoul. (다차원척도법에 의한 서울주민의 교통수단선호 분석)

  • 허우선
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.12-27
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    • 1986
  • This study examined user preferences toward transportation modes in Seoul. Two multidimensional scaling models, the ideal point and vector models, were applied to data on mode preferences of 114 adults in the metropolitan area. While both models produced fairly similar results, the vector model performed slightly better than the other in terms of interpretability of the results. The transport attributes elicited are comfort, flexibility, travel cost, travel time, privacy, and safety; among which comfort is salient most. The comfort variable is a multi-faceted attribute in nature. The variations of attribute preferences are most significant between the gender groups as well as worker/nonworker groups. In particular, male workers, female workers and female nonworkers form three distinctive market segments. An unidimensional scaling of the preference data reveals that subway, auto-driver, and subscription bus modes are preferred most, whereas motorcycle and bicycle least. The other modes of express bus, taxt, auto-passenger, bus and walk rank intermediately. An examination of how preference orders vary among modal groups hints that users align their stated attitudes to their choice in order to reduce cognitive dissonance.

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The Meaning on Social Work Practicum that College Students Have Experienced (전문대학생이 체험한 사회복지실습의 의미 탐색)

  • Shin, Hyun Jung
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.68 no.4
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    • pp.169-198
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    • 2016
  • This study shows the meaning on context of social work practicum that college students have experienced. It reveals to find a essence of social work practicum based on college students through free variation. They met a "high barrier" from the beginning of social work practicum. There were "confused boundary of role as well as work". "Dilemma" has been accessed, so they felt various emotions for social work and social worker to be able to exist. "Various practice place" meant to continue as a multi-player with a weak appearance and confront for time as who he/she is. This was connected to whole life time for individually. Disclosure was as below. identity as a social worker(to be) was consisted beyond interaction between student and supervisor. Organization of social work practicum was considered when they had taken a part in. Gap must find out to be disappeared between ideal things and real things about social work practicum. Ideal type of college education for social work as well as whole education for all were needed.

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On "Utopia" Approached Through Conceptual History in Korea ("유토피아"의 한국적 개념 형성에 대한 탐색적 고찰)

  • Kim, Jongsoo
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.52
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    • pp.253-275
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    • 2018
  • The concept of 'utopia' in Korea was formed in the early 20th century. 'There isn't in this world but good world' could be found using science and it was an ideal place for science to realize in the 1900s of Korea. Utopia was emphasized as an ideal world of fantasy in the 1920s. It was an ideological world wherein socialism was realized by a purposeful science. Utopia, conversely, was the history of scientific socialism defined as past example of communism that could not be implemented but was fancied. There were works suggesting that it was a dark dystopia such as Society after 800,000 years written by H.G. Wells or Artificial Worker by Young-hee Pak, but there were implied at the will of utopia.

An Exploratory Study on the Relationships among the Future Work-Family Compatibility, Gender Attitude of Couples, and Reasons for Low Birth Rate (미혼 남녀의 향후 일.가정 양립 방안, 부부 성역할 태도, 저출산 문제에 대한 견해 간 관계 탐색 연구)

  • Um, Myung-Yong;Kim, Hyo-Soon
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.179-209
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    • 2011
  • This study explored the relationships among such variables as work-family compatibility, gender attitude, reasons for low birth rate, and education level, using a sample of 2,678 from the '2009 National Survey for Marriage and Birth Trend'. The purpose of this study was to identify the ideas about how to support married couples' work-family balance, and how to change gender attitude to promote childbirth. The results are as follows. The type of ideal work-family balance was different by education level, but not by gender. Low level of education was associated with choice of the full time work without a child. Male singles, compared to female singles, preferred the role of a man as a bread winner, and a woman as a house worker. Female singles had the higher level of hope for husband's capability of caring children. This trend was intensified by choice of the full time work with 2 children. Singles who prefer working as a full time worker with 2 children worried more about low birth rate in Korea than singles who prefer working as a part time worker with one or two children. The most frequently cited reason for low birth rate was 'high cost of both child care and education'. The next was 'difficulty in buying a residence, followed by 'increase in the number of career woman'. Female singles who want to work full time with 2 or more children worried more about the burden of child caring and education than male singles. Implications and suggestions were provided based on the results.

Remote Honey Bee Breeding Centre: A Case Study of Heligoland Island in Germany

  • Meyer-Rochow, V.B.;Jung, Chuleui
    • Journal of Apiculture
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.285-293
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    • 2019
  • The honey bee queen shows extreme polyandry and controlling the mating partners can only be possible either by artificial insemination or having remote isolated mating locations. Here we report on the German North Sea island of Heligoland. Because of its location 60 km from the mainland, the lack of a local population of honey bees, its size of just 1.4 ㎢ and suitable weather conditions during the months of May to July, it is considered an ideal location for controlled inseminations of high-quality virgin queen bees with drones deemed genetically superior to others. Methods how to rear virgin queen bees are described and information is provided on the numbers of queen bees, their supporting workers and drone bees that are taken to the island in the mating season. The bee most commonly involved in the Heligoland mating trials has become Apis mellifera carnica strain "Baltica". In one summer, for example, 80 virgin queens (belonging to beekeepers from nine different locations in northern Germany) each with about 600 worker bees plus two drone populations of around 2,000 drones were taken by ship to Heligoland. On their return to the mainland no later than 3.5 weeks after the mating exercise, the beekeepers could register a mating success rate of 80%. This information can help operation management of the new remote mating centre of Weedo Island, Jeonbuk in Korea, which is currently under construction.

