• Title/Summary/Keyword: hyperbolic tangent based function

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Damping Force Modeling of Shock Absorbers Using Hyperbolic tangent (Hyperbolic tangent를 이용한 충격 흡수기 감쇠력 모델 연구)

  • 서정원;한형석;노규석;허승진;김기훈
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2003.06a
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    • pp.1479-1482
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    • 2003
  • The shock absorber is a part having a direct influence on the ride comfort, stability and dynamic load prediction of a vehicle. Thus, a rationally modeled shock absorber should be required in the dynamic analysis of vehicles. This thesis presents a modified model, based on Worden's hyperbolic tangent function, in order to fit experimental data on the velocity-damping force of a shock absorber. The hyperbolic tangent function correctly indicates the characteristics of a shock absorber. and has the advantage of containing physical causality. To evaluate the method, comparative evaluations of the linear model. the 5th polynomial model and Worden's model were carried out. The function presented in this paper is not only simple but also makes it possible to estimate the function coefficients easily and visually. In addition, it has the advantage of containing physical causality. Lastly, it effectively models the damping force of a shock absorber.

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Global Sliding Mode Control based on a Hyperbolic Tangent Function for Matrix Rectifier

  • Hu, Zhanhu;Hu, Wang;Wang, Zhiping;Mao, Yunshou;Hei, Chenyang
    • Journal of Power Electronics
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.991-1003
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    • 2017
  • The conventional sliding mode control (CSMC) has a number of problems. It may cause dc output voltage ripple and it cannot guarantee the robustness of the whole system for a matrix rectifier (MR). Furthermore, the existence of a filter can decrease the input power factor (IPF). Therefore, a novel global sliding mode control (GSMC) based on a hyperbolic tangent function with IPF compensation for MRs is proposed in this paper. Firstly, due to the reachability and existence of the sliding mode, the condition of the matrix rectifier's robustness and chattering elimination is derived. Secondly, a global switching function is designed and the determination of the transient operation status is given. Then a SMC compensation strategy based on a DQ transformation model is applied to compensate the decreasing IPF. Finally, simulations and experiments are carried out to verify the correctness and effectiveness of the control algorithm. The obtained results show that compared with CSMC, applying the proposed GSMC based on a hyperbolic tangent function for matrix rectifiers can achieve a ripple-free output voltage with a unity IPF. In addition, the rectifier has an excellent robust performance at all times.


  • Yun, Beong-In
    • Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.46 no.6
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    • pp.1267-1276
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    • 2009
  • This paper presents a method for approximation of the standard normal distribution by using hyperbolic tangent based functions. The presented approximate formula for the cumulative distribution depends on one numerical coefficient only, and its accuracy is admissible. Furthermore, in some particular cases, closed forms of inverse formulas are derived. Numerical results of the present method are compared with those of an existing method.


  • Yun, Beong-In
    • Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.133-146
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    • 2011
  • We employ a hyperbolic tangent function to construct nonlinear transformations which are useful in numerical evaluation of weakly singular integrals and Cauchy principal value integrals. Results of numerical implementation based on the standard Gauss quadrature rule show that the present transformations are available for the singular integrals and, in some cases, give much better approximations compared with those of existing non-linear transformation methods.

Dynamic Modeling of Automotive Shock Absorbers Using Simple Nonlinear Models (단순 비선형 모델을 이용한 자동차 충격흡수기의 동특성 모델링 기법 연구)

  • 한형석;서정원;노규석;허승진;김기훈
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.156-162
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    • 2003
  • The shock absorber is a part having a direct influence on the ride comfort, stability and dynamic load prediction of a vehicle. Thus, a rationally modeled shock absorber should be required in the dynamic analysis of vehicles. This thesis presents a modified model, based on Worden's hyperbolic tangent function, in order to fit experimental data on the velocity-damping force of a shock absorber. The hyperbolic tangent function correctly indicates the characteristics of a shock absorber, and has the advantage of containing physical causality. To evaluate the method, comparative evaluations of the linear model, the 5th polynomial model and Worden's model were carried out. The function presented in this paper is not only simple but also makes it possible to estimate the function coefficients easily and visually. In addition, it has the advantage of containing physical causality. Lastly, it effectively models the damping force of a shock absorber.