The Differential Effect of Emotional Labour on Boundary Spanners

  • MUPARANGI, Simbarashe;SIZIBA, Singirai;MAKUDZA, Forbes
    • Journal of Wellbeing Management and Applied Psychology
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: The study sought to uncover the effect of emotional labour strategies (surface acting and deep acting) on job satisfaction and emotional exhaustion. The study also purposed to analyse the moderating effect of organisational support (supervisory support and co-worker support) and the role of gender on emotional labour connotations. Research design, data and methodology: A conceptual framework was developed using extant literature which led to the examination of deep acting and surface acting, which are the two main strategies of emotional labour. The outcome variables were emotional exhaustion and job satisfaction. Data was collected from front line employees of banks and was analysed using SEM-AMOS version 21. Results: It was revealed, in this study, that surface acting is inversely related to job satisfaction and positively related to emotional exhaustion, whereas deep acting was positively related to job satisfaction and inversely related to emotional exhaustion. The roles of gender and organisational support were also confirmed. Conclusions: The study therefore concluded that deep acting is the most ideal strategy of emotional labour as it leads to job satisfaction and reduced emotional exhaustion. Surface acting is a harmful emotional labour strategy.

A Basie Community Health Survey in Rural Korea (Soyang-Myun) (소양면 지역사회 환경기초조사)

  • Choi, Sung-Yul
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.133-160
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    • 1973
  • 1. Introduction Community medicine with the concept of comprehensive medical care and an ideal medical care delivery system not only for an individual or family but for the whole community has emerged. In April 1970, the Presbyterian Medical Center started a hospital based community health service project in order to improve the health of the people in rural areas. Prior to commencing a comprehensive medical care system, a family survey was needed. The major objective of this survey was to obtain information concerning the people and their environment so as to be able to plan and implement a comprehensive medical care program in Soyang-Myun. 2. Survey Method An interview using a family record form was carried out for each household. This family record form was designed to get information about demography, family planning, environmental sanitation and vital statistics. Prior to beginning, the members of the survey team were trained in interviewing techniques for three days. The team consisted of a public health nurse, four nurse-aides, a sanitarian and four health extension workers who are working in our project, The survey was carried out during the period November 1971 to March 1972. 3. Project area 1) Population of Soyang-Myun was 11,668; male, 5,962 and female, 5,706. Sex ratio: 104.5. 2) Households : 1,858 3) Family size: The average household consisted of 6.3 persons. 4) Educational level of householder a. Illiterate 13% b. No schooling but able to read 10% c. Preschool children 19% d. Primary school 47% e. Middle school 7% f. High school 3% g. College or University 1% 5) Occupational distribution of householders a. Farmer 67% b. Laborer 13% c. Office worker 4% d. Merchant 4% e. Industrial worker 2% f. Unemployed 8% g. Miscellaneous 2% 6) Religious affiliation a. No religion 74% b. Buddhist 12% c. Protestant 10% d. Catholic 4% 4. Survey results Living Environment : a. Home ownership 95% b. Kinds of roofing Straw-thatched house 84% Tile-roofed house 10% Slate-roofed house 5% Other 1% c. Floor space Less than 6 pyong 10% 6-10 pyong 53% 11-15 pyong 24% 16-20 pyong 9% More than 20 pyong 4% d. Radio ownership 80% Environmental Sanitation : a. the source of drinking water public well 49% private well 30% drainage water 9% steam water 8% well pump 3% water distribution system 1% b. Distance between well and toilet more than 16meters 38% 6-10 meter 31% 11-15 meters 14% Less than 6 meters 17% c. The status of well management Bad 72% Fair 26% Good 2% d. General sanitary state of house Bad 37% Fair 51% Good 12% e. House drainage system had no house drainage. 77% Family Planning : a. 24% of the people have used contraceptives, but 12% ceased to use them. 76% have never used contraceptives. b. used methods 1oop 68% oral pill 16% vasectomy 4% condom 1% tubal ligation 1% two or more methods 10% Maternal Health : a. The number of conceptions of housewives under 50 years of age. 11 times 26% 6 times 11% 5 times 11% 4 times 9% b. The place of delivery own house 88% hospital 1% others 11% Treatment of general sickness : a. The place of treatment Soyang Health Center 31% Hospital (private or otherwise) 26% Pharmacy 14% Herb medicine 5% Private care 5% No treatment 12% Miscellaneous 7% b. Usual causes of diseases Unknown 46% Tuberculosis 29% Neuralgia 8% CVA 3% Bronchitis 3% Others 11%

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