Design of narrow band-pass filter using two fiber bragg gratings (광섬유 격자소자를 이용한 협대역 투과 필터의 설계)

  • 임종훈;이경식
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics D
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    • v.35D no.8
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    • pp.82-88
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    • 1998
  • We propose and design a new type of anrrow band-pass optical filter based on two fiber gratings with different reflection wavelength. The ripples occur in the spectra of the filter with two uniform fiber gratings. Our simulation results also show that the ripples disappear with the fiber gratings apodized to both gaussian and hyperbolic tangent function. The hyperbolic tangent function seems to be a better apodization function for improving the filter's performance in terms of narrow pass bandwidth and high transmission.

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Application of Artificial Neural Network to Flamelet Library for Gaseous Hydrogen/Liquid Oxygen Combustion at Supercritical Pressure (초임계 압력조건에서 기체수소-액체산소 연소해석의 층류화염편 라이브러리에 대한 인공신경망 학습 적용)

  • Jeon, Tae Jun;Park, Tae Seon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2021
  • To develop an efficient procedure related to the flamelet library, the machine learning process based on artificial neural network(ANN) is applied for the gaseous hydrogen/liquid oxygen combustor under a supercritical pressure condition. For hidden layers, 25 combinations based on Rectified Linear Unit(ReLU) and hyperbolic tangent are adopted to find an optimum architecture in terms of the computational efficiency and the training performance. For activation functions, the hyperbolic tangent is proper to get the high learning performance for accurate properties. A transformation learning data is proposed to improve the training performance. When the optimal node is arranged for the 4 hidden layers, it is found to be the most efficient in terms of training performance and computational cost. Compared to the interpolation procedure, the ANN procedure reduces computational time and system memory by 37% and 99.98%, respectively.

A Robust Principal Component Neural Network

  • Changha Hwang;Park, Hyejung;A, Eunyoung-N
    • Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.625-632
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    • 2001
  • Principal component analysis(PCA) is a multivariate technique falling under the general title of factor analysis. The purpose of PCA is to Identify the dependence structure behind a multivariate stochastic observation In order to obtain a compact description of it. In engineering field PCA is utilized mainly (or data compression and restoration. In this paper we propose a new robust Hebbian algorithm for robust PCA. This algorithm is based on a hyperbolic tangent function due to Hampel ef al.(1989) which is known to be robust in Statistics. We do two experiments to investigate the performance of the new robust Hebbian learning algorithm for robust PCA.

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The Relation Between Magnetic Field Configuration And The Flux Expansion Factor

  • Lee, Hwan-Hee;Magara, Tetsuya;An, Jun-Mo;Kang, Ji-Hye
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.85.1-85.1
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    • 2012
  • In this study we use three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulations of flux emergence from solar subsurface layer to corona. In order to study the twist parameter of magnetic field we compare the simulations for strongly twisted and weakly twisted cases. Based on the results, we derive a flux expansion factor of selected flux tubes which is a ratio of expanded cross section to the one measured at the footpoint of the flux tube. To understand the effect of flux expansion factor, we make a comparison between magnetic field configuration and the expansion factor. By using a fitting function of hyperbolic tangent we derive noticeable correlations among the strength of the vertical magnetic field, current density and expansion factor. We discuss what these results tell about the relationship between the twist of emerging field and the mechanism for the solar wind.

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Determination of Multisine Coefficients for Power Amplifier Testing

  • Park, Youngcheol;Yoon, Hoijin
    • Journal of electromagnetic engineering and science
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.290-292
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    • 2012
  • This paper proposes a setup for a best multisine design method that uses a time-domain optimization. The method is based on minimization of the time-domain error, so its resulting multisine has a very accurate ACLR estimation. This is because its probability distribution and sample-to-sample correlation are close to those of the original signal, which are crucial for the testing of nonlinear power amplifiers. In addition, a hyperbolic-tangent function is introduced to control the ripple of tone magnitudes within signal bandwidth. For the verification, multisines were generated and compared for many aspects such as normalized error, in-band ripple, and ACLR estimation. Test results with different numbers of tones provide supporting evidence that the suggested multisine design has better ripple suppression, by up to 7 dB, and better accuracy, by up to 0.2 dB, when compared to the conventional method. The accuracy of the ACLR was improved by about 5 dB when the number of tones was 4. The suggested method improves the ACLR estimation performance of multisine testing due to its closer resemblance to the target modulation signal